View Full Version : Case Closed

08-13-2004, 01:45 AM
I'm just wondering, does anyone watch Case Closed on Cartoon Network? I've suddenly grown to love this show, except tonight where I want to kill whoever's idea it was to air a 2 parter on a thursday so I have to wait till Monday to watch the second part.

08-13-2004, 02:17 AM
Odd, I hate the show, and think its unbelievably corny.

Lupin the 3rd is better than Case Closed, and Lupin the 3rd is downright horrible. I will go so far to say as Big O is better than Case Closed, and that Batman knockoff gives me a headache before the opening theme song is over.

08-13-2004, 12:19 PM
Case Closed is a decent show. The less his little gang of pals shows up the better, obviously, and I'm normally a fan of detective shows anyhow. It gets extremely formulaic at times, and I've never seen a more bizarre opening song, but it has its moments.

Fallen: why is it you dislike all the good shows? First Trigun, now Big O and Lupin. Case Closed I can understand disliking, but the first three are really good. :)

08-13-2004, 12:35 PM
Big O = Great.

Case Closed is cheesy but I rather watch that than uh most other crap on TV at that time.

08-13-2004, 06:43 PM
Big O I could like ... If I have never seen the old Batman (Think dark Knight) cartoons and realize that they are ripping it off horribly. It has potential, but only because it raped Batman for it.

Trigun I dont like as I dont like when they break character so often and fuck with the animation. I just straight dislike when writers feel they need to shatter the third wall to get a laugh.

Cased Closed is decent, but as others have said, HIGHLY formulaic. You just get sick of the same damn thing over and over. The scripting isnt all that good, and the animation is outdated.

Good Shows on Adult Swim =

Family Guy

Futurama - Alot of people hate it, but I just love Bender, The professor, and Doctor Z

SeaLab is hit or miss, usually good

Venture Brothers rules simply because of Brock Sampson.

ATHF is of course gold

Harvey Birdman is a favorite of mine.

The Brak show, The Oblongs, and those other two crappy shows they play late at sunday all suck.

Anime on Adult Swim that is good

Cowboy Bebop - I have yet to see better Anime than this show.

Wolf's Rain - Made by the People that made CB. It isnt as good, but it certainly has its moments.

Gundum(sp) Seed - What little I have seen I have liked.

Everything else is decent/passable.

08-13-2004, 07:34 PM
Aside from the tunes, I like Wolf's Rain more than Bebop, actually. To be fair, that's probably because I'm supersaturated with Bebop, whereas Wolf's Rain is new, and has Vash's voice in the highly un-Vash-like lead (did you see when he bit that dude in the throat?!?!? that was so freakin' awesome). I guess we just have to agree to disagree on Trigun, as I don't remember them doing any of the stuff you talk about.

08-13-2004, 07:43 PM
Whoa you watch that too Scott? roflz! I watch it cos of my nephew, who's a huge cartoon fan and anime fan.

08-14-2004, 02:26 AM
I like case closed over Sealab by far.

08-14-2004, 04:02 AM
In short, Case Closed is like a slightly polished Japanese incarnation of Inspector Gadget.

08-14-2004, 01:40 PM
Case Closed is horrible. I can't stand it.