04-16-2013, 11:08 PM
Cash accepted, verified Paypal and possibly references requested if I am not familiar with you. Willing to listen to offers as well.
a gold crown-shaped token - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a glimmering gold crown set over a wide pale-hued circle. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a sanguine heart-shaped token - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a luminous sanguine heart pierced with a pure white dagger. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a cracked coral red pincer - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Grasp of the Grave consisting of: a sharp-tined coral red pincer, a sun-bleached pure white pincer, and a crooked algae-covered pincer. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a multi-stranded necklace of burnished widowwood beads - 5m
- Rare wood, comes in a miniature electrum casket
a silver-accented white monir water cannon - 3m
scripted water cannon that can shoot people -
a smooth black modwir mask - 2m
- Whisper mask, 2 available
Things I may sell, make offers if interested:
Magic Pot (T4 - grows enhancive flowers)
7x UAC gloves, void flares, fully unlocked Shurley scripts
Things I'm using and unlikely to sell, but you can make offers if interested:
Daxela Jewelry box (T6)
a flame-carved perfect ebony maul (8x perfect vultite maul w/ Ironwright Flares. Unbalance or Plasma flares)
a banded oak keg of plum and honey mead (neverending keg)
an ancient silver-edged mattock (+23, 30pts damage weighting, inspects as wood)
a sky blue crystal globe charm (fully unlocked weather charm)
some feijoa vodka lipbalm (unlimited lipbalm)
Things I want:
a rusted broken no-dachi
witchhunter talons, preferred red or yellow
5+ setting unnavable teleporter
1-3x/day Self-charging items (913, 613, 215, 211, 1109)
Possibly other cool things, get in touch if you have something you think I'd like
a gleaming white eonake pavis set with three flawless rubies along the top rim - 25m
6x, Sanctified, Tower Shield, 10lb, Banshee flares (+10 TD & +10 bolt DS for 10 seconds)
a small carnelian-hued codex - 1.5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
- spellprep
First Person: With a rush of mana, carnelian foxfire flares to life and engulfs your hands in an ethereal glow...
Third Person: Ethereal carnelian foxfire flickers into being along XXX's hands, slithering across his palms...
Hidden or Invisible: Ethereal carnelian foxfire flickers in the shadows.
a braided vaalin ring set with a trio of pinfire opals - 8m
- white ice ring
a pin - 90m
- 7x/day 613(Self Control) self-charger, rub activated
a stylized golden griffin pin - 2.5m
This golden griffin pin will hide any non-container, non-combat gear, non-scripted enhancives when RUBbed. RUBbing it again will reveal the hidden enhancive items. You can PULL any individual hidden enhancive to reveal it. WAVEing an enhancive item at the pin will either indicate if it is enhancive if it is held or hide the enhancive if it is worn. You can LOOK or PEER at the pin to see which items are hidden, or check your INVENTORY. TOUCHing the pin will hone in on any empty enhancives you are wearing that are not hidden.
This item has golden incandescence messaging. This item has no tiers to unlock.
a slim starstone-set volume - 2.5m
- spellprep
First Person: Mana surges through you in a brilliant display of silvery motes which skitter across your skin as you prepare [Spell Name]...
Third Person: Motes of silvery light sparkle across Azerik's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...
Hidden or Invisible: Tiny motes of silver light twinkle in and out of existence, like flickering stars.
a skull-etched spiked crimson eahnor pavis - 500k
5x tower shield, spiked, 10lbs, has a harness, +3 Shield Use Bonus, +2 Dexterity Bonus, scripted
a braided invar and alum wire bracelet - 1m
- Wearable bracelet with 2 lockpicks & enhancive
a silvery alum wire lockpick & a slender invar wire lockpick
From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the bracelet is as an implement for use by a mage or other spell-user. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.
The bracelet resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Picking Locks Bonus.
The bracelet looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
You sense that the invar and alum bracelet will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
a small locker expansion contract - 2m
- Gives you 10 more locker spaces to hold your things!
an emerald serpent-shaped token - 5m
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a metallic-sheened emerald serpent with a slender forked tongue. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
a layered ebon leather cloak - 40m
Fully unlocked Duplicity cloak, does NOT have feature concealing hood, 5/200
The a layered ebon leather cloak can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:
(RUB) You fiddle with the edges of your ebon leather cloak *while yawning in abject boredom.
(STAND) You push back your ebon leather cloak and immediately shift into *an attentive, readied stance.
(TOSS) With a flourish, you toss your ebon leather cloak over your shoulder, tilting your chin *up with a confident smirk.
(WAVE) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step *furiously forward, letting your ebon leather cloak billow behind you.
(WAVE - target) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step *furiously toward [target], your ebon leather cloak billowing out behind you.
(WAVE - sitting) Narrowing your eyes, you suddenly scoot *furiously sideways, dragging your ebon leather cloak along the ground/floor.
(standing and sitting utilize the same customization wording)
(BOW) Pulling up the edges of your ebon leather cloak, you *hold them out widely while scraping one foot back and entering into a deep bow.
(POKE) You *methodically sort through the pockets of your ebon leather cloak.
(SMELL) You bury your head into the folds of ebon leather cloak, inhaling *the scent of oiled leather.
(SCRATCH) You scratch at the lining of your ebon leather cloak, releasing *the scent of oiled leather into the air.
(smelling and scratching must produce the same scent)
(RAISE) You raise one arm toward the sky, grasping your ebon leather cloak tightly, as you *utter forth a barrage of curses at the world and all those in it.
(POSE) You strike *regal, commanding pose, throwing your ebon leather cloak back and staring off into the distance.
Currently, you are able to use RUB, STAND, TURN, NUDGE, TOSS, WAVE (with target), BOW, SPIN, POKE, SMELL, SCRATCH RAISE, POSE, TILT, DUCK, KICK, CLOSE, OPEN, WEAR, REMOVE, HUG, and ATTEND. A feature-concealing hood can be added to this cloak in very rare circumstances.
a polished mahogany kit inlaid with golden scrollwork - 5m
fully unlocked Gambling Kit, can hold 5000 silver
The creator has also provided the following information:
The mahogany kit is fully unlocked.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the kit's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 5000 silvers.
The current description when placed on the ground is a polished mahogany table with a show/long description of a polished mahogany table inlaid with golden scrollwork.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the mahogany kit for you or have its pockets deepened.
an over-sized rat fur cloak with an embalmed rat head clasp - 5m
- 5/180
a suit of imflass platemail - 50m
+17, HCP, 3-slot fusion armor, Morphing armor scrip, max light
a large brass-framed lens - 1m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
- Piercing Gaze
These usually come with 100 charges when I have seen them offered, this was a T5 from Ebon Gate.
a shadowy grey crystal - $500 (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
- dark knight glamour crystal
5 Different Color Variation:
Black, Ebon, Grey, Brown, and Batman (dark)
a lute-shaped token - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a beaming lute-shaped outline of crimson and gold light. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a wyvern-etched iron hunting hatchet - $1200
- Tally weapon ( with a T5 ensorcell
The hatchet's expertly crafted thick iron head has been deeply etched into the form of a wyvern grasping the ruic haft, its eyes staring outward as tiny blazestars that are set into the hollow sockets. Stretching back from the body, the wyvern's wings come together to form the sharpened crescent edged blade of the weapon. Cut and polished to bring out a soft crimson sheen, the ruic haft arcs slightly towards the front of the weapon to provide the best grip for attacking. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the hatchet. You see the resemblance of faded tally marks down the haft of your hatchet.
Cloakworn 50% weight reducing 'consolation cloak scripts' (<1/200)
a gold crown-shaped token - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a glimmering gold crown set over a wide pale-hued circle. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a sanguine heart-shaped token - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a luminous sanguine heart pierced with a pure white dagger. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a cracked coral red pincer - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Grasp of the Grave consisting of: a sharp-tined coral red pincer, a sun-bleached pure white pincer, and a crooked algae-covered pincer. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a multi-stranded necklace of burnished widowwood beads - 5m
- Rare wood, comes in a miniature electrum casket
a silver-accented white monir water cannon - 3m
scripted water cannon that can shoot people -
a smooth black modwir mask - 2m
- Whisper mask, 2 available
Things I may sell, make offers if interested:
Magic Pot (T4 - grows enhancive flowers)
7x UAC gloves, void flares, fully unlocked Shurley scripts
Things I'm using and unlikely to sell, but you can make offers if interested:
Daxela Jewelry box (T6)
a flame-carved perfect ebony maul (8x perfect vultite maul w/ Ironwright Flares. Unbalance or Plasma flares)
a banded oak keg of plum and honey mead (neverending keg)
an ancient silver-edged mattock (+23, 30pts damage weighting, inspects as wood)
a sky blue crystal globe charm (fully unlocked weather charm)
some feijoa vodka lipbalm (unlimited lipbalm)
Things I want:
a rusted broken no-dachi
witchhunter talons, preferred red or yellow
5+ setting unnavable teleporter
1-3x/day Self-charging items (913, 613, 215, 211, 1109)
Possibly other cool things, get in touch if you have something you think I'd like
a gleaming white eonake pavis set with three flawless rubies along the top rim - 25m
6x, Sanctified, Tower Shield, 10lb, Banshee flares (+10 TD & +10 bolt DS for 10 seconds)
a small carnelian-hued codex - 1.5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
- spellprep
First Person: With a rush of mana, carnelian foxfire flares to life and engulfs your hands in an ethereal glow...
Third Person: Ethereal carnelian foxfire flickers into being along XXX's hands, slithering across his palms...
Hidden or Invisible: Ethereal carnelian foxfire flickers in the shadows.
a braided vaalin ring set with a trio of pinfire opals - 8m
- white ice ring
a pin - 90m
- 7x/day 613(Self Control) self-charger, rub activated
a stylized golden griffin pin - 2.5m
This golden griffin pin will hide any non-container, non-combat gear, non-scripted enhancives when RUBbed. RUBbing it again will reveal the hidden enhancive items. You can PULL any individual hidden enhancive to reveal it. WAVEing an enhancive item at the pin will either indicate if it is enhancive if it is held or hide the enhancive if it is worn. You can LOOK or PEER at the pin to see which items are hidden, or check your INVENTORY. TOUCHing the pin will hone in on any empty enhancives you are wearing that are not hidden.
This item has golden incandescence messaging. This item has no tiers to unlock.
a slim starstone-set volume - 2.5m
- spellprep
First Person: Mana surges through you in a brilliant display of silvery motes which skitter across your skin as you prepare [Spell Name]...
Third Person: Motes of silvery light sparkle across Azerik's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...
Hidden or Invisible: Tiny motes of silver light twinkle in and out of existence, like flickering stars.
a skull-etched spiked crimson eahnor pavis - 500k
5x tower shield, spiked, 10lbs, has a harness, +3 Shield Use Bonus, +2 Dexterity Bonus, scripted
a braided invar and alum wire bracelet - 1m
- Wearable bracelet with 2 lockpicks & enhancive
a silvery alum wire lockpick & a slender invar wire lockpick
From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the bracelet is as an implement for use by a mage or other spell-user. Also, it seems to have some sort of enhancive properties.
The bracelet resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Picking Locks Bonus.
The bracelet looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
You sense that the invar and alum bracelet will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
a small locker expansion contract - 2m
- Gives you 10 more locker spaces to hold your things!
an emerald serpent-shaped token - 5m
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a metallic-sheened emerald serpent with a slender forked tongue. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
a layered ebon leather cloak - 40m
Fully unlocked Duplicity cloak, does NOT have feature concealing hood, 5/200
The a layered ebon leather cloak can be customized in the following manner, where any talented merchant can customize the bolded sections. Note that customizations cannot use speech:
(RUB) You fiddle with the edges of your ebon leather cloak *while yawning in abject boredom.
(STAND) You push back your ebon leather cloak and immediately shift into *an attentive, readied stance.
(TOSS) With a flourish, you toss your ebon leather cloak over your shoulder, tilting your chin *up with a confident smirk.
(WAVE) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step *furiously forward, letting your ebon leather cloak billow behind you.
(WAVE - target) You narrow your eyes, then suddenly step *furiously toward [target], your ebon leather cloak billowing out behind you.
(WAVE - sitting) Narrowing your eyes, you suddenly scoot *furiously sideways, dragging your ebon leather cloak along the ground/floor.
(standing and sitting utilize the same customization wording)
(BOW) Pulling up the edges of your ebon leather cloak, you *hold them out widely while scraping one foot back and entering into a deep bow.
(POKE) You *methodically sort through the pockets of your ebon leather cloak.
(SMELL) You bury your head into the folds of ebon leather cloak, inhaling *the scent of oiled leather.
(SCRATCH) You scratch at the lining of your ebon leather cloak, releasing *the scent of oiled leather into the air.
(smelling and scratching must produce the same scent)
(RAISE) You raise one arm toward the sky, grasping your ebon leather cloak tightly, as you *utter forth a barrage of curses at the world and all those in it.
(POSE) You strike *regal, commanding pose, throwing your ebon leather cloak back and staring off into the distance.
Currently, you are able to use RUB, STAND, TURN, NUDGE, TOSS, WAVE (with target), BOW, SPIN, POKE, SMELL, SCRATCH RAISE, POSE, TILT, DUCK, KICK, CLOSE, OPEN, WEAR, REMOVE, HUG, and ATTEND. A feature-concealing hood can be added to this cloak in very rare circumstances.
a polished mahogany kit inlaid with golden scrollwork - 5m
fully unlocked Gambling Kit, can hold 5000 silver
The creator has also provided the following information:
The mahogany kit is fully unlocked.
This item must stay a case or kit of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the kit's messaging references it having a small, large, and secret compartment, a cubbyhole, and a narrow slot. The table (on top) cannot be deepened.
This item can have a custom description when placed on the ground and can hold 5000 silvers.
The current description when placed on the ground is a polished mahogany table with a show/long description of a polished mahogany table inlaid with golden scrollwork.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the mahogany kit for you or have its pockets deepened.
an over-sized rat fur cloak with an embalmed rat head clasp - 5m
- 5/180
a suit of imflass platemail - 50m
+17, HCP, 3-slot fusion armor, Morphing armor scrip, max light
a large brass-framed lens - 1m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
- Piercing Gaze
These usually come with 100 charges when I have seen them offered, this was a T5 from Ebon Gate.
a shadowy grey crystal - $500 (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
- dark knight glamour crystal
5 Different Color Variation:
Black, Ebon, Grey, Brown, and Batman (dark)
a lute-shaped token - 5m (available in my shop on FWI: 12270, go prow-shaped storefront, east)
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a prize token that, once REDEEMed, will "Grant you the ability to summon a custom Fire Spirit of: a beaming lute-shaped outline of crimson and gold light. You must have knowledge of this spell to use it."
The effect of this token is cosmetic. It does not increase the effect or damage caused by a spell.
This item does NOT grant spell knowledge. REDEEMing this item assumes that the player already has the ability to cast the customized spell either from an item, Spell Knowledge, or having the spell cast upon you, if applicable.
a wyvern-etched iron hunting hatchet - $1200
- Tally weapon ( with a T5 ensorcell
The hatchet's expertly crafted thick iron head has been deeply etched into the form of a wyvern grasping the ruic haft, its eyes staring outward as tiny blazestars that are set into the hollow sockets. Stretching back from the body, the wyvern's wings come together to form the sharpened crescent edged blade of the weapon. Cut and polished to bring out a soft crimson sheen, the ruic haft arcs slightly towards the front of the weapon to provide the best grip for attacking. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the hatchet. You see the resemblance of faded tally marks down the haft of your hatchet.
Cloakworn 50% weight reducing 'consolation cloak scripts' (<1/200)