View Full Version : Rapist wins lotto
Weedmage Princess
08-12-2004, 09:31 AM
Wonder what would (or did) happen here in the States if a repeated sex fellon--or any convicted felon-- hit the Lotto?
08-12-2004, 09:33 AM
Heh. It would be really cool if said felon was forced to personally (under guard, of course) present the check to his/her victim, or the family of the victim. :D
HarmNone likes that idea
Weedmage Princess
08-12-2004, 09:34 AM
I totally agree.
08-12-2004, 09:38 AM
I do too, I think it is a great idea
08-12-2004, 10:35 AM
I think he went to prison for what he did. He won the lottery which is dumb luck he should keep it. Me I'd say sure I'll pay you money for my crimes if you can give me back the xyz years I spent behind bars paying for the crime. I don't think double dipping someone just because they won the lottery is fair.
The Cat In The Hat
08-12-2004, 10:35 AM
Eh... I don't know. I wouldnt want to see my rapist again even if he was handing me 3 million dollars.
08-12-2004, 10:38 AM
I still think rapists and repeat sex offenders should just be killed. Don't take their money, take their lives. Or maybe a public castration.
08-12-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I think he went to prison for what he did. He won the lottery which is dumb luck he should keep it. Me I'd say sure I'll pay you money for my crimes if you can give me back the xyz years I spent behind bars paying for the crime. I don't think double dipping someone just because they won the lottery is fair.
And here I thought noone in this thread would agree to my train of thought on this one.
He's doing his time. No jury decided that his money should go to the victims. If it was money that he earned before his crimes or money that received as benefit of his crimes, then I totally understand the victims families wanting the money. But it isn't.
Also, if a convicted felon is in jail and spends hours upon hours inventing something that makes millions of dollars - should he then be made to give all his money to the victims? After the court/jury has already decided his punishment?
I don't believe so.
The Cat In The Hat
08-12-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I think he went to prison for what he did. He won the lottery which is dumb luck he should keep it. Me I'd say sure I'll pay you money for my crimes if you can give me back the xyz years I spent behind bars paying for the crime. I don't think double dipping someone just because they won the lottery is fair.
I thought that in the US it was already a law that you can't win the lottery and stuff if you're in prison. Something about benifiting while in Prison.
Manson wrote a song that Guns N'Roses recorded and they didn't let him see a dime of the royalties. They took the rights for the song from him and gave it to the victims family so any royalties go directly to them.
08-12-2004, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
I thought that in the US it was already a law that you can't win the lottery and stuff if you're in prison. Something about benifiting while in Prison.
Which is fine as long as you are going to apply it to perpetrators of all fines.
Poor single mum who couldnt pay her council tax or TV licence and the fines subsequently, who was sent to prison.
Or the white collar criminals (the Maxwells is one that springs to mind) who are convicted for multi-million pound fraud and who through various accountant tricks and loopholes hide their assets and claim legal aid for their defence costs.
If I listen to my heart I say take the money off the lowlife and give it to his victims (this was his second life sentence as I am led to understand). My head though, would tend to agree with Wezas and Anticor.
Would be nice to see some civil suits going through now though.
If he won the lotto legally then he's got every right as any other citizen to collect the proceeds...
If he's done his term in prison, the state can not impound the funds because his debt to the state (society) was paid through his time in prison.
He is liable civilly though, and all of his alleged and confirmed victims should go after him in civil court until their pain and suffering has been assuaged with the realization that they just took from him like he took from them.
In my opinion, rapists need to have their testicles removed and made to watch as they are smashed to putty on a metal table with a 5 pound sledge hammer.... then have their penis surgically relocated to their forehead. Men who can not control their sexual urges or their compulsions are a poor excuse for the male species...
That is all...
Weedmage Princess
08-12-2004, 11:23 AM
An interesting observation.
There is objection to taking this man's money from him because he's already served his time (actually, if I recall the article correctly ((I'm too lazy to go back and reread)) I think he's actually still in jail, it's just a low security prison where they get leaves and stuff...and he bought this ticket on leave), yet have no object to his being killed, castrated or suffer other forever life-altering changes as a punishment.
I don't know, if I were a dude I think I'd rather fork over 12 million rather than have my member cut off and my nuts smashed on a table right before my eyes.
The Cat In The Hat
08-12-2004, 11:36 AM
<<If he won the lotto legally then he's got every right as any other citizen to collect the proceeds... >>
Actually, I believe when you're in jail you lose all rights that a normal citizen would have aside from legal ones. I had a family member in prison, and she could only get 100.00 a month from family to cover living expenses while in jail. Living expenses being personal items, deodorant and such that you could buy in the prison store.
When you go to prison you waive any rights you have to normal citizenship perks like winning the lottery.
The taxpayers are the ones who make sure this guy has food to eat and clothes on his back while serving his time in prison. Hypothetically he should be made to give some of his winnings to his family who I'm sure is supporting him and his victims whose entire life he has traumatized.
Damn good luck though. I wonder why they would let a convicted sex offender not done serving his time out for a leave.
Miss X
08-12-2004, 11:43 AM
I'd like to see the money go to rape crisis organisations rather than the victims. Not that I don't think they deserve it, I just think it would be better spent that way.
08-12-2004, 11:48 AM
I don't know, if I were a dude I think I'd rather fork over 12 million rather than have my member cut off and my nuts smashed on a table right before my eyes.
I don't know...with 12 million, I could probably buy a new one.
I don't know if any of you have been to prison but rapists dont exactly have the best time in general pop.
I worked for the Texas Dept. of Corrections (now knows as TDCJ) for 6.5 years (started at 19) while going to college part time. Started as an officer turning keys and left as a captain... I also served on the unit's disclipinary comittee and classification comittee so I could see their travel card with all the details of the crime they were being punished for.
Most every GP/Seg inmate I had the opportunity to converse with bragged about their history of mal-treatment of the women in their 'world'. Out of those, I'd say 60% were fairly accurate when they talked about raping a woman. I also learned while serving on a gang task force on my unit that rape was a common initiation for gangs outside the institution. Rape wasnt really looked down upon with the age range of 17 to 33 - first and second time offenders that I dealth with. It was a bragging rite when the boys were talking about how they had it going on back home (pimpin).
The only type of inmate that encountered difficulty remaining in GP were snitches, child molesters, and independants that refused to be turned into one of the institutional gangs... or any inmate that was viewed as weak and became easy prey (punked) for those who sought to take advantge of.
Thus you see why I have NO tolerance for rape, in any form... It is a learned behavior that can be controlled thus there is really no excuse justifying its existence.
side note...:
(I've also seen the HBO show OZ (once was all I could stand), and though I've never been/worked in another state's prison facility, I can adamantly say that its NOTHING like a TDCJ facility on ANY level.)
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