View Full Version : Wanted: Enchanter(s) for Multiple Jobs

04-10-2013, 12:31 PM
Looking to get some things enchanted. Priority listed in order.

5x fusion MBP to 6x

4x fusion full plate to 5x

4x fusion shield to 5x

4x fusion weapon to 5x

I don't have money for ALL of these... unless you give me a discount on multiple jobs. But I definitely have enough for at two or three depending.

Post here or PM with your pricing and terms. I will be looking for the cheapest bids on these. Whoever posts or PMs me first with the lowest bids gets the work.

Thank you!

04-10-2013, 12:42 PM
What type of fusion armor? Full plate is a bitch due to the weight.

I could at least do the 5xs, probably the 6x as well. Are you supplying the potions? That's 300-350k in costs right there.

I'll offer 4.5m each for the 5x projects, you supply the potions.

Last seller I saw was Sav at 5m for a 4-5x fusion project, potions not included.

04-10-2013, 01:29 PM
Thank you for the response.

I have a PM bid as follows.

5x to 6x - 10m potion included
4x to 5x - 4.5m potion included

Any other bids?

04-10-2013, 01:55 PM
Yeah I was about to say... I'd do the 4-5 for 5m and the 5-6 for 10m. Whirlin's your guy.. I can't compete with his price. The overhead for being lazy is just rediculous these days

04-10-2013, 02:17 PM
Someone undercut me by potions!

But hey, if you want to run concurrently from two providers, it may be worth the premium. Otherwise, you're looking at like, 4.5 months til total completion.

04-10-2013, 02:30 PM
Good point.

Let me add this as an incentive. I'll do two back to back 4x-5x jobs, half up front, half on completion to the lowest bidder.

04-10-2013, 04:02 PM
6m per(sorry)!

and you provide the potions and remind me to temper weekly