View Full Version : How you know you live in New Jersey

08-11-2004, 12:49 PM
I just thought this was cute and if anyone wants their states I can go get it and put it up... and it is true that most of these you'll have to be from the state to get it. So say your state if you want yours.

New Jersey.

You've been seriously injured at Action Park.

You know that the only people who call it "Joisey" are from New York
(usually The Bronx) or Texas.

You don't think of citrus when people mention "The Oranges."

You know that it's called "Great Adventure," not "Six Flags."

You've ordered a hard roll with butter for breakfast.

You've known the way to Seaside Heights since you were seven.

You've eaten at a diner, when you were stoned or drunk, at 3 am.

Whenever you park, there's a Camaro within three spots of you.

You remember that the "Two Guys" were from Harrison.

You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery.

At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen, and
you know what town Jon Bon Jovi is from.

You know what a "jug handle" is.

You know that a WaWa is a convenience store.

You know that the state isn't all farmland.

You know that there are no "beaches" in new Jersey - there's "The Shore,"
and you know that the road to the shore is "The Parkway" not "The Garden State Highway."

You know that "Piney" isn't referring to a tree.

Even your school cafeteria made good Italian subs, and, you call it a "sub" not
a "submarine sandwich" or worse yet, a "hoagy" or a "hero."

You remember the song from the Palisades Park commercials.

You know how to properly negotiate a Circle.

You knew that the last question had to do with driving.

You know that "Acme" is an actual store, not just a Warner Bros creation.

You know that this is the only "New..." state that doesn't require "New" to
identify it (like, try ...Mexico, ...York, ...Hampshire (doesn't work, does it?).

You know how to translate this conversation: "Jeet yet?" "No, Jew?"

You only go to New York City for day trips, and you only call it "The City."

You know that a "White Castle" is the name of BOTH a fast food chain AND
a fast food sandwich.

You consider a corned beef sandwich with lettuce and mayo a sacrilege.

In the 80's you wore your hair REALLY high.

You don't think "What exit" (do you live near?) is very funny.

You know that the real first "strip shopping center" in the country is Route 22.

You know that no respectable New Jerseyan goes to Princeton -
that's for out-of-staters.

The Jets-Giants game has started fights at your school or local bar.

You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.

You can see the Manhattan skyline from some part of your town.

You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of Willowbrook Mall.

You've eaten a Boardwalk cheesesteak with vinegar fries.

You have a favorite Atlantic City casino.

You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.

You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers.

Every year you have at least one kid in your class named Tony.

You know the location of every clip shown in the Sopranos opening credits.

You know that people from North Jersey go to Seaside Heights, and people from
Central Jersey go to Belmar and people from South Jersey go to Wildwood.

You weren't raised in New Jersey -- you were raised in either North Jersey,
Central Jersey or South Jersey.

You don't consider Newark or Camden to actually be part of the state.

You remember the stores Korvette's, Two Guys, Rickel's, Channel, Bamberger's and Orbach's.

You also remember Palisades Amusement Park.

You start planning for Memorial Day weekend in February.

You've never pumped your own gas.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from New Jersey.

08-11-2004, 12:57 PM
Post WA :-P

08-11-2004, 01:00 PM

You know the state flower (Mildew)

You feel guilty when you don't recycle.

You use the phrase "sun break" and know what it means.

You know more than 10 ways to order coffee.

You know more people who own boats than air conditioners.

You feel overdressed wearing a suit to a nice restaurant.

You've stood on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the "Walk" Signal.

You understand that if it has no snow or has not erupted, it is not a real mountain.

You can taste the difference between Starbuck's, Seattle's Best, Veneto's, Peet's, and Tully's.

You know the difference between Chinook, Coho, and Sockeye salmon.

You consider swimming an indoor sport.

You are well versed in the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food.

In winter, you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark -- while only working eight-hour days.

You never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho. You are not fazed by "Today's forecast: showers followed by rain," and "Tomorrow's forecast: rain followed by showers."

You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.

You can point to at least two volcanoes, even if you cannot see through the cloud cover.

You notice "the mountain is out" when it is a pretty day and you can actually see it.

You put on your shorts when the temperature gets above 50, but still wear your hiking boots and parka.

You switch to your sandals when it gets about 60, but keep the socks on.

You've actually used your mountain bike on a mountain.

You think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists.

You knew immediately that the view out of Frasier's window was fake.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Washington.

08-11-2004, 01:01 PM
Hey, I remember the first time i bought gas outside of NJ, somewhere in PA and i had to pump my own gas I was like wha?

Yah, its not that hard to figure out, and i accomplished the task no problem and to be honest, while driving along 80 I kinda like it, but in bad weather or when i'm just feeling lazy i bless that law that says the clerk has to pump it for you in Jersey.

08-11-2004, 01:02 PM
wow..I don't fit most of those :(

08-11-2004, 01:08 PM

08-11-2004, 01:08 PM
...and Hawaii

08-11-2004, 01:10 PM

The fastest part of your commute is down your driveway.

You were born somewhere else.

You know how to eat an artichoke.

The primary bugs that you worry about are electronic.

Your car has bullet-proof windows.

Left is right and right is wrong.

Your monthly house payments exceed your annual income.

You can't find your other earring because your son is wearing it.

You drive to your neighborhood block party.

Your family tree contains "significant others."

You don't exterminate your roaches, you smoke them.

You see 25 lawyers chasing an ambulance.

More than clothes come out of the closets.

You go to a tanning salon before going to the beach.

More money is spent on facelifts than on diapers.

Smoking in your office is not optional.

You pack shorts and a T-shirt for skiing in the snow, and a sweater and a wetsuit for the beach.

When you can't schedule a meeting because you must "do lunch."

Your children learn to walk in Birkenstocks.

Rainstorms or thunder are the lead story for the local news.

You'll reluctantly miss yoga class to wait for the hot tub repairman.

You consult your horoscope before planning your day.

A glass has been reserved for you at your favorite winery.

All highways into the state say: "no fruits."

All highways out of the state say: "Go back."

The Terminator is your governor

You can't remember . . . is pot illegal?

It's barely sprinkling rain and there's a report on every news station: "STORM WATCH"

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from California.

08-11-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Hey, I remember the first time i bought gas outside of NJ, somewhere in PA and i had to pump my own gas I was like wha?

Yah, its not that hard to figure out, and i accomplished the task no problem and to be honest, while driving along 80 I kinda like it, but in bad weather or when i'm just feeling lazy i bless that law that says the clerk has to pump it for you in Jersey.

I do the opposite. Everytime I'm in NJ I'm reminded where I am when the Gas clerk comes running out yelling at me for putting gas in my car. I ALWAYS forget.

08-11-2004, 01:11 PM

You can understand and speak PIDGIN english.

You go to dinner and "make one plate" with all the extra food leftover.

You automatically take off your shoes in people's homes.

You wear rubber slippers to the beach.

You eat rice every single day.

It's "shave ice" not"snow cones".

When you know NEVER to turn your back facing the ocean.

You know what ukus are and have had them at least once before when you was one little keiki.

You've been to almost all of the other islands.

You get impatient with all of those bikers on the road that came from Haleakala.

When someone says to "dress up" it means one nice aloha shirt and jeans.

You eat coconuts straight from the shell - and drink the juice.

You went to the War Memorial Stadium parking lot to learn how to drive.

You've worked in the pineapple fields.

You know where all the creepy places (like burial sites) are in the island

You know you aren't supposed to whistle at night time, cross your chopsticks, or stick your fork straight out of your rice.

You have highlighted hair.

You eat Arare.

You know what "tutu" means.

You learned to play the ukulele in elementary school.

It's SHOYU, not soy sauce.

To you, sushi means sushi, not RAW FISH!

You eat malasadas

You have a billion pairs of slippers in front your door when your family gets together

Your house has residue from the salty ocean air.

You eat portuguese sausage, eggs, and rice for breakfast.

You buy large quantities of toilet paper in case there’s a longshoreman strike.

You don't understand why anyone would buy less than a 20 lb bag of rice...

You would serve spam as a meat for dinner...

You can taste the difference between teriyaki and kal-bi

You know why there are alphabets on trees on graduation day

You know what lei day is.

You know what the "stink eye" is; and how to give it.

You can correctly pronouce kalanianaole, kalakaua and aiea

You know what a "Huli Huli Chicken" is.

You can name 3 varieties of mangos.

You know the difference between being hapa and being hapai

You give directions using mauka and makai.

You know what it takes to get into kamehameha school.

You say, "Nori" not seaweed paper.

You say "Brah" not "Bro".

You know why Sharks Cove is called Sharks Cove.

Your jokes are about Portugese not Polish.

You know what "Morgan's Corner " is ... (And it still scares you!)

You think 70 degrees is freezing cold

You call it "saimin" not "Top Ramen"

The surf report is on your speed dial...

Rainbow Drive-Inn is a special date.

You know pineapples don't grow in trees.

When you hear the words "fund raiser", you know it means Zippy's Chili

You have said "wat, owe you money?", "karang your alas", or "dakine"

You call public transportation "da BUS"

You go to Neiman Marcus "jus fo look"

The mainland people no can understand your language.

You eat mango with shoyu, vinegar, and pepper

You like ume, daikon, and kim chee better than pickles.

You never understood why adding pineapple and ham to a pizza made it Hawaiian to the rest of the world

You have a separate circuit breaker for your rice cooker

You measure the water for the rice by the knuckle of your index finger

The condiments at the dinner table are shoyu, ketchup, chili peppah watah, kimchee, takuwan, Hawaiian salt and pickled onion

You go to Maui and your luggage home includes potato chips, manju, cream puffs, guri-guri and fresh saimin from Sam Sato's

A balanced meal has three starches: rice, macaroni and bread

You call everyone older than you "Aunty" or "Uncle" even though they aren't related to you

Your philosophy is "Bumbai"

You are barefoot in most of you elementary school pictures.

Your only suit is a bathing suit.

You drive barefoot.

You feel guilt leaving a get-together without helping clean up.

The idea of taking something from a heiau is unthinkable.

You'd rather drag out the compressor and fill that leaking tire every single morning than have it fixed.

The only time you honk your horn is once a year during the safety check.

You can live and let live with a smile in your heart.

Nobody is sure exactly where "north" is.

Your cousin is Japanese-Chinese-French-Filipino-Korean-Scottish-Portuguese-Hawaiian, plus some stuff too manini to mention

You watch your favorite shows "on top the TV"

The best cooks all use lots of mayonnaise

An approaching hurricane means only one thing – surf's up, brah!

"You like beef" has nothing to do with what's for dinner

Beans are the perfect condiment for ice cream

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Hawaii.

08-11-2004, 01:20 PM
"When someone says to "dress up" it means one nice aloha shirt and jeans. "

Too true...I went to a wedding in Hawaii once where people wore Aloha shirts, jeans and slippers. I wore a dress and heels and felt totally out of place until I traded my heels in for slippers.

08-11-2004, 01:24 PM
I fit half of the Jersey ones. Must be cuz I'm so close. Where are you getting these Leloo?

08-11-2004, 01:25 PM
It's like more for a blog but.. http://www.blogthings.com/wherefrom.html

08-11-2004, 01:36 PM
:lol: Thanks Leloo. I love the Delaware one...

You used to play in the wooder in the crick, and caught fraugs.

For Sintik and Michiko for their water/wooder wars

You know NewERK is in New Jersey, but NewARK is in Delaware.

For the Jersey visitors! Say it RIGHT!

08-11-2004, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
:lol: Thanks Leloo. I love the Delaware one...

You used to play in the wooder in the crick, and caught fraugs.

For Sintik and Michiko for their water/wooder wars


I DO NOT say fraugs though. Wooder and crick yes.... Fraugs on the other hand is not part of my vocabulary.

08-11-2004, 02:38 PM
When you say "the city" - you mean Chicago.

You don't pronounce the "S" in Illinois like everyone eles does.

You think Chicago is a completely different state from Illinois. he rest of the world.
You drink "pop."


08-11-2004, 03:00 PM
I've seen better ones for CT, mostly because they don't imply that we're all rich (WE'RE NOT).

08-11-2004, 04:57 PM
You see more Texan flags than American flags.

You know someone who ate the 72 oz steak and got it for free.

You attend a formal event in your best clothes, your finest jewelry, and your Cowboy Boots.

You can write a check at Dairy Queen for 2 Hungr-Busters and fries.

You prefer Whataburger to McDonalds.

You dress up to go shopping at the mall.

You've hung ornaments and tinsel on a tumbleweed and used it as a Christmas tree.

You're disappointed when a food doesn't come in spicy flavor.

You know from experience that rattlesnake meat tastes like chicken.

You can tell a rock from an armadillo at 300 yards.

You know what a 'Cowboy Cadillac' is.

You have both a dog and a brother-in-law named Bud

Your local grocery store sells cactus in the Fresh Produce department

You watch the movie Urban Cowboy and laugh at the phony Texan accents

You choose a brand of Mexican salsa with the same care that another might use to select a bottle of fine wine

You think that the 4 basic food groups are nachos, bar-b-que, fajitas, and Copenhagen.

You refer to the Dallas Cowboys as "God's favorite football team"

You know whether another Texan is from South, West, East, North, or Central Texas as soon as they open their mouth.

You don't consider people from Austin to be real Texans.

Your Pastor wears boots.

There is no such thing as a "secret" sin.

The Blue Book value on your truck goes up and down depending on how much gas it has in it.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Texas.

08-11-2004, 05:06 PM
When the words 'WICKED' and 'GOOD' go together.
You know what candlepin bowling is


08-11-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I DO NOT say fraugs though. Wooder and crick yes.... Fraugs on the other hand is not part of my vocabulary.


Someone post CT, I want to see how much of it is true. :)

08-11-2004, 05:17 PM
Someone post CT, I want to see how much of it is true.

Here you go (http://pages.cthome.net/rcweb/ctlist.htm).

There were 95, so it's linked.

08-11-2004, 05:28 PM
15. You don't have an accent when you talk

16. You have known at least 2 preppy rich kids who listen to Phish

20. you know at least 5 people that went to UCONN

39. You have said, "I'm in a good location...Between both Boston and New York."

46.You live twenty minutes form either an Abercrombie & Fitch, J. Crew, or GAP.

48. You don't understand why everyone else has not been to Europe.

53. You carry your keys on a carabineer, but you don't know how to rock climb.

70. You thought New Jersey was a toxic waste dump

71. Somehow you always end up at the local diner open 24 hours a day

88. Your house would cost half as much in any other state

94. At least one of your friends has a sick house right on the water

...yeah. I'm so from CT. :cry:

08-11-2004, 07:30 PM
-You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of Willowbrook Mall.

Navigating your way out of Willowbrook is such a pain in the ass. I prefer going to Rockaway or Short Hills (ie the snob mall).

Alot of the Jersey ones were true, although there were a few I didnt get. P.S. I was in Camden today on the Battleship New Jersey and Camden really isnt part of our state lol.

08-11-2004, 09:00 PM
Heh, the Jersey ones are so true.

In fact, I just had a classic sub from Wawa. Coming home from work every day, I have to negotiate both a circle and three jug handles. My roommate has a 91 Camaro. I shop at Acme at least once a week, and every Saturday we hit up the local diner at 3 AM. I love The Boss. I r a loser.

08-11-2004, 09:03 PM
Wawa subs are good. When I visisted my dad and step-mom in NJ she got me one. Mmmm mmm good.

08-11-2004, 09:05 PM
Honestly, No WaWas up here. We have 7-11

08-11-2004, 09:23 PM
ROFL! I bolded the ones that are true for me....

You Know You're From Massachusetts When...

The person driving in front of you is going 70 mph and you are cursing him for going too slow.

When ordering a tonic, you mean a Coke...not quinine water.

You actually enjoy driving around rotaries.

You almost feel disappointed when someone doesn't flip you the bird when you cut them off or steal their parking space.

You know how to pronounce the names of towns like Worcester, Billerica, Haverhill, Barre and Cotuit.

You have driven to New Hampshire on a Sunday in order to get beer.

You know that there are two Bulger brothers, and that they're both crooks.

You know what they sell at a packie.

You know at least one bar where you can get something to drink after last call.

You can actually find your way around Boston.

Evacuation Day is a recognized holiday.

You know what First Night is.

You know at least one guy named Sean, Pat, Whitey, Red, Bud or Seamus.

You think the rest of the country owes you for Thanksgiving and Independence Day.

You have never been to Cheers. (haha!)

When the words 'WICKED' and 'GOOD' go together. (Ha! I said wicked while talking to my man and he died laughing. He's from NY)

You knew that there was no chance in hell that the Pats would move to Hartford.

You have gone to at least one party at UMass.

The curse of the Bambino is taught in public schools.

You own a "Yankees Suck" shirt or hat.

You think Doug Flutie is the greatest athlete ever.

You remember exactly where you were when the ball rolled through Buckner's legs.

You pray for the Red Sox to win the World Series not this season, but in your lifetime.

You know how to make a frappe.

You know that "Big Dig" is also a kind of ice cream you can get at Brigham's.

You actually know how to merge from 6 lanes of traffic down to one.

You never go to "Cape Cod", you go "down the Cape". (OH SHIT! ROFLMAO!)

You think that Roger Clemens, Wade Boggs and Derek Jeter are more evil than Whitey Bulger.

You went to Old Sturbridge Village, Plymouth Plantation, or both, on field trip in grammar school.

You're aware that there is a town, somewhere in Massachusetts, named Brimfield where they have the biggest outdoor antique market in the world.

You can drive to the mountains and the ocean all in one day.

You know that the Mass Pike is some sort of strange weather dividing line.

You know that P-Town isn't the name of a new rap group.

You know that Ludlow is 90% Portuguese and that Fall River is 90% Lebanese.

You do not recognize the letter "R" as a part of the English language.

You've called something "wicked pissa" (only messing around though)

You have driven to either Rhode Island, New Hampshire or Vermont for a tattoo. (To RI for my boy to get a tattoo, I got mines in CT)

You see people like Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Dicky Barret (The Mighty, Mighty Bosstones), Tracy Bonham, Evan Dando (The Lemonheads) and Ric Ocasek (The Cars) in the local supermarket and it doesn't phase you.

You've slammed on your brakes to deter a tailgater

Know at least three Tony's, one Vinnie and a Frank(ie)

Paranoia sets in if you can't see a Dunkin Donuts, ATM or CVS within eyeshot at all times.

You keep an ice scraper and can of de-icer on the floor of your car...year round

You still try to order curly fries from Burger King

You order iced coffee in January

You know what candlepin bowling is

You drive 45 minutes to New Hampshire to save $5 in sales tax

You've pulled out of a side street and used your car to block oncoming traffic so you can make a left.

You've bragged about the money you've saved at The Christmas Tree Shop :rofl:

You know what a "regular" coffee is

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Massachusetts.

08-11-2004, 09:26 PM
You've bragged about the money you've saved at The Christmas Tree Shop

I've been there when we go to Cape Cod! That's actually a really hot store.

08-11-2004, 09:43 PM
Yeah there's a Christmas Tree shop right on Rt. 9. You do save sooooo much there though, haha! OK since I use to live in Charlotte, I had to look up NC too. Too funny...

You Know You're From North Carolina When...

You've gotten used to the smell of cow manure on a car trip to Raleigh.

Saying "y'all" isn't just a cute expression; it actually means something.

There are big labrador retrievers in the back of every truck. :rofl: For some odd reason, they're a lot of Mexicans there. :?:

You give directions using KFC and Waffle House as landmarks.

You still see Dale Earndheart tributes on cars.

You can't imagine life without Bojangles' sweet tea I MISS BOJANGLES! :cry:

Your annual church fundraiser always deals with bbq and potato salad

You have a sunburn from May to October

Your 'heavy winter clothing' consists of some turtleneck sweaters, a fuzzy jacket, and your daddy's boots

Your family has fried chicken once a week

You can tell the difference between cotton fields and tobacco fields while driving

One of your neighbors has a confederate flag hanging on their front porch Oh God...

Those "damn yankees" are taking over your school/church/workplace/neighborhood...

You've been "properly raised", and yankees love it when they hear you say "ma'am" and "sir"

You get your carbs from biscuits, rolls, pancakes, and grits

You know the difference between a "redneck" and a "hick". I called everyone a redneck when I lived there, lolz.

You own at least one surf shop or seafood restaurant shirts.

No matter what those people in ohio say, we are still "first in flight"

The Coca-Cola 600 is as big as the Super Bowl

You prefer Chick-fil-a to KFC

You know pastry is a chicken stew, not a dessert item.

Every time you visit someone you’re offered something to eat and a glass of tea.

Your granddaddy always wore overalls and your grandma always wore an apron.

In summer you have home-grown tomatoes with every meal.

When it rains and the creek rises, everyone gathers to see how high it rose.

You know that "chunk" the ball means to throw it.

You've had a burger "all the way" - chili and slaw on it.

You can recognize a copperhead and your heart drops when you see one.

You have at least one relative that raises collards.

Your folks have taken trips to the mountains to look at leaves.

Your school classes were cancelled because of a hurricane.

You know Krispy Kreme makes the best doughnut.

You have an opinion about UNC. You went there and loved it, or you hate everyone who did.

You know the best BBQ is found in Lexington

You would rather eat at Bojangles's than McDonald's

You have actually uttered the phrase "It's too hot to go to the pool"

You faithfully drink Pepsi or Mt. Dew everyday of your life.

You have your own secret bbq sauce.

You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from North Carolina.