View Full Version : Eve Online accounts
04-02-2013, 02:41 AM
So, I was looking up prices online the other day for my old Magic: The Gathering cards, and for shits and giggles I looked up what Eve Online accounts were going for. Thinking about the fact that I don't play Eve Online anymore, and most likely never will again, i've decided to seek some compensation for my years spent on it.
Since Ebay no longer deals in virtual property, the vacuum created has been filled by a number of shady account-trading websites that i'm not very comfortable dealing with, so I figured i'd run it across over here first to see if there was any interest.
At this point I have not yet reactivated the accounts; this is more a preemptive "putting out the feelers", if you will, to see what sort of interest there may or may not be in such a thing. If the interest here is sufficient, I will reactivate both accounts and give a full description of skills and inventories.
What I can remember:
Account 1:
character 1: 80ish mill XP Caldari PVP specialist
character 2: 20ish mill XP industrialist
Account 2:
Character 1: 110ish mill XP Caldari Industrialist/capital pilot
several cyno alt chars
It gets shady on the assets...before I left I suffered a pretty big loss, in the form of an outfitted Orca and several researched BPO's.
I know that I still have MOST of my BPO collection, including my capital parts BPO's, a lot of which are ME researched. I should also have several hulks and combat ships, atleast one carrier...can't remember if I got another orca or not, and I can't remember if I sold that freighter or not...
I'm guesstimating about 20-30 billion in assets and isk(at 2-3 years ago prices)
The industrialist also has perfect standings with several caldari corporations, and can easily solo level 4 missions. IIRC he has a faction fit mission-running ship.
Judging by what i've seen on these other sites, i'm looking in the 4-5k range.
Anyone interested?
You're looking for 4 to 5 thousand dollars?
04-09-2013, 09:05 PM
Does anyone actually play EVE? I've been thinking of picking it up because I like 3 year plus grinds.
Seriously, though, it reminds me of a text-based economic space trading game called Federation I used to play on AOL alongside Gemstone.
04-09-2013, 09:27 PM
I have played it quite extensively and its my favorite pvp style game that is still running.
04-09-2013, 09:30 PM
I play it off and on, not playing right now though.
04-09-2013, 10:07 PM
Just my .02:
I think you'd be better off breaking your assets into smaller chunks and selling them off individually (pilots, bpo's, ships, etc.). Like GS, once EVE gets its hooks into you it's difficult to leave for good and as such there is definitely a market both in-game and out of game for your assets.
The problem is, EVE, unlike GS, is ALL about PvP, subterfuge, espionage, scamming, and generally f-ing over the player next to you. Even the 'good' players want to blow your shit up. That's part of the allure, you can't trust anyone, period. That in-game mentality often spills out of the game though. While I MAY take a risk and send another EVE player $250-$500 if it was someone I knew, there is no way in f-ing hell I'd send another EVE player $4000 without having the assets in my possession already (and that would be stupid on your part).
Good luck though! Sounds like you have some awesome assets :)
04-09-2013, 10:15 PM
Does anyone actually play EVE? I've been thinking of picking it up because I like 3 year plus grinds.
Seriously, though, it reminds me of a text-based economic space trading game called Federation I used to play on AOL alongside Gemstone.
Heh, a buddy of mine has been playing something called Stardrift Empires, I think it is, on the syfy website. It's a browser-based space trader type thing. Anyhow, he asked me the other day if I was interested in playing because he recently joined a group and they were looking to pick up some active players... I had to kinda laugh and tell him no thanks, that he was about 20 years behind Trade Wars that I'd moved on from long ago.
04-09-2013, 10:21 PM
Is the PvP all combat based? Like, I don't need to pick up a twitch x wing sim. In the space trading game I used to play before, we fought economic wars, brought down markets, skirted tariffs and shit like that.
Can I do that in EVE?
What's the actual combat based on?
04-09-2013, 10:42 PM
Is the PvP all combat based? Like, I don't need to pick up a twitch x wing sim. In the space trading game I used to play before, we fought economic wars, brought down markets, skirted tariffs and shit like that.
Can I do that in EVE?
What's the actual combat based on?
PvP is loosely defined in EVE. The whole game is PvP. It can be market based (nearly every ship and module in the game is player created), ships going boom, or you gaining the trust of your corporation (guild) and then robbing them blind.
Actually, some of the best PvP stories in EVE are market based. You can literally screw people out of BILLIONS of ISK if you play the market right and market scams are not discouraged by the developer CCP.
The best part is even a half-bad player can actually pay for their monthly subscription(s) doing nothing but trading.
Oh, and EVE is not a x-wing type space sim. You pilot your ship by double clicking in space or using waypoints.
Dammit, now I want to re-sub!
04-09-2013, 11:03 PM
Does anyone actually play EVE? I've been thinking of picking it up because I like 3 year plus grinds.
I get back into it every once in a while, but I'm a perma-scrub because I lose interest every time I get my first destroyer.
04-10-2013, 04:36 PM
So, I may have started playing this last night and had a lot of fun. Still playing through the tutorial career missions, but so far so good.
Main question: Hiow do I get 500m ISK in my 14 day trial to never have to play for this game ever?
I made like 1m last night in a couple hours, but I feel like I might need to play the market a bit.
So, I may have started playing this last night and had a lot of fun. Still playing through the tutorial career missions, but so far so good.
Main question: Hiow do I get 500m ISK in my 14 day trial to never have to play for this game ever?
I made like 1m last night in a couple hours, but I feel like I might need to play the market a bit.
I play currently. I'm in the best corporation in the game. There are basically two kinds of Eve, life inside the doughnut in high-sec which is boring and life in null-sec which is also boring but comes with moments of sheer terror and excitement. Also it's where all the real money is made. Even simple ratting (which is the equivalent of running missions in high sec) gets you like 10 mil+ per tick (every 20 minutes or so when your wallet updates).
That's my latest bounty ticks ^
Anyway what I would do is play around in high sec for about a month, get a feel for what you can do there, run all the tutorial missions including the elite sisters missions then consider joining a good null-sec corp. If you like running missions ( in the Empire you can join a high-sec corp, I've heard Eve Uni is a good one. Also since it's not really a secret anymore (, I would avoid Jita (Eve's main system and market hub) and the surrounding areas the weekend after this one.
04-10-2013, 05:21 PM
I tried to get into Eve but the space fighting was lame. I prefer my space fights to be dogfights.
I tried to get into Eve but the space fighting was lame. I prefer my space fights to be dogfights.
Star Citizen in development right now:
04-10-2013, 05:34 PM
I tried to get into Eve but the space fighting was lame. I prefer my space fights to be dogfights.
I'm the exact opposite, I had to run away from an NPC yesterday because I only had mining lasers and drones equipped. I think it was an NPC, at least, I'm not really sure how to delineate NPCs from other players on the overview. I imagine if it was a player, they would have killed me. Give me trade any day of the week.
04-10-2013, 05:53 PM
Star Citizen in development right now:
Oh, I know! My friends and I once spent an entire night writing down all the elements we wanted in a space exploration MMO (yeah, we're that cool), and star citizen has ALL OF THEM. I about soaked my drawers when I saw that.
Trade is cool, I enjoy that aspect. Freelancer was one of my favorite games and I spent hours just running contraband for shits and giggles. (That's not really the complex sort of market trading, but still, fun.) If the combat just wasn't so fucking dull I think I would really enjoy Eve, but the horrible "weapons on, click to orbit while firing" was lame as shit.
04-10-2013, 06:13 PM
I haven't ever played Eve, but reading about all the political maneuvering, military strategy, and complex economies of Eve give me the biggest nerdboner.
04-10-2013, 07:34 PM
Main question: Hiow do I get 500m ISK in my 14 day trial to never have to play for this game ever?
It sounds to me like your preference leans towards the market/industry side of the game which is a more than viable path. Here are a couple of things that will hopefully more directly answer your question:
1. It's probably going to be difficult to make the ~500m ISK you need to PLEX your account in the first month. My advice would be to play through your initial grace period and if you like what you see, pay that first month's subscription cost. That should give you more than enough time to get the basic skills for whatever career path you choose trained up.
2. That being said there are a couple things you can do:
2a: First, train up your PI skills to lvl 3 and set up your PI. It's kind of a PITA to set up but once it's done it's basically passive income that you don't want to miss out on.
2b: Second, buy low and sell high. Find sell orders that are relatively low, buy them, transport them somewhere else, and then sell them to someone whose set up a buy order for higher than you bought them for. Make sure your transporting the goods at least as far as out of the region as a popular type of scam is to set up really high buy orders and then cancel them.
2c: When PI and trading get boring you can mine asteroids.
3. While lots of people bemoan them, I strongly urge you to seek out and join EVE University. They have literally hundreds of players there whose sole mission is to help new players. They may be carebears at heart, but they're great for brand new players.
I play currently. I'm in the best corporation in the game. There are basically two kinds of Eve, life inside the doughnut in high-sec which is boring and life in null-sec which is also boring but comes with moments of sheer terror and excitement. Also it's where all the real money is made.
Correction: wormhole space is where the real money is made. While it's true that sov battles in null have produced some of the biggest battles in the game, null sec is just as safe/boring (unless you like politics) as high sec. Real pilots don't need local :)
04-10-2013, 07:38 PM
Star Citizen in development right now:
I really can't wait for this game to come out. I'm even considering spending the $140 needed to get alpha/beta access.
Correction: wormhole space is where the real money is made. While it's true that sov battles in null have produced some of the biggest battles in the game, null sec is just as safe/boring (unless you like politics) as high sec. Real pilots don't need local :)
New players don't have the skills needed for wormhole space, although my corp (and I imagine others) has a wormhole branch.
04-10-2013, 08:18 PM
What is the best corp now? I was in Goons for forever until I mothballed. Also, I was making very good money doing level 4 missions across three accounts. 2 Marauders and 1 salvager/looter. I know you won't have the skills for that for a while, but you will get there eventually.
04-10-2013, 08:29 PM
New players don't have the skills needed for wormhole space, although my corp (and I imagine others) has a wormhole branch.
Are you dual wielding death stars in Eve to be up to par with your GS weapons?
Are you dual wielding death stars in Eve to be up to par with your GS weapons?
No my Eve weapons are pathetic in comparison to my GS gear. Right now I'm dual wielding glaes whip-blades in Eve.
What is the best corp now? I was in Goons for forever until I mothballed. Also, I was making very good money doing level 4 missions across three accounts. 2 Marauders and 1 salvager/looter. I know you won't have the skills for that for a while, but you will get there eventually.
Goons still the best. TEST/Dreddit (the reddit corp) is pretty big now and part of the second biggest coalition after the goonswarm coalition.
04-10-2013, 08:53 PM
Lol @ this thread going three pages before I realized people were actually responding...
For those (even mildly) interested, i've reactivated both accounts, and...i'm uh kindof playing again.
As suspected, I lost a LOT of assets, but my ship and capital BPO collections are intact, as well as my ridic passive Rattlesnake with pithum A-type hardeners/resist amps.
TBH I kindof prefer high sec mission running to a lot of other things...I was in 0.0 out of beta, started the Stain Alliance (with some friends from beta)....we were mining bistot in bantams within a day of the game going live.
I personally placed the first outpost in Drone Space, after it opened, as the lead Industrialist for the Ka-tet alliance. I've been lead Diplomat for two different 0.0 alliances. I've been CEO of a 150-man corp, and Director with three others.
I've been lead FC for countless 0.0 engagements, from simple gate camping to large-scale tower destruction.
The reason I bring all of this up is, i'm kindof done with that aspect of Eve (atleast for now). I was in 0.0 from the start, lived there for years and years....i'm kindof liking the "high-sec retirement" of just hanging out, running missions, maybe mining some...building stuff, selling stuff...low-sec gate camping on my pirate alt...
roaming pvp is fun, massive fleet battles are fun, but tbh...I really like just watching a gate with my alt in a covops, my pirate aligned on the other side, getting hammered and bullshiting with fellow pirate corpies while we wait for some dumbass in a faction fit CNR to come in running a COSMOS.
I forgot to quote it, but someone brought up the generally fuck-your-neighbor mindset of a lot of Eve, and how that would make outside transactions more difficult...that was precisely why I brought it up here. I've held thousands of dollars worth of assets in Gemstone for people, and have a spotless reputation merchant-wise here, so was hoping that would carry over to Eve assets, and make the process a bit easier.
But it's kinda moot now, since i'm sortof playing again. My wife is gonna kill me. :(
04-10-2013, 08:58 PM
Speak english
04-10-2013, 10:54 PM
Lol @ this thread going three pages before I realized people were actually responding...
For those (even mildly) interested, i've reactivated both accounts, and...i'm uh kindof playing again.
As suspected, I lost a LOT of assets, but my ship and capital BPO collections are intact, as well as my ridic passive Rattlesnake with pithum A-type hardeners/resist amps.
TBH I kindof prefer high sec mission running to a lot of other things...I was in 0.0 out of beta, started the Stain Alliance (with some friends from beta)....we were mining bistot in bantams within a day of the game going live.
I personally placed the first outpost in Drone Space, after it opened, as the lead Industrialist for the Ka-tet alliance. I've been lead Diplomat for two different 0.0 alliances. I've been CEO of a 150-man corp, and Director with three others.
I've been lead FC for countless 0.0 engagements, from simple gate camping to large-scale tower destruction.
The reason I bring all of this up is, i'm kindof done with that aspect of Eve (atleast for now). I was in 0.0 from the start, lived there for years and years....i'm kindof liking the "high-sec retirement" of just hanging out, running missions, maybe mining some...building stuff, selling stuff...low-sec gate camping on my pirate alt...
roaming pvp is fun, massive fleet battles are fun, but tbh...I really like just watching a gate with my alt in a covops, my pirate aligned on the other side, getting hammered and bullshiting with fellow pirate corpies while we wait for some dumbass in a faction fit CNR to come in running a COSMOS.
I forgot to quote it, but someone brought up the generally fuck-your-neighbor mindset of a lot of Eve, and how that would make outside transactions more difficult...that was precisely why I brought it up here. I've held thousands of dollars worth of assets in Gemstone for people, and have a spotless reputation merchant-wise here, so was hoping that would carry over to Eve assets, and make the process a bit easier.
But it's kinda moot now, since i'm sortof playing again. My wife is gonna kill me. :(
My life is likely to become even more empty. If I start playing will you advise me? =]
04-11-2013, 03:36 AM
I was running through some combat stuff this evening, not really sure when I get to target lock more than 2 things. It is kind of a weird system where picking your target from a list is the best way of going through things, because the 360 sphere is pretty damn hard to navigate. Obviously nothing high level yet.
And holy hell, the exploration mission to find a geo sig, ummm, it took me like 30 minutes just to figure out how to move the frickin probes. Then, lining them up in an overlapping square to find the sig in three dimensional space? LOL, it was the first mission I almost didn't get the bonus for.
04-11-2013, 11:04 AM
Locking on to more than two targets depends on certain skills, but I'm forgetting which ones. Once you figure out how to set up your overlay things become a LOT easier - the tutorial will eventually explain how.
The probe missions are either really easy or really hard. There was one that I spent an hour scanning down while the rest only took a few minutes.
04-11-2013, 04:22 PM
I was running through some combat stuff this evening, not really sure when I get to target lock more than 2 things. It is kind of a weird system where picking your target from a list is the best way of going through things, because the 360 sphere is pretty damn hard to navigate. Obviously nothing high level yet.
And holy hell, the exploration mission to find a geo sig, ummm, it took me like 30 minutes just to figure out how to move the frickin probes. Then, lining them up in an overlapping square to find the sig in three dimensional space? LOL, it was the first mission I almost didn't get the bonus for.
The overview is arguably the most important part of the game and it's a shame that CCP doesn't do a good job of explaining this or making it easier to modify for beginners. The key thing about the overview to know is that you can have up to 5 tabs that act as separate filters so that you can quickly find what you are looking for. Two links that are invaluable:
1. - It's best if you eventually learn how to modify the overview on your own to suit it to your play style. Using this guide will help.
2. - A pre-defined overview setup that I used to use. It's awesome, but as I said in #1, take some time at some point to learn how to modify it on your own so that when you need to you can.
3. - arguably the best resource on scanning out there. Once you get a handle on it, scanning can lead to some of the best PvE rewards in the game (including mining sites).
04-11-2013, 09:40 PM
So what do I do once I finish all the career missions? Futz around? Randomly go around to other agents? Do I need to pick a career at some point?
You never "pick" a career, but you need to decide what to focus on for your training. After you do all the tutorial missions you can do agent missions for Caldari Navy, you can trade in Jita or another market hub (other hubs are decent ideas), you can mine asteroids with a destroyer then a retreiver.
Suppressed Poet
04-11-2013, 10:33 PM
4-5 thousand dollars?!?! Well I guess it's not that absurd considering people pay about that much for a 10x db here.
Are you all talking about the first ever quest? I've never played any of them.
04-12-2013, 12:00 AM
What if I started out Amarri, do I still do Caldari Navy? :P
Also, I'm thinking of going exploration/mining, maybe a bit of salvaging.
What if I started out Amarri, do I still do Caldari Navy? :P
Also, I'm thinking of going exploration/mining, maybe a bit of salvaging.
Yeah your starting race doesn't matter at all.
04-12-2013, 09:41 PM
1) is the reward from a mission a factor of its level (1-5) or the security of the space it takes place in (1.0 to -1.0)? Or both?
2) Do certs actually give you something, or are they just like templates to guide you for the skills you should take to reach certain goals?
04-18-2013, 09:52 PM
1) is the reward from a mission a factor of its level (1-5) or the security of the space it takes place in (1.0 to -1.0)? Or both?
2) Do certs actually give you something, or are they just like templates to guide you for the skills you should take to reach certain goals?
1) Yeah, the higher the level on missions, the better the rewards/loot. Security of space doesn't matter, the mission place will be assigned randomly from surrounding systems. I would suggest staying out of any system under a .5.
2) Certs are the latter...they're basically just a skills roadmap to being proficient at certain things. Also useful in recruiting I suppose, if you're looking to join a top-end corp at some point, they're probably going to want to look at your skills, although that's generally done with an API.
As a side note, running level 4 missions is basically what I do best. With myself and an alt, I can make enough isk in a few days to pay for both accounts for a month with PLEX (about a billion ISK). But it takes a couple years to get to a point where it's THAT efficient, have to be able to utilize everything from the missions in the best possible way, i.e. top market skills for selling expensive loot finds, top refining skills for melting loot not worth selling, top building skills and researched blueprints to use the salvage and melted loot to build stuff, etc etc.
2) Do certs actually give you something, or are they just like templates to guide you for the skills you should take to reach certain goals?
There is no reason to actually redeem a cert. They just tell your enemies what you are capable (or not) of doing.
04-19-2013, 03:42 AM
There is no reason to actually redeem a cert. They just tell your enemies what you are capable (or not) of doing.
Only if you make it public.
My indy guy has them all turned on so people can drool, my pvp'er has them all turned off for exactly Drew's reason.
04-25-2013, 07:38 PM
Does anyone actually play EVE?
I picked it up for the first time around October last year and have been enjoying myself thoroughly. I've slowed down a bit recently as my last corp sort of imploded and it's basically turned into an extra chat channel where no one really does any group activities. I spend a lot of time on the market for no better reason than I can log in at work and update orders.
I'm looking for a new corp to join with my combat character if any of you people are in one that does either pvp or incursions (I'm a nub in both of those things but am quite interested). Send me some game mail @ Aei Illicita or post in here.
04-26-2013, 08:40 PM
I downloaded this a few days ago to try out. It seems fun, but I'm not sure if I'll keep going past the trial yet.
04-27-2013, 07:26 PM
I just got dust 514 with a ps3 bundle. Apparently this is some sort of fps in which I can be hired as a mercenary by corporations in Eve?
Has anyone played/heard about this?
04-27-2013, 07:28 PM
I've heard about it and I've heard nothing but bad things too. They should have released it for the pc.
04-27-2013, 07:29 PM
I've heard about it and I've heard nothing but bad things too. They should have released it for the pc.
Oh, that's good. At least it was free.
04-28-2013, 01:30 AM
Supposed to be a free-to-play fps mmo. People in Dust can request orbital strikes from EVE players. That's about all I know, don't have a PS3 and don't plan to have one. I haven't heard much about it but most talk I've come across is fairly positive.
It's still in like open beta I think, the actual release is on the 14th? Not too sure.
05-09-2013, 12:44 PM
So, I caved and decided to subscribe for a month. During my trial I only managed to get about 600k skill points, and around 40mil ISK, as I only really have have time to play during the late evening hours.
I'm focusing on industry and mining right now, and plan to get into one of the ORE mining barges soon while I train up a bunch of refinery and trade skills and start to play the market a bit. At least that's the theory.
I tried to do some of the mining missions, but they paid out so little and were the same 2-3 missions over and over again, so I just gave up on that.
What does it take to get up to the higher level missions where you actually make something?
05-09-2013, 12:53 PM
What does it take to get up to the higher level missions where you actually make something?
Lots of grinding, skill with BCs and appropriate weaponry.. or just make a friend/join a corp with higher level access, hehe.
05-09-2013, 12:58 PM
If you prefer the solo grind, there are skills you can learn to increase your standing with agents. There are also skills to increase payout.
05-09-2013, 08:00 PM
What does it take to get up to the higher level missions where you actually make something?
Standing with the NPC corp at the station, I think it's 1.0 for level 2's and 3.0 for level 3's. Trying to learn all there is to know in EVE will test your google skills.
05-09-2013, 08:23 PM
All of you newer players should google "Eve Online Cosmos" and check out some of the guides/information that comes up.
Basically, for each of the four main Empire races, there are special "agents in space" in certain areas. These agents give special, one-time-only missions that have rewards much greater than normal missions, and give NPC corp AND faction standings when completed. It is a good way to rather quickly boost your NPC standings with various groups, and make (potentially) billions (with a b) of isk.
I've personally only finished the Caldari Cosmos, but i'll be running the Amarr as well here shortly. It should be noted that, atleast for Caldari, the combat missions given are harder than normal for their equivalent "level", and some of the missions require you to travel to and through a low sec system called Ihakana. My old pirate corp lived there, and we murdered idiots running Cosmos on a daily basis. It has since been taken over by some Russian corp that does the same.
Also keep in mind that each mission can only be run ONCE EVER(not sure if it's per account or per character), and if you fail it....tough shit. Same with time bonuses, which later on give some of the biggest rewards. So it would be a good idea to read whatever guides you can find before hand, and have a good plan together before you start them.
You CAN do them in, go and do all the level 1's now, and come back later for the level 2's, etc...those of you only playing a month or two most likely wouldn't be able to handle the level 3 combat missions. Just make sure you save ANY special items you get from the agents...sometimes agents later on will require them to start their missions.
Some of the other questions posed, I can only answer by saying....imo, Eve is the most wide-open MMO on the market. There is a greater variety of things to do than anything else out there, so the idea of a "Career" in the game is really your perception. My advice would be to get a decent base in your fittings skills, as this will help you regardless of what you choose to focus on later, and spend some time just goofing off a bit. Get a feel for the combat system by running some level 1 combat missions. Spend some time really getting into the market and contracts system...but with that, always remember that in Eve, if it looks too good to be true, it most likely is. Don't get scammed, some of them are pretty sneaky.
05-14-2013, 08:59 PM
I appreciate the feedback and tips. I've gotten into a retriever now, and have been mining like a madman and I started messing around with setting up some planetary stuff when suddenly an incursion hit my system.
So then I got to freak out a little and think I was going to lose my retriever before realizing I could just leave the system for a few days.
I admit, incursion missions look like a lot of fun as the PvE always tends to appeal to me more than the PvP. At this point though, it doesn't look like I'm even close to being able to participate in even the easier missions yet.
05-16-2013, 12:18 AM
At this point though, it doesn't look like I'm even close to being able to participate in even the easier missions yet.
It's a process. Takes a little while to get the skills and whatnot up, but once you do, it's gravy.
As a side note, i'm sortof glad I reactivated when I did. I placed 5th in BIG's 10th anniversary lottery, scoring 10 billion isk, two free PLEX, and a faction ship. Yay.
05-16-2013, 01:04 PM
Nice. I am actually really enjoying the free Gnosis battlecruiser they gave us. It's probably nothing much to the veteran players, but to a noob like me it's easily my best ship and pretty sweet to be able to fly without any reall skill requirements. I got it partly equipped last night and had fun running some easy security missions. It's especially nice for scanning, so I scanned down an Angel Hideout and blew it all up to try out the new fittings. <insert evil cackle here>
Nice. I am actually really enjoying the free Gnosis battlecruiser they gave us. It's probably nothing much to the veteran players, but to a noob like me it's easily my best ship and pretty sweet to be able to fly without any reall skill requirements. I got it partly equipped last night and had fun running some easy security missions. It's especially nice for scanning, so I scanned down an Angel Hideout and blew it all up to try out the new fittings. <insert evil cackle here>
It's a really good ship, not damage wise (although it's ok at that too) but it's super flexible and a great ship (also it looks cool too).
05-16-2013, 02:21 PM
I watched a couple of videos of Titans being destroyed the other day. Are titans at the top of the ship food chain?
05-16-2013, 02:34 PM
Yes, sir.
I watched a couple of videos of Titans being destroyed the other day. Are titans at the top of the ship food chain?
Yeah, they are essentially impossible for an individual to build (outside of space Tsins). They cost around the equivalent of $2500-3000 to build so blowing one up is pretty significant.
05-16-2013, 02:53 PM
Is it possible to play this game with any degree of success if you can only manage like 5-10 hours a week, or does it have to be a full time job?
05-16-2013, 02:53 PM
You said space tsins. Hehe
The more I see of this game and the more videos I watch, the more I want to give it a whirl. Scared of getting sucked in.
Is it possible to play this game with any degree of success if you can only manage like 5-10 hours a week, or does it have to be a full time job?
It's definitely possible because you don't grind XP. You get steady XP while you're logged or logged out (skills take a certain amount of time to train and you queue them up). You should definitely join a corp that has reimbursement policies for ships lost in PvP, that way you don't really have to grind up money either because your ships are basically fully insured. I'm going to steal a post I made elsewhere addressing Eve though:
One of these days I'll play this game and actually enjoy it. Every time I tried previously I ended up on a bum fleet op that went nowhere, usually in the form of orbiting a gate for a half hour for a target that never showed :(
Eve is the kind of game where this can happen. You need to enjoy the long game to really get a kick out of this. If you need constant button pressing every 10 seconds to enjoy it you probably won't like it. If you like setting up things for a satisfying ending then it's the game for you. One of the most fun ops I did recently was hooking up with 4 other guys as we slowly tightened the net on this guy who had wandered too deep into our space. It took us about 45 minutes of cat and mouse as we slowly but surely boxed him into a smaller and smaller set of systems till we finally had him trapped, then he tried to break out and we blew him to bits. Meanwhile the whole time we were shooting the shit/busting balls/etc. My take from that was "That was awesome!". I'm sure for some people they would say "45 minutes to blow up one ship?". It really depends on your disposition. To get the most out of Eve I think you have to enjoy the social aspect of it and have a personality that enjoys working hard for a final result, not push butan get coins.
05-16-2013, 04:35 PM
They're doing an Eve stories thing right now where players can post their own experiences and stories that have happened to them in game. Some of the stories are pretty interesting and it's worth a google search. Drew's corp (or alliance?) has some fun war stories on there about how they basically disbanded and stole the name of an enemy alliance via a defecter.
The game does work well for either serious players or casual players like myself. It's nice to know that my skills are still leveling up all day, even though I only can log in for a few hours in the evening or on the weekends. I'm working to get my refining up to 100% over the next few days, and then from there I plan to get a lot of the skills I've overlooked thus far to focus on mining and industry.
The last few days I also started messing with setting up a base on a planet with some factories to process stuff, but I'm not too sure how lucrative that's going to be just yet. Is that what was meant by passive income?
05-16-2013, 04:51 PM
One of the most fun ops I did recently was hooking up with 4 other guys
Quoted for posterity.
05-17-2013, 04:09 PM
Started up my trial account last night, but ended up being too tired to do anything but make a character.
Do the tutorial missions. Eve is very complicated and loses a lot of people early on. The tutorial missions explain a lot.
05-17-2013, 05:52 PM
Do the tutorial missions. Eve is very complicated and loses a lot of people early on. The tutorial missions explain a lot.
I would second this. It's hard to do really, if you're like me, which I think a lot of gamers are. Fuck the instruction manual, i'll figure this shit out as I go.
You can certainly do that in Eve, but you're going to miss a LOT. CCP has done a pretty good job of setting up tutorial missions that are actually worth a damn. It's a good resource for truly new players.
05-17-2013, 05:55 PM
I love tutorials, but I'm a weird gamer by any definition. And EVE's tutorials were great. I just wish I hadn't picked Amarr as my race as the tutorial urges you early to push your cultural ships but not necessarily the cultural ships of other races (which in many cases are better than the Amarr). I didn't lose much time over it, but yeah.
05-17-2013, 06:04 PM
I went with Gallente.
Starting race means nothing. Minmatar ships are the most used overall in fleet combat, then caldari/gallente, amarr the least.
05-17-2013, 06:12 PM
I know it ultimately means nothing, but the tutorials for the races push Racial Command Ship and award you with racial ships. You can basically just ditch them after the tutorial and be caught up with other cultures within a week, but yeah.
05-17-2013, 06:25 PM
I love tutorials, but I'm a weird gamer by any definition. And EVE's tutorials were great. I just wish I hadn't picked Amarr as my race as the tutorial urges you early to push your cultural ships but not necessarily the cultural ships of other races (which in many cases are better than the Amarr). I didn't lose much time over it, but yeah.
"better" is a strange term in Eve. GENERALLY, atleast for the last several years, armor tanked ships (mostly Amarr and Gallente), are not only prefered for pvp, but will be the only ships allowed in a lot of fleets. Caldari is generally considered the best at mission running, but nobody takes them seriously in pvp. Which is funny, because my pvp'er is fully Caldari specc'd, and has raped similar-skilled Amarr and Gallente pilots in more expensively-fit ships, a lot of times with gate guns helping the other person. In gangs he's almost always top damage dealer. Anyway...
There's nothing wrong with Amarr ships. Most ships in the game are amor tanked, and not having to carry around a bunch of ammo is a bonus. At this stage in the game, though, you should really be more focused on what sort of tank/weapons you like using, and then decide what ships you want to put it on. Obviously, if you like missiles go Caldari. That means you're pretty much going to be a shield tanker. Like missiles but don't like shield tanking? Eh...there are some Minmatar and Amarr options....but very few. The main thing here is you have to consider what sort of ship skill bonuses you're going to be getting, and fly ships that give you a bonus to what you're using it for. IMO the guns are pretty much interchangeable, there's not much effective difference between hybrids, lasers, or projectiles. They all have ammo options for different damage types, they all have short and long range variations. If you like guns and shield tanking, Caldari is your best bet, with some Minmatar options. MOST ships are designed to be armor tankers.
Ofcourse, you could also just go completely into left field and put hybrid blasters on your shield tanked Apocalypse. People would certainly get a good laugh from your killmails.
I don't know where you're doing your fighting but most of the Test/CFC doctrines focus on shield tanking not armor. Granted that's less than half of null-sec but it's the two biggest null sec groups.
05-17-2013, 11:53 PM
Did they ever get around to rebalancing/nerfing the shield extenders like they were talking about a year or so ago?
Did they ever get around to rebalancing/nerfing the shield extenders like they were talking about a year or so ago?
When you say shield extenders do you mean shield logistics (aka space priests)?
05-18-2013, 08:07 AM
So, I've been mining now and again with a damn Venture to get some money for a Retriever. It's rather amazing how fucking horrible the Venture is compared to the Retriever. Dropped 31M on the ship, leaving me with about a mil after buying a strip miner and a couple MLUs for it and a couple hours of mining later I was able to buy another strip and have ~11M (yes, I understand it's pennies, but considering I was making ~3-4M before after hours of mining omber with that Venture... it's nice to actually see progress).
I suppose that, while it's probably obvious, the point of this post is to say that if any of you other noobs are looking to go into mining, get out of the Venture (or whatever your equivalent is) and into a mining barge ASAP. And don't be a fuckin moron like me and buy a miner II for it... not only can you not equip it, but like a real dope I initially overlooked the strip miner yield bonus. It's slow as shit, but I can live with that.
05-18-2013, 09:20 AM
When you say shield extenders do you mean shield logistics (aka space priests)?
That was one of the things they were talking about but also being able to mount battleship shield extender/expander (I forget what the module was called) on smaller ships. You could stack a few and get some crazy shield hp with little downside.
That was one of the things they were talking about but also being able to mount battleship shield extender/expander (I forget what the module was called) on smaller ships. You could stack a few and get some crazy shield hp with little downside.
Ships have been rebalanced (a few are still slated to be) so I don't think this is an issue. You can still fit a higher class shield extender but generally you have to waste other slots to make it work.
05-18-2013, 04:04 PM
Cool then, totally off topic but your signature gif cracks me up every time I watch it.
05-18-2013, 06:50 PM
What does Eve cost to play, and is there a good breakdown of what the different classes do in the long term. I think I will try this out but there are a lot of options it seems.
05-18-2013, 10:22 PM
You all suck. I'm signing up for the free trial after reading this and spending the night researching.
05-19-2013, 03:49 AM
What does Eve cost to play, and is there a good breakdown of what the different classes do in the long term. I think I will try this out but there are a lot of options it seems.
I forget exactly. I think it was discounted when I signed up last month for 10 bucks(?). Something I think is cool about it, though, is they sell items that give you 30 days of game time. People can then either use'em themselves or sell them on the in-game market. The price I've seen on those is ~500M which I imagine you could earn monthly after you get some things set up. I played a bit more today than normal, but it's fuckin awesome being able to sit the Retriever out mining while I work on scripts or do other shit. Made ~40-50 mil today just mining omber/scordite; one day in with that new ship and it has more than paid for itself. At that rate, a little less than two weeks time I could have enough for 30 days free, though the reality would probably push me closer to 3-4 weeks. That said, I'm still a huge noob and I'm sure I'm not making the best money just yet since I'm not even refining the ore nor am I able to really transport it to other areas that might have a better price.
As far as classes... it seems pretty open-ended. You're not really put into a particular class box, so to speak, but you'll probably want to decide what you want to do in the game and focus mostly on skills that work towards that goal. I started with mining because I figured it would be a good place to start making some money. Eventually I'll probably pick up more trade and/or production-related skills that will benefit from being able to pull in my own resources.
05-19-2013, 05:16 AM
What does Eve cost to play, and is there a good breakdown of what the different classes do in the long term. I think I will try this out but there are a lot of options it seems.
It's 15 bucks a month for month-to-month I believe. If you can eventually make enough in-game cash, you can buy subscriptions off markets from other people called "Pilot's License Extentions" and essentially play for free. I have a few months paid out, but recently have been manipulating the market enough on one character where I'm basically making enough to pay for 3 accounts in 10 days or less. That should go up as I get better and train some more skills, but it can definitely get free pretty quick.
There aren't any classes, just a race which means nothing other than your starting area and ships. You train into whatever you like, whenever you like.
05-19-2013, 05:23 AM
It's rather amazing how fucking horrible the Venture is compared to the Retriever.
Venture is a pretty recent addition, before that (and before I had a retriever), I was trying to mine in a regular industrial ship. It sucked, but I was new, so it was still interesting. Ventures really shine when you're in dangerous territory trying to ninja mine some gas clouds, or grab some ore in nullsec. Not really worth it to mine nullsec at the moment, but that should change with the new expansion.
05-19-2013, 05:53 AM
It's 15 bucks a month for month-to-month I believe. If you can eventually make enough in-game cash, you can buy subscriptions off markets from other people called "Pilot's License Extentions" and essentially play for free. I have a few months paid out, but recently have been manipulating the market enough on one character where I'm basically making enough to pay for 3 accounts in 10 days or less. That should go up as I get better and train some more skills, but it can definitely get free pretty quick.
I saw they're also planning to add dual training queues in the June expansion that you enable for 30 days via plex or regular payment methods which would kick ass for people working with alts.
Venture is a pretty recent addition, before that (and before I had a retriever), I was trying to mine in a regular industrial ship. It sucked, but I was new, so it was still interesting. Ventures really shine when you're in dangerous territory trying to ninja mine some gas clouds, or grab some ore in nullsec. Not really worth it to mine nullsec at the moment, but that should change with the new expansion.
Oh yeah, the ore hold in the Venture was a huge upgrade from mining with the starting Velator. So far the lowest area I've mined in is Jufvitte (.5); no gas or ice yet. Ventures are pretty fast which I suppose would be a big key in not getting raped on solo trips in low/null sec. Haven't looked at the price of the ices and gases yet, but with the time it takes that thing to mine, it'd have to have a fairly nice price tag to be worth it in my opinion.
Some pics from my corps defense of some POSes. We had over 900 pilots on so I was in the fourth fleet (max 250 ships per fleet). I'm only going to link the pics I took with the HUD down since I don't want to spend time blacking out the sensitive stuff:
Fourth fleet waiting for titan bridge:
Coming out of warp at a stargate:
In the middle of the fight (sorry about the annoying op-sec stuff, I realize it makes this one pretty much worthless)
Pulled back from the fight, below the rings of a planet (the big blue bubbles are warp bubbles that stop warp engines from operating)
05-20-2013, 09:20 AM
... sensitive stuff:
Cyber in space huh?
05-20-2013, 12:07 PM
Op-sec is serious businsess in Eve.
Op-sec is serious businsess in Eve.
Yeah, I could get kicked from my corp if I revealed the wrong thing. Most big corps/alliances have a position called "spymaster" and generally a number of spies undercover in other corporations. Vry srs bsns. But that said a good spy can change the whole game:
05-21-2013, 03:20 PM
So... if I set something up to manufacture, is there a place I can check its progress? I haven't found it yet, if there is.
I would train up any PVP skills ships/shit that you can before the next release for the FREE sp, not likely you don't have any time but I thought I would offer the advice. Also, RATTING and shit makes way more ISK than mining, I only mine when I want to read and make ISK. Or set up two accounts and have one mining while you are running missions/ratting in 0.0 space. They only real fun is when you destroy someones ship, such a rush.
You could probably get all of the race frigates to 3 and destroyers to 5 and get the free race destroyers 5 if you pushed it hard.
And for the pictures, don't get discouraged, you will rarely be fighting in super battles like the one he posted at the start.
And I'm suprised no one told you guys about the new patch with the BC and Destroyers shit to get you guys hooked up with it before the change :(
And for the pictures, don't get discouraged, you will rarely be fighting in super battles like the one he posted at the start.
Who are you replying to?
05-21-2013, 05:08 PM
So... if I set something up to manufacture, is there a place I can check its progress? I haven't found it yet, if there is.
I'm not sure on this as the only things I've manufactured were in the tutorial so far. But I thought you could check the progress in the station where it was being built. There's the research and manufacture window, and it has several tabs to choose from. One of those should show you the factory you picked when setting up the manufacture job, and how many minutes it has left.
As for RawR... I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about.
05-21-2013, 05:40 PM
I'm not sure on this as the only things I've manufactured were in the tutorial so far. But I thought you could check the progress in the station where it was being built. There's the research and manufacture window, and it has several tabs to choose from. One of those should show you the factory you picked when setting up the manufacture job, and how many minutes it has left.
As for RawR... I have no idea what the fuck you are rambling about.
I'll check it out. I had to manufacture something from blueprints as the last part of a 10 part set of missions for training in business, or something. Thanks.
05-22-2013, 03:42 PM
Found myself a nice little asteroid belt in the middle of nowhere but still in .8 space. Only one here, mining the shit out of the place.... I am sure it is small potatoes to veteran players, but I am happy with it. Kind of retardedly excited not to have to actually pay to play with real money. Go go rich plagioclase or whatever the shit is.
That was perhaps my favorite time in EVE. 24/7 CapSwarm activity (where just prior with the Stain Empire/AAA/ROL fuckery, and the utter boredom of the SMASH/Roadkill Campaign) was wonderful. I thought about coming back to the game, but I'm p. gay for lasers so I can't see myself adopting the current fleet doctrine.
05-24-2013, 06:29 PM
I recently joined a little corp who operate in my timezone and they've been helping teach me a lot of the ropes. They station in a wormhole I've been working out of, and are in an alliance that holds a few null sec systems.
I haven’t ventured out to null sec with the big guns yet, but I tell you what, mining in a wormhole is amazing compared to anything in high sec. The drawback is that you can't just afk mine in there like you can get away with in highsec. I'm too paranoid about getting ambushed by some black-ops ship or a Sleeper. It's been fun so far though.
05-24-2013, 06:51 PM
I recently joined a little corp who operate in my timezone and they've been helping teach me a lot of the ropes. They station in a wormhole I've been working out of, and are in an alliance that holds a few null sec systems.
I haven’t ventured out to null sec with the big guns yet, but I tell you what, mining in a wormhole is amazing compared to anything in high sec. The drawback is that you can't just afk mine in there like you can get away with in highsec. I'm too paranoid about getting ambushed by some black-ops ship or a Sleeper. It's been fun so far though.
I've been invited to a couple of corps but not sure I want to join any organization that would actively pursue me as a member. I'm still pimping out massive scordite with my venture. Managed to find several other ores but nothing better than that, yet. Working my way up to a procurer soon, I think. Should have my skills all set for it in a day or two I believe.
I've been invited to a couple of corps but not sure I want to join any organization that would actively pursue me as a member.
You've basically hit the nail on the head, only shitty corps recruit openly. Also if you see a fleet of about 40 ventures tonight they aren't mining, it's a battle venture/rorqual fleet and I will be with them.
05-24-2013, 07:34 PM
Sounds like shitty guilds in wow. The really good ones you have to apply and compete for.
05-24-2013, 07:42 PM
I've been invited to a couple of corps but not sure I want to join any organization that would actively pursue me as a member. I'm still pimping out massive scordite with my venture. Managed to find several other ores but nothing better than that, yet. Working my way up to a procurer soon, I think. Should have my skills all set for it in a day or two I believe.
I'd personally go with a retreiver over a covetor or a procurer.
Here's why:
1 Strip Miner = 540m3 every 180 seconds.
Retrievers get a 50% bonus, two high slots for strip miners and 3 low slots for mining laser upgrades (15% with level 1 upgrades).
Compared to the others...
Retriever = 1863m3 per 180sec and 22,000 hold with a 5% hold bonus per mining barge skill level (Up to 27,500m3)
Procurer = 1188m3 per 180sec with a 12,000 hold
Covetor = 1853.28m3 per 180sec with a 7,000 hold
These numbers are based on my own training skills, with level 1 mining laser upgrades in the low slots, and based on tech 1 strip miners.
Even with the mining yield being higher, the hold being over twice as large with the right skills is the best part in my opinion.
Sounds like shitty guilds in wow. The really good ones you have to apply and compete for.
Basically, the good ones you have to be a member of whatever group they are based off of (TEST/Dreddit, GoonFleet/GoonWaffe, Pandemic Legion) or show off good skills/killboards (tuskers, lots of others).
I'd personally go with a retreiver over a covetor or a procurer.
Here's why:
1 Strip Miner = 540m3 every 180 seconds.
Retrievers get a 50% bonus, two high slots for strip miners and 3 low slots for mining laser upgrades (15% with level 1 upgrades).
Compared to the others...
Retriever = 1863m3 per 180sec and 22,000 hold with a 5% hold bonus per mining barge skill level (Up to 27,500m3)
Procurer = 1188m3 per 180sec with a 12,000 hold
Covetor = 1853.28m3 per 180sec with a 7,000 hold
These numbers are based on my own training skills, with level 1 mining laser upgrades in the low slots, and based on tech 1 strip miners.
Even with the mining yield being higher, the hold being over twice as large with the right skills is the best part in my opinion.
Just remember the covetor and ret have terrible tanks, the procuror has a really good shield tank for a mining ship. This may not be an issue depending on where you mine but if you are doing low/null mining it's a big deal.
05-24-2013, 08:08 PM
Sounds like shitty guilds in wow. The really good ones you have to apply and compete for.
My guild I did 'apply' for and they kind if took me in out of pity and because I live in their timezone and since I was honest with them about my nooby-ness. It's a smaller group, which I tend to like a lot more than massive guilds.
05-24-2013, 08:25 PM
I think what I like about the procurer is that it's 1/4 the price of the retriever and moves me up from the venture into a somewhat better mining ship. I am all about working my way up.
05-24-2013, 08:58 PM
I think what I like about the procurer is that it's 1/4 the price of the retriever and moves me up from the venture into a somewhat better mining ship. I am all about working my way up.
You'll feel like a fuckin King when you get a retriever. Skip the procurer!
05-24-2013, 08:59 PM
You'll feel like a fuckin King when you get a retriever. Skip the procurer!
I'll get there, but I don't think it makes sense to skip it.
Sounds like shitty guilds in wow. The really good ones you have to apply and compete for.
Or spend :10bux:
05-25-2013, 09:40 PM
I'll get there, but I don't think it makes sense to skip it.
Well, like someone else said, if you're not mining in low sec areas where you'll need the tankability it has over the Retriever, there's not much point. The base ore hold is 12,000m3 on the Procurer vs 22,000 for the Retriever. At Mining Barge 4, the ore hold on mine is 26,400m3. The other thing I prefer about the Retriever is the fittings; 2 turrets, 1 mid, 3 low vs 1 turret, 4 mid, 2 low. Really not much to do with all those mids on a miner while the third low on a Retriever can be used for another mining laser upgrade.
05-25-2013, 09:42 PM
Well, like someone else said, if you're not mining in low sec areas where you'll need the tankability it has over the Retriever, there's not much point. The base ore hold is 12,000m3 on the Procurer vs 22,000 for the Retriever. At Mining Barge 4, the ore hold on mine is 26,400m3. The other thing I prefer about the Retriever is the fittings; 2 turrets, 1 mid, 3 low vs 1 turret, 4 mid, 2 low. Really not much to do with all those mids on a miner while the third low on a Retriever can be used for another mining laser upgrade.
Maybe I'll just buy both. Problem solved.
05-25-2013, 09:52 PM
As a general idea, when would be a good time to start trying to get into a decent corp? I mean roughly skill wise/ ISK wise, when would I be likely considered a worthwhile prospective member?
05-25-2013, 11:02 PM
Maybe I'll just buy both. Problem solved.
Yeah, I suppose. I still wouldn't buy an armor plated Hummer if I didn't plan to drive through the hood frequently.
05-25-2013, 11:07 PM
Yeah, I suppose. I still wouldn't buy an armor plated Hummer if I didn't plan to drive through the hood frequently.
Well I'm not planning to stay in hi-sec forever. I was mining a bit in .5 with my venture, but had to mount a gun to fight off pirates and then eventually had to bail. It sucked. Something tougher would be a sound investment.
05-25-2013, 11:16 PM
I personally never needed more than a couple Hobgoblin I drones in my venture to mine with, even in 0.5. Drones are awesome, imo, for solo play.
05-25-2013, 11:18 PM
I personally never needed more than a couple Hobgoblin I drones in my venture to mine with, even in 0.5. Drones are awesome, imo, for solo play.
yeah, I am working on my drone skill too. I went the mining direction with them instead of the combat direction, need to switch it up a bit.
05-25-2013, 11:33 PM
yeah, I am working on my drone skill too. I went the mining direction with them instead of the combat direction, need to switch it up a bit.
I thought so, too, but I'm doing fine with 3x hobs and 2x mining drone with minimal combat drone skills. Only really using combat drones 3 and durability 1. It's probably fairly pointless using the mining drones without better skills and the mining drone rig, but 5 hobs for .5 is way overkill.
05-25-2013, 11:42 PM
We need to convince enough of the PC to play to have our own sad little corp.
As a general idea, when would be a good time to start trying to get into a decent corp? I mean roughly skill wise/ ISK wise, when would I be likely considered a worthwhile prospective member?
It really depends but a lot of corps require roughly 6 months of SPs. There's no reason not to join a corp like Brave Newbies or Red vs Blue right now. They have a lot of fun and are good corps and take fresh off the boat newbies. Sometimes super serious corps are not the most fun, frigate combat is fun.
05-26-2013, 01:34 AM
You probably didn't miss it like I did (I don't use the alt-a profile much, just alt-x for training), but I just noticed the free 50k skill points last night and figured I'd mention it just in case. Go go messed up launcher/servers!
05-26-2013, 01:37 AM
You probably didn't miss it like I did (I don't use the alt-a profile much, just alt-x for training), but I just noticed the free 50k skill points last night and figured I'd mention it just in case. Go go messed up launcher/servers!
Think I used it on Science
05-26-2013, 09:58 PM
Finally finished Tech 2 lasers and pretty much all other modules on my combat pilot. Actively sought out PvP for the first time in a little Punisher. Got raped by a couple Sabres and a Blackbird... took them a while though.
Now I need a real ship to put all my shit on, and a corp to help out. Does anyone run with a small gang PvP corp that wants another member. I'm about to start scrolling through ads but I figured I'd check here first.
05-29-2013, 01:00 PM
A few days ago another alliance declared war against the one I'm in. That means that basically nowhere is safe, and I can get attacked in high sec now by the enemy alliance.
So, I was camped out in a wormhole my corp runs to stay safe and was getting bored really quick. So against my better judgement I headed into high sec to get some skill books and supplies. On the trip in things were quiet and I kept a close eye out for enemies without seeing any at all. So, I got my skillbooks and equipment and got my first level in battlecruisers, and I excitedly bought a hurricane (my first tech 1 battlecruiser) and got it all equipped.
At the last second I threw on a warp stabalizer, just in case.
On my way out of the system, I warped through the first jumpgate to run face to face with two enemy ships camping the jumpgate, one of which was a Tech 3 ship (far more advanced than my little hurricane) that would likely tear me apart in seconds. Apparently they'd seen me go in, and figured I'd come back that way. I sat there cloaked for a moment, trying to think of a way out as my pulse started racing. I'd just dropped around 80-100mil ISK to buy and equip my hurricane, and now I was going to lose it all within minutes of setting it up!
With my 60 seconds of post-warp-cloak about to run out, I finally decided that my best bet was to gun it for the next jumpgate. And pray.
Warning lights started flashing across my screen, and my speakers buzzed as I was instantly targetted, warp scrambled and caught in a stasis web... I stared hopelessly at my screen, willing the warp drive to hit 100% as the ships behind closed quickly. A few moments later the stars lurched by as I warped away without a moment to spare. I had escaped, if only just. The warp stabalizer I'd thrown on at the last moment allowing me to beat the scrambler attacks just long enough to escape.
A frantic 9 jumps later, with my heart still racing, I was safely back in the wormhole with my new prizes and new skills rolling and looking forward to a day in the future when I don't have to run away like a little mouse from any enemy I see.
Warning lights started flashing across my screen, and my speakers buzzed as I was instantly targetted, warp scrambled and caught in a stasis web... I stared hopelessly at my screen, willing the warp drive to hit 100% as the ships behind closed quickly. A few moments later the stars lurched by as I warped away without a moment to spare. I had escaped, if only just. The warp stabalizer I'd thrown on at the last moment allowing me to beat the scrambler attacks just long enough to escape.
I bolded the part that probably saved you (other than the smart choice of fitting a warp stab).
05-29-2013, 01:10 PM
Answered my own question.
Newb Research:
While tackling someone, always use a warp disruptor or scrambler before the stasis webifier. Reducing the top speed of a ship with a web will make it easier for the target to warp away because they can then more quickly reach the 75% of top speed needed for initiating warp. So point first, then web.
05-29-2013, 08:48 PM
If I can remember my accounts or get the login info back, I may play again a bit. I had a fairly good miner char, with medium combat skills.
Well, that may be a bust. I can't remember what I used for the Login anymore, and I don't even have access to the email due to having moved since I last played. The requirements for getting an old account back are insane...
The CD key used to create the account (if a CD key was used).
A scan of the CD key and the game box (if used to create the account).
The last 4 digits and the expiration date of the credit card used to pay for the subscription (if a credit card was used).
The full name used to register the account.
The email address used to register the account (if only the username is lost), and the payment order ID (as shown on the credit card statement).
The date of birth given when account was registered.
The names of the characters located on the account.
The username for the account (if only the e-mail address is lost).
I keep old junk.. but not a CD from a game 10 years ago or so. Hell, I don't even remember what CC I would have used when I registered. I can't remember that char names.. it's been about 3-4 years! I am surprised they don't ask for a DNA sample.
05-29-2013, 11:22 PM
On my way out of the system, I warped through the first jumpgate to run face to face with two enemy ships camping the jumpgate, one of which was a Tech 3 ship (far more advanced than my little hurricane) that would likely tear me apart in seconds. Apparently they'd seen me go in, and figured I'd come back that way. I sat there cloaked for a moment, trying to think of a way out as my pulse started racing. I'd just dropped around 80-100mil ISK to buy and equip my hurricane, and now I was going to lose it all within minutes of setting it up!
I like EVE as a whole, but this is why I find myself not spending much time playing it anymore. I've amassed a little over half a billion isk from a couple of weeks in W-Space with my corp and bought a couple of T2 ships, only now I don't feel the need to play as all of that progress can evaporate in a moment at the whim of someone with an itchy trigger finger.
05-29-2013, 11:31 PM
I like EVE as a whole, but this is why I find myself not spending much time playing it anymore. I've amassed a little over half a billion isk from a couple of weeks in W-Space with my corp and bought a couple of T2 ships, only now I don't feel the need to play as all of that progress can evaporate in a moment at the whim of someone with an itchy trigger finger.
So, you don't play the game due to fear of losing your intangible, fake spaceship.
05-30-2013, 12:15 AM
I like EVE as a whole, but this is why I find myself not spending much time playing it anymore. I've amassed a little over half a billion isk from a couple of weeks in W-Space with my corp and bought a couple of T2 ships, only now I don't feel the need to play as all of that progress can evaporate in a moment at the whim of someone with an itchy trigger finger.
This is pretty much why I like it, because there's always a risk every time you plop a ship into space.
On the plus side, you did just amass those ships and cash in a couple weeks. Even if you lose everything you can reacquire it all pretty quickly.
06-01-2013, 12:28 AM
Well, got my accounts back. Lost some stuff, apparently someone hijacked one of my accounts.. go figure.
But it's the chars that are most important really.
I still got 530k or so skill points from the old learning skill removals to apply. He is mostly a Gallente Drone pilot. I do have a miner, but not sure how good he is right now. Got to reactivate that account.
Two fleets, two titans. The only way to travel.
06-02-2013, 11:11 PM
This downtime is giving me a sad.
06-02-2013, 11:13 PM
This downtime is giving me a sad.
Tell me about it. I owned a retriever for about 6 minutes before the game went down.
06-03-2013, 03:26 AM
Apparently there was an attack of some kind against their servers? Maybe that's what's been happening to Simu all these years... oh wait.
So TEST had SBUs dropped in their home system of NOL because they wouldn't come out in fight. The idea was to make them have to come out and fight the next day. Then this DDOS happened and because no one could log in the SBUs came online since TEST couldn't shoot them. :tinfoil hat:
06-03-2013, 01:03 PM
(I totally did not google all those acronyms.)
06-04-2013, 08:21 PM
Well, more free skill points I guess. Now to see how the scannings work out.
06-04-2013, 08:31 PM
I didnt notice any free skill points this morning.
Also I never played with scanning.. so no idea what changed really. Or the benefits.
06-04-2013, 09:34 PM
I didnt notice any free skill points this morning.
Also I never played with scanning.. so no idea what changed really. Or the benefits.
Did you train Destroyer 5, frigate 3 in all races, Battlecruiser 5, and cruiser 3 in all races? If you did before the patch, you got an extra ~6 mill XP, since destroyer and battlecruiser became racial skills.
scan probing is different now, been playing with it for a few hours. Fundamentally it's the same, but now you have to play a little mini-game with hacking and archaeology instead of just locking a container and hitting your module, and it automatically launches 8 probes on it's own, and has pre-set search patterns (which I like...a lot...)
The benefits of scan probing are wide and varied...basically it's the only way to find wormholes, and the hacking and archaeology sites contain stuff for invention, trade goods, skill books, blueprints. Combat sites can either be straight loot and bounties, faction tags, or DED sites, which is where stuff like Pithi and Gisti shit worth hundreds of millions of isk come from. Like anything else, the better rewards are found the lower sec space you go.
Ore sites no longer need to be scanned down, I was flying around earlier today with my scanner open just for shits n giggles, passed quite a few .6 and even .7 systems with hemorphite, jaspet, etc popping up right there on the scanner. Not sure how I feel about this one.
06-04-2013, 10:33 PM
This may very well be a stupid question, but it is one I need an answer to.
Is there a way I can just fly around randomly, or do I need to approach or warp-to objects? So far I have been just traveling relative to other bodies. Is that the only way to travel?
06-05-2013, 12:44 PM
This may very well be a stupid question, but it is one I need an answer to.
Is there a way I can just fly around randomly, or do I need to approach or warp-to objects? So far I have been just traveling relative to other bodies. Is that the only way to travel?
You can double-click anywhere in space and your ship will start flying that direction. That's the only way I've figured out so far aside from approaching/orbiting/warping to objects.
06-05-2013, 02:12 PM
You can double-click anywhere in space and your ship will start flying that direction. That's the only way I've figured out so far aside from approaching/orbiting/warping to objects.
Ah, cool. Exploring is a job for my frigate, though, and not my mining barge.
06-06-2013, 01:10 AM
So much for that retriever. Boom.
So much for that retriever. Boom.
Link the killmail?
06-06-2013, 01:45 AM
Link the killmail?
As soon as you tell me where and how to find that.
06-06-2013, 01:47 AM
2013.06.06 04:08:00
Victim: Evocatus Thesantier
Corp: Center for Advanced Studies
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Retriever
System: Onne
Security: 0.4
Damage Taken: 6035
Involved parties:
Name: niteyninja II (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.40
Corp: Insanely Twisted
Alliance: D3vil's Childr3n
Faction: None
Ship: Sleipnir
Weapon: 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II
Damage Done: 6035
Destroyed items:
Strip Miner I
Overdrive Injector System II
Medium Shield Extender I
Metal Scraps, Qty: 4 (Cargo)
Limited 1MN Afterburner I (Cargo)
Mining Drone I (Cargo)
50mm Reinforced Titanium Plates I (Cargo)
Strip Miner I
Nocxium, Qty: 317 (Cargo)
Tungsten Charge S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Dropped items:
Fleeting Warp Disruptor I (Cargo)
Kapteyn Sensor Array Inhibitor I (Cargo)
Metal Scraps (Cargo)
Iron Charge S, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Is this it?
Why are you using a ret in .4? Use a venture or at least a procurer with warp stabs.
06-06-2013, 08:15 AM
or don't go to .4. No real reason to mine there unless your in a Corp or a team mate to protect you.
Honestly, a few good hours in a .8 will cover the cost of a Ret.
06-06-2013, 09:33 AM
Oh, no worries, I had well over twice the purchase price of a retriever before I even bought the first one. I have a new one kitted out already.
I was exploring the game- using the vast knowledge I've gained over 17 or so days of playing. I knew the risks but took a chance- the system was empty with very few jumps and few ships destroyed.
The other pilot was cool, he was just excited about his 1000th kill. He sent over 5 mil ISK and we chatted a bit. I wished him luck climbing the kill-charts and we parted amiably. It's just a game- not going to get upset about getting exploded in a place I knew I had at least a decent chance of getting exploded.
Edit: He left what was left of my gear floating there for me, but I decided not to go back for it. After the way he came out of nowhere and destroyed me in seconds, I felt it was safer just to purchase new mining equipment.
06-06-2013, 05:53 PM
I've been playing around in anomalies the past day, which is something I never even bothered to do before. I'm wondering when they actually become profitable relative to belt ratting though? Maybe they never do, and you're giving up consistent bounties for a chance at high-end gear. Anyone with experience know?
I'm also curious if all combat anomalies are immediately visible or if there are much more difficult ones out there I still have to scan down. I mostly only see wormholes when scanning, and the occasional relic/hacking site.
Are you talking about empire anoms, null sec anoms are way more profitable than belt rats.
06-07-2013, 01:14 AM
Yeah, I've currently only gone through hisec and losec anomalies. I have ratted down to -0.5 or so though. I'm just comparing how much money I was making by ratting in losec compared to anomalies in losec and it's a pretty crazy difference. Was curious if that ISK relationship changes in null. I noticed the bounties from belt rats jumped up pretty quickly once I got further down, meaning my hourly cash flow from belt rats increased nicely as well.
I guess right now the profit it pretty pointless to me as I'm making far more on the market than I expect to find by flying solo in space... until maybe I have some intensely focused skills. Guess I'll find out as I work my way down the anoms. It would be nice to find something that earned me comparable cash that wasn't market related.
06-07-2013, 01:51 AM
It's been a real long time since I seriously played.. hell I only partially played 5 years ago. Generally what is needed in skills before you go off fighting rats or what not in lowsec space?
My fighting guy is aimed at drones and Gallente ships. He can fly battleships, but I have him in a Myr right now.
06-07-2013, 02:39 AM
It's been a real long time since I seriously played.. hell I only partially played 5 years ago. Generally what is needed in skills before you go off fighting rats or what not in lowsec space?
My fighting guy is aimed at drones and Gallente ships. He can fly battleships, but I have him in a Myr right now.
I preach to everyone fittings fittings fittings. Get your core fittings skills done...things like electronics, engineering, weapon upgrades, spaceship command, etc....these skills will help you in EVERY ship you ever fly ever. Being able to properly fit your ship is the first step. After that, since you're going Gallente, I would suggest armor tanking skills, hybrid gunnery skills, and drone skills. Myrmidon is a solid little ship, and the Dominix is a great multi-purpose ship if you lean more towards drones than guns. Neut domis used to be one of the worst possible things to face in pvp...they nerfed neuts quite a bit, but it's still fun to be a tackler tackler...interceptors and other tackling frigates hit by 5 neuts and a good web become sitting ducks and destroyed very quickly by heavy drones.
Test vs Goons and friends. Test Rohks fight Goon tengus
Different angle.
Test carrier under attack, soon to pop.
About 150 TEST Rohks right as a bomb wave is exploding.
Fleet in the middle of the explosion
Test Rohks as explosion dies down, 150 Rohks before, only about 15 left after the bombing run. This is why alpha fleets don't work in fleet combat anymore.
06-07-2013, 10:41 AM
Nice shots, I got a couple space friends in TEST and I always love hearing about the battles. Tried to join them a while back but I don't give a fuck about Reddit, so apparently I'm not cool enough.
06-07-2013, 11:45 AM
I preach to everyone fittings fittings fittings. Get your core fittings skills done...things like electronics, engineering, weapon upgrades, spaceship command, etc....these skills will help you in EVERY ship you ever fly ever. Being able to properly fit your ship is the first step. After that, since you're going Gallente, I would suggest armor tanking skills, hybrid gunnery skills, and drone skills. Myrmidon is a solid little ship, and the Dominix is a great multi-purpose ship if you lean more towards drones than guns. Neut domis used to be one of the worst possible things to face in pvp...they nerfed neuts quite a bit, but it's still fun to be a tackler tackler...interceptors and other tackling frigates hit by 5 neuts and a good web become sitting ducks and destroyed very quickly by heavy drones.
I have been working on my fittings, thats for sure. If I can remember how to show a char's skills on eve-gate or whatever, I will.
Nice shots, I got a couple space friends in TEST and I always love hearing about the battles. Tried to join them a while back but I don't give a fuck about Reddit, so apparently I'm not cool enough.
They are about to get evicted from their territory. Goons just declared war with the intent of taking fountain and NCdot is fighting them in Delve with backup from Pandemic Legion when they need it (example: ). The only good news for them is that (apparently) they have rented Elo Knight the main FC for Black Legion to run their fleets. This is really important because every good FC that TEST had went to Pandemic Legion and their current ones are terrible. Elo Knight is a really good FC, so if they actually give him important roles he could help them (I still think they will inevitably lose).
06-07-2013, 02:11 PM
Second character I made, I set a random null waypoint and did a suicide run as far as I could get. Wound up with a clone in Blood Raider space, and set up shop there doing missions for them and getting my ass kicked on a regular basis. Eventually I moved back to high sec when the notes for Odyssey were released and I wanted to keep implants in place while training for the BC/Destro changes. Now I keep looking at heading back there to finish up some standing with them and set up a clone, but every day I check the kills and all the spots around my old areas are as red as they come.
06-08-2013, 11:01 PM
So I think I've got an alright handle on the mining aspect, raking in decent amounts with the ISK and what not. Looking to increase some of my combat skills and I had a question for some of the more veteran players on here.
Does it make sense to become a badass frigate pilot over flying larger ships? I really like their high speeds and like to use it to engage at close quarters. I am just concerned about their survivability and worth in pvp. Opinions?
06-09-2013, 03:47 PM
If you're in a fleet it could work out on your own though it will be rough.
06-11-2013, 06:07 PM
As a side note, since there seem to be quite a few of you here who are starting out new in Eve or getting back into it, but may have GS assets...I'd be willing to trade ISK for silvers...say, 350m ISK per 1m silver? I've got about 23 billion ISK (60m silver) I can spare in this fashion.
06-13-2013, 06:31 PM
I sent you a PM about this.
Considering the price of silvers and plex a fairer rate would be closer to 450isk per mil.
06-13-2013, 11:05 PM
Considering the price of silvers and plex a fairer rate would be closer to 450isk per mil.
At this very moment that would indeed be a more "fair" rate. Two months ago 200m to 1 would be a fair rate.
I'm not a currency trader by profession. I don't do this on a regular basis. I just happen to have a shitload of isk in Eve that I really have no use for, and RtCF coming up where the more silver, the better.
So I figured i'd throw it out there. If it's worth it to someone, let me know. If not, that's fine too.
Yeah man, if you can get it more power to you.
06-14-2013, 08:05 PM
8 bill gone in trade, still got 15b if anyone else is interested.
06-17-2013, 10:03 AM
Think I made a mistake in buying a brutix over a vexor... this thing is so slow that it takes forever to do anything. So far my pattern seems to be mine for cash, waste cash on combat related things when I get bored mining.
So which one of you is flying with Superman? Henry Cavill plays Eve:
06-20-2013, 07:55 PM
So which one of you is flying with Superman? Henry Cavill plays Eve:
If superman was in my flight team I think I would probably explode less.
06-23-2013, 02:19 AM
Think I made a mistake in buying a brutix over a vexor... this thing is so slow that it takes forever to do anything. So far my pattern seems to be mine for cash, waste cash on combat related things when I get bored mining.
Naturally a Vexor would be faster, it's a smaller ship. A Brutix is a Battlecruiser, it's designed to be able to take more punishment (and dish out more), but is certainly slower than a cruiser.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 06:40 AM
A few days ago another alliance declared war against the one I'm in. That means that basically nowhere is safe, and I can get attacked in high sec now by the enemy alliance.
So, I was camped out in a wormhole my corp runs to stay safe and was getting bored really quick. So against my better judgement I headed into high sec to get some skill books and supplies. On the trip in things were quiet and I kept a close eye out for enemies without seeing any at all. So, I got my skillbooks and equipment and got my first level in battlecruisers, and I excitedly bought a hurricane (my first tech 1 battlecruiser) and got it all equipped.
At the last second I threw on a warp stabalizer, just in case.
On my way out of the system, I warped through the first jumpgate to run face to face with two enemy ships camping the jumpgate, one of which was a Tech 3 ship (far more advanced than my little hurricane) that would likely tear me apart in seconds. Apparently they'd seen me go in, and figured I'd come back that way. I sat there cloaked for a moment, trying to think of a way out as my pulse started racing. I'd just dropped around 80-100mil ISK to buy and equip my hurricane, and now I was going to lose it all within minutes of setting it up!
With my 60 seconds of post-warp-cloak about to run out, I finally decided that my best bet was to gun it for the next jumpgate. And pray.
Warning lights started flashing across my screen, and my speakers buzzed as I was instantly targetted, warp scrambled and caught in a stasis web... I stared hopelessly at my screen, willing the warp drive to hit 100% as the ships behind closed quickly. A few moments later the stars lurched by as I warped away without a moment to spare. I had escaped, if only just. The warp stabalizer I'd thrown on at the last moment allowing me to beat the scrambler attacks just long enough to escape.
A frantic 9 jumps later, with my heart still racing, I was safely back in the wormhole with my new prizes and new skills rolling and looking forward to a day in the future when I don't have to run away like a little mouse from any enemy I see.
I am reading every post in this thread and seriously considering playing. It looks SO fucking complicated... like an Avalon Hill Bookcase game (for any of you other old gamers out there). This post really captured it for me. I have a star trek online account I play(ed), but it lost me after a while. I hate starting out helpless like a fish, though. Is there not a "gemstone player" guild or something? I do not want to get fucked over. When I played Shadowbane, I had an awesome city that never fell, until the entire server rose against my guild. Epic/Fuckers. I want to be that guy in outerspace too. I am sure i will post more as I trundle through the posts here.
Also, how good an internet connection do I need? It will take me days probably to download the game and get the patches. Ugh.
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 06:52 AM
That is an impressive wall of text, Thondolar. I dont know what it means, but it sure sounds like a good account. lol. Trade you my level 51 bard?
Lord Orbstar
07-09-2013, 07:16 AM
okay I am downloading the client now. If anyone wants to send me an invite via their buddy program so you get some reward, feel free. My trial account name is sharwind if that helps
07-10-2013, 12:43 PM
Make note that if CCP finds you have used any RMT to acquire these goods they will BAN your account without a single word said. Proceed with caution.
07-10-2013, 12:50 PM
I played even for a long time in Goons.
That just about sums up the learning curve for most people.
07-12-2013, 12:06 PM
Just thought I'd drop by and necro this thread a bit. I've been playing Eve since 2003, run 10x accounts, and havn't paid for the game for the last 9 years. Have flown for most of the top end pvp alliances, NCdot, Verge of Collapse, Pandemic Legion, etc. Currently operate 2x supercarriers (aeons), a titan(erebus), and a lot of supporting alts. My primary focus is on tactical warfare in nullsec/lowsec and wormhole space.
I'm on a sort of break from Eve at the moment after a very long campaign, but if there are players from GS who need any sort of assistance or advice in Eve I'd be happy to help.
I'd point out as well that I didn't gain any of the isk required to operate 5 bil a month in plex's and over a half trillion in capital assets by playing market games. I'm not saying there isn't money to be made there, but industry and station trading aren't neccisarily the best ways to make money in Eve. Having a good understanding of the game, playing on the SiSi test server, and paying attention to the changes being made is the fastest way to build a fortune in Eve.
Aside from that, playing the metagame gets you rich as well, I recently netted 28 billion from a toon I bought for 4 bil, used as a spy for 4 months then robbed the logistics department on the way out, awoxed a few dreads for giggles while they tried to boot me from corp. Then sold the toon for 8b because I'd specialized the training a bit more.
If you notice a region of nullsec has suddenly dropped sov because of a director spy or a dumbshit not paying sov bills, you can buy up the tcu's from market hubs and jack the price up. Or find a way into a coalition attacking another coalition when one side is decidedly winning, get in and buy up the firesales from the losing side, take it to highsec and sell for 2-3x the price.
Be creative and you can do whatever the fuck you want in Eve.
But I should say, having all the toys and the isk to buy anything, I usually end up flying dictors and interceptors when it's not strat ops. The small cheap shit is just more fun, and people will actually enagage you without you having to force it through sov/station/pos timers.
Just thought I'd drop by and necro this thread a bit. I've been playing Eve since 2003, run 10x accounts, and havn't paid for the game for the last 9 years. Have flown for most of the top end pvp alliances, NCdot, Verge of Collapse, Pandemic Legion, etc. Currently operate 2x supercarriers (aeons), a titan(erebus), and a lot of supporting alts. My primary focus is on tactical warfare in nullsec/lowsec and wormhole space.
I'm on a sort of break from Eve at the moment after a very long campaign, but if there are players from GS who need any sort of assistance or advice in Eve I'd be happy to help.
Oh cool, I've probably killed you before :) We've moved general Eve discussion to this thread:
07-12-2013, 12:29 PM
Oh cool, I've probably killed you before :) We've moved general Eve discussion to this thread:
Maybe, as it goes in block wars everyone dies sooner or later, and everyone else is on that killmail.
Heres the KB for one of my main pilots:
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