View Full Version : 405 Messaging
08-11-2004, 11:19 AM
Ok, I was going through some of the box found necklaces, statues, etc that I've found and casting 405 at them with my wizard to determine if there's anything special about them.
Does this message mean that an item is imbeddible?
<< You gesture at a lapis-inlaid dark elven lady statue.
You sense that this is a magical item. There seems to be no spells or charges but the flows of essence are strangely attracted to it. >>
Also found a couple necklaces that appraise for 20k a the gemshop. 405 says they contain a spell but, I cant activate them using TAP, RAISE, WAVE, OR RUB. Any other activators I'm missing?
Also, how can you determine if an item is rechargable, re-imbeddible, etc?
~Greg / Eldas
[Edited on 8-11-2004 by gcstader]
08-11-2004, 11:24 AM
For some items I think you have to also be wearing them. And yes the first message means that the item is imbeddible.
08-11-2004, 11:24 AM
This may sound silly, but were you wearing them when you tried rubbing? I think all box-found imbeddibles use rub.
Could be wrong though.
[edited to add:]
Oh yeah. I believe reimbeddibles taste metallic when you lick them, and crumblers taste bitter. I thought someone had said there's a different 405 message for rechargables, but I know that when bard sung, rechargables "try to suck magic out of you," or something like that.
Jamus, Brian
[Edited on 8-11-2004 by JamusPsi]
08-11-2004, 11:25 AM
< For some items I think you have to also be wearing them. >
Yeah, I definately was wearing them. :) Tried all the activators while wearing and holding the items.
You gesture at a soulstone inset platinum necklace.
You sense that the necklace is a magic item that holds a spell that seems familiar. You are unable to identify the specific spell.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You remove a soulstone inset platinum necklace from in your grey travelling satchel.
>wear neck
You hang a soulstone inset platinum necklace around your neck.
* Macdiarmada just bit the dust!
>rub my neck
You rub a soulstone inset platinum necklace.
Nothing happens.
>tap my neck
You tap a soulstone inset platinum necklace.
* Xstealth just bit the dust!
[Edited on 8-11-2004 by gcstader]
[Edited on 8-11-2004 by gcstader]
El Burro
08-11-2004, 11:27 AM
You have to have enough MIU to even attempt to activate it.
08-11-2004, 11:30 AM
<< You have to have enough MIU to even attempt to activate it. >>
That was it, thanks. Wizard could activate it but, I couldnt.
You accept Eldas's offer and are now holding a soulstone inset platinum necklace.
>wear neck
You hang a soulstone inset platinum necklace around your neck.
>rub my neck
You rub a soulstone inset platinum necklace.
Nothing happens.
>tap my neck
You tap a soulstone inset platinum necklace.
1d100: 55 + Modifiers: 176 == 231
You begin to move with cat-like grace.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Also, how can you determine if an item is rechargable, crumbly (isn't there something about licking it and if it's bitter or metallic that means something?), etc..?
~Greg / Eldas
[Edited on 8-11-2004 by gcstader]
08-11-2004, 11:39 AM
<< Oh yeah. I believe reimbeddibles taste metallic when you lick them, and crumblers taste bitter. >>
Ok well one necklace tastes bitter and the other metallic so, one is reimbedible. ;) If an item is re-imbedible does this mean that every time it runs out of charges you can just put another spell in it or does the item lose a little bit of mana capacity each time you re-imbed?
~Greg / Eldas
08-12-2004, 10:48 AM
<< I believe reimbeddibles taste metallic >>
Metallic means non-crumbly. The item may just become a piece of fluff once empty.
A bard loresong or imbed attempt is the way to test if it's reimbeddible.
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