View Full Version : Do... (political question)

08-09-2004, 08:40 PM
So I was watching Bill Maher a week or so ago and he was talking to some... senator, I think, and he happens to say how Conservatives make it a very horrible thing to be a liberal. That made me think and I brought it up to a friend of mine, a conservative, who constantly makes me feel like shit for being a liberal.

As soon as I mention that he launches into a rant about how liberals call Conservatives "homophobic" "racist" "bigots" "Nazi's" "Digital Brownshirts" "Taliban wing of American Politics," "Baby killers" (took that exact quote from what he said).

So now here's my question, what do you guys think the worst thing is to be, not exactly by your own political view but as how society sees it. Do conservatives make it a bad thing to be a liberal or do liberals make being a conservative a bad thing?

08-09-2004, 08:50 PM
I think politics, like everything, is simply a matter of moderation. I agree with both sides on a number of different issues.

People get so upset and angry... it's like... if you don't agree with them or something, they think you're attacking them.

08-09-2004, 08:58 PM
Exactly! But this person does the opposite. Since I don't agree with him he basically attacks me. He gets insulting and basically cruel in ways that he never is normally.

08-09-2004, 09:01 PM
I guess my point is, it doesn't matter which side you're on. If you're extreme ANYTHING, it's bad.

Once you are 'extreme' to the point of dismissing others and their opinions simply because they differ, you are no longer a valid debater in my eyes. You hold no water. That's why I don't participate in most of the political threads here.

[Edited on 8-10-2004 by Maimara]

08-09-2004, 09:02 PM
9 out of 10 politicans agree:

08-09-2004, 09:22 PM
I wouldn't put too much store in what Bill Maher says. One time bit actor come comedian.

As for which is worse both can be horrible following any doctrine blindly is stupid. There are very few free thinkers in the world.

08-10-2004, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
9 out of 10 politicans agree:

Haha, nice arctic warfar magnum.

I pwn with that and deagle.

On topic - Members from each extreme side make it 'wrong', 'bad', whatever, to those on the other side.

08-10-2004, 05:27 AM
Originally posted by xtc
I wouldn't put too much store in what Bill Maher says. One time bit actor come comedian.

don't put too much into what bill maher says, but be convinced that anything that anyone here says is true. bit actors turned comedians can in no way be superior in knowledge to all of the dorks here who are addicted to online gaming.

08-10-2004, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by xtc
I wouldn't put too much store in what Bill Maher says. One time bit actor come comedian.

As for which is worse both can be horrible following any doctrine blindly is stupid. There are very few free thinkers in the world.

Exactly.. you do remember what this brainiac said right after the 9-11 attacks.. right?

And I think we need both conservatism and liberalism in this country. It's like Yin and Yang.. like sweet and sour...

Too much conservatism and we would all be forced to go to church every day and the poor would be shipped out of this country. Too much liberalism and this country would probably be under Chinese rule. ;)

Each has their good and bad and the combination of their beliefs make it work for everyone.

08-10-2004, 09:13 AM
Hippies want to save the world but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.

08-10-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Hippies want to save the world but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad. :(

Society grins and rolls their eyes at the bible thumper and frowns at the hippie. Neither are taken seriously.

08-10-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I guess my point is, it doesn't matter which side you're on. If you're extreme ANYTHING, it's bad.

Once you are 'extreme' to the point of dismissing others and their opinions simply because they differ, you are no longer a valid debater in my eyes. You hold no water. That's why I don't participate in most of the political threads here.

[Edited on 8-10-2004 by Maimara]

We've have an open invitation to our friends to visit on Friday evenings. this has been going on almost 19 years now. We drink wine, play games, listen to music, play music, and - discuss politics. We have between 2 and 12 people over on any given Friday. Over the years we have developed a system where, if enough people agree, you are sent out of the political discussion room for the evening (this is a real penalty becuase that's where the wine and the pinball machine are). We call the people that are banished 'screamers' - it's all in good fun, but, once you stop listening you really can't learn anything, can you?


08-10-2004, 08:37 PM
Exactly, Valth.

If only some of our politicians and so-called leaders had learned that lesson in kindergarten.

08-14-2004, 12:40 AM
Looking at the poll, obviously, there are more people with more common concerns than just people who claim this or that party.

The real question is, how much do the two parties have in common, and how can we address those things we all think are important.