View Full Version : Open hand casting and you.

08-21-2003, 04:19 PM
Do you really benefit from casting "open-handed" as a cleric/sorc/wizard?

My wizard keeps weapon out, and shield put away. Open-handed smiting. Cannot notice a difference in CS or TvD but supposedly you hit more often or crit more often open handed casting as such.

Is this true or a rumor? How come the stats don't reflect it? I came across someone very old today who had never even heard of open-handed casting, acted like I was some kind of idiot for suggesting it. Am I wrong?

08-21-2003, 05:13 PM
Open hand casting definitely works well for clerics and sorcerors. I'm not so sure about wizards.

OHC raises the amount of damage dealt by a large degree, though from these two shots it seems small. I could get a better sampling if I felt like doing more, but I don't . :P

(neutral, with weapon in hand)
A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses a zombie.
CS: +135 - TD: +69 + CvA: +25 + d100: +87 == +178
Warding failed!
Multiple rays of blue-white energy ignite several patches of a zombie's skin in a blaze of energy.
The zombie is hit for 74 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Muscle and blood explode from the zombie's abdomen in a steaming spray!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses a zombie.
CS: +135 - TD: +69 + CvA: +25 + d100: +91 == +182
Warding failed!
Large wisps of blue-white energy lash out at a zombie, cauterizing the impact marks on the skin in an instant.
The zombie is hit for 92 points of damage!
... 25 points of damage!
Glaring burst to the zombie's chest dances across skin leaving smoking holes!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

[Edited on 8/21/03 by Taernath]

08-26-2003, 01:04 PM
It works, but is sometimes not worth the added risk of getting splatted. Worth it if you train in Brawling, IMHO.

08-26-2003, 02:38 PM
I open hand cast 415 alot but mostly because after I put away my skinning knife I don't reach for my falchion if there is a shaman in the room. I don't notice a big difference from crits or damage. I'm a wizard though so OHC might not be an issue for that profession.

08-27-2003, 01:01 AM
double open-hand 302 is wonderful for low-level clerics. You can do 30+ damage on a 101 end-roll.

08-27-2003, 02:27 PM
Why would you double open hand cast? Is it worth the risk of not having a shield out?

08-27-2003, 04:19 PM
Double open handed casting greatly increases damage and chance to crit the target. However, as mentioned, you pay for this destructive power with your DS.

08-27-2003, 04:29 PM
It's just about as easy as stance dancing.

Wait for them to swing, stow the shield, cast, get the shield, stance to guarded.

08-27-2003, 04:35 PM
Try risking it at high level. The reason I survive stance dancing with critters is simply because of nice armor, and redux to absorb the blows.

08-27-2003, 04:54 PM
Yeah, I'll admit it's not possible for higher level characters...but, it's really nice early on.

08-27-2003, 04:59 PM
*nod* Definately a little helping hand so to speak. Brawling training is still a viable route, possibly even come GS4 with the TP reductions.