View Full Version : Icemule Citizenship Script

08-09-2004, 04:29 PM
Start at TC with open hands. Make sure you have at least 5k in the bank for each run (or change the script to use less).

08-09-2004, 04:33 PM
Who the hell wants to be a citizen of icemule anyways? :lol: just kidding..

Do they have different advantages and disadvantages for each town really? I think they should introduce different benefits that would go with being a citizen of a town. Or do they all have the same thing?

I think when you first roll a character.. and it asks which town you want to start at like in premium.. that should be the city you're a citizen at.

08-09-2004, 04:35 PM
Tayre's sucks, mine rules! Actually they probably do the same thing, mine just puts some of the crap on the bench.

08-09-2004, 04:36 PM
If you're a citizen and you kill a non-citizen in town, less fines.

No fees at the gates for citizens.

Reduced prices at shops (I think).

Ability to buy shops.

There are probably more.

08-09-2004, 04:36 PM
I thought Drew=Tayre. or Is Drew=Snapp?

08-09-2004, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Drew
Tayre's sucks, mine rules! Actually they probably do the same thing, mine just puts some of the crap on the bench.

I couldn't find one for Icemule so I made my own.

And mine is better, it goes to more shops.

You lose.

[Edited on 8-9-2004 by Tayre]

08-09-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
If you're a citizen and you kill a non-citizen in town, less fines.

No fees at the gates for citizens.

Reduced prices at shops (I think).

Ability to buy shops.

There are probably more.

So, all the towns pretty much have the same advantages? Besides how the town goes with your roleplaying and history.. What other reasons would one pick Teras, or EN, or Icemule for that matter to be their chosen town? Unless you kill more people in that town and get a discount for fines.. sheesh. :lol:

Given, Landing is the hub of all the towns when it comes to population..

08-09-2004, 04:45 PM
If you're a citizen and you kill a non-citizen in town, less fines.

No fees at the gates for citizens.

Reduced prices at shops (I think).

Ability to buy shops.

There are probably more.

You can also get to the town defenses.

08-09-2004, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Lady Shalla
I thought Drew=Tayre. or Is Drew=Snapp?

Drew is not Tayre or Snapp. Drew is Tayre's name, but it's mine too. I'm not any one else on the boards, just myself.

At least in Icemule not having any gate fees really is worth it to me, maybe they bug other people less.

03-17-2006, 01:09 AM
Soooo where is it?

03-17-2006, 01:46 AM
Soooo where is it?

After they changed the shop system they had to be totally rewritten, I rewrote mine (which is in another thread). Tayre never rewrote his. If the search function is working again maybe do a search for threads I've started in the scripting folder, I haven't made a ton.

03-17-2006, 01:50 AM
OH haha Drew is right. I never did. So the one I just sent you over AIM won't work man.

03-17-2006, 02:03 AM
Ok why I spent this time searching for it is beyond me when I could have just posted the script very easily. Anyway, here it is:

#citizen script, run from TC in Icemule, with empty hands

move e
move go bank
put withdraw 3000 coins
move out
move s
move go st
put order 1
waitfor You ask about
put buy 1
waitfor hands
put drop my pouch
waitfor You drop
move out
move n
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move s
move s
move s
move s
move go door
put order 1
waitfor You ask about
put buy 1
waitfor hands
put drop my pick
waitfor You drop
move out
move e
move go door
put order 19
waitfor You ask about
put buy 19
waitfor hands
put drop my leggings
waitfor You drop
move out
move w
move s
move e
move go door
put order 3
waitfor You ask about
put buy 3
waitfor hands
move out
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
move n
move n
move w
move n
move e
move e
put put my arrow on bench
waitfor You
move n
move e
move ne
move se
move e
move ne
move s
move go buil
put order 1
waitfor You
put buy 1
waitfor hands
move out
move n
move sw
move w
move nw
move sw
move w
move s
put put tart on bench
move e
move s
move go store
move go door
put order 1
waitfor Blackfinger
put buy 1
put drop my lock
waitfor You drop
move go door
move out
move n
move go bank
put depo all
waitfor You
put withdraw 20
waitfor The
move out
move w

03-17-2006, 02:03 AM
Oh yeah, run it every 2 hours or more for best results.

Twillig, The Wayward Bard
12-13-2006, 02:52 PM
I've updated the script to account for what I assume to be the new merchant system. the "buy" verb no longer wants a modifier and, for those who care about such things, items are not dropped around town, but in the barrel outside the bank. You will need to modify the script to use your default container. Original script by Drew, I'm guessing. I just tweeked it.

Twillig, The Wayward Bard
12-13-2006, 02:53 PM
guess I ought to post it, huh....sheesh....

#citizen script, run from TC in Icemule, with empty hands
#Updated 12/13/2006 by Twillig for new merchants where buy no longer
#requires numeral and items are stowed and dropped in barrel
# Keeps town cleaner and bench less cluttered.
# Original Script by Drew

move e
move go bank
put withdraw 3000 coins
move out
move s
move go st
put order 1
waitfor You ask about
put buy
waitfor hands
put stow my pouch
wait .5
move out
move n
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move s
move s
move s
move s
move go door
put order 1
waitfor You ask about
put buy
waitfor hands
put stow my pick
wait .5
move out
move e
move go door
put order 19
waitfor You ask about
put buy
waitfor hands
put stow my leggings
wait .5
move out
move w
move s
move e
move go door
put order 3
waitfor You ask about
put buy
waitfor hands
put stow my arrow
wait .5
move out
move e
move e
move e
move n
move n
move n
move n
move w
move n
move e
move e
move n
move e
move ne
move se
move e
move ne
move s
move go buil
put order 1
waitfor You
put buy
waitfor hands
move out
move n
move sw
move w
move nw
move sw
move w
move s
put put tart on bench
move e
move s
move go store
move go door
put order 1
waitfor Blackfinger
put buy
put stow my lock
wait .5
move go door
move out
move n
move go bank
put depo all
waitfor You
put withdraw 20
waitfor The
move out
put get lock from cloak
waitfor you
put put lock in barrel
waitfor you
put get leg from cloak
waitfor you
put put leg in barrel
waitfor you
put get pick from cloak
waitfor you
put put pick in barrel
waitfor you
put get pouch from cloak
waitfor you
put put pouch in barrel
waitfor you
put get arrow from cloak
waitfor you
put put arrow in barrel
move w

09-19-2010, 09:30 AM
Oh yeah, run it every 2 hours or more for best results.

Re: Icemule citizenship script

If I run this script every two hours, how many times will I run it in total to become a citizen of Icemule?

AIM: LizardClan1

03-09-2014, 05:58 AM
updated this for shop changes.
current for march 2014
requires lich (the one on the repo didnt work so I made my own in stormfront)
if you don't have lich I guess you can put all the move commands in manually.

put stow all
put ;go2 bank
pause 3
put withdraw 3000 silver
put ;go2 armorshop
pause 4
put order 10
put buy
put drop target shield
put ;go2 weaponshop
pause 4
put order 20
put buy
put drop hook-knife
put ;go2 3363
pause 4
put order 1
put buy
put ;go2 2300
pause 4
put put my tart on barrel
put put my tart on bench
put ;go2 2420
pause 4
put order 6
put buy
put drop doughnut
put ;go2 2425
pause 4
put order 1
put buy
put drop my lockpick
put ;go2 3451
pause 4
put order 47
put buy
put drop my wood
put ;go2 2300

run it once when you rest for a couple days, you'll gain citizenship in no time