View Full Version : cops corner
08-07-2004, 06:56 PM
ok, well here goes the beginning of my log.
Today before work, got a nice tattoo alter done for my Sorc who is rolling over to follow V'tull now, because Luukos is too cliche and he is in Voln and i just don't see a Luukosian joining voln. ill post the description once i get home. Went to work, found out some crazy terrorism shit is happening over here, kinda hush hush stuff so no details for you now. My patrols busted a helicopter pilot for driving without a license and some drunk bastard decided he wanted to do the nestea plunge on the damn sidewalk and split his head open. then we had a report of a traffic accident off post, easily in the jurisdiction of a airforce post which they said they were too busy (prolly watchin movies) to respond to the accident, so i had to wake up my investigator to go out there, well just before he arrived to the police station the Korean police called us and said "she was too drunk to make a statement so we sent her home and told her to come back tomorrow" i was like WTF kinda BS is that! THEN about the time I usually pop in a movie (yes i get to watch movies on shift when it slows down at night) the power goes out, its like 3 am, and not a cloud in sight. so couple this with the previous Terrorist thing from before and i started to get a tad worried, then i hear several booms in the distant and see several white flashes of light to match the booms, got kinda freaked, sent a patrol they said someone was training and set off artillery simulaters. well bout 5 am power came back on i was like damn, now i can finish my work and watch my movie, 20 minutes later, off goes the power again. so now im like waiting to go home to find another merchant at the dhu and am chompin at the bit cause i took $25 to stay two hours extra at work so my friend could stay out a little later and drink with the guys.
ok just wrote my first mini novel, guess thats why they call it a journal.
08-07-2004, 11:01 PM
So give us the dirt of what's happening over in Korea. Don't tell us about GS man, we want the poop!
08-08-2004, 08:08 AM
4 hours of sleep after i get off, here i am again, back at work, i walk in to find out we have 1000 protestors at our gates, our gates are closed, everyone and their momma is either at the gates or on standby. and now i have found out that the guy i relieved hasn't made any notifications that he was supposed to make so now im the one who gets the ass chewing, i so fucking pissed rightnow, post more later...
08-08-2004, 09:11 AM
Wake his ass up. One of the best things about the military is you can hold people accountable for their actions. One of my devils decided to pull that shit I'd have him standing beside me for the duration of my watch. His gimp ass can be tired, cranky, pissed off but he wouldn't do it again.
08-08-2004, 09:38 AM
oh yeah, his ass got to walk back in here, made him get shit squared away then sent his ass packin again. other than that night been pretty slow, Demonstration over, pissed off college kids went back home, so its time to finish my paperwork and watch a movie.
08-08-2004, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by MPSorc
oh yeah, his ass got to walk back in here, made him get shit squared away then sent his ass packin again. other than that night been pretty slow, Demonstration over, pissed off college kids went back home, so its time to finish my paperwork and watch a movie.
Gotta love the feeling of squaring away a shit bird. Glad the demonstration ended without too much incident.
08-11-2004, 08:03 AM
OK!, had two days off, tried to get some DHU stuff done, but it wasn't happening with the time difference. My boss and one of the only few people here i will hang out with went on leave for 30 days, but on the other hand the other person i hang out with came back off leave.
Working today, came in was explained everything that happened over the last two days including a fatality TA involving a korean pedestrian. so after everything is explained (including how much shit the previous mentioned dumbass had royally fucked up). So the person i relieved goes home and i take over, 20 minutes later im getting phone calls about cases that happened yesterday and the day before.
08-12-2004, 03:53 PM
Because they know that you are working. Dont you remember the shit that i had to put up with when it came to days off. Who is this shitbag anyways?
08-12-2004, 05:30 PM
you'll never guess in a thousand years, but ill u2u it to you.
08-12-2004, 05:33 PM
ok, well, looks like one more day is almost complete for me, its now 630 am and i only have 2 hours to go till i get off work. interesting thing happened last night...guy comes into the station says " i want to make a report". i was like ok, what is the problem. he says for the last two nights this korean guy has been following my wife in his car and stopping outside out residence. well tonight she walked over to ask him WTF and he was sitting there rubbin one out!. im sorry, but i almost laughed at the guy ha ha ha, but that would be some creepy shit to have happen to you, but that guy sure wouldn't be driving away from there if it was my wife.
08-13-2004, 08:34 AM
That is funny, I would have beat the guys ass right there on the spot
08-13-2004, 08:59 AM
you know you wouldn't harm ole K-9 smith. thats our new D-sgt.
08-13-2004, 09:11 AM
Your shitting me right?
08-13-2004, 11:03 AM
ha ha ha, nope, he re-enlisted to get out of the K-9 section, then extended to get to the PMO and they stuck him on the desk.
little background for those of you not in the know....
this guy who is workin on my MP desk has been in the military for about 5 to 6 years now, he has only spent a single year doing real MP road duty, the rest of the time he has been on SRT (swat) and dog handler (k-9) he really has no grasp of paperwork, which is extremely vital to the job he and i (and killjoy used to) do. so he constantly makes rather small but damaging mistakes. The other Desk person is about 50 years old, a staff sargeant, and is about as computer literate as a 4 year old. So basicly when i come in from having two days off, its fix this, fix that, appologise for this, get ass chewing for that. Hell they called me on my second day off and asked if i changed the password on the computer, i told them i have been off for over 36 hours, obviously they have logged onto the computer at least once since i have been off, and that it was completely idiotic for them to even call me (at 11 at night) to ask me that rediculous fucking question and hung up on them. Thats the moronic kind of shit i have to put up with every fucking day at work.
08-13-2004, 11:09 AM
Better you then me, I have had my fun with it. You have the helm Scotty :whistle:
08-13-2004, 11:12 AM
If you remember correctly I used to get those 1-2 am phone calls to fix something or to see where something was when it was right under their noses. I think they do it to ruin our days off.:drool:
08-13-2004, 11:18 AM
nah, they just didn't like you ha ha ha ha ha
08-13-2004, 11:19 AM
Well that was a given, I wasnt there to be liked. :drunk: :cool:
09-12-2004, 05:51 AM
whew, last night was fun, went to the little hole in the wall bar outside post, was only a few people there, played cutthroat pool with my two buds for a few hours while puttin down some beers, before we left the barchick gave us a whole tray of lemon and cherry soju jello shots (had bout 10 myself) then we left there to go to The Lab (the crazy bar), which is our routine for leaving the Ville. I had my normal end of the night drink, white russian with a little strawberry quick (tastes good don't knock it). We met up with a couple guys from our office and they bought my bud a drink called an enormus alien embrio, (some kind of blue liquor in a very tall shot glass (like 8 oz) with a raw egg at the bottom. Buddy chugged it like a champ. Well then we got to chatting it up with the bartender (john), and my buddies let him know that i was the shit with a beer bong, well John didn't have one on hand so he improvised with a fucking diving mask and a god damn snorkel, and a very fucking tiny funel. gave my buddy a huge freaking glass of beer, looked about 48 oz, and they proceeded to drown my ass (mask covered the nose so i couldn't breathe.
well come to find out John put some crazy misc alcholic beverage in with the beer and my stomach didn't like it very much, so it got rid of it in a hurry, came back inside and one of our lieutenants was screaming I WANT TO RACE SOMEONE. I simply walked up to him and said sir, ill beat ya, but only if we do two normal alien embrios. Well John poured us up 4 of em, they were in glasses about the size of a wine glass cept shaped funny can't explain, then did a count down, the LT had both his in hand and i had my hands on the bar just looking at the LT, John said go, i grabbed both glasses up one in each hand, put them both down like shots, slammed em down on the bar looked over at the LT who still had the first glass up to his mouth like a little bitch. Then we noticed we had 15 minutes to make it to post before curfew, ran back to post, caught the "drunk bus" to the barracks where i made it to my room to promptly pass out on my bed at around 130 am just to get up at 6 am to go to work. Gladly i woke up without a hangover and it rained all day so i haven't had too much stress at work today.
09-12-2004, 08:49 AM
God I miss times like that. I envy you bro, my tenure was cut short be sure to enjoy every moment because you won't find that when you're out and people won't understand.
09-12-2004, 09:20 AM
Ain't it the truth. Civilians just don't get it
09-13-2004, 09:03 AM
got up this morning and started playing GS. well about 2 hours into it the power goes out (again) and its out for like 30 minutes, well when it comes back up my fucking brand new cable internet won't connect. oh im so pissed at the internet companies here. well i spent a few more hours awake and read a book, took a nap to get ready to work mids, only to get to work and find out all sorts of shit is fucked up (refer to couple of my previous posts for the irony of this) also the korean contractors cut down a tree next to our Police Station this morning and let the fucker fall on some power lines thus causing the power outage that i think fried my ethernet card not letting me sign onto the internet. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
09-13-2004, 09:15 AM
oh damn, forgot to mention, yesterday was my 6th wedding anniversary. go me, i have been married 6 years to have spent only 4 with my wife. pretty good deal if you ask me ha ha ha.
11-02-2004, 03:12 AM
Haven't played much in the last month, my comp has been bombarded by viruses and what not, got alot of crazy ones that i have to manually get rid of, and being the computer illiterate that i am, that's going to take me a while.
Anyway, I have been given a new job position, no longer a stinking desk sargeant (except like once a month to help out the schedule like today), YIPPIE!!!!!!! I am now the Admin NCOIC, pretty good job, less stress than the desk sargeant job because all my soldiers under me are high speed.
hmmm... what else is there, our stupid company decided to make our office a full fledged platoon, so on top of doing the police job we have to run a platoon....going to the field and shit like that, it sucks, but since the next field cycle isn't until march i'm not going, because i will be clearing (getting ready to go home!).
My daughter dressed up as spiderman (she loves it, has to have spiderman everything) for haloween, kinda cute because the suit fit her, but the hood was a little tight because of all her hair, so the misses just tucked her hair into it and pulled it to her hair line and painted her face, it was kinda cute.
Been out hitting the bars lately due to no GS, but since i only like the quiet bars, nothing real exciting happened to me, but i got my friend so drunk, he went out of the bar by himself while we weren't watching, we caught up with him about 2 hours later after searching the whole ville, he just said he was talking to some Korean guy......the next day i go to his room to see what he was doing and he says "hey man! i spent like $400 last night!". i told him that was impossible because we bought most of his drinks (he's getting ready to leave soon). so then he started digging through his wallet and jacket to see if he misplaced the money and found a receipt for 2 hand made suits that he ordered and paid for while drunk as shit. We still won't let him live that down.
yeah yeah, it's boring as hell, im not a desk sgt anymore so none of the good shit happens to me.
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