View Full Version : Hi Plat!

03-18-2013, 03:19 PM
Coming back to the lands after a long time...Been keeping up with the changes over the past few years, and i'm very much looking forward to creating a monk. Now, since I do not have to beg my parents to let me stay on AOL to play the game anymore I'm interested in plat! Got a question or two first though.

1) Are low level characters seen as a burden to the community? I assume most plat players have leveled way past what would be considered a youngin.

2) How well do i need to learn the lore of the lands to be accepted? Is the role play that deep that I will need to be a scholar of all things Plat?

3) Are there any people or places I should avoid in Plat? I remember a certain pink-clad sorcerer who would limb disrupt you if you so much as looked at him back in the day. Anyone like that in Plat?

any and all info/suggestions are appreciated...I'd like my transition back into the lands to be as smooth as possible :)

03-18-2013, 03:51 PM
Welcome to Plat!

First things first, I'd recommend heading to the Plat section of the official forums to introduce yourself if you decide to make the jump. You'd find far more people there than here. On to your questions, though.

1) Are low level characters seen as a burden to the community? I assume most plat players have leveled way past what would be considered a youngin.
Not at all. You're more than welcome to jump in and join in from day one. Your level would only show up in certain specific instances, such as invasions, but even then the GMs try to do things for everyone. Icemule is currently under attack by trolls, for example, but there's a zone starting at level 10 so you could take part in short order.

2) How well do i need to learn the lore of the lands to be accepted? Is the role play that deep that I will need to be a scholar of all things Plat?
I'd say what's most helpful is an understanding that Plat is separate from Prime, so events that took place in Prime in the past several years likely didn't happen in Plat. You won't be expected to know Plat history as much as someone new to Prime would be expected to know Prime history.

3) Are there any people or places I should avoid in Plat? I remember a certain pink-clad sorcerer who would limb disrupt you if you so much as looked at him back in the day. Anyone like that in Plat?
I used to recommend being careful around Caden since he was a pretty spiky character, though he usually threatened bodily harm rather than went through with it. He hasn't been seen in several months, however, and he's dearly missed. One of the best roleplayed villains I've seen in years. For places, be careful around Icemule. It's mired in the troll attacks, which are set up to spawn constantly rather than requiring a GM to be around. It's part of a storyline and there may also be further GM-led invasions of Mularosians. That's not to say you should stay away, though. Just be careful.

any and all info/suggestions are appreciated...I'd like my transition back into the lands to be as smooth as possible :)
I'd first point you to the GSGuide wiki (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/GSGuide_Wiki). It primarily has a Plat focus, but there is some information applicable to GS as a whole. I'm looking at moving my merchant listings there in the future, for example, and there's a section with a ton of in-game puzzle solutions that has been invaluable. There are a couple pages (here (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Platinum_Beginner%27s_Guide) and here (http://gsguide.wikia.com/wiki/Platinum_FAQ)) that help to outline how things are different in Plat. The wording might be a bit strong in encouraging people to be self-sufficient (the low population means you don't have as many people casting mass spells and the like) and remembering that some characters aren't the friendliest (we do have bad guys as well as good guys), but don't let it worry you. Most players are more than happy to help answer questions, even if their characters aren't warm and cuddly. If you use Lich, Caithris has been unbelievable in setting things up to be Plat-friendly, and you'll find all you'll need on the GSGuide wiki.

When you do get into Plat, you'll want to introduce yourself. I'd suggest grabbing your crystal amulet and heading to the Landing. Despite having portals that let us hop around the world at a moment's notice, most people tend to gather in the Landing small park for socializing. However, our amunet is global, so if you don't find anyone in the park, you may be able to find someone to chat with there. Also, always announce where you're hunting in case you die. We have a modified form of droppage, where you'll drop all of your things if you decay (dropping everything in your hands when you first die was recently removed), so you will definitely want a rescue and your chances of rescue increase greatly if we know where to look.

Ask around for a member of the Outfitters.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line here, or over IM at LadyNilandia. I'd be more than happy to help if you need anything.
