View Full Version : What the hell is this guy talking about? Suddenly, Candor gets name dropped?

03-14-2013, 02:36 PM
I was getting some locksmithing done . . . this guy says to go up into the top area, and this conversation ensues. Its pretty heavily edited, just shows the general pacing of the situation. Its worth pointing out this was over the course of 20 minutes. I really don't know what this guy is talking about most of the time . . . is this table special somehow? Also, the pickpocketing thing? I sat here and listened to this guy so long, now I have to know what he was talking about.

[Land Tower East, Dormitory]
This room contains several wood cots with rough woolen blankets. You can hear noise from the area outside the gate through slit-like windows on the northern wall of the room. You also see some wooden steps, a work table with an iron-bound tanik chest on it and a large wastebasket.
Also here: Lord Aldie
Obvious exits: down
Aldie says, "One try disarms."
You peer quizzically at Aldie.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine an iron-bound tanik chest.
Aldie says, "Seems ok."
Aldie points at a work table.
You nod.
Aldie removes a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick from in his locksmith's toolkit.
Aldie settles into the difficult task of picking the lock on an iron-bound tanik chest.
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Aldie says, "Im good."
Aldie removes an iron-bound tanik chest from on a work table.
Aldie offers you an iron-bound tanik chest. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You offer your brass coffer to Aldie, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You accept Aldie's offer and are now holding an iron-bound tanik chest.
Aldie has accepted your offer and is now holding an engraved brass coffer.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine an engraved brass coffer.
Aldie put an engraved brass coffer on a work table.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine an engraved brass coffer.
Aldie asks, "Ya ever been here?"
Aldie points at a work table.
Aldie cackles!
You say, "No."
Aldie says, "I know stuff."
You ask, "Oh?"
Aldie shrugs.
Aldie says, "Now i pick it or hold it."
Aldie removes an engraved brass coffer from on a work table.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine an engraved brass coffer.
Aldie says, "You get soem baddies some times."
You nod.
Aldie says, "I gota come up here."
Aldie removes a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick from in his locksmith's toolkit.
With a quick flick of the wrist, Aldie spins his lockpick around in his palm, stopping it as the tip enters an engraved brass coffer...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Aldie put a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick in his locksmith's toolkit.
Aldie offers you an engraved brass coffer. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You offer your brass trunk to Aldie, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Aldie has accepted your offer and is now holding a corroded brass trunk.
You accept Aldie's offer and are now holding an engraved brass coffer.
Aldie put a corroded brass trunk on a work table.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine a corroded brass trunk.
Aldie says, "Not many know of this."
You say, "I have certainly never heard of it."
Aldie says, "Thanks bro." (I was casting him some spells)
Aldie says, "Now."
Aldie says, "This box."
Aldie points at a corroded brass trunk on a work table.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine a corroded brass trunk.
Aldie removes a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick from in his locksmith's toolkit.
With a quick flick of the wrist, Aldie spins his lockpick around in his palm, stopping it as the tip enters a corroded brass trunk...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Aldie put a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick in his locksmith's toolkit.
Aldie removes a corroded brass trunk from on a work table.
Aldie offers you a corroded brass trunk. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You offer your modwir coffer to Aldie, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You accept Aldie's offer and are now holding a corroded brass trunk.
Aldie has accepted your offer and is now holding a badly damaged modwir coffer.
You say, "This certainly seems like a slow process." (this was about 10 minutes in)
Aldie begins to meticulously examine a badly damaged modwir coffer.
Aldie says, "Yea then i die or worst."
Aldie says, "No woories."
Aldie says, "I get these."
Having found a trap on the coffer, Aldie begins to attempt to disarm it...

Aldie removes a set of metal grips from in a dark leather locksmith's toolkit, and reaches carefully into the lock of a badly damaged modwir coffer. He twists his wrist slightly, and replaces the grips in his toolkit, nodding in satisfaction.
Aldie gazes in awe at a badly damaged modwir coffer in his hand.
Aldie says, "Man this one makes me."
Aldie begins to meticulously examine a badly damaged modwir coffer.
Aldie removes a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick from in his locksmith's toolkit.
With a quick flick of the wrist, Aldie spins his lockpick around in his palm, stopping it as the tip enters a badly damaged modwir coffer...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Aldie put a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick in his locksmith's toolkit.
Aldie offers you a badly damaged modwir coffer. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You offer your haon chest to Aldie, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
You accept Aldie's offer and are now holding a badly damaged modwir coffer.
Aldie has accepted your offer and is now holding an engraved haon chest.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine an engraved haon chest.
Aldie sighs.
Aldie says, "Ya seen me get burtn." (he was incinerate trapped earlier)
You nod.
Aldie begins to meticulously examine an engraved haon chest.
Aldie says, "Ok picking."
* Spert just bit the dust!
Aldie says, "Omg."
You stare at nothing in particular.
Aldie says, "The biggest Rogue I kjnow Spert."
You say, "It happens."
Aldie removes a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick from in his locksmith's toolkit.
With a quick flick of the wrist, Aldie spins his lockpick around in his palm, stopping it as the tip enters an engraved haon chest...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
You say, "Whew." (after 20 minutes, I was pretty happy to be done)
You deeply say, "I can't say this system is my favorite."
Aldie offers you an engraved haon chest. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Aldie's offer and are now holding an engraved haon chest.
Aldie says, "Thing is."
You listen carefully to Aldie.
Aldie says, "None of us really steal."
Aldie says, "Klepta."
Aldie says, "Candor."
Aldie says, "So ya want boxes picked."
Aldie grins.
You blink.
You say, "I won't lie and say I know what you are talking about."
Aldie says, "Hey."
Aldie says, "We kill em."
You say, "So I suppose I will just thank you and be on my way."
You bow to Aldie.
Aldie says, "On sight."
Aldie says, "I dont steal."
You say, "I never said you did."
(OOC) Aldie's player whispers, "Some them rts like wth ya doin."
Aldie says, "We work."
You scrub your hand through your shoulder length white hair in frustration.

03-14-2013, 02:40 PM
as a sorcerer you can open or blast 90% of your own boxes

03-14-2013, 02:41 PM
Not a sorcerer in this log.

03-14-2013, 02:41 PM
Aldie says, "Omg." ARRRRPEEEE!

03-14-2013, 02:43 PM
Aldie seems a bit off

03-14-2013, 02:45 PM
someone said alde is kethore...which is weird because I don't remember kethore sayin stuff like bro and omg...

You're much more patient than I would've been heh

03-14-2013, 02:46 PM
aah, k, prob one of IWs or Inspire's

03-14-2013, 02:46 PM
What was he doing that made it take so long? I confused. Or was he just sitting around doing nothing between disarming/picking attempts?

03-14-2013, 02:48 PM
He'll start working in your box then he'll get on lnet and have a conversation. You're just standing there waiting for him. Takes forever. Can't imagine I'll ever hand him another one of my boxes .

03-14-2013, 02:49 PM
I really have no fucking clue. At first I thought it was some special lockpicking mechanic with the table that added increased safety for longer RT, but I had never heard of that before.

I'm going to go on a limb and think he just is really bad at typing or something.

EDIT: There was a bit about lnet in there I cut. I was casting some spells for him but had limited mana and ask what he needed still. He stopped for about a minute and came back with some lnet syntax for checking his spells. Would have been faster to just say what he needed.

03-14-2013, 02:49 PM
I think you're trying to find reason in a madhouse.

03-14-2013, 02:53 PM
He'll start working in your box then he'll get on lnet and have a conversation. You're just standing there waiting for him. Takes forever. Can't imagine I'll ever hand him another one of my boxes .

Yep. He took one of my boxes, waited 10 minutes, picked it, waited another 5, then told me he was "done" (I had a few others). I'm pretty sure he's drunk/high most nights. I'm ok being OOC and never handing him a box to pick again.


03-14-2013, 02:53 PM
I think he's drunk a lot. He was making comments on lnet a few days back about being drunk. Then he appeared to find jesus or something and was preaching a bit a few days later. I am hoping it was a lot of trolling, but I doubt it.

03-14-2013, 02:54 PM
Yep. He took one of my boxes, waited 10 minutes, picked it, waited another 5, then told me he was "done" (I had a few others). I'm pretty sure he's drunk/high most nights. I'm ok being OOC and never handing him a box to pick again.


I don't think that's really OOC, my character would be pretty pissed sitting around 15 minutes for someone to open one box.

03-14-2013, 02:55 PM
I don't think that's really OOC, my character would be pretty pissed sitting around 15 minutes for someone to open one box.

Yeah, but I play multiple characters. And they've "spoken" to each other, and decided he's not worth the trouble.

03-14-2013, 02:57 PM
Never go full retard.

03-14-2013, 02:59 PM
Aldie is a fucking weirdo man. He is like one of those crazy old homeless guys that talk randomly to the air. You should see him on LNet, he will literally talk for hours with no one responding to him.

03-14-2013, 03:01 PM
I think this is the line I am most puzzled by:

(OOC) Aldie's player whispers, "Some them rts like wth ya doin."

03-14-2013, 03:03 PM
I've worked with him in the guild, and he's definitely a weirdo. I just ignore most of the crazy stuff he says.

But I have seen him say OOC stuff many times. It's a wonder he hasn't been banned for it. He's obviously not trying to keep it under control.

03-14-2013, 03:05 PM
But I have seen him say OOC stuff many times. It's a wonder he hasn't been banned for it. He's obviously not trying to keep it under control.

Please, I don't think the GMs give a shit anymore. I've seen people say fuck and shit over and over again in public places, talk about "the game" and scripts and shit all day long, nothing ever happens.

03-14-2013, 03:20 PM
Please, I don't think the GMs give a shit anymore. I've seen people say fuck and shit over and over again in public places, talk about "the game" and scripts and shit all day long, nothing ever happens.

Yeah, I've noticed the same.

Not only is the OOC a problem, but that people resort to attacking or even killing, instead of trying to RP. In fact, a couple days after I returned, I was attacked, and later murdered, on my bard alt, simply because I had literred in the small park. So many high level players, lord their levels over people, and use force to respond to anyone, instead of taking advantage of a good opportunity to RP. In the situation I am speaking of, I was threatened for littering (which I actually had planned to pick up, once the locksmith was finished.), and responded by refusing to pick up the item, hehe.

This group proceeded to try and blacklist me among their friends, and my alt was attacked by 5 different people (all of which I sent to jail, which only served to piss them off even more!). All the while, I was making it blatantly obvious I was trying to RP with them, yet they were calling me a snert, and even threatened to kill me while I am hunting (which, I heard they spent like 2 hours trying to find me, lol. Mmm, 204, you noobs!).

So yeah, littering litterally led to all that. Of course, if I had wanted to, I could have easily just sung song of peace, or even logged on Midgar and killed them all. But unlike them, I wanted to open up RP opportunity, and am not lame like that.

I'm sure a lot of it happens because of people buying high level characters. We live in a time where there are level 100 noobie snerts walking around. Back in the day, most snerts didn't make it past the thump stage, before they learned their lessons. Now it's all gone to hell!

03-14-2013, 03:22 PM
There's a reason Thondar (I think it was him... probably mispelt) always just tells him to STFU the second he even starts talking on Lnet.

He's just annoying... One of the few people I have ignored on lnet.

03-14-2013, 03:23 PM
I don't interact with Aldie. He's a little too far out even for me.

Yes I steal - deal with it. But if you think I am the only thief in town, you really need to change whatever you are smoking. I am perhaps the thief who gets *caught* the most. Skilled thieves don't like me as I draw attention to the problem, and they will often threaten me.

If you really want to get cleaned out, take a nap in the Park (south of TSSW) during a weekend.

03-14-2013, 03:27 PM
Skilled thieves probably are happy that you get the attention. It makes it easier for them to steal unnoticed.

Btw, you should come to my MHO meeting tomorrow night. I'm hoping to get as many thieves as possible, to join.

03-14-2013, 03:27 PM
This group proceeded to try and blacklist me among their friends, and my alt was attacked by 5 different people (all of which I sent to jail, which only served to piss them off even more!). All the while, I was making it blatantly obvious I was trying to RP with them, yet they were calling me a snert, and even threatened to kill me while I am hunting (which, I heard they spent like 2 hours trying to find me, lol. Mmm, 204, you noobs!).

Was this the whole thing with Ernesta? If so, I remember that. She and a few of her friends have recently taken to cleaning up the Landing, whether it be people casting spells in Town Square (they drag the casters out of the room) or what have you. They definitely engaged an extreme smear campaign for like, the next 5 hours.

03-14-2013, 03:32 PM
Was this the whole thing with Ernesta? If so, I remember that. She and a few of her friends have recently taken to cleaning up the Landing, whether it be people casting spells in Town Square (they drag the casters out of the room) or what have you. They definitely engaged an extreme smear campaign for like, the next 5 hours.

Well, I actually had a lot of fun with it. I was actually bribing them each time they attacked me, for me not to send them to jail. It was damn hilarious.

But had it been an actual low level noob, and not me, they probably wouldn't have known how to respond to the bullying, and might have even quit the game over it. It was truly bad form on their part, and certainly does not do a god job of promoting GS4 to new players.

03-14-2013, 03:34 PM
Apologies for my role in the beginning of all that Mobius. :P

03-14-2013, 03:35 PM
Well, I actually had a lot of fun with it. I was actually bribing them each time they attacked me, for me not to send them to jail. It was damn hilarious.

But had it been an actual low level noob, and not me, they probably wouldn't have known how to respond to the bullying, and might have even quit the game over it. It was truly bad form on their part, and certainly does not do a god job of promoting GS4 to new players.

I've had a similar interaction with the same group. Maybe they shouldn't sleep with all their pockets open...

03-14-2013, 03:35 PM
Hmm.. I almost want to take my rogue to Landing and rob them all blind. And then murder them all. Repeatedly.

03-14-2013, 03:36 PM
I like Ernesta. Helped my baby cleric a lot with spells. Or maybe I'm thinking of Ernestine or something. God damn faulty memory.

03-14-2013, 03:38 PM
I like Ernesta. Helped my baby cleric a lot with spells. Or maybe I'm thinking of Ernestine or something. God damn faulty memory.

Hell, you never know these days. Could be a completely different player behind any name!

03-14-2013, 03:39 PM
Oh, she is crazy helpful with spells. I get wizard spells from her on 3-4 different characters in the Landing. In general a very nice and helpful person, but doesn't like people disobeying her.

After the whole event she publicly announced that she was permanently moving to the porch. Truth be told, I haven't seen her much lately, so who knows.

03-14-2013, 03:40 PM
Whoever it was, she'd take me into an empty room before casting the spells. I presume so people wouldn't be annoyed by the spell casting?

03-14-2013, 03:40 PM
Whoever it was, she'd take me into an empty room before casting the spells. I presume so people wouldn't be annoyed by the spell casting?

Yes, that was the reason. wink wink

03-14-2013, 03:41 PM

03-14-2013, 03:42 PM
I suddenly feel compelled to bring my mage to TSC and rapid-fire spellup everyone, with Ernesta around, and just kinda see what happens.

03-14-2013, 03:42 PM
I suddenly feel compelled to bring my mage to TSC and rapid-fire spellup everyone, with Ernesta around, and just kinda see what happens.

Post logs and pics.

03-14-2013, 03:43 PM
Aldie sounds a lot like Norlamin/Shawman from Shattered.

03-14-2013, 03:44 PM
After the whole event she publicly announced that she was permanently moving to the porch. Truth be told, I haven't seen her much lately, so who knows.

ROFL! This explains why I haven't seen them at the Small Park since then. Wow, how lame is that?

I actually kind of wanted them to find me hunting, so I could sing sng of peace and laugh at them and their failed threats :P

03-14-2013, 03:44 PM
Wait--I don't know shit about the Landing but am there now. We're not supposed to spell up in TSC? I always go there because it's a sanct and I won't have to remove my armor concealing tunic!

Isn't just a junk room full of people not talking and getting healed and spelling up?

03-14-2013, 03:45 PM
I'm just curious about this group of people wanting to "clean up" the Landing, are they actually attempting to RP this or is it all blatantly OOC on their part? Sure the screen scrolls when people are spelling others up but as far as characters are concerned it should hardly be a bother for them at all. This is what always got me about River's Rest too, they frowned up game scroll in public places too but why? That seems like such an OOC thing to worry about.

03-14-2013, 03:47 PM
I'm just curious about this group of people wanting to "clean up" the Landing, are they actually attempting to RP this or is it all blatantly OOC on their part? Sure the screen scrolls when people are spelling others up but as far as characters are concerned it should hardly be a bother for them at all. This is what always got me about River's Rest too, they frowned up game scroll in public places too but why? That seems like such an OOC thing to worry about.

I guess if you were in a real room and someone kept flapping their arms up and down it would become a distracting annoyance eventually.

03-14-2013, 03:48 PM
I guess if you were in a real room and someone kept flapping their arms up and down it would become a distracting annoyance eventually.

I'd sell tickets.

03-14-2013, 03:48 PM
When I saw the spell thing, it was late, late at night . . . I don't know, 3 AM? It was after the storyline stuff had died down, so it was actually pretty quiet. A bunch of people were spelling up in TSC, some of them scripted, and Ernesta and a friend or two would drag them to another room and leave them there. I'm surprised more people didn't get mad. At first it was just "Its loud/hurts eyes" the general kind of IC explanation for an OOC screenscroll issue, but they eventually backed down to just "Don't cast spells if you aren't even awake". Which is what they said. Because thats IC. They tried to maintain this for an hour or two.

03-14-2013, 03:48 PM
Wait--I don't know shit about the Landing but am there now. We're not supposed to spell up in TSC? I always go there because it's a sanct and I won't have to remove my armor concealing tunic!

Isn't just a junk room full of people not talking and getting healed and spelling up?

Originally TSC was for healing/raising only and TSSW/Park was for spelling up, there was already a shitton of scroll and adding in all that would make empaths miss people asking for healing and such. There is less people now, so it doesn't matter.

03-14-2013, 03:49 PM
Remember to spell up my cleric, Ernesta! I'm defending you!!!

03-14-2013, 03:49 PM
I'm just curious about this group of people wanting to "clean up" the Landing, are they actually attempting to RP this or is it all blatantly OOC on their part? Sure the screen scrolls when people are spelling others up but as far as characters are concerned it should hardly be a bother for them at all. This is what always got me about River's Rest too, they frowned up game scroll in public places too but why? That seems like such an OOC thing to worry about.

Yeah, to be honest, it's usually just people power tripping. Like the case of my littering incident, I typically respond to it by refusing to do what they say. If I'm not breaking any game rules, then you have no damn right to order me what to do.

The justice system at least favors the little guy now, so it's easy to put them in their place (Which in my case turned out to be the porch! Hahaha!).

03-14-2013, 03:51 PM
Then again maybe people spelling up doesn't bother me because I just put every spell up line I see on ignore. Just leave the person's name out when you ignore the line and you'll never see anyone cast that spell again.

03-14-2013, 03:53 PM
Originally TSC was for healing/raising only and TSSW/Park was for spelling up, there was already a shitton of scroll and adding in all that would make empaths miss people asking for healing and such. There is less people now, so it doesn't matter.

I never really spent any time in the landing, but it always made sense to me not to spell up in the RR Commons or Solhaven North Market cause that's where people were chatting/RP'ing, but TSC just seemed like a dump where you go to do all your annoying stuff and the RP goes down elsewhere. I refuse to take off my bangin chrysoprase tunic for such a place.

Someone should tell me if I'm wrong.

03-14-2013, 03:55 PM
Landing has always been my favorite town because it didn't have any stupid "rules." WTF are they trying to turn Landing into? It's like the Mos Eisley of Elanthia. Let the scum and villainy have their place!

03-14-2013, 04:04 PM
as a sorcerer you can open or blast 90% of your own boxes

By the way, what traps can be 125'd safely? I get that mithril, enruned (silver?) boxes will reflect it, and probably so would glyph traps . . . anything else?

03-14-2013, 04:06 PM
By the way, what traps can be 125'd safely? I get that mithril, enruned (silver?) boxes will reflect it, and probably so would glyph traps . . . anything else?

Anything other than mithril, enruned, or glyphs can be 125'd. There was a bug for a few where another type would blow up and kill you if you 125'd it while it was in or on something (like your disk, an old Rifter's trick), but that was fixed.

03-14-2013, 04:09 PM
Okay. So if its not mithril, not enruned, and not glyphed (easy check, just Phase it) I'm 100% safe in trying to 125 it?

What items are lost in the process? Just silvers->slabs and burnt scrolls?

I spent a very long time not getting boxes at all (level 13-63) and after that, I just didn't really want to get into the habit, except for warcamps, where I just bring it all to a locksmith at once.

03-14-2013, 04:14 PM
Yep. I think it's 1/3 or 1/2 the silver value lost when slabbed. I forget which.

03-14-2013, 04:53 PM
He'll start working in your box then he'll get on lnet and have a conversation. You're just standing there waiting for him. Takes forever. Can't imagine I'll ever hand him another one of my boxes .I think there's a third factor, because his comments on LNet have the same tempo and general spaciness. He might be disabled and use one of those speak to type things.

03-14-2013, 04:58 PM
I think there's a third factor, because his comments on LNet have the same tempo and general spaciness. He might be disabled and use one of those speak to type things.

Yeah, I have wondered this, and thus it's why I haven't given the guy any trouble. I just nod and smile, and get on with things. Plus since he's a rogue, Midgar tends to be nicer than he normally would be :P

03-14-2013, 04:59 PM
Yeah, I don't want to be mean to him . . . he was nice and friendly, and seemingly TRIED to be helpful. I don't think I will go to him for locksmithing again, but he gets an A+ for intentions. I was just awestruck by a very odd 20 minutes.

03-14-2013, 05:30 PM
Landing has always been my favorite town because it didn't have any stupid "rules." WTF are they trying to turn Landing into? It's like the Mos Eisley of Elanthia. Let the scum and villainy have their place!

As the self-appointed Mayor of the Landing, let it be known that scum and villiany are permitted and encouraged :).

Just don't steal from or attack ME.

03-14-2013, 05:35 PM
I think there's a third factor, because his comments on LNet have the same tempo and general spaciness. He might be disabled and use one of those speak to type things.

I was thinking the same. I try to not hassle anyone anyways. I'll find another locksmith rather than go through him though. Just too slow.

He had that big blow up with thondalar that one night where he was pulled into the gm's room for a while. He had to have been drunk then.

03-14-2013, 05:40 PM
Landing has always been my favorite town because it didn't have any stupid "rules." WTF are they trying to turn Landing into? It's like the Mos Eisley of Elanthia. Let the scum and villainy have their place!

I second this. I'll do whatever the hell I please in the landing.

03-14-2013, 05:43 PM
I was thinking the same. I try to not hassle anyone anyways. I'll find another locksmith rather than go through him though. Just too slow.

He had that big blow up with thondalar that one night where he was pulled into the gm's room for a while. He had to have been drunk then.

What happened? Not that Thondalar hasn't been drunk in game as well!

03-14-2013, 05:45 PM
I don't recall the details, but aldie seemed drunk as a skunk and was very angry with thondalar on lnet. Aldie was being disruptive and was hauled into a gm's room where he stayed for a good chunk of time.

He is an interesting fellow, aldie.

Suppressed Poet
03-14-2013, 06:07 PM
Im pretty sure he is on PCP in real life. That would sum up just about everything.

03-14-2013, 06:19 PM
Aldie seems a bit off

a bit off..holy shit, he is out there

03-14-2013, 06:36 PM
Aldie says, "Omg."

>rp nominate aldie r0x0r

03-14-2013, 06:47 PM
But had it been an actual low level noob, and not me, they probably wouldn't have known how to respond to the bullying, and might have even quit the game over it. It was truly bad form on their part, and certainly does not do a god job of promoting GS4 to new players.

I am what you'd call a noob (playin almost 2.5 months now)...though I'm not new not to morons in games. I didn't experience anything like this until Tabrina killed me in river's rest for no reason. I think the first thing that struck me about it was that she didn't say anything or even try to RP, and also I never realized how vulnerable my character was to psychotic outbursts from characters. Afterwards she just said something like "lol sorry need spells"? it was really lame...I've been starved for opportunities to RP. people are either not there, or too busy spelling up/leveling and just grin/chuckle at any attempts to RP.

Every once in a while you get lucky. I was a halfing in vaalor so I bumped into the High Lady a lot (Vilorcasdra) as a halfling and as a Vaalor elf (catts), and despite how much of a dick she can be to halflings, she's surprisingly a sweetheart to Legion, and she's always in character, it was really fun from both perspectives. (I was bribing other elves to translate because she'll never speak common)

I had some great RP with Xiane that lead to my first RPA (140 a pulse!)...so I think my goal is just to find those types of people.

03-14-2013, 06:55 PM
rofl, "the High Lady" huh? That is just a title you get at 70. He is no one important.

03-14-2013, 06:55 PM
I was getting some locksmithing done . . . this guy says to go up into the top area, and this conversation ensues. Its pretty heavily edited, just shows the general pacing of the situation. Its worth pointing out this was over the course of 20 minutes. I really don't know what this guy is talking about most of the time . . . is this table special somehow? Also, the pickpocketing thing? I sat here and listened to this guy so long, now I have to know what he was talking about.

God damn... I'm pretty much against people using townsmith in Prime, but that asshole really puts a dent in that argument. I hope that doesn't represent the typical lockpicking experience these days.

03-14-2013, 06:59 PM
rofl, "the High Lady" huh? That is just a title you get at 70. He is no one important.

ah...lol. Well s/he acts important!!

03-14-2013, 07:03 PM
God damn... I'm pretty much against people using townsmith in Prime, but that asshole really puts a dent in that argument. I hope that doesn't represent the typical lockpicking experience these days.

Nah, its pretty unusual. Doesn't mean there is always a smith around, but this was out of the ordinary.

03-14-2013, 07:06 PM
I think everyone is looking at this all wrong. He's not a drunk or a druggie or someone using a machine to type words into the game for him. He is actually quite clever and is speaking in riddles which requires people to think in order to understand his elegance.

For example:

Aldie says, "One try disarms."

Sure, most people would just say "I only have to check for traps once" but why be so forward when you can be so cryptic about your message?

Aldie says, "Now i pick it or hold it."

This is probably the most profound sentence anyone has ever uttered in GS. "Now I pick it or hold it." Think about it. He can either pick it for you or he can keep it. You are putting your trust in a complete stranger! Do you not see how silly that is? He brought you up to a secluded area and you just handed over your boxes without questioning anything. He's telling you to open your eyes, to not be a sheep taking everything for granted.

Aldie says, "I dont steal."

Aldie says, "We work."

This sums up his message from before. He doesn't steal, he works with people to show them the path to enlightenment.

03-14-2013, 07:06 PM
I'm just curious about this group of people wanting to "clean up" the Landing, are they actually attempting to RP this or is it all blatantly OOC on their part? Sure the screen scrolls when people are spelling others up but as far as characters are concerned it should hardly be a bother for them at all. This is what always got me about River's Rest too, they frowned up game scroll in public places too but why? That seems like such an OOC thing to worry about.

Too many uptight people in Prime.

03-14-2013, 07:12 PM
So uh, is like everyone supposed to be 100% RP now or something?

Also, Kastrel what kinda boxs are you getting picked?

03-14-2013, 07:15 PM
So uh, is like everyone supposed to be 100% RP now or something?

Also, Kastrel what kinda boxs are you getting picked?

They were thunder troll/wind witch.

03-14-2013, 07:18 PM
We just need Gib-o-Matic back. I hate even opening my boxes and I am 3x pick/disarm max LM.

03-14-2013, 07:25 PM
I met Aldie IG a few months back and he was a bit off but a generally nice enough guy.. disappeared for a couple months and when he came back he was swimming in the deep end. Crazy ass lnet messages, just saying whatever IG.. a few days back he was in the tower for Wolfloner's rogue guild night and linking youtubes in guildspeak "for us rogues".

He's a unique snowflake.

03-14-2013, 07:28 PM
This sums up his message from before. He doesn't steal, he works with people to show them the path to enlightenment.

that whole post killed me haha

03-14-2013, 07:56 PM
You glance down to see a scratched silver strongbox in your right hand and a sturdy gold box in your left hand.
>go east tow
[Land Tower East, Office]
The ground floor of this guard tower appears to be some kind of office. A single guard sits behind one of the desks reviewing some paperwork. A small wood stove in the corner provides heat to the room. You also see some wooden steps and a large wastebasket.
Also here: Lord Aldie who is kneeling
Obvious exits: out

03-14-2013, 09:21 PM
So uh, is like everyone supposed to be 100% RP now or something?

Also, Kastrel what kinda boxs are you getting picked?

I don't think anyone, or at least most people, actually give much of a shit about RP anymore. Most of us are just ball busters.

03-14-2013, 09:56 PM
I don't think anyone, or at least most people, actually give much of a shit about RP anymore. Most of us are just ball busters.


03-14-2013, 10:07 PM
There are quite a few still. Takes a little while to find them, but I wouldn't say that RP is dead in Gemstone.

03-14-2013, 10:42 PM
Not dead, just not serious business like it used to be.

03-14-2013, 10:56 PM
I don't think anyone, or at least most people, actually give much of a shit about RP anymore. Most of us are just ball busters.

Huh. And here I thought Prime was where all the action happened.

03-14-2013, 11:16 PM
Huh. And here I thought Prime was where all the action happened.

I've no idea how about Plat, but in Prime RP tends to take place amongst somewhat overlapping groups which revolve around central themes such as Houses/Halls, Cities (RR, Ta'Vaalor, etc), and storylines. The people involved in these RP circles aren't "Off" when outside of them, they simply don't actively attempt to RP with everyone they meet. Those that do can sometimes come off as somewhat draining, for instance those who are overtly racist/elitist/hostile, the Candors of the world, people with nearly unintelligible accents, the RP bullies mentioned in this thread, etc

03-14-2013, 11:19 PM
I've no idea how about Plat, but in Prime RP tends to take place amongst somewhat overlapping groups which revolve around central themes such as who is sleeping with who.

Or this.

03-14-2013, 11:25 PM
Or this.

I was trying to find the appropriate American Dad quote to post in response and failed. I apologize for my failure.

03-15-2013, 05:47 PM
I am what you'd call a noob (playin almost 2.5 months now)...though I'm not new not to morons in games. I didn't experience anything like this until Tabrina killed me in river's rest for no reason. I think the first thing that struck me about it was that she didn't say anything or even try to RP, and also I never realized how vulnerable my character was to psychotic outbursts from characters. Afterwards she just said something like "lol sorry need spells"? it was really lame...I've been starved for opportunities to RP. people are either not there, or too busy spelling up/leveling and just grin/chuckle at any attempts to RP.

Every once in a while you get lucky. I was a halfing in vaalor so I bumped into the High Lady a lot (Vilorcasdra) as a halfling and as a Vaalor elf (catts), and despite how much of a dick she can be to halflings, she's surprisingly a sweetheart to Legion, and she's always in character, it was really fun from both perspectives. (I was bribing other elves to translate because she'll never speak common)

I had some great RP with Xiane that lead to my first RPA (140 a pulse!)...so I think my goal is just to find those types of people.

If you have too much trouble with folks in the Rest throwing their weight around there are a couple people you can talk to that can help out. Just ask for some help if it gets out of hand.

03-15-2013, 05:54 PM
If you have too much trouble with folks in the Rest throwing their weight around there are a couple people you can talk to that can help out. Just ask for some help if it gets out of hand.

Thank ya, might keep that in mind.

Shame to hear people say RP is dead though...I mean comin from a game like WoW, the only reason I even considered the trial of this game was the RP. Luckily I randomly went with an elf and bumped into some good rpers in vaalor...outside of vaalor I notice just a bunch of quiet people sitting around not saying anything...then I'll tune to lnet and see they're chatting on there instead =\