View Full Version : Truckers.

08-05-2004, 04:29 PM
So we were driving to meet up friends to watch Bourne Supremacy and my friend Micheal picked me up.. we were driving on the highway and this truck was infront of us.. and kept changing lanes.. when we tried to move away.. he goes that way too. We almost got into an accident because of it.. and when we passed him by and I looked up, he was laughing. I don't know why he was doing that to us.. but the only reason I could think of is that my friend was driving a souped-up sports car, my friend wasn't even driving fast. The trucker almost got us killed and the people driving behind us as well.

That trucker was such a fucker. :flamed:

/end Rant

Is it too impossible to have different highways for trucks/Rv's and cars? Trucks aren't even supposed to be on the fast lanes.. <- I think.

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by Lady Shalla]

Weedmage Princess
08-05-2004, 04:50 PM
My experience has been that [some] truckers are major league assholes. I've seen then tailgate people in cars who weren't going very slow, I've seen them cut across lanes super fast, drive in the left lane (in most places, trucks are not allowed to drive in the left lane) among other things.

I also got berated at a stop light once by a trucker because he was flirting with me and I ignored him. He told me I'm supposed to atleast smile if someone says hello to me, then he called me a snotty bitch. I almost cried about it.

So yeah, they suck.

08-05-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Lady ShallaIs it too impossible to have different highways for trucks/Rv's and cars? Trucks aren't even supposed to be on the fast lanes.. <- I think.

[Edited on 8-5-2004 by Lady Shalla]

Here in Northern Cali there is one highway where large trucks are not allowed to drive on for a good portion of it.

Also, I do believe that trucks are only permitted to drive in the first two lanes...at least here in California that's how it is.

08-05-2004, 07:00 PM
Always carry some kind of projectile in your car for these reasons. Eggs are the best, but you don't want to keep it in your car too long, a soft tangerine will do the trick too. cans of pop, water bottles, paint ball guns are fun too. If none of these are handy, pull in front of him lay on the hooks for a second to shake him up and flick his ass off.

08-05-2004, 07:25 PM
Yeah, truckers can be assholes. You should've made a call to get his ass in trouble. If he almost ran me off the road, you bet my ass would've called the staties, just so he can get his ass in some heat. What if he caused a major accident? Stupid ass crack heads.

08-05-2004, 07:34 PM
In Jersey, the Turnpike splits in two for most of the drive. Trucks and buses one side, and passenger cars on the other. Too bad the Turnpike still sucks dick, but it makes life a little bit easier.

I can't really say all truckers are bad, because I've seen very courteous ones, and I've seen some real dicks who I'd have loved to see jacknife. Though the same can be said about normal car and truck drivers, as well.

08-05-2004, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Meos
Always carry some kind of projectile in your car for these reasons. Eggs are the best, but you don't want to keep it in your car too long, a soft tangerine will do the trick too. cans of pop, water bottles, paint ball guns are fun too. If none of these are handy, pull in front of him lay on the hooks for a second to shake him up and flick his ass off.

Oh, yes. That is really smart! You, in your little car, should get into a road war with a giant behemoth of a truck! Better yet, throw something at the driver so he'll lose control of the damned thing and wreak havoc on everyone around him. Mmmhmm.

HarmNone, wondering why she didn't think of that :rolleyes:

08-05-2004, 09:50 PM
Just like a womAn... you worry too much.

[Edited on 8-6-2004 by Meos]

08-05-2004, 09:55 PM
:lol: You are crazy Meos.

08-06-2004, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
I can't really say all truckers are bad, because I've seen very courteous ones, and I've seen some real dicks who I'd have loved to see jacknife. Though the same can be said about normal car and truck drivers, as well.


Fortunately for us, Truck drivers aren't exactly anonymous. Some have "how's my driving" tags on the back door with a number to call. For those that don't, take down the plate number, the crate number (normally on the back or front corner), get the company info off the door as you pass them. Contact the highway law enforcement and contact the employer with the information.

After you get all that, pass the fucker or drop at least one mile behind them, don't let them take you out because of their stupidity.

08-06-2004, 08:21 AM
My hubby is a truck driver and I can honestly say, yes, some truck drivers think they are god of the highways and love to fuck with people. I have gone on a few trips with him and some of his co-workers are the ones that give truck drivers a bad name. Chris is one of the courteous ones. I used to love hopping in his truck and taking off for a trip. There is something about him in his work boots and hard hat that makes a primitive part of me purrrrrr. He could make anything look good though.....

Ahhh what were we talking about?

08-06-2004, 08:26 AM
Trucker people, regardless of whether they actually can kick my ass, scare the shit out of me. I'm truckerphobic.

Edited to add: I've had some negative driving encounters with those who improperly navigate their red for pick-ups, as well. I'm red-90's-ford pickup-phobic.

[Edited on 8-6-2004 by Stanley Burrell]

08-06-2004, 08:30 AM
Truckers and I get along fine, I tend to let them in my lane whenever possible. I'd rather have a driving professional behind a big rig than a 16yr old in a rice rocket. You flash your lights, they move in the lane and flash back. Later on you go to pass they let you in. I've yet to have a problem with a trucker.

08-06-2004, 08:45 AM
Yea call the local PD while your on the road and give them a direction and tag number, not sure about elsewhere but at least in OK our resident Pigs LOVEEEEE to pull over the truckers.

08-06-2004, 10:04 AM
What Tsa'ah said.

I was on a road trip with a few of my buddies in May, and we had a trucker screwing around with us for some reason or another. My friend made it clearly visible that he was pulling out his cell phone and dialing, and the trucker dropped like a fly.

I'm not really sure if that guy was an exception, or if most truck drivers are scared of getting in trouble with the police or company's administration, but my friend pulling out his cell phone worked like a charm.