View Full Version : Pair of Short Swords: 6x and 7x with Fully Unlocked To the Hilt Scripts

03-06-2013, 11:49 PM
I'm thinking of switching back to ranged, so I figured these need a new home.

a shortened jet black coustille - Plain 6x
SHOW: With a smooth hilt of lattice-woven pale jade vines, this coustille features a long blade resembling a stylized thorn. The jet black edges fall in perfect parallel alignment down half the length of the sword, the metal perfectly straight until its midpoint where it bends sharply and follows a gentle curvature to the tip, which has been dyed a vivid shade of nephrite green. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

a diminutive golvern gladius - 7x with Fully Unlocked To the Hilt Scripts that I'll list below.
SHOW: While much smaller than a traditional blade, the hone and edgework applied to this weapon causes a sinister application. Along the blade, golvern has been melted into the shape of a multitude of thorns and teased with an iron brushing to give the tip of each thorn a reddened look. Thin strips of silk are wrapped around the hilt, where a phrase has been etched into the metal. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Perigourd's crafting mark.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:
Hell Hath No Fury

Scripts for the gladius according to Nilandia's site:
Off the shelf
Put weapon in (first person): Finding the narrow opening at the end of your crimson vaalorn katana’s hollow pommel with the tip of your crescent-knife, you push the blade of your crescent-knife inside until it is enveloped within the hilt. Only the crescent-knife’s pommel remains visible, merging seamlessly with the katana’s hilt.
Put weapon in (third person): Nilandia slips her silvery vultite crescent-knife into the hilt of her crimson vaalorn katana until only the pommel remains visible.
Get weapon from (first person): Grasping only the pommel of your crimson vaalorn katana with the tips of your fingers, you draw a bone-hilted silvery vultite crescent-knife out from within a narrow recess in the katana’s hilt. Once the crescent-knife’s hilt is exposed, you change your grip to grasp the hilt securely. The sound of metal sliding against metal hisses sharply as you unsheathe the blade and brandish it before you.
Get weapon from (third person): Nilandia grasps the pommel of her crimson vaalorn katana with the tips of her fingers and withdraws a bone-hilted silvery vultite crescent-knife from within. The sharp sound of metal sliding against metal hisses abrasively as Nilandia unsheathes her crescent-knife and brandishes it before her.
Tilt (first person): You relax as you lower your crimson vaalorn katana to your side, allowing your guard to fall.
Tilt (third person): Nilandia visibly relaxes as she lowers her crimson vaalorn katana to her side.
Touch with weapon (first person): You change the grip you hold on your crimson vaalorn katana so that your fingers grace the pommel, confirming that the silvery vultite crescent-knife is still secure within.
Touch with no weapon (first person): You draw your finger along the narrow hollow at the end of your crimson vaalorn katana’s hilt.
Touch (third person): Nilandia brushes her hand casually across the pommel of her crimson vaalorn katana.
Unlocked – additional verbs
Push with weapon (first person): You hold your crimson vaalorn katana out in front of you menacingly and grasp the katana’s pommel with your left hand, ready to extract the silvery vultite crescent-knife hidden within.
Push with weapon (third person): Nilandia holds her crimson vaalorn katana out in front of her menacingly and brings her left hand to the katana’s pommel.
Push with no weapon (first person): You hold your crimson vaalorn katana out in front of you menacingly.
Push with no weapon (third person): Nilandia holds her crimson vaalorn katana out in front of her menacingly.
Bow (first person): You hold your crimson vaalorn katana perpendicular to the ground in front of you with both hands and execute a dignified bow.
Bow (third person): Nilandia grips her crimson vaalorn katana by both hands, holding it in front of her so the blade is perfectly perpendicular to the ground. She executes a dignified bow.
Bow at person (first person): You hold your crimson vaalorn katana perpendicular to the ground in front of you with both hands and execute a dignified bow before (Person).
Bow at person (third person): Nilandia grips her crimson vaalorn katana by both hands, holding it in front of her so the blade is perfectly perpendicular to the ground. She executes a dignified bow before you.
Bow at object has similar messages to bowing at people
Point (first person): You raise your crimson vaalorn katana to eye level and point it straight ahead.
Point (third person): Nilandia raises her crimson vaalorn katana to eye level and points it straight ahead of her.
Point at person with weapon (first person): You raise your crimson vaalorn katana to eye level and point the tip of the blade at (Person). You note that the pommel of your silvery vultite crescent-knife is secure within your katana’s hilt, ready if needed.
Point at person with no weapon (first person): You raise your crimson vaalorn katana to eye level and point the tip of the blade at (Person). You note that the hilt of your katana is empty.
Point at person (third person): Nilandia raises her crimson vaalorn katana to her eye level and points the tip of the blade directly at you.
Point has similar messages for objects and creatures
Point at direction (first person): You point the tip of your katana north, accompanied with a directed nod of your head.
Point at direction (third person): Nilandia points the tip of her katana north, accompanied with a directed nod of her head.
Fully unlocked – additional verbs
Salute (first person): You lift your crimson vaalorn katana above your head with the edge facing in. After holding it there for several seconds, you slash the katana downward until it stills by your side.
Salute (third person): Nilandia lifts her crimson vaalorn katana above her head with the edge facing in. After several seconds, she slashes the katana downward until it stills by her side.
Wave (first person): You swing around your crimson vaalorn katana, creating an arc around your body.
Wave (third person): Nilandia swings around her crimson vaalorn katana, creating an arc around her body.
Wave at direction (first person): You gesture northward with your crimson vaalorn katana.
Wave at direction (third person): Nilandia gestures northward with her crimson vaalorn katana.
Wave at standing person (first person): You gesture toward (Person) with your crimson vaalorn katana.
Wave at standing person not seen by person being waved at.
Wave at kneeling person (first person): You extend your crimson vaalorn katana out over (Person)’s head as (he/she) kneels before you. You grace (his/her) right shoulder with the tip of the blade, followed by the left.
Wave at kneeling person (third person): Nilandia extends her crimson vaalorn katana out over your head as you kneel before her. She touches your right shoulder with the tip of the blade, followed by the left.
Fold (first person): You cross your crimson vaalorn katana across your chest in a sign of respect and bow your head reverently.
Fold (third person): Nilandia crosses her crimson vaalorn katana across her chest in a sign of respect and bows her head reverently.
Spin with weapon (first person): You raise your crimson vaalorn katana above your head and launch into a spinning leap! As you spin in the air, you reach your hand to the hilt of your crimson vaalorn katana and grasp the pommel with the tips of your fingers. You draw the silvery vultite crescent-knife out and simultaneously thrust the crescent-knife out to the side as you slash downward with your katana, landing in a wide-set defensive stance.
Spin with weapon (third person): Nilandia raises her crimson vaalorn katana above her head and launches into a spinning leap! As Nilandia spins in the air, she grasps the hilt of her katana and extracts a crescent-knife! She thrusts the crescent-knife out to the side and slashes the katana downward as she lands in a wide-set defensive stance.
Spin with no weapon (first person): You raise your crimson vaalorn katana above your head and launch into a spinning leap! You bring the katana slashing down around your body and land in a wide-set defensive stance.
Spin with no weapon (third person): Nilandia raises her crimson vaalorn katana above her head and launches into a spinning leap! She brings the katana slashing down around her body and lands in a wide-set defensive stance.