View Full Version : Vomiting sucks

08-05-2004, 03:25 AM
So we rented a beach house a couple of days ago. Swimming, kayaking (holy shit, there were dolphins five feet away from us, flipping and doing tricks), drinking, drugs, sex, and rock and roll..the usual. Drinking games are always the best.

The morning after always sucks ass. I vomited three times (tanking Jack D isn't a smart thing to do).

I'm the bald one in the middle.


Drunken Jenga. It's harder when sober actually.


I think I'm allergic to alcohol though..my body was covered in hives the next day. It lasts around a week. Is it worth it? SHITYEAH>

08-13-2004, 07:53 AM
I'm bored so I'm writing an entry.

So after being certified as a stockpicker driver, I bumped into one of the racks at work and a bunch of 200-pound, 32 inch tvs fall down quite a distance. Two were going to certainly kill me but with cat-like grace I jumped out at the right moment. That was fuckin' fun.

Working in a warehouse sucks.