View Full Version : Several Items Need New Homes

08-01-2004, 09:02 PM
a ragged saw-edged vultite shortsword

4x, 85/225 breakage 2lbs
Rilason's raffled posion weapon...

comes with some vials of various types of posions...

Flat Price of 3m


a small orb

40 charges, Mage rechargable....

prayer of protection
phoen's strength

40 charges are divided by these three spells anyway you pick and choose...

charges on the lowest spell there...

2.5m flat


a dragon-carved fel runestaff capped with a ruby orb

4x further enchantable...

nice looking runestaff....

300k each.... Have several that I enchanted from 2 to 4x...


I priced these items fairly cheap so they can have new homes....

Please send me a U2U or email me at Krosan@play.net


08-02-2004, 12:15 AM
Your shortsword is cheaper than Fem's... only problem is its useless without vials.

08-02-2004, 02:18 AM
but i'm giving a bunch of vials with it.... like 10-15 vials or so.....

and can always buy you more since i am going on the third dhu afterall...just gimme the coins...