View Full Version : Script request

08-20-2003, 01:46 PM
I'm looking for a lesser shades script for the Icemule hunting area outside of North Gates. Anyone feel like reposting it? I know Kelood posted it over on the unofficial boards before this board came about, but he took everything with him when he left.

08-20-2003, 02:52 PM
I would never use anybody else's script. The second I do, I am a cheater/scripter. Thats most of the reason I DON'T think i'm a scripter, because I have to troubleshoot and problem-solve my script so that it works the way I want it to.


If you make a script, and have a problem with it, thats one thing. Post it and we'll all help you with troubleshooting

08-20-2003, 02:58 PM
Are travel scripts cheating?

08-20-2003, 03:10 PM
<< The second I do, I am a cheater/scripter. Thats most of the reason I DON'T think i'm a scripter, because I have to troubleshoot and problem-solve my script so that it works the way I want it to. >>

What is this, an ethics lesson on when it's okay to script and when it isn't?

Scripting is cheating, case closed. It's sociopathic to think that a computer playing a game for you could ever NOT be considered cheating, that somehow in some awkward manner you can justify it to yourself that it's okay for you to script.

Even travelling scripts are cheating to a very minor extent because the effort that is required to get you from point A to point B is by-passed. I mean may as well just have a command "GOSOLHAVEN" that teleports you there with a 100 second RT, that's all travelling scripts are anyways really.

But granted... big deal, you're only doing it because it's a tedious task to have to go from the Landing to Solhaven or where ever else. But just think about it to yourself, anytime you have a computer doing something for you, that you were meant to do yourself, it's cheating.

MAing, scripting, bug abuse, slamming, all forms of cheating and no amount of justifying it to yourself and looking for minor loopholes/technicalities to tell yourself it's okay will change that fact.

"Oh I slam because no clerics can rescue me, so I'm justified in slamming!"

"Oh I MA only because I don't have enough mana to hunt and I have no friends, so MAing is not cheating for me!"

"Oh because I can't hunt and make silvers and I'm a horrible merchant, I bug abuse and duplicate items, so it's alright."

"Oh because I make my own scripts I can script and it's not cheating, so it's alright."

All of them are just petty excuses.

- Cheater-extraordinaire.

[Edited on 8-20-2003 by Kranar]

08-20-2003, 03:16 PM
I certainly don't consider it cheating (or why would I ask for it?) mostly because I'm not really breaking any policies with it. I never leave a script running unattended unless it's a travel script; it's just a shortcut/way to take some stress off my fingers.

08-20-2003, 03:18 PM
<< I never leave a script running unattended unless it's a travel script; it's just a shortcut/way to take some stress off my fingers. >>

Honestly if your fingers are stressed then you should take a break from the game, not get a script to play for you.

Besides if having a computer play a game for you isn't cheating... then what in God's name is?

08-20-2003, 03:22 PM
<< I certainly don't consider it cheating (or why would I ask for it?) mostly because I'm not really breaking any policies with it >>

Breaking a policy doesn't mean you're cheating. It's against policy to swear, so does that mean I'm cheating if I swear?

Cheating is to by-pass a rule or a task to gain an advantage you wouldn't otherwise have if you didn't by-pass the rule/task. When a computer is playing a game for you, you're by-passing the task of hunting bigtime.

I mean whatever, you can try and tell yourself it's all good, you're not cheating and you're justified in getting a computer to play a game for you... I just think it's sociopathic to do so.

08-20-2003, 03:42 PM
Scripting isn't breaking policy unless you go AFK. That's cheating. Hunting scripts (imo) are lame as well, but meh. I can see something like a fletching script getting use, because it's amazingly repetitive and boring.

08-20-2003, 03:47 PM
Oh come on Kranar, lighten up, you are one of the biggest cheaters I know when it comes to scripting.


In any case scripting may be cheating, but its perfectly acceptable in GemStone therefore this entire discussion is pretty pointless. It's also perfectly acceptable to share scripts or create your own if you so wish.

08-20-2003, 04:09 PM
I don't see a problem with cheating. I'm not saying I don't cheat just because I don't want to acknowledge that I'm cheating.

Dictionary.com defines "to cheat" as to violate rules deliberately, as in a game. I still don't feel like I'm cheating. If harming no one and making things easier on myself is cheating, I love to cheat. :D

[Edited on 8-20-2003 by Pax]

08-20-2003, 04:20 PM
<< Oh come on Kranar, lighten up, you are one of the biggest cheaters I know when it comes to scripting. >>

And do you ever hear me try and make stupid excuses over it?

Honestly, what ticks me off are people who always try and find some dumb excuse as to why it's okay for them to cheat or do something, when clearly those are nothing more than petty excuses. You want to do it, go ahead, big deal. It's not the end of the world.

I signed my post as "Cheater Extraordinare" for a reason, it's because God damn it, I do it and I make no stupid selfish excuses for it. I do it because I enjoy it, I cheat in many games... I had Game Genie and I milked that thing for all its worth.

So go ahead, script, have fun doing it. God knows I do it and I'm doing right now as we speak, but don't try and make petty excuses to try and justify it to yourself so you can feel all nice inside and pretend like you're not really a cheater.

Getting a computer to play a game FOR YOU is cheating, and if you think a computer playing a game for you isn't cheating than you seriously need to reflect on the issue. Honestly anyone who has some sick twisted way of turning it around and thinking that it isn't, well I must say, you are the definition of a sociopath.

[Edited on 8-20-2003 by Kranar]

08-20-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Caels
Oh come on Kranar, lighten up, you are one of the biggest cheaters I know when it comes to scripting.


In any case scripting may be cheating, but its perfectly acceptable in GemStone therefore this entire discussion is pretty pointless. It's also perfectly acceptable to share scripts or create your own if you so wish.

He's acknowledged that by his "- Cheater-extraordinaire. " signature. And he is correct. Scripting is cheating.

You can justify it any way you wish, but the fact still remains.

And yes, I have scripted, MA'd and slammed... so don't take this as some 'holier than thou' type of post because it's not.

08-20-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Kranar

I signed my post as "Cheater Extraordinare" for a reason, it's because God damn it, I do it and I make no stupid selfish excuses for it. I do it because I enjoy it, I cheat in many games... I had Game Genie and I milked that thing for all its worth.

God bless that device.

08-20-2003, 04:25 PM
<< God bless that device. >>

Oh man, the best thing about Game Genie was that in games like Mortal Kombat and other fighting games it let you play as characters you couldn't otherwise access. I used that thing to play as Kintaro, Noob Saibot and Smoke in MKII.

Honestly Game Genie was the bomb!

Okay, back on track. You need shades script, how old are these guys? Is your weapon assumed to be blessed? Will you be needing any spells to hunt them, like defensive spells? If your weapon needs to be blessed, how will you bless it? Can you cast the bless weapon spell?

Just let me know some of the specifics and I can modify my hunting template to suit your needs.

[Edited on 8-20-2003 by Kranar]

08-20-2003, 04:30 PM
I tested out hunting there myself for a while. The treasure wasn't great, and the gen rate wasn't fast enough to justify hunting there for favor or for experience. It is, however, a relatively empty spot most of the time, so posting a script for it still may be of use for some folks.

They're level 2. In my case, I don't need any spells, and my weapon should always be assumed to be blessed. Like I said though, I wouldn't use it much, so don't go out of your way for it.

08-20-2003, 04:51 PM
My cleric hunted there for 7 levels. I hate that place with a passion.

08-20-2003, 05:06 PM
I don't think it's worth hunting undead at such a young level.

Best time to master Voln is when you get to zombies, because you can get plenty of ranks just in there, and then move to Varunar.

08-20-2003, 05:11 PM
I started because I joined Voln at 3 and it's really easy. Frying off lesser ghouls is easier than frying on rats in the sewers sometimes. Getting a bless is never more difficult than going to the crypt, or rarely, ringing back to the courtyard.

Zombies is when the ranks really start flying though.

08-20-2003, 05:35 PM
I joined voln at 5. I'm not sure when I master...should be before or around when I hit zombies. But, it's easier for clerics, because we can use sancted weapons.