View Full Version : Ensorcell As It Should Be

07-31-2004, 03:24 PM
Looking at past player suggestions, the optimal route for Ensorcell is a diverse set of additive abilities that a sorcerer can imbue into various equipment. However, even in this form, the spell is still somewhat unpopular. To sway the majority of sorcerers into believing this spell is worth our DEVs allocating their time and resources, I will provide you with my vision Ensorcell. If there is any type of feedback, which I highly doubt there will be, I will finish the idea with an Armor section.

First And Foremost, I suggest that Ensorcell not be heavily influenced by Enchantment, Weighting, or Padding. The spell's initial levels should be relatively easy, relatively simple, and relatively safe to perform. This is KEY to the success of the spell. You could Ensorcell a 10x Falchion just as easily as a 0x weapon. Padding, Weighting, ect ... The spell, to an extent, ignores it all.

What's the catch, you ask?? The Ensorcelled piece of equipment will lose its magical qualities over time. However, the duration for the Ensorcelled properties has the potential to last a length of time comparable to our Fetish amulets we received for the release of GS4. If the weapon should suffer catastrophic breakage, the Ensorcell duration should be drastically reduced, or the spell should immediately dissipate. Also, for easily obtained Uber weapons such as Claidhmores, the item will only be able to be partially Ensorcelled, will be extremely difficult to work on, or are simply completely ineligible.

The question is, "Will players to be willing to shell out Wizard Enchant money for a service that will wear off?"

My Answer, "Yes, providing they can have the service performed on their 10x Falchion in a safe manner, taking a relatively short amount of time."

I believe this spell should also appeal to the common player as well as wealthy ones. For some forms of Ensorcell, the spell should be as simple as a prep, ritual, cast, WITHOUT the wait. We could add minor enhancements to most weapons with relative ease. Along with Ensorcelling spells, I believe we should have the ability to add scripted movements to the items we work upon. There will be a base level of Ensorcell added scripts, an advanced level of added scripts, Guild learned Illusion based scripts, and Spell Specific added modifiers. (For more Details, see Section: Scripts and Spell Effect Modifiers)

For Ease of Reading I will break down this post into multiple pieces. Next Section: Requirements and Rituals

07-31-2004, 03:25 PM
The Requirements

In this section, I will expound on the levels of difficulty for Ensorcell. As I said earlier, some forms of this spell should be VERY simple. However, if we want the added abilities to actually be worth ungodly amounts of money, we will need to have a highly involved aspect to the spell as well. There will be multiple Ensorcell rituals, each increasing in difficulty. These rituals determine which spells are eligible for Ensorcelling, as well as what manner of added benefits are bestowed upon the weapons in question.

Contributing factors of a sorcerer's skill with Ensorcell rituals should include: The Sorcerers level, Stats and Stat bonuses, Spell ranks known above Ensorcell, the Sorcerer's skill training (MIU, Arc Sym, Mana Share, Harness Mana), and the quality/type of Ensorcell Ritual components used. I will not attempt to invent the exact steps and Stat/Skill requirements involved in each ritual, or the components that will be needed. I will only list the difficulty levels I believe appropriate for the abilities listed below. I leave it up to the creatively gifted sorcerers to conjure up the rites to be performed for each of the four rituals.

As said before, the base duration for all Ensorcelled goods should be on par with our GS4 statistic boosting gifts. Weapons of a very high enchant, or those that possess unique qualities (Padding, Weighting, Flares) may receive a slight to moderate penalty to their Ensorcell duration. Due to the nature of some weapons existing qualities, some may be ineligible for specific enhancements. The Sorcerer will be given the Ensorcell Analyze verb that will, on some weapons, give the caster insight as to the overall difficulty of the project. This verb will partially rely on the sorcerer's level and perception training for its overall effectiveness. The verb will also alert the Sorcerer of the chance of partial/full weapon ineligibility. However, It is still of vital importance that the Sorcerer interpret the signs of his performed rituals correctly to deduce what further enhancements could be wrought upon his weapon.

Not only do some spells require a higher difficulty level of ritual to be Ensorcelled, specific spells and spell effects will have differing difficulty levels in of themselves. This means that just because a spell is set at an Intermediate ritual difficulty level, doesn't guarantee that it will be as easy for the spell to be placed within that item as other spells of a similar ritual requirement. The nature of the weapon, the spell being attempted, the Sorcerer's level/skill/stats, and components used can all effect the difficulty of Ensorcell projects at mid to higher ritual levels. However, a skilled Ensorceller will have little relative difficulty performing a Novice's ritual on nearly all weapons.

The Rituals

(N) - Novice's Ritual. The first Ensorceller's rite involves a short ritual with inexpensive spell components and near insignificant amount of risk to the Sorcerer or his gear. The Ritual will be able to be performed with almost no chance of failure upon learning the spell. The Item will only able to receive base weapon scripts and basic level spells. The weapon will suffer a slightly elevated level of Ensorcell dissipation, and have no added flare potential.

(I) - Intermediate's Ritual. Though still relatively low, this rite will have a somewhat increased chance of failure. Higher grade components will be required as well as an increased length of time to perform the ritual. The Ritual will be enacted with relative ease early in the Sorcerer's career if properly trained, or if he is of a higher level. The weapon will be able to receive basic and intermediate level spells, as well as base level scripts and entry level Illusion earned scripts. Spell specific effects will be accessible for some basic and intermediate level spells. The weapon will have an unaltered level of Ensorcell dissipation and have a slightly increased flare potential.

(A) - Adept's Ritual. This rite will have an Increased chance of failure compared to Intermediate, though the risk will still be considered moderate. Substantial skill and level checks will be involved, as well as a considerate ritual length and component costs. The item will able to receive all spells at or below the advanced level. The Item will receive full base and advanced level scripts, Entry/Intermediate level Illusion scripts, and all spell specific effects for available spells. The weapon will receive an extended level of Ensorcell spell duration and moderately increased flare potential. Realistically, this the last ritual most sorcerers will be able to perform.

(M) - Master's Ritual. This ritual will only be successfully accomplished by the Eldest and most dedicated to the Art. The Master's Ritual will have the longest ritual duration and is by far the most complex. There will be an Extremely high level (85-90) requirement to learn the Ritual, and rigid Stat and Skill requirements to perform it. The rite will require special components not sold off the shelf; most likely only available in limited amounts at event merchants for insane prices. The sorcerer will able to Ensorcell the last and most deadly of our spells, as well as grant every script; to include the last of the Guild learned Illusionary scripts. The Master's ritual grants a greatly increased Ensorcell spell duration, and considerable flare potential is added to all applicable Ensorcelled projects.

Next Section: Spell Enhancements

07-31-2004, 03:25 PM
Spell Enhancements

Beside each spell you will see a Ritual Level Identifier. This is the base level of ritual needed to be performed to Ensorcell the spell into a weapon. Using a more advanced ritual for a spell than is required gives the Ensorcelled equipment added benefits. These additional enhancements include a prolonged Ensorcell spell duration, increased potential damage on applicable flares and warding checks, added Flare potential, reduced stat/skill checks for both the Sorcerer and weapon user, and access to additional spell effect modifiers.

701(N) - Flares cause bleeding wounds. The Ritual Level determines the spell's power in terms of warding failure range. Novice will range from 101-120, Intermediate 110-130, Adept 130-150, and Mastery 160-200. The Spell specific effect is achieved at the Intermediate level ritual, and allows for a MIU skill-check that grants the user of the weapon to temporarily receive blood from creatures he has damaged. The transfer rate of blood is based off the Ensorceller's penalized (Halved) lore training at Adept level, with no lore penalties at Master level Ritual. This spell will be the easiest to Ensorcell on any weapon, regardless of ritual level.

702(N) - Mana Disrupt flares. The Ritual Level determines MD's power in terms of stance and warding failure range. Novice will range from 101-120, Intermediate 110-130, Adept 130-150, and Mastery 160-200. The Spell specific effect is unlocked at the Intermediate level ritual, and allows for a MIU skill-check to temporarily gain the power of MD to the equivalent of the channel verb with every flare. Mastery level allows for the equivalent of constant stance offensive, completely hands free channeling power. This spell will be only slightly more difficult to Ensorcell than 701 and 706 at all ritual levels.

703(I) - Corrupt Essence flares. The Spell specific effect would be achieved at Mastery level, and would trigger the spell Forget on a flare, instead of Corrupt essence. However, as we no longer have access to this spell, I do not believe we could realistically place it into a weapon. This spell will be moderately difficult to Ensorcell up to Adept level Rituals, and have slightly reduced difficulty at Mastery level.

704(?) - We have to wait to see what enhancements are provided to this spell.

705(N) - Disintegration flares. Spell Specific action may very with improvements.

706(N) - Stunning flares. If the creature is not stunned on the initial blow, he will be subject to a failed warding flare. The Ritual Level determines Mind Jolt's power in terms of stance and warding failure range. Novice will range from 101-120, Intermediate 110-130, Adept 130-150, and Mastery 160-200. The spell specific effect is at the Intermediate level to have the chance to cause nerve damage when the flare strikes an unstunned opponent. At master level have the increasingly likely effect to cause nerve damage with every flare, regardless of the creature's status. However, as we ourselves do not have this effect, I do not believe we could realistically place it into a weapon. This spell will be tied with 701 for ease of Ensorcelling up to Adept level, and slightly reduced level of difficulty at Master Level.

707 - Not Ensorcellable.

708(I) - A flare causes a limb to be subject to the effects of Limb Disruption. Warding ranges will very according to Ritual level. The Adept level ritual will allow for a spell specific effect for a relatively easy MIU skill-check to temporarily make attempts to animate any severed limbs. The chance of success is based on penalized (Halved lore ranks) training of the Ensorceller at the time of preparing the weapon. The Master level ritual will allow every severed limb the sword causes, flare or not, a chance for animation based on unpenalized lore training of the Ensorceller at the time of weapon preparation. This spell will be a moderately difficult level to Ensorcell up to Adept, and will have unhindered difficulty at Mastery level.

709(I) - Flares cause the creature to suffer the effects of a focused Quake. The Adept level Ritual allows the spell specific effect for a MIU skill-check to cast self-Mana using quake. Master level ritual reduces Mana cost, as well as uses the Ensorceller's stats/skills instead of Weapon users at the time when the weapon was repaired for spell strength. This spell will be of a moderately difficult level of difficulty to Ensorcell up to Adept, with unhindered difficulty at Mastery level.

710(I) - Flares will form an expedited Focused Maelstrom lasting for 1-3 rounds using penalized (Half SA, 4/5ths Level) skills of the Ensorceller. The Adept level Ritual will unlock the spell specific effect of a MIU skill-check to unleash a self-Mana cast, unfocused Maelstrom using the Ensorceller's penalized (3/4th spells known, 5/4th level) skills for spell strength. The Master level ritual will insure maximum amounts of rounds per duration, reduced penalties for focused/unfocused maelstrom strength, and reduced Mana costs for open maelstrom. This spell will be of a slightly elevated intermediate level of difficulty to Ensorcell up to Adept, with unhindered difficulty at Mastery level.

711(A) -Pain Infliction flares. Warding flares will be in the range of 101-200. The Ensorceller's lore ranks at time of the weapon's preparation are halved before being applied to the endroll. The spell effect for the weapon is a MIU check to temporarily reduce the lore penalty to 2/3 lore ranks known. The Master level ritual raises the lower ranges of warding failure to 150, and removes lore penalties applied to the spell when triggered. This spell will be the most difficult available to the Adept ritual user, and of a slightly elevated Mastery level difficulty.

712(I) - Causes the weapon to flare with a cycle of spells in the order of 701/02/03/(04)/05. The Adept level ritual will, as usual, increases flare potential, and adds 708 to the cycle with the same conditions listed originally under the spell. Master level ritual adds 708 and 711, with both spell's respective Master level properties. This spell will have be the most difficult of the Intermediate ritual required levels up to Adept, and an unhindered level of Mastery ritual difficulty.

713(A) - Nightmare flares. The Master ritual will add a separate randomized flare for a hidden attempt to cast nightmare at all creatures in the room. The Roll will be based off the Ensorceller's Casting Strength at time of preparing the weapon. This spell will be the easiest to Ensorcell out of all Adept rituals, as well as the easiest Mastery level spell to Ensorcell.

714 - Not Ensorcellable.

715(A) - Causes Cycling Curse flares. The TD lowering curse will appear at random. The Master level Ritual will give the user the ability attune the weapon's flare to a specific curse according to his stance. This is the least difficult of the Adept level difficulty spells after 713, and will be the next easiest Mastery level spell after Nightmare.

716(?) - Disease flares. Unable to determine specific spell effects and difficulty until after the announced changes are put into effect.

717(?) - I cannot come up with any viable flare form of this spell. By the spells nature it is does not well lend itself to Ensorcell as you must make eye contact with your target. It would either be overpowered or worthless. Suggestions?

718(A) - Torment flares. The spell will last for 1-3 rounds. There will be a slight (1/4 Lore ranks) Lore protection provided at Adept level. The spell effect modifier allows for a MIU skill-check to gain 3/4 lore protection of the Ensorceller at the time of the weapons creation. The Master level ritual insures maximum round durations, and allows for an unpenalized Lore protection based off the Ensorceller's lore ranks at the time of the weapon's preparation. This spell will possess a slightly elevated level of difficulty for the Adept level, and a slightly reduced level Mastery level difficulty.

719(M) - Dark Catalyst flares based on a randomized warding failure of 101-150. The Spell effect allows for an especially difficult MIU skill-check to temporarily increase the possible warding failure potential. The user's degree of success will determine the duration of the added spell effect, the minimum warding range which caps at 150, and the upper warding range which caps at 200. This spell will be tied with 720 as the most difficult of all Mastery level Rituals to be attempted.

720(M) - Actual Focused implosion flares. Effectiveness of flares will be based off the Ensorceller's Spell Aim ranks at a penalized rate (Halved). Ensorcellers, if they so choose, may add a spell effect action that allows the player to open an unfocused void. However, this action will be treated just like imbedding implosion. You are responsible for the damage this weapon reaps. This spell will be tied with 719 as the most difficult of all Mastery level Rituals to be attempted.

Next Section - Scripts and Spell Effect Modifiers

07-31-2004, 03:27 PM
Scripts and Spell Effect Modifiers

As was mentioned earlier, not only will a Sorcerer be able to Ensorcell a weapon with a wide range of spell enhancements, they will also have the ability to add scripts and secondary spell effect modifiers.

Base/Advanced Scripts - When a weapon is Ensorcelled using any ritual level, it will be given a set of scripted actions. Even a Novice ritual will entitle a weapon to specialized scripts such as Sheathing/Unsheathing descriptions, as well as several other movement scripts such as wave or point. When an Adept level ritual is performed upon a weapon, access to the Advanced level scripts will be granted. The more difficult the ritual performed upon a weapon, the more numerous and stylized a weapon's scripts will become.

Guild Illusion Scripts - When a weapon is Ensorcelled by a sorcerer, he will have the option of imbuing that weapon with specialized scripts he has learned while training in the Guild. There will be a determinate number of script sets available for Ensorcellers to study and master. These illusion based abilities will be the mark of a true Ensorceller; Setting that practitioner's work ahead of his lesser competitors. Only the most privileged will ever possess a Master Guild Illusionist's weaponry. The lattermost illusions provide the owner of the specially Ensorcelled item with a rare and extraordinary specialized weapon. As an added benefit provided to reward the diligence of an Illusionist Ensorcelling sorcerer, Guild earned weapon scripts will forever remain with a weapon even after the weapons other enhancements has dissipated.

Spell Effect Modifiers - Nearly every spell that can be placed within a weapon has a unique unlockable effect, allowing its user an even greater source of power. In activating these effect modifiers, the user of the weapon will slightly reduce the duration of the Ensorcelled spell. The exact amount of reduction to the spell's duration will depend on the difficulty of the Ritual performed and exact nature of the Ensorcelled spell.
These advanced techniques will most commonly be triggered by performing a specific weapon movement. Using such hidden abilities most usually requires differing degrees of skill with magical items. However, weapons created by the most exceptionally skilled of Ensorcellers will be of such strong magical quality, that the user need only call upon the item's innate properties to utilize its unrivaled powers.

Next Session: Final Thoughts

07-31-2004, 03:27 PM
Final Thoughts

Due to the complexity of my idea for this spell, I would suggest it be developed in 2 major stages, Weapons and Armor. Each stage will have several multi-teared releases.

First Stage: Weapons

Release 1 - All Novice spells, Novice/Initiate level rituals, and all Basic level scripts and Initial release of Weapon Illusions ranks.

Release 2 - Initial release of the intermediate and Adept based spells, The Adept level ritual, second release of weapon Illusion ranks, and all Advanced level Scripts for released spells.

Release 3 - Remaining Intermediate and Adept spells levels released. Initial release of spell effect modifiers for all available spells.

Release 4 - Mastery level spells released, Master level ritual released, Final release of weapon illusion ranks, all remaining spell effect modifiers released.

As with any player submitted idea, the author has displayed his thoughts in the hopes that the work may aid in the creation of a new spell. All numbers are of course arbitrary, and should be adjusted for game balance and feasibility.

This is an Ensorcell worthy of the Sorcerer.

Evarin and his Mis'ri

07-31-2004, 09:23 PM
I liked your suggestion, it was an interesting read. As far as I can see I don't think you ever addressed blessable/sanctified/permablessed weapons. How do you propose that be handled?

07-31-2004, 10:32 PM
I like that you actually put thought and time into this...

I didn't have a chance to read it all, but I was impressed that you appeared to be very thorough.

08-01-2004, 12:34 AM
I liked your suggestion, it was an interesting read. As far as I can see I don't think you ever addressed blessable/sanctified/permablessed weapons. How do you propose that be handled?>>

The only conflictions I see with a weapon's innate properties and having Ensorcelled effects added are existing weapon flares. I do not think weapons should have two flares. Beyond that, I think that Ensorcell should not disrupt a weapons blessable status, but it certainly should not add one.

I could see allowing a slight to moderate Ensorcell penalties at the later rituals when dealing with Sanctified and Permablessed weapons. However, as the selling point of the spell is ease of use, lower level rituals and spells should not be greatly hindered by any weapon characteristics.