View Full Version : Is this thing okay?

07-31-2004, 03:32 AM
Nakiro has befriended a war mage and was supplying her minor aid.

Anyway, long story short, he enters a room and she is attacked and murdered. He assults the offender (along with a few others) and he ends up dead.

THEN I'm pulled and told to stay out of the conflict and not to become involved.

My grudge is that though there was another underlying conflict (which I honestly wasn't following), I only responded because the attack was direct and witnessed first hand, and obviously because the victum was a friend.

Do you think its okay to interject into conflict when a quick and decisive decision has to be made?

I'm also suspecious that being high level I was targeted out of the others who attacked back because it was "unfair" that I had a higher level advantage.

Discuss. And please, ignore bad spelling. I suck at spelling. Kthx.

07-31-2004, 03:36 AM
If you saw your friend being attacked, its only natural that you would help out.

If you heard about your friend being attacked and came to sort out the baddies after the conflict, that's bad.

Seems to me that if people expect you to stand and watch your friends get beat on, something just aint right. :shrug:

07-31-2004, 03:36 AM
I think what you did was fine. What's retarded is when you kill someone, and then their level 75 friend who you've never talked to kills you a week later out of the blue.

07-31-2004, 03:43 AM
Damn you got pulled by a GM? That seems kinda crazy... what was happening before all this that made them notice what was goin down?

07-31-2004, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by Meos
Damn you got pulled by a GM? That seems kinda crazy... what was happening before all this that made them notice what was goin down?

I don't know, really. I just walked in, my friend was murdered, and I assulted back. That was the extent of my knowledge, but in game it was enough to justify death in return.

I know other stuff WAS going on, but what it was, I don't know, and I don't care. I didn't act based on that prejudice, or someone else asking me to help. I acted on what was seen.

And I was told that if I walk into a room that a friend is in, and that friend is assulted, it is against policy if I attack back. Just doesn't seem right to me.

07-31-2004, 03:50 AM
I attacked said person as well, and I wasn't pulled at all.

07-31-2004, 03:52 AM
I'm figuring the GMs are pretty much pull-happy given the rediculous amount of shit that's going on in the Landing. I swear something is wrong if there isn't a person dying outside the bank, gate or in the small park every five minutes. I think they're trying to control something that is clearly out of control.

07-31-2004, 03:54 AM
If you were helping a friend, and saw her get attacked. I see no reason not to defend her.

07-31-2004, 04:03 AM
Oh, I forgot to add my opinion to this. I think you were right in jumping in to defend her.

07-31-2004, 06:25 AM
I saw it, I would have done the same thing. Plus the guy you killed apparently bought his character and is 16 (see the "new bully?" thread) so he's all the more deserving of it.

07-31-2004, 06:43 AM
Maybe somebody Reported you....like the guy you killed?

It seems logical to me that if your friend is attacked, you would respond with an appropriate action. He killed your friend. Your killing of him seems justified to me.

Did anything else happen before this incident?


07-31-2004, 07:01 AM
You said you walked in and your friend was murdered...? So, did you actually witness the actual killing?

I would always ask or at least test the waters before stepping into a conflict I didn't know anything about. Clearly there wasn't any RPing going on, just some roll-playing pwning, and the person you killed reported you because of that fact.

When in doubt, step back. It IS against policy to get involved if you were not directly hurt. Were it roleplaying, however, I doubt anyone would have been reported or pulled.


07-31-2004, 09:29 AM
Without all the information available leading up to the event we really can't make a proper assessment. Not including retribution, or a personal conflict your friend was having with said person already, who's to know what transpired before you saw them murdered. Walking into a situation like this, your first instinct would be any of our first instincts so who can fault you for lending your hand to aid a friend. No one.

Had it been a roleplaying situation where all parties involved were aware that conflict would take place, I doubt the reporting would have even been necessary.

07-31-2004, 09:53 AM
shoulda just maybe tried to roleplay it out? just yell at them hey that was my friend, then maybe they would attack you first, and you kill them next, then it's within the TOS?

but personally i will try to kill anyone who kills one of my friends right in front of me.

07-31-2004, 12:37 PM
I think you acted appropriately according to the RP of the moment. You had no idea what the history was, nor could you at the immediate moment that you witnessed a friend being killed right in front of you. Your reaction was a natural one of defending and seeking justice. You never know, you might have been the next attacked regardless if you had joined the conflict or merely stood by and watched.

I have been pulled for exactly the same thing, except it was involving one of my character's fiance. The GM's reasoning was that my fiance should be able to handle their own battles (to which I agree to a certain level). I countered by saying that as a fiance and companion it would be ludricris of me to just stand there and watch the murder that was resulting from an argument that happened hours earlier. To stand by and not enjoin is not NATURAL. And if we are going to hold everyone to a specific RP standard then we should to take into account every normal reaction by all parties involved. The debate was good, and I learned that there is a line which they (SIMU staff) try to adhere to where events are allowed to transpire without their intervention and where events are interrupted in order to avoid a gross escalation of conflict that will require their intervention in the end anyways.

The thing that we as players have to understand that GM's have a certain amount of discretionary authority in order to interpret all the circumstances of a situation. You were probably reported by one of the parties involved (especially because of your advanced level if it was your empath that you were in) and the GM yanked you somewhat prematurely. If no official warning was given or you weren't made to read policy then I bet he was merely isloating the involved parties in order to avoid escalation of the situation. But thats pure supposition on my part, sometimes its futile to try to interpret the actions of GM's since they are merely human as we are.

I left telling the GM that if I was in a group and a member of the group was attacked then I would always defend and counter in situations like that... and he good spiritedly said that eventually it will lead to a warning depending on the GM involved.... and that this 'talk' we had would be logged so they would know I had been apprised of their stance concerning the line between PvP and CvC.

(so from now on I'll bait the attacker into attacking me so I can of course 'defend' myself in the appropriate way) :cool:

07-31-2004, 12:46 PM
No it can't be allowed in game because then you have retards claiming to be friends just attacking others even if the original attack was justified.

While doing what you did was ok, expect to hear some noise from the GMs. They have to do it to maintain the rule.

07-31-2004, 12:59 PM
I am much more for harassing people with spells like bind, lullabye, or other non-fatal ways to teach them a lesson. I sure know being bound and silenced pisses me off a lot more than being killed.

07-31-2004, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
You said you walked in and your friend was murdered...? So, did you actually witness the actual killing?

Yah, I was in the room at the time it occured.

07-31-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Without all the information available leading up to the event we really can't make a proper assessment. Not including retribution, or a personal conflict your friend was having with said person already, who's to know what transpired before you saw them murdered. Walking into a situation like this, your first instinct would be any of our first instincts so who can fault you for lending your hand to aid a friend. No one.

Had it been a roleplaying situation where all parties involved were aware that conflict would take place, I doubt the reporting would have even been necessary.

In retrospective I think the real issue is it WASN'T really a roleplaying issue. It was more just the matter of one guy being a twit, and using his level superority to harrass other players without justified reason.

However, my actions were still based on what I knew and witnessed in character.

Also in retrospective, its obvious he was enticing assult. After he was killed he basically said "All right who all attacked me so I know who to report".

Lovely. People using talking about reporting others IN GAME is fine, but retailating to a realistic conflict is a no-no.

Its basically become a glorified PvP field, or in this case I think it was more PvC.

07-31-2004, 04:03 PM
Same thing happened with me with the same circumstances.

I end up getting a send from Khaladon to not get involved in the conflict. Apparantly, this guy is report happy whenever someone that can stand up to him does.

Also, this isn't really an "RP" thing whatsoever. It's something about a weapon that was stolen, but never really was stolen, but dickhead is pissed so he'll kill a low train wizard. Bunch of PvP shit that the GMs are watching.

- Arkans

07-31-2004, 04:03 PM
Heh. In that case, since this guy seems to favor Reporting, I'd report him every time I saw him pulling stuff like this. I think that's probably what the GMs are going for. If people respond as he hopes they'll respond, by killing him, he can report them and there's little the GMs can do to him. However, if he's Reported for his behavior, and people do not take things into their own hands, the GMs can get rid of the trouble maker. At least, that's how Simu has always seemed to see it.


07-31-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Heh. In that case, since this guy seems to favor Reporting, I'd report him every time I saw him pulling stuff like this. I think that's probably what the GMs are going for. If people respond as he hopes they'll respond, by killing him, he can report them and there's little the GMs can do to him. However, if he's Reported for his behavior, and people do not take things into their own hands, the GMs can get rid of the trouble maker. At least, that's how Simu has always seemed to see it.


The standard reply is to use warn interaction or warn harassment.

What a fucking poor excuse for a solution.

07-31-2004, 04:42 PM
If the GMs wanted to encourage me to use Warn, I'd be happy to cooperate. However, I'd also Report his arse! If he's doing this all the time (and it appears he is), and enough people Report his behavior, he'll find himself taking a vacation.


07-31-2004, 05:12 PM
It seems like a no win situation. I think you did the right thing, which is react from what you just witnessed in front of you. The guy was/is a snert who probably would have reported you had you tried to roleplay it out or not. What can you do in a situation like this one.....
I'd take Harmnone's advice.

07-31-2004, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro

Originally posted by Meos
Damn you got pulled by a GM? That seems kinda crazy... what was happening before all this that made them notice what was goin down?

I don't know, really. I just walked in, my friend was murdered, and I assulted back. That was the extent of my knowledge, but in game it was enough to justify death in return.

I know other stuff WAS going on, but what it was, I don't know, and I don't care. I didn't act based on that prejudice, or someone else asking me to help. I acted on what was seen.

And I was told that if I walk into a room that a friend is in, and that friend is assulted, it is against policy if I attack back. Just doesn't seem right to me.

It doesnt happen very often but...I agree with you