View Full Version : Treasure system
08-20-2003, 05:37 AM
Alright, I'm treasure hunting skeletal ice trolls in Mule. It was nice, I got just over 400k in 2 days. I think, though, that I ruined them. The boxes are now way farther between. Fortunately, there are two hunting spots that are great for treasure...
Anyway, how long should it take for them to get back to their former (wonderful) level of decent treasure?
08-20-2003, 07:13 AM
From what I've heard, treasure does not fluctuate daily, it can take weeks of heavy hunting to impact an area.
That could be wrong, I have not paid any attention to the distribution because I just hunt wherever I happen to be.
I am curious though, how many hours in those two days were you hunting?
08-20-2003, 07:46 AM
Alot. I've made about 500k in two days, and there's atleast one other treasure hunter there. I really think it's going down...I spent about 3 hours there this morning, and got about 10 boxes (one trip). Fortunately, because of wracking, and lack of swarms, I can stay there pretty much indefinately.
I did get 16k in gems though.
08-20-2003, 08:10 AM
I've heard very differently, Askip. I'm told the treasure system is updated by the hour, and is impacted by how many people have hunted there and how many creatures they've killed.
08-20-2003, 08:38 AM
If bob's right, I think I've ruined trolls for a day or two. Time to start playing my secondary character.
08-20-2003, 11:08 AM
It certainly could get tweaked hourly, but if so it's miniscule.
I've hunted Skull Temple at all times of the day for hours at a stretch, and I have not seen any difference whether it's busy or empty.
Other areas could be different, your milage may vary.
08-20-2003, 11:57 AM
Depleting the treasure system of an area should take a couple weeks. During the first few weeks EN and Zul Logoth opened, older characters constantly hunted certain critters, and if you were there with them you'd still be making plenty of silver.
08-20-2003, 11:59 AM
The most dramatic changes I see are in shelfae. I occasionally go there to cash hunt. At one point, I was getting at least 75 pounds of boxes, 5k in gems, 2k in coins, and jewelry every hunt. Now I get like 10 coins, a 50 coin gem, and rarely, a 15 pound box.
08-20-2003, 12:19 PM
This has been a pretty dramatic change. I'm not the only one treasure hunting there, there's a couple people atleast. It could just be an anamoly, but I spent 2+ hours there, and got 10 boxes. When I first started, a few times I couldn't even fry because I got the boxes fast enough that I didn't need to.
08-20-2003, 01:03 PM
Roa'ters go through cycles. Not many actively hunt them in the castle... but if they are ignored for a while, they start dropping diamonds and emeralds all the time with real heavy boxes. I'll hunt them a good solid 3 or 4 days.. and they go back to dropping nothing but crap.
08-20-2003, 07:53 PM
In my experience treasure does change quickly sometimes daily. I think there is an allotment to every hunting area. Once that is depleted then it gets rough. But I have seen where in hunting say Harbs in the morning I do horrible and come back after work and crud it's like 25+ lb per box and getting them on almost every one. So I dont think really there is an exact science to it. But an allotment makes sense since in some cases people report their areas are rich for a week then nothing while others say it lasted a couple of days.
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