View Full Version : Dark Alliance

07-29-2004, 03:32 PM
Been hearing rumors all day of something called "The Dark Alliance" heading to Elven Nations. Illistrim has beefed up its defensives (Red crystals at the gates) and a friend saw someone strange walking around Ta'Vaalor this afternoon around 3pm.

Was wondering if anyone else has either heard or saw anything.

07-29-2004, 03:33 PM
As long as they don't interrupt my power hunting, I don't care. :whistle:

07-29-2004, 03:34 PM
Dark alliance.... never heard of it.... :duh:

07-29-2004, 03:40 PM
I :heart: the DA.

07-29-2004, 03:59 PM
I think Adredrin is kinda a DA member..or he was for a short time. He was more "folded" into everything then actually actively trying to be a member.

Though I did start a bunch of crap with the Fury in EN. That was fun :P

PS. It was all Naessi (Spuns) and Marclar's fault. Honest.

[Edited on 7-29-2004 by LordAdredrin]

07-29-2004, 04:45 PM
I was wondering what those red crystals were. What exactly do they do?

07-29-2004, 05:47 PM
<<I think Adredrin is kinda a DA member..or he was for a short time. He was more "folded" into everything then actually actively trying to be a member. >>

Well, he's not a member right now. I know that much.

07-29-2004, 06:06 PM

PLEASE KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

07-29-2004, 09:22 PM
Heh I should ask all of the barrier hunters to join the Dark Alliance...

Not that I'm one anyway... But would be hillarious...

Got a group of 50-60 Grand Lords and Ladies...

I think everyone would be pissing in their pants..


Yes I know that was a bit random...

07-29-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
I was wondering what those red crystals were. What exactly do they do?

New anti-invasion things... I don't think Illistim has even been hit yet since their implementation, or if it has I wasn't paying attention. I'm curious to see clips of it too.

07-29-2004, 10:21 PM
so, they ARE in EN now?

07-29-2004, 11:29 PM
I'm guessing this Dark Alliance thing is leading to the release of animate dead?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

07-29-2004, 11:29 PM
You are, most likely, wrong.

07-29-2004, 11:34 PM

07-29-2004, 11:37 PM

The Dark Alliance is the 'bad guys' of the GSS. I sincerely doubt that they'll have anything to do with animate dead.

07-30-2004, 06:53 AM
DA = worshippers of dark gods.

More likely, DA = worshippers of the gods of the 'Dark Alliance', k? Mularos, Luukos, Sheru, V'Tull.

08-02-2004, 09:18 AM
So..........are they recruiting?

08-02-2004, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Brimz
Heh I should ask all of the barrier hunters to join the Dark Alliance...

Not that I'm one anyway... But would be hillarious...

Got a group of 50-60 Grand Lords and Ladies...

I think everyone would be pissing in their pants..


Yes I know that was a bit random...

Anyone can be killed... even uber wizards with big heads.

I just have to catch you with no spells on and then you will be my bitch. :P

08-03-2004, 02:49 AM
The crystals are indeed one of the things used for invasions, like a ballista but you infuse mana into the tower and it shoots out of the crimson ball. Only citizens of the city and elves can enter the towers. They seem really neat, I got to play with them when they were first released and they had this bug to give you endless mana.

The Dark Alliance is just what Maimara said, but I offer you this from the point of view from a couple of people:

"What is the Alliance?"

Formally, the Dark Alliance is a small group of GM-run NPCs and PCs who have made significant contributions towards the goals of the four Lornon Arkati involved in the Alliance: Luukos, Sheru, V'tull, and Mularos. Currently, the DA is manifesting itself most obviously in the Griffin Sword Saga quest.

The Alliance itself isn't a PRO, but rather more of a GM-run organization headed and controlled by four major GM-run NPCs that are collectively called "the Four". Those NPCs are Morvule (Luukos), Draezir (Sheru), Zerroth (V'tull), and Eryael (Mularos). The Alliance's leader is Morvule.

The Alliance is being directly opposed by two main Liabo-side NPCs: Chaeye, who is presumed to be a Paladin of Ronan, and Ulstram, who is known to be a prophet of Lorminstra.

"What if I am interested in getting involved?"

Getting involved in the Alliance itself is pretty difficult, mainly because the GM-run NPCs and involved PCs tend to be very exclusive and secretive about most everything they do that's related to their service (that's kind of how following a dark god works).

The Griffin Sword Saga is currently centered in Solhaven, so if someone's looking to become involved, hanging around that area would probably be a good place to begin. Just keep in mind that the citizens of the town and local law enforcement aren't at all keen on followers of Alliance-related Arkati (and might show their displeasure by slamming you in the stocks!), and those who are followers of those Arkati aren't likely to be too visible or friendly. You've definitely got to be a self-starter.

Hope this helps.

[Edited on 8-3-2004 by HouseofElves]

08-03-2004, 03:20 AM
Naessi has association with a lot of DA members and has participated quite actively in the past, but does not currently like to throw her hat in the ring, so to speak.

Adredrin was definitely a DA associate of some kind (killz Perigourd plz) at his sister's whim..... he got banished from Ta'Vaalor along with most of 'em.


08-03-2004, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by Joxter
So..........are they recruiting?

Doubtful, because most people that would 'recruit' or claim th ey want to be in the DA want to be in for the wrong reasons.

08-03-2004, 06:59 AM
clap @ Maimara.

Don't even get me started plz


08-03-2004, 07:52 AM
For those of you involved...

What exactly is a valid roleplay reason for one to be accepted into the DA? During my character's conflicts, he considered inquiring, but I had a breakthrough with another character.

08-03-2004, 12:01 PM
I wanna join!


08-03-2004, 12:49 PM

You mean wanting Drazier to be your baby daddy is a bad reason?

08-17-2004, 09:03 PM
>For those of you involved...

>What exactly is a valid roleplay reason for one to be accepted into the DA? During my character's conflicts, he considered inquiring, but I had a breakthrough with another character.

Valid roleplay reasons abound. I'm sure you can come up with plenty of reasons why your character would support the four Priests in their bid to get control of the Griffin Sword.

More difficult is gaining the trust of one or more Priests, and the current supporters/members. Effort and luck both apply.

The Dark Alliance is not a l33t 3v1l club. It's the antagonistic side of a quest that's over two years in. It's definitely possible to get involved on either side, it just takes work.

(And whether the PC side of the Dark Alliance will maintain itself after the quest ends is anyone's guess.)

08-17-2004, 09:43 PM
Chadj was trying to get in just before I lost him... I had spoken to a few members. It isn't easy. I have to be their little peon for "6 months, maybe even a year" to begin to win their "trust", that is, assuming I ever get it :(.