View Full Version : A few weapons, scripted items, an armor concealer (Flat Price)

01-10-2013, 11:27 PM
Selling a few things that I just don't use or need. I can deliver to Landing, Solhaven, and Icemule (sorry, don't have FWI).

a supple wolf skin bag
-unlocked (but not fully unlocked) Khlat bag from the Spitfire
-MA, belt-worn
-about 3 pounds
-has a bunch of scripts that fire when you rub it, close/open it, put things in it, etc.
-I think I had it deepened once, but I am really unsure about this, and am not sure how to check; analyzing it tells me it can still be deepened.

SHOW: Along the side of the wolf skin bag are a series of narrow scabbards, several which are rhimar-throated, as well a small number of loops.

SCRIPTS (I haven't checked for others, but I know these):

>wear my bag
You securely attach the wolf skin bag to your belt, resting the bag on your hip.

>close my bag
You reach down and place the flap on your wolf skin bag over the opening, closing it.

>open my bag
You reach down and lift the flap on your wolf skin bag, opening it.

>rub my bag
You brush off the surface of your wolf skin bag, cleaning any grime that may have collected

>tap my bag
You reach inside your wolf skin bag, but find it empty.

>put mirr in my bag
You absent-mindedly drop a hand-sized lacquered deep black fel-framed mirror into your wolf skin bag.

>tap my bag
You reach inside your wolf skin bag, rearranging the contents.

>rummage my bag
You rummage through a supple wolf skin bag and see a deep black fel-framed mirror.

>rem bag
You carefully remove the wolf skin bag, making sure not to damage the contents in the process.


You analyze your wolf skin bag and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
The wolf skin bag is unlocked, but not fully unlocked.

This item must stay a bag-like container of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that the bag's messaging references a series of loops and scabbards, which are on the side of the bag. Some of the scabbards are rhimar-throated for fire-flaring daggers.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the wolf skin bag for you or have its pockets deepened.



a sensible grey frock hemmed with a wide band of brown leather
-armor concealer (covers torso, arms and legs)
-less than 2 pounds
SOLD (sold in-game)


a black shaalk broadsword (ICE age metal; shaalk = vultite)
-5x, lightning flares
-about 3 pounds
SOLD (in-game)


a thick hammered invar claidhmore (fusion claid)
-+2, has two fusion slots
-about 13 pounds


a salt-bleached orase runestaff
-4x rune staff
-about 4 pounds


a lor-clasped tooled stave harness
-VSA, enough space for several items
-about 2 pounds


These next three items are sold as a set (price at the bottom), since they're (AFAIK) scripted to work with one another; they were sold in "Spin Thee and Wed" on the Spitfire:

a polished ebonwood jewelry box inlaid with blue agate
SHOW: Crafted of ebonwood, the box has an artfully decorated lid that has whorls of blue agate inlay accenting a lily pad design. Carved water lilies trail down the top and add dimension to the sides, while a lock mechanism, fashioned of malachite and wrought in the image of a frog, is positioned in the center of the front panel. The lid is thrown back to display a lining of soft, crushed velvet, as well as the two compartments housed within.

a delicate vaalorn ring encircling feather-etched gold
SHOW: Fashioned of gold and vaalorn, the ring is comprised of two bands wedded to become one. The larger band has slightly higher walls designed to loosely cradle the smaller band, which is free to spin around the other piece without coming loose.

a wide vaalorn band encircling feather-etched gold
SHOW: Fashioned of gold and vaalorn, the band is comprised of two bands wedded to become one. The larger band has slightly higher walls designed to loosely cradle the smaller band, which is free to spin around the other piece without coming loose.

SCRIPTS (that I know of, anyway):

>open my box
You lightly run your finger over the heart on the front of your ebonwood box and touch upon the hidden toggle. Slowly, the lid glides open to reveal the soft, crushed velvet lining.

>get my band [the scripts are the same for the band and the ring; just replace the nouns]
You pinch the edges of your vaalorn band and lift it free of a small circular depression that is formed in the soft, crushed velvet that lines the front of your ebonwood box.

>put band in my box
You nestle your vaalorn band into a small circular depression that is formed in the soft, crushed velvet that lines the front of your ebonwood box.

>close my box
Placing your hand on the top of the box, you lightly press the lid down and deftly tug the hidden toggle behind the heart into place.



a roughened treebark troll mask (or: a chain-linked heroic knight mask, a hat-crested stoic priest mask, etc.)
-scripted mask from EG '08
-has six or seven different descriptions (you change the description by TAPping the mask), a bunch of scripts (these also change for some descriptions), and at least three of them have different SHOWs


a hat-crested stoic priest mask: Edged in black, the stoic mask is pale and topped with a conical white silk hat embroidered with the Fist of Koar. Bright blue outlines the eyes, while dark rouge colors the pursed lips. A flat coat of soft ivory is preserved beneath a clear veneer that is polished to a warm, golden shine.

an off-white theatre mask: Smooth and symmetrical, the porcelain mask is off-white in hue with twin ribbons of deep ebon adorning each temple. The features of the mask are divided evenly in half by an invisible line and display extreme suffering on the right and intense joy upon the left. Painted into the space where the eyeholes should be are startling blue hues that ring a dark iris which flares dramatically with golden striations.

a roughened treebark troll mask: Fashioned of a wood, the mask was left rough in its crafting and has several nubs where branches were broken off. Deep chunks are gouged out of the curving plane of the face, each erratically shaped, while tanned hides are layered in wrinkles beneath the chin to imitate the folds of an aged neck. A cruel cast coupled with dark pigments lends the eyes a sinister expression, while ragged rawhide strips crown the head in simulation of a wild mane.


>tap my mask
You tap the temple of your mask, and a faint green shimmer spreads across its smooth surface. Moments pass while the face ripples and rolls with chaotic movements, but then slowly it stills into a new expression.

>wear my mask
You carefully slip the mask over your features, its cool, smooth interior melding to your face, and securely tie the piece into place behind your head.

>exhale my mask
You exhale with a small amount of force into the backing of your mask and feel it ripple and convulse against your skin. The sensation is cold and reminiscent of a bug slithering across your skin.

>tickle my mask [this script changes depending on the description; here's the knight version]
You carefully adjust the conical helm that tops your mask only to have it cant back to one side, again.

>tickle my mask [priest version]
You cup the brow of your stoic priest mask and shake your head in exasperation.

>tickle my mask [troll version]
You drag your fingers through the ragged strands of rawhide that crown your mask and sneer.

>pull my mask
You reach to the back of your mask to check that the straps are secured and adjust its fit upon your face.

>rem my mask
You tug at the bindings on your mask, and it easily slips free into your waiting hand.

LORESONG (I'm getting this from this post: http://forum.gsplayers.com/archive/index.php/t-55439.html; haven't had it sung to myself)

The resonance of your song falls in time with a deep rumbling laughter that suddenly fills the air. Before your eyes, the image of a kind human male's face appears, and you extend your hand to him in greeting as he steps down from his wagon. Immediately, you feel as if this is a man that you could be friends with for many years to come. Your vision of the greeting begins to fade as a joint camp begins to unfold.

You limbs are flooded with sensation, the first in many years, and your vision fills with the image of a small cemetery and a sprawling temple to the Arkati Lorminstra. You feel relief and a small amount of joy as you wave to the upturned faces around you, each one wishing you well. Peace overcomes you, and for the first time in years, you remember your name. Your lips part to whisper it on the wind, and then the vision fades.




01-10-2013, 11:34 PM
I'll take the staff harness

01-10-2013, 11:43 PM
I'll take the staff harness
It's yours. Thanks!

01-10-2013, 11:52 PM
I'll take the jewelry box and rings.

01-10-2013, 11:57 PM
I'll take the jewelry box and rings.
Okay, great. They're yours! Thanks.

01-11-2013, 03:09 AM
I'll take the roughened treebark troll mask(or whichever it's on currently)

01-11-2013, 08:00 AM
I'll take the roughened treebark troll mask(or whichever it's on currently)
k, it's yours. PM sent. And thanks!

01-11-2013, 02:57 PM
Funny how a shaalk item wasn't the first item to sell. I know OHE aren't really in ATM, but a few years ago people were pooping themselves when shaalk came on the market. Good luck with the rest of your sale!

01-11-2013, 02:59 PM
I'll buy the fusion claid for 300k.

01-11-2013, 03:18 PM
Funny how a shaalk item wasn't the first item to sell. I know OHE aren't really in ATM, but a few years ago people were pooping themselves when shaalk came on the market. Good luck with the rest of your sale!
Thanks! Yeah, I think the shaalk item would be more attractive if it wasn't a broadsword, but it's still a decent (and now very old/rare!) weapon.

I'll buy the fusion claid for 300k.
Okay, it's yours. PM sent. Thanks.

01-12-2013, 12:03 PM
Bumping this. The runestaff is nothing special, but any interest in the Khlat bag?

01-14-2013, 07:13 PM
Bumping one last time to see if there's any interest in the Khlat bag (which I moved to the front of the OP).