View Full Version : Wezas' Deals of the Week

07-28-2004, 04:02 PM
I went to Best Buy today during lunch to pick up some cell phone chargers. To my delight, I saw the desktop charger I wanted for only $10 and a car charger for only $13. I grabbed two desk chargers and a car charger. At the register they rang up as $24 for the desk chargers and $20 for the car charger. I walked back with one of the managers to the phone department. I showed her the serial numbers vs. the item and they were identical. She then proceeded to peel off the rack labels and say "Oh, these must be wrong". Whatever.

So I cruise around the internet for a few when I find some kick ass deals on phone accessories. Like getting twice as much stuff (and 2 day shipping) for less then what Best Buy (and Target, Circuit City, Radio Shack, etc) was going to charge me. (More details in the link)

I decided to throw a quick page up with the deal, as well as some coupon codes for 20% off - and I'll probably update it occasionally. Maybe it'll help someone, who knows.

If anyone has suggestions for things to add, please send me a U2U (not sure if the people whining about how cluttered the "Today's Posts" section is would like updates to be here). It's mainly going to just be a few items, mostly all electronics, that I think are pretty good prices.

Link is in my sig.

07-28-2004, 09:10 PM
Ugh. When it comes to cell phones, don't buy cheap shit! (http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1103_2-983867.html?tag=nl)

I put in a year at the 'Shack to see enough damage cheap shit can do. If I need a car charger, I'll go plonk $30 at the Shack for one. Why? Simple...they test their shit. I can be assured that the parts inside that charger or holder are not missing timers and other gear to cut costs.

Also, I hate the 'Shack. That car charger or case costs them at most $4.30 to make. Some cost as little at $1.30 in the computer. Big markup.

If you can get a Nokia charger for a Nokia phone for $5, get it! If it's some offname brand....RUN! NOT WORTH IT! Batteries? Better say Nokia on that too or be from the 'Shack or another huge retailer. See above link.

For a case or holster get as cheap as you want. Same thing with ear pieces.

07-28-2004, 11:01 PM
At nearly every retail store I worked at as a youth, we had to give the customer the price on the sign, incorrect or not. Which is why the managers harped on us so much to make sure we changed over signs immediately after a sale ended or began. I am fairly certain Best Buy is the same way.

Personally, I'm not cheap and don't like to make a stink about things, but you could've gotten those items for the advertised price.

07-28-2004, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
At nearly every retail store I worked at as a youth, we had to give the customer the price on the sign, incorrect or not. Which is why the managers harped on us so much to make sure we changed over signs immediately after a sale ended or began. I am fairly certain Best Buy is the same way.

Personally, I'm not cheap and don't like to make a stink about things, but you could've gotten those items for the advertised price.

I was debating it, but I had already taken an hour and a half for lunch and needed to head back.

07-29-2004, 03:42 PM
I would just like to say.

:loveu: Wezas

I ordered like a bunch of stuff for my new cell phone and used the 20% off coupon and got 6 bucks off. This place is great. Hahah. I even got 2 day shipping. So thanks Wezas hon.

07-29-2004, 03:51 PM
I would have bitched and gotten them at list price or cheaper. No way in hell I'm paying more for their mistake that's some bait and switch bullshit.