View Full Version : Why I now hate Lysistrata.
07-28-2004, 12:36 AM
Because that bitch is going to make me blow almost 2mil in her shop.
Damn you, Dextra! <raises her fist in what seems to be both joy and frustation>
07-28-2004, 12:50 AM
Har. Post up what you buy!
07-28-2004, 01:24 AM
Is Lysistrata that totally awesome bard? Or possibly wizard...
Whatever I'm pretty sure she r0x at life.
07-28-2004, 01:34 AM
Yeah, she does "r0x".
This is what I've absconded so far:
a long-sleeved black brocade gown slashed down each side to reveal vibrant blue underskirts
a pair of long chandelier earrings trimmed with sparkling emerald beads
I'm still debating on the deep-sleeved silvery one, cause I'm seriously running out of places to put all these damned clothes.
07-28-2004, 01:55 AM
Lady Lysistrata just arrived.
* Mirius just bit the dust!
Lady Lysistrata just went out.
Nalina just arrived.
Nalina just went out.
I hate you both.
07-28-2004, 02:03 AM
Aww, poor Bob, were you stalking us? I didn't see you.
Heh, Bob, if you make those temporary painted designs permenant, I'd buy 'em. And yes, Lysistrata is a bard.
07-28-2004, 02:08 AM
<<Aww, poor Bob, were you stalking us? I didn't see you.>>
I hide in my shop when I'm not actively playing.
Originally posted by Jesae
Because that bitch is going to make me blow almost 2mil in her shop.
Damn you, Dextra! <raises her fist in what seems to be both joy and frustation>
(Lysistrata adds more inventory from her own closet, humming innocently all the while.)
07-28-2004, 02:15 AM
Son of a..
07-28-2004, 04:53 AM
Lysistrata and Uniana and some others were in a group in Vaalor waiting for a merchant and for some reason, Uniana invited my bard into her group.
They obviously didnt know who I was, but spent the next half an hour bitching about people including Snowy. Made me laugh, but what a pair of twats.
Sly and bitchy, without the brains to do it properly :rolleyes:
07-28-2004, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Lysistrata and Uniana and some others were in a group in Vaalor waiting for a merchant and for some reason, Uniana invited my bard into her group.
They obviously didnt know who I was, but spent the next half an hour bitching about people including Snowy. Made me laugh, but what a pair of twats.
Sly and bitchy, without the brains to do it properly :rolleyes:
I bet you don't realize that Lysistrata posts here. And is rather well liked.
Sucks to be you.
BTW, is everyone supposed to 'know who you are', because honey, I sure do n't, and I bet you Maimara wouldn't give a damn.
[Edited on 7-28-2004 by Maimara]
07-28-2004, 06:51 AM
I do know Lysistrata is DCSL on these boards.
I dont care that she is well liked. If she acts like a bitch I see her as a bitch.
And no, people dont have to know who other people are, but if they invite random people into their groups and start bitching about people, its a pretty good idea to be sure that the people you are bitching about arent the ones you have just asked into your group.
Sucks to be them.
[Edited on 28-7-04 by Nieninque]
Which room is it in? I must go have a look...
07-28-2004, 11:23 AM
I just reactivated my account, where is her shop? It's gonna be my first stop when I get back in the game. LOL
07-28-2004, 11:52 AM
Since when is bitching about nobodies a problem?
07-28-2004, 12:21 PM
When you are that nobody :)
Heh, as I recall, I also bitched about you to your face the time you and your character's father irritated me. Talking about it when you're there 'secretly' is not a problem when I have, and will again, tell you to your face that you and your character's father are utter morons.
I guess it just didn't sink in the first couple of times I said it. Well, that's what happens with primitive nervous systems. So sorry.
Originally posted by DianaBanana
I just reactivated my account, where is her shop? It's gonna be my first stop when I get back in the game. LOL
Heh! It's east-most on Modwir Way, in the rose-covered boutique.
07-28-2004, 02:58 PM
Point 1 for Dex.
Oh sorry, Diana, but I bought up a majority of her kick-ass clothes..cept for one and I'm not gonna tell you which cause I'm still debating on whether or not I want it!
07-28-2004, 03:06 PM
LOL it's ok! I wont be competing with you for items cause I still have to clear out my lockers before I can buy anything new! I'll be window shopping till then.
07-28-2004, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
Because that bitch is going to make me blow almost 2mil in her shop.
Damn you, Dextra! <raises her fist in what seems to be both joy and frustation>
Blame shifter!
07-28-2004, 03:38 PM
.....anything I might like, Diana? <ducks>
07-28-2004, 03:39 PM
I posted a few things to start on
I'm just trying to slowly get rid of things I know I'll never use or things I cant believe I bought in the first place. LOL
Well, I explored some of the shops and I bought something already. A hairclip with peacock feathers on it. Great, more fluff I dont need but couldnt refuse. hehehe
[Edited on 7-28-2004 by DianaBanana]
07-28-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
Heh, as I recall, I also bitched about you to your face the time you and your character's father irritated me. Talking about it when you're there 'secretly' is not a problem when I have, and will again, tell you to your face that you and your character's father are utter morons.
I guess it just didn't sink in the first couple of times I said it. Well, that's what happens with primitive nervous systems. So sorry.
You're such a liar.
Lysistrata has never even spoke to snowy.
You havent said a word to her face.
07-28-2004, 07:18 PM
boo hoo, boo hoo, you make me so sad i want to die :(
07-28-2004, 07:25 PM
Please do
Originally posted by Nieninque
You're such a liar.
Lysistrata has never even spoke to snowy.
You havent said a word to her face.
I'll explain it one more time and then I'm through arguing about it because this isn't the correct topic for it. Feel free to make another one, though, in Character Complaints.
It was a singular incident, in Ta'Vaalor. Lysistrata was visiting for hunting and Crovenant and a couple of others whose names escape me located and fogged to her repeatedly in several lazy attempts to find Lyonis. For some reason that I still cannot fathom, they blamed Lysistrata for 'getting in the way'.
I'd had a couple of hours of this by the time Lysistrata actually saw Lyonis. She didn't say anything at the time because it wasn't his fault his friends were stupid.
So she was sitting there, with Lyonis present, and his friends kept walking in and hugging Lysistrata or whispering to her. REPEATEDLY. Not just different people doing it once, but the SAME people doing it several times and acting like it was Lysistrata's fault for being there.
Then Snowy comes in. Tries THREE times to hug/smooch/whatever Lyonis and keeps getting Lysistrata. Lysistrata wondered aloud how people could be so moronic as to mistake her for a bald male, not just once but MANY times in a row. Lyonis said something in his friends' and family's defense and that's when Lysistrata told him and your character that she thought they were beyond stupid.
That's what pissed off my character and gave her a dim opinion of your character's intelligence.
What pissed ME off was that people could not go out of their way to type ONE extra letter. Is that so hard? I had no idea. I somehow manage all the time. Maybe I'm some sort of typing freak. I don't know.
What pissed me off even more was that every time it happened, people blamed my character for 'getting in the way'. Excuse me? No.
No, my character was not sitting in front of Lyonis, or even any where around him.
No, my character does not look anything like Lyonis in any way shape or form.
No, my character does not desire to trick people into believing she is someone else in order to receive all their hugs, their kisses, their secret whispers.
There you go. Why I think Snowy and her player are lazy idiots.
07-29-2004, 03:44 AM
Nothing trivial then :rolleyes:
08-01-2004, 09:48 PM
Ahhh. Jesae I feel the same way. There is a gown in there I have been eyeing myself. The thing that is even more sad, is I spent money I was saving up for a shop to buy stuff from hers!! But I love her all the same.
And Snowdrop, every time I have bitched about your character and you have been in my group, I have known it was you. It isn't very difficult to figure it out, really. From the time in the Four Winds to the time we were waiting for Hayrini in Vaalor.
I actually don't mind your character now that your hard on for PvP has calmed down, but don't flatter yourself.
And bottom line Strata pwns, I wish she was around more.
08-01-2004, 09:53 PM
Strata does PWN hard. <3 Dex. She better come to Ebons.
08-01-2004, 10:02 PM
We will force her, you grab the left arm I'll get the right.
08-02-2004, 01:03 AM
I bought the sleeves in her shoppe today for my wizard, who is a little fire mage. Love them!!
08-02-2004, 01:37 AM
Well the other point that I did not see you address is...why they would worry that your other character is one they dislike.
It would incredibly ooc to worry about such and Lysistrata does not strike me as one too often to be found ooc.
I just can't quit follow that thought process.
Originally posted by Nieninque
I do know Lysistrata is DCSL on these boards.
I dont care that she is well liked. If she acts like a bitch I see her as a bitch.
And no, people dont have to know who other people are, but if they invite random people into their groups and start bitching about people, its a pretty good idea to be sure that the people you are bitching about arent the ones you have just asked into your group.
Sucks to be them.
[Edited on 28-7-04 by Nieninque]
08-02-2004, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Well the other point that I did not see you address is...why they would worry that your other character is one they dislike.
It would incredibly ooc to worry about such and Lysistrata does not strike me as one too often to be found ooc.
I just can't quit follow that thought process.
Well, let me help you.
It was a comment on a message board - an OOC medium.
It was also the first time Snowy has ever encountered Lysistrata - although she has on many occasion met her bitchy friend, who reciprocally hates Snowy.
It was also accompanied by the be-ribboned Menos grunting about how he will be able to kill Lyonis in a few trains as he will be uber-powerful.
A wholly OOC conversation - which was in whispers, admittedly - so that should clear up any confusion as to the OOC-ness of it.
To be fair to Lysistrata, she didnt play a major part in the conversation and if Snowy met her in game now, she wouldnt interact with her at all because she doesnt know her.
I dont hate her. Just dont like her - of course that has more to do with her friend than her.
08-03-2004, 01:04 PM
My thoughts about ^ can be summed up in a simple gesture...
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