View Full Version : Call Lightning monk

01-03-2013, 06:48 PM
Ok, just decided to play around in the rift on play one with call lighting. It works, though not what you would call the best build. Witches eat up the magic but it works wonders on everything else

Here are my skills:

Sile (at level 76), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 130 35
Combat Maneuvers...................| 220 120
Edged Weapons......................| 175 75
Physical Fitness...................| 250 150
Dodging............................| 334 234
Harness Power......................| 178 78
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 180 80
Perception.........................| 120 30
Climbing...........................| 130 35
Swimming...........................| 143 43

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual....................| 25

Spell Lists
Minor Mental.......................| 16

Here is a little clip:
The Rift]
A volcano erupts in the distance, spewing molten lava and ash all over. The lava flies high into the air, carrying with it chunks of mountain and clouds of ash. In the large crater the eruption created, you see figures moving about in the lava itself. They splash in it and throw it on each other, howling and laughing. Above the mountain, dark red birds of some kind dodge flying lava and debris, screeching in contentment. You also see a seraceris.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, west, northwest
>125 target
[voodoo]>prepare 125
[voodoo]>cast target
A seraceris begins to hum.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Call Lightning spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a seraceris.
You notice a small cloud form above a seraceris.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You notice the storm cloud begin to churn rapidly!
You feel less drained.
A seraceris points a ghostly finger at you!
CS: +341 - TD: +313 + CvA: +2 + d100: +27 == +57
Warded off!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward you, but dissipates upon impact.

The air undulates with a dizzying intensity!

You feel the magic alien to you slipping away...

The storm cloud begins to build into a thunderhead!

A seraceris begins to hum.

You hear the rumbling of thunder as the cloud turns an ominous dark hue!

Lord Zzentar just arrived.

Lord Zzentar just went east.

A seraceris points a ghostly finger at you!
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
The elemental aura around you wavers.

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 70 points of damage!

A seraceris slowly floats back into a standing position.

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 70 points of damage!
Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist!
You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!

A swirling cloud of eerie green light floats in and coalesces into a naisirc!

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
The seraceris's head is split cleanly in two, but reseals from the neck up!

A seraceris slowly floats back into a standing position.

[The Rift]
A volcano erupts in the distance, spewing molten lava and ash all over. The lava flies high into the air, carrying with it chunks of mountain and clouds of ash. In the large crater the eruption created, you see figures moving about in the lava itself. They splash in it and throw it on each other, howling and laughing. Above the mountain, dark red birds of some kind dodge flying lava and debris, screeching in contentment. You also see a naisirc, a dark cloud and a seraceris.
Obvious exits: east, southwest, west, northwest

A Vvrael witch glides in!

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 60 points of damage!
Mighty blow rips through the seraceris's chest, causing it to pause as it reforms.
The seraceris shudders in spectral agony, then begins to rapidly dissipate.
The very powerful look leaves a seraceris.
The white light leaves a seraceris.
The deep blue glow leaves a seraceris.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a seraceris.
The bright luminescence fades from around a seraceris.
--- Lich: sloot3 has exited.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
[sloot3]>loot #44085251
You are now in a defensive stance.
You are now in a defensive stance.
You search the seraceris.
You discard the seraceris's useless equipment.
It had 320 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 320 coins.
It had nothing else of value.
A seraceris fades into oblivion.
Suddenly, the shadows cloaking the area in darkness fray into nothing, releasing the light like a prisoner freed from a dank cell.
A Vvrael witch swings a midnight black morning star at you!
You dodge just in the nick of time!
[The Rift]
A large, decrepit building stands on the top of a small hillock here. Vines cover most of the building, avoiding only the dark stains running from the windows and roof. The stains are a dark red or brown, giving the appearance the building has been sweating blood. A weathered metal sign hangs just above the entryway, creaking in the non-existent breeze.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, west
[The Rift]
Chains creak and strain under the load they are holding in the center of this stone-walled room. Eight rolaren chains reach up, entangle, and reach down to the ground on the opposite side of the large shadowy mass hovering just above the floor. It shifts and moves, as if alive and seeking an escape from the bindings. The chains glow slightly in the dim light, throwing unusual shadows on the walls while keeping the mass from growing too much.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southwest, northwest
[The Rift]
In the distance walks a tall man. His robe is grey and tattered, but the frame beneath it remains strong. Above his head floats the symbol of infinity, black and tarnished as the path he walks. No matter how rapidly you proceed towards him, you cannot seem to catch him, although he moves no faster than a saunter.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west
You can't go there.
A Vvrael witch glides in!
[The Rift]
A volcano erupts in the distance, spewing molten lava and ash all over. The lava flies high into the air, carrying with it chunks of mountain and clouds of ash. In the large crater the eruption created, you see figures moving about in the lava itself. They splash in it and throw it on each other, howling and laughing. Above the mountain, dark red birds of some kind dodge flying lava and debris, screeching in contentment.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, west, northwest
[The Rift]
In the distance walks a tall man. His robe is grey and tattered, but the frame beneath it remains strong. Above his head floats the symbol of infinity, black and tarnished as the path he walks. No matter how rapidly you proceed towards him, you cannot seem to catch him, although he moves no faster than a saunter. You also see a Vvrael witch.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west
[The Rift]
An immense structure stands before you, built of now-ruined white marble columns. In the center sits a crumbling throne, flanked by two pillars. Each may have had a symbol at one time, but ages of decay have erased any decoration. Upon the throne sits a rotting zombie. Her sightless eyes stare out into nothingness, and her feet have fallen into the bowl of the stone crescent at the base of her seat.
Obvious exits: west, northwest
[The Rift]
Screaming wind tears through this area, filling the air with a dreadful howling. Just ahead a cavern looms, offering a bit of solace from the biting wind. As you move closer to the safehaven, you see that the cavern is actually the open mouth of a massive, long-fallen statue. You also see a Vvrael witch, a raving lunatic and a seraceris.
Obvious paths: east, west
A seraceris begins to hum.
A Vvrael witch swings a midnight black spiked whip at you!
AS: +362 vs DS: +435 with AvD: +14 + d100 roll: +74 = +15
A clean miss.
A raving lunatic swings a twisted kris at you!
AS: +368 vs DS: +391 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +25 = +26
A clean miss.
[The Rift]
A huge fountain of blood erupts from the ground here, gushing hundreds of feet into the air and raining back down hard. At its apex, the thick fluid holds the pattern of a pair of eyes, watching your movements as you pass through. The eyes hold your own a moment, and a wave of nausea passes over you. When it fades, they have wavered and fallen with their medium.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, south, west, northwest
[The Rift]
Before you stands a large green house, with smoke billowing out the chimney and the windows broken out. In front of the worn domicile, an older man and woman lie dead, chests slashed open and eyes staring sightlessly into the sky. Above them stands a young man, resembling them. He regards you in a cold, calculating manner, hand clenching and unclenching a bloody blade. You also see a naisirc.
Obvious exits: east, west
>125 target
[voodoo]>prepare 125
[voodoo]>cast target
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Call Lightning spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a naisirc.
You notice a small cloud form above a naisirc.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
You notice the storm cloud begin to churn rapidly!
[voodoo]>incant 1207
A naisirc tries to ensnare you!
AS: +390 vs DS: +456 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +86 = +54
A clean miss.
You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand and quietly murmuring the words of the Force Projection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a naisirc.
A translucent force moves outward from you and toward a naisirc.
A naisirc is buffeted by the force.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
The storm cloud begins to build into a thunderhead!
You hear the rumbling of thunder as the cloud turns an ominous dark hue!
[voodoo]>incant 1207
You take a deep breath and focus inward, raising a hand and quietly murmuring the words of the Force Projection spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a naisirc.
A translucent force moves outward from you and toward a naisirc.
The naisirc is buffeted by the force, but remains standing.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a naisirc with a brilliant flash!
... 35 points of damage!
Left arm ripped in half at the elbow!
The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a naisirc with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Massive blow obliterates the left knee.
The naisirc falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg.
A raving lunatic scrambles in, cackling with clueless glee!
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a naisirc with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Brutal blow to the neck sends head flying!
The head floats up and settles back in place as easily as a hat.
What is this, a haberdashery?
>tar l
A naisirc slowly floats up into what appears to be a standing position.
You are now targeting a raving lunatic.
>125 target
[voodoo]>prepare 125
[voodoo]>cast target
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Call Lightning spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a raving lunatic.
You notice a small cloud form above a raving lunatic.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a naisirc with a brilliant flash!
... 60 points of damage!
A raving lunatic swings a twisted kris at you!
You evade the attack with ease!
You notice the storm cloud begin to churn rapidly!
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a naisirc with a brilliant flash!
... 45 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh.
The naisirc convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
The storm cloud begins to build into a thunderhead!
A seraceris glides in!

Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a naisirc with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
A strong blow cleaves the left wrist!
The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place!
The naisirc shudders in spectral agony, then begins to rapidly dissipate.
A naisirc seems to lose an aura of confidence.
A naisirc seems to lose some dexterity.
A naisirc returns to normal color.

A raving lunatic swings a twisted kris at you!
AS: +368 vs DS: +485 with AvD: +24 + d100 roll: +96 = +3
A clean miss.

A naisirc fades into oblivion.
>tar s
You are now targeting a seraceris.

You are now in a defensive stance.
>125 target
You hear the rumbling of thunder as the cloud turns an ominous dark hue!
[voodoo]>prepare 125
[voodoo]>cast target
--- Lich: sloot3 has exited.
A seraceris begins to hum.
You utter a light chant and raise your hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to aid you with the Call Lightning spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at a seraceris.
You notice a small cloud form above a seraceris.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
A quiet draft disperses the dark cloud.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
--- Lich: sloot3 active.
--- Lich: sloot3 has exited.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a raving lunatic with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Arcing bolt of electricity galvanizes right leg to knee joint. Won't be using it for awhile.
The raving lunatic is stunned!
A seraceris points a ghostly finger at you!
CS: +349 - TD: +302 + CvA: +2 + d100: +85 - -5 == +139
Warding failed!
Something is pulling at you.
[The Rift]
Before you stands a large green house, with smoke billowing out the chimney and the windows broken out. In front of the worn domicile, an older man and woman lie dead, chests slashed open and eyes staring sightlessly into the sky. Above them stands a young man, resembling them. He regards you in a cold, calculating manner, hand clenching and unclenching a bloody blade. You also see a churning cloud, a seraceris, a dark cloud and a raving lunatic that appears stunned.
Obvious exits: east, west
You notice the storm cloud begin to churn rapidly!
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a raving lunatic with a brilliant flash!
... 50 points of damage!
Horrifying electrical shock converts head into blood-stained glass. Death is a step up.
The raving lunatic writhes in agony and dies.
A seraceris begins to hum.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
--- Lich: sloot3 active.
[sloot3]>loot #44085443
You search the raving lunatic.
You discard the lunatic's useless equipment.
He had 159 silvers on him.
You gather the remaining 159 coins.
He had an uncut emerald on him!
He had nothing else of value.
The raving lunatic decays into a rotting heap of flesh and bones.
The storm cloud begins to build into a thunderhead!
[sloot3]>get #44096269
You pick up an uncut emerald.
[sloot3]>put #44096269 in #43794977
You put an uncut emerald in your cerulean satchel.
--- Lich: sloot3 has exited.
A quiet draft disperses the dark cloud.
A seraceris points a ghostly finger at you!
CS: +344 - TD: +313 + CvA: +2 + d100: +45 == +78
Warded off!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward you, but dissipates upon impact.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
--- Lich: sloot3 active.
>stance def
--- Lich: sloot is already running (use ;force [scriptname] if desired).
You are now in a defensive stance.
--- Lich: sloot3 has exited.
You hear the rumbling of thunder as the cloud turns an ominous dark hue!

An unearthly moaning echoes around you, dispelling any sense of peace and security from the area.

A seraceris begins to hum.
[The Rift]
Before you stands a large green house, with smoke billowing out the chimney and the windows broken out. In front of the worn domicile, an older man and woman lie dead, chests slashed open and eyes staring sightlessly into the sky. Above them stands a young man, resembling them. He regards you in a cold, calculating manner, hand clenching and unclenching a bloody blade. You also see a dark cloud and a seraceris.
Obvious exits: east, west
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee.
It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place!
A seraceris points a ghostly finger at you!
CS: +344 - TD: +313 + CvA: +2 + d100: +80 == +113
Warding failed!
You shudder in pain.

You take 55 damage!
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Strong hit to the chest!
Tendrils of mist explode as the strike passes right through.
A seraceris slowly floats back into a standing position.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Strong blow to the head!
The seraceris enjoys the breeze.
A seraceris slowly floats back into a standing position.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 50 points of damage!
Body swirls violently from a strong hit to the back.
Neat effect!
A seraceris slowly floats back into a standing position.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 50 points of damage!
A seraceris slowly floats back into a standing position.
Suddenly a lightning bolt explodes from the small thundercloud and strikes a seraceris with a brilliant flash!
... 40 points of damage!
Hard strike shatters arm into vapor.
The arm reforms before your eyes!
The seraceris shudders in spectral agony, then begins to rapidly dissipate.
The very powerful look leaves a seraceris.
The white light leaves a seraceris.
The deep blue glow leaves a seraceris.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a seraceris.
The bright luminescence fades from around a seraceris.
The silvery luminescence fades from around a seraceris.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>stance def
--- Lich: sloot is already running (use ;force [scriptname] if desired).
--- Lich: sloot3 active.
[sloot3]>loot #44085259
You are now in a defensive stance.
You search the seraceris.
You discard the seraceris's useless equipment.
It had 137 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 137 coins.
It had a sparkling emerald talon on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A seraceris fades into oblivion.
[sloot3]>get #44097152
You pick up a sparkling emerald talon.
[sloot3]>put #44097152 in #43794977
You put a sparkling emerald talon in your cerulean satchel.
--- Lich: sloot3 has exited.