01-03-2013, 03:31 PM
Raw and Percentage Winners:
Gold: DoctorUnne - 178.5 of 252 - 70.83%
Silver*: Drinin - 172.5 of 256 - 67.38%
Bronze: WRoss - 172.5 of 256 - 67.38%
The Rest - Raw:
Keller - 170.5 of 256
RSR - 165.5 of 256
Bobmuhthol - 163.5 of 256
Ardwen - 161.5 of 256
Bregus - 156.5 of 256
Gibreficul - 156.5 of 256
Stabbyrogue - 156.5 of 255
Willington - 153.5 of 242
Kembal - 151.5 of 240
Adhara - 146.5 of 238
Parkbandit - 144.5 of 256
Neimanz1 - 143.5 of 256
GSGeek - 132.5 of 215
Solkern - 110.5 of 192
SHAFT - 109.5 of 175
Revalos - 95.5 of 165
Drew - 95 of 160
Soulpieced - 88.5 of 157
tallkris3 - 62 of 102
SGardner - 56 of 104
Alfster - 49 of 88
TheEschaton - 46 of 77
Anticor - 43 of 76
RichardCranium - 43 of 77
Chaddy - 33 of 62
g++ - 32 of 62
SuppressédPoet - 19 of 32
Archamandis - 10 of 16
Elgrim - 8 of 16
SeanoftheThread - 0 of 1
The Rest - Precentage:
Keller - 66.60%
RSR - 64.64%
Bobmuhthol - 63.86%
Willington - 63.42%
Kembal - 63.12%
Ardwen - 63.08%
SHAFT - 62.57%
Archamandis - 62.5%
GSGeek - 61.62%
Adhara - 61.55%
Stabbyrogue - 61.37%
Bregus - 61.13%
Gibreficul - 61.13%
tallkris3 - 60.78%
TheEschaton - 59.74%
Drew - 59.37%
SuppressédPoet - 59.37%
Revalos - 57.87%
Solkern - 57.55%
Anticor - 56.57%
Parkbandit - 56.44%
Soulpieced - 56.36%
Neimanz1 - 56.05%
RichardCranium - 55.84%
Alfster - 55.68%
SGardner - 53.84%
Chaddy - 53.22%
g++ - 51.61%
Elgrim - 5.%
SeanoftheThread - 0.%
*won with tie breaker - 2 weekly wins
Weekly Winners:
DoctorUnne (2), Stabby (2), Ardwen (2), Drinin (2) Anticor, Willington, RSR, Shaft, Keller, Bregus, Parkbandit, WRoss, and GSGeek
Weekly Runner Ups:
WRoss (5), Drinin (3), RSR (2), DoctorUnne (2), Willington (2), Shaft (2), Stabby (2) Neimanz, Ardwen, TheE, Alfster, Parkbandit, Kembal, Keller, GSGeek, Bregus, and Revalos
Users That Made All Pics:
Drinin, WRoss, Keller, RSR, Bob, Ardwen, Bregus, Gib, Parkbandit, and Neimanz
Adhara - 146.5 of 238
Alfster - 49 of 88
Anticor - 43 of 76
Archamandis - 10 of 16
Ardwen - 161.5 of 256
Bobmuhthol - 163.5 of 256
Bregus - 156.5 of 256
Chaddy - 33 of 62
DoctorUnne - 178.5 of 252
Drew - 95 of 160
Drinin - 172.5 of 256
Elgrim - 8 of 16
g++ - 32 of 62
Gibreficul - 156.5 of 256
GSGeek - 132.5 of 115
Keller - 170.5 of 256
Kembal - 151.5 of 240
Neimanz1 - 143.5 of 256
Parkbandit - 144.5 of 256
Revalos - 95.5 of 165
RichardCranium - 43 of 77
RSR - 165.5 of 256
SeanoftheThread - 0 of 1
SGardner - 56 of 104
SHAFT - 109.5 of 175
Solkern - 110.5 of 192
Soulpieced - 88.5 of 157
Stabbyrogue - 156.5 of 255
SuppressédPoet - 19 of 32
tallkris3 - 62 of 102
TheEschaton - 46 of 77
Willington - 153.5 of 242
WRoss - 172.5 of 256
Gold: DoctorUnne - 178.5 of 252 - 70.83%
Silver*: Drinin - 172.5 of 256 - 67.38%
Bronze: WRoss - 172.5 of 256 - 67.38%
The Rest - Raw:
Keller - 170.5 of 256
RSR - 165.5 of 256
Bobmuhthol - 163.5 of 256
Ardwen - 161.5 of 256
Bregus - 156.5 of 256
Gibreficul - 156.5 of 256
Stabbyrogue - 156.5 of 255
Willington - 153.5 of 242
Kembal - 151.5 of 240
Adhara - 146.5 of 238
Parkbandit - 144.5 of 256
Neimanz1 - 143.5 of 256
GSGeek - 132.5 of 215
Solkern - 110.5 of 192
SHAFT - 109.5 of 175
Revalos - 95.5 of 165
Drew - 95 of 160
Soulpieced - 88.5 of 157
tallkris3 - 62 of 102
SGardner - 56 of 104
Alfster - 49 of 88
TheEschaton - 46 of 77
Anticor - 43 of 76
RichardCranium - 43 of 77
Chaddy - 33 of 62
g++ - 32 of 62
SuppressédPoet - 19 of 32
Archamandis - 10 of 16
Elgrim - 8 of 16
SeanoftheThread - 0 of 1
The Rest - Precentage:
Keller - 66.60%
RSR - 64.64%
Bobmuhthol - 63.86%
Willington - 63.42%
Kembal - 63.12%
Ardwen - 63.08%
SHAFT - 62.57%
Archamandis - 62.5%
GSGeek - 61.62%
Adhara - 61.55%
Stabbyrogue - 61.37%
Bregus - 61.13%
Gibreficul - 61.13%
tallkris3 - 60.78%
TheEschaton - 59.74%
Drew - 59.37%
SuppressédPoet - 59.37%
Revalos - 57.87%
Solkern - 57.55%
Anticor - 56.57%
Parkbandit - 56.44%
Soulpieced - 56.36%
Neimanz1 - 56.05%
RichardCranium - 55.84%
Alfster - 55.68%
SGardner - 53.84%
Chaddy - 53.22%
g++ - 51.61%
Elgrim - 5.%
SeanoftheThread - 0.%
*won with tie breaker - 2 weekly wins
Weekly Winners:
DoctorUnne (2), Stabby (2), Ardwen (2), Drinin (2) Anticor, Willington, RSR, Shaft, Keller, Bregus, Parkbandit, WRoss, and GSGeek
Weekly Runner Ups:
WRoss (5), Drinin (3), RSR (2), DoctorUnne (2), Willington (2), Shaft (2), Stabby (2) Neimanz, Ardwen, TheE, Alfster, Parkbandit, Kembal, Keller, GSGeek, Bregus, and Revalos
Users That Made All Pics:
Drinin, WRoss, Keller, RSR, Bob, Ardwen, Bregus, Gib, Parkbandit, and Neimanz
Adhara - 146.5 of 238
Alfster - 49 of 88
Anticor - 43 of 76
Archamandis - 10 of 16
Ardwen - 161.5 of 256
Bobmuhthol - 163.5 of 256
Bregus - 156.5 of 256
Chaddy - 33 of 62
DoctorUnne - 178.5 of 252
Drew - 95 of 160
Drinin - 172.5 of 256
Elgrim - 8 of 16
g++ - 32 of 62
Gibreficul - 156.5 of 256
GSGeek - 132.5 of 115
Keller - 170.5 of 256
Kembal - 151.5 of 240
Neimanz1 - 143.5 of 256
Parkbandit - 144.5 of 256
Revalos - 95.5 of 165
RichardCranium - 43 of 77
RSR - 165.5 of 256
SeanoftheThread - 0 of 1
SGardner - 56 of 104
SHAFT - 109.5 of 175
Solkern - 110.5 of 192
Soulpieced - 88.5 of 157
Stabbyrogue - 156.5 of 255
SuppressédPoet - 19 of 32
tallkris3 - 62 of 102
TheEschaton - 46 of 77
Willington - 153.5 of 242
WRoss - 172.5 of 256