View Full Version : Easy E
07-27-2004, 12:14 PM
Had my wisdom teeth out on friday. It still hurts, and I'm rapidly running out of Percocet. :( At least my dad's off my back now. I don't have to get a job for a few days after surgery, yay!
Saw a TNA/NWA show on TV friday afternoon, it was pretty cool, but I can't be sure if it actually happened, so more :(. I'm reasonably sure I am again in the throes of Legomania, though, so that's a help.
The worst thing about this teeth thing is I can't eat like I normally do, what with not being able to chew. As a result, I've taken one crap since Thursday, which has me sort of nervous, as I'm normally more regular. I think it's starting to break, though. :)
THE METS. :grr: No sooner do I privately endorse them in a wager situation than they drop 19 million games in a row, falling out of contention and bringing Todd Zeile in to pitch. That and the umps turned on us. :'(
I tore the skin up on my knuckles somehow, maybe from sorting Legos. I wish I could get rid of the pain without losing all freaking touch with reality. It's a damn good thing we don't have any games this week for softball, although the stupid Parks Commission (or Make-My-Team-Lose-At-All-Costs Secret Police) closed the field on account of too much sunlight last week for our doubleheader. Thanks for nothing, jerks, fall down a well. That's what water is, not sunlight. Yeah.
Weedmage Princess
07-27-2004, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
THE METS. :grr: No sooner do I privately endorse them in a wager situation than they drop 19 million games in a row, falling out of contention and bringing Todd Zeile in to pitch. That and the umps turned on us. :'(
Shall I talk to CT and/or Kranar, or have you already? :whistle:
07-27-2004, 12:35 PM
Heh, I had the same experience with the wisdom teeth. I didn't drop a duce for quite a few days either. It's because of both the medicine they drown you with for the actual removal, and from the painkillers you're taking afterwards. They constipate you nicely, heh.
lol, a metropolitan fan, that's funny, seriously.
I mean, you shouldn't be upset with their pitching, after all, they have the best team ERA...
...and starters who really hang in there for extraordinary periods of time. :lol:
When I got surgery on my hand they gave me a laxative with my pain medicine
07-27-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Shall I talk to CT and/or Kranar, or have you already? :whistle: I talked to CT. Iron codes, remember?
Todd Zeile is a position player, Stanley. Regardless of statistics, I have the right to gripe when my team gives up 19 runs in 8 innings.
I asked my mom to convince the doctor guy to get more drugs (on account of it doesn't sound good coming from the druggie) so I think things'll be a o k. :heart: Also, going to have more vanilla ice cream soon. :yay:
Weedmage Princess
07-27-2004, 04:14 PM
07-31-2004, 05:02 PM
note: this is mostly so I'll remember this later, so people who'll make fun of me for being pointless (or for most other reasons) plz don't read the following block o' text.
Had a weird dream. I was in line to get Avril's autograph, and she up and leaves cuz someone gives her lip or something. I don't realize this, so I stand around in line until I get to the front, but it's Bitty Schram politely telling people that Avril left. So I'm understandbly upset and I wander around the store (or whatever the hell I'm in) until I notice that Avril came back, yay! So I get back in line, and someone near the back starts shouting obscenities for some reason, so obviously I have to throw them to the floor. By the time I'm done Avril has left again, damn it all. So me and this other random girl who doesn't have a face decide to follow her entourage all sneaky like because they went through this oneway door. The girl ducks through the door as it's closing and doesn't even hold it open for me, but it like bounces off the jamb without latching so I can still get in. Turns out we're in this hospital type place so of course there's the nurse's desk we have to get past by wriggling on our stomachs. So we check all the doors with people's names on them and sure enough we find her, yay! But she's mad about something or other and won't give us her autograph. :( So, despondent, I notice that she's got one of those dry erase message boards with her name signed on it. I borrow some paper from wherever it is stuff comes from in dreams and a pencil and try to trace it, but I'm erasing it at the same time (FUX0R) and all these other random lines are showing up. When I pull the paper off to look at it, I realize that most of them aren't, in fact, in the shape of "Avril" in cursive and look back at the message board and, sure enough, it's shifted into a kickass picture of the Justice League. I start to compliment Avril on her artistry, but the alarm goes off and she gets sad because we have to leave. We had somehow become on like the topmost floor of a nine story building, so we had to take the stairs. Luckily, they had those rails you can slide down, so I was making good time. Me and the faceless girl get to the ground floor and she bails like an idiot (of course there are guards on the ground floor, idiot) while I, being clever, keep going to the basement, which is more like one of those other ground floors they have when the building's on a hill. So it turns out she realized she was an idiot and followed me again but I'm hella faster than her and I'm running across this lawn area and wouldn't you believe it? The fucking A-Team shows up to stop me. About this time I realize this is probably a dream, so I just charge the mofos even though they're shooting at me with some kind of automatic weaponry and I'm getting damn close to punching one of them out and I wake up. I suppose the moral of the story is if Avril Lavigne won't give you her autograph, just let it go or you'll have to punch Mr. T in the face.
Also, I think I get how people get addicted to painkillers.
08-03-2004, 12:13 AM
Are you taking oxycodone?
With my wisdom teeth, I just had two pulled, waited a week, then had the other two pulled. It still sucked, but not nearly as much as people who have them all pulled out at the same time tell me.
08-03-2004, 12:59 AM
I took Percocet for awhile, now I'm on Lortab, but I haven't had one since yesterday. Google tells me the first is Oxycodone and the second is Hyrdocodone.
I'm assuming you went one side at a time. I can't fathom how two and two would work better the other ways.
08-03-2004, 01:03 AM
Ick I had a horrible time with my wisdom teeth. The first three days I was throwing up blood and unable to swallow anything more than chicken broth. After that it was better but painful. And oh boy did I swell.
08-03-2004, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
chicken broth.Yeah, I had enough of that to last a lifetime and a half. :( No throwing up blood, though, all I did was leak on my shirt a little. Did they have to cut really deep on you or something?
08-03-2004, 01:13 AM
I honestly don't know but I got that done in like February or something and I still have slight holes. Basically my gums were bleeding, I was swallowing it, the blood was upsetting my stomach, and back it was coming.
Funny thing is of course that the day after my surgery I went and got a cat. Swollen like a balloon and looking fugly, I went to the place and got him. Then threw up the rest of the day.
[Edited on 8-3-2004 by GSLeloo]
08-03-2004, 01:25 AM
Hydrocodone = vicodin, heh. That's what they gave me, but I really tried not to take any except the first few days when the pain really really sucked. And yeah, it was one side at a time. I could at least chew with the other side, but it still sucked when the teeth on the other side touched down.
08-03-2004, 01:28 AM
I think I see the bottom two growing in. I have no clue where the top two are going to be, though.
08-08-2004, 02:01 PM
People are screwing with me. Starting a few months ago at Mass, people stopped standing up as the gifts were brought forward and stood up instead before they said the prayer immediately following, neither of which are correct Catholic calisthenics. The worst part is I saw a nun doing it. :( How am I supposed compete with that?
Also, my softball team has lost 6 games in a row. Stupid old people. How about a dive? How about running out a ground ball or pop-up?
Not only that, these people said they'd mail me an application, and it's still not here a week later. Thus, I have to go weed again without the help of any tools/chemicals, because that would be too easy.
Then I'm going back to college in like 3 weeks, and I kinda don't want to. I don't know how I managed to get through the whole first year without being homesick, seeing as how I'm already starting to be now, having not even left yet. Its odd, too, because there's a lot more fun stuff to do at college then this crappy one-horse town. I think it might be that I'm going to have to do work again, but if that's it, I hope I start growing up really fast, as I don't have that much time left.
But I love Jesus and Jesus loves me, I know. Yay!
08-10-2004, 08:13 PM
I used to wonder why I, one who talks about politics a hell of lot with strangers, never talked politics with my father.
Tonight I found out. He will go on for like 40 minutes if you get him started. Word in edgewise? Hah. A brief synopsis: Bush = Reagan taken (way, way) too far, Clinton = lying scumbag motherf!@#& &*@$ his %(*#@& and his wife can (*&@#$& @(*#& $*, and he's going to vote for Kerry because he doesn't think anyone can beat Hilary in 2008 and he really dislikes Hilary. But he still likes Jon Stewart.
Also, Conan O'Brien is the best. Musicians I've heard of thanks to his show: Spoon, Old Crow Medicine Show, Gillian Welch. I salute you, you 7' tall freckled lunatic.
08-10-2004, 11:26 PM
What does any of this have to do with a dead rapper?
Weedmage Princess
08-11-2004, 10:34 AM
I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say his name starts with an E. Could possibly be Eric.
Though he seems more like a Franklin to me.
08-11-2004, 10:59 AM
I'm more evolved than you all. I have no wisdom teeth. None.
Like, they did the xrays.
I so win.
Jamus, Brian
08-12-2004, 09:36 AM
You still have milk teeth so you don't count. :cool:
08-13-2004, 12:09 PM
Needles are no fun.
Nurses who won't let me drive because I'm "hyperventilating" (it's breathe more or start whimpering, lady, and I ain't whimpering) are no fun.
Doctors who declare me "one of the fittest people" they've seen in weeks, but require me to get a blood test anyway... are no fun.
For a Patriot's fan, Weedie is pretty smart, even though she obviously gave me a fake SN because she's never on. :P
Weedmage Princess
08-13-2004, 12:40 PM
>>For a Patriot's fan, Weedie is pretty smart, even though she obviously gave me a fake SN because she's never on.
!!! BS!!!!
And I was supposed to go to the Pats game today but the remnants of that damn hurricane is headed up this way so we're expecting bad thunderstorms and heavy that got nixed :(
08-28-2004, 11:29 AM
The man stared as the obscenity flowed from his daughter's mouth. Not bothering to remove his gloves, he slowly crushed her windpipe, backhanding her with his fist when she didn't silence fast enough. He dragged her corpse to his barn, knowing he would have to saw through her joints in order to dispose of the body properly. The tablesaw would suffice.
Lying in bed, he found himself a much younger man. His room, his body, his hair, they were all relics of bygone years. His only reminder of his true self were the gloves that remained on his hands. For a time, he wondered if the elder he had been the reality and this the dream. A malevolent presence became apparent behind him, as he had falsely sensed so many times before. Clutching at a small wooden cross he had worn in his youth, he silently mouthed the familiar words, trying to steady the thoughts that ricocheted off his hollow skull.
The man heard a growl.
He abandoned his faith as his heart tripled its tempo. He cried out for his mother, but only managed quiet wordless sounds. He screamed, but the meaningless muted mewling was his only reward. He thrashed with his elbows, but a pathetic rolling was the only result. The presence drew closer, closer, but still he could muster only the tiniest physical resistance, he felt its fetid breath on his neck, he heard his mother moving upstairs, the nonsensical babbling he issued too quiet to alert anyone he could almost feel its hands around his throat he couldn't scream he couldn't fight he couldn't
The man jumped up from bed, tearing the sheet with him as he went. Naturally, the bed was empty. He failed to steady his maniacally twitching hands as he smoothed the bedcovers. The mockingly normal birdsong from his window drew his eyes to the clock. Not even 7 AM yet. Rubbing his eyes with ungloved hands, he cautiously returned to his soft prison, seeking the rest that would not be attained.
09-02-2004, 03:46 PM
I miss Weedmage. And Mint. And Neff. And Tayre. And even Galleazzo.
Miss X
09-02-2004, 03:49 PM
Me too.
09-02-2004, 04:12 PM
I don't understand how it hurts so many people to get the wisdom teeth pulled... all four of mine were growing horizontally under (or above on the top) my back teeth. The guy cut them out, patched me up, and had me sleep in a chair in a random room for 45 minutes.
He gave me percocet, but I didn't use it unless I had pain (I wanted to sell it instead).
I didn't feel pain for more than maybe .. well .. no .. I didn't feel any pain at all during the entire time they were healing and I was only out school for about 3 days (I milked it).
But, to go on a tangent, I love percocet ... (hence the handle) ... I convinced my neurologist to give it to me for my migraines :D
09-09-2004, 12:03 AM
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Short version: awesome.
Long version: freaking awesome.
You know that Jack Handy joke about the truck bouncing clear over the moon? That's what I feel like. Plus, Skirm can't harshen my buzz because the characters are bad people like in Lost in Translation. :) :) :)
10-24-2004, 12:32 AM
Goodbye Lenin. By far the best movie I've ever seen that happened to be entirely in German.
A thought occurred: how can we be enemies?
I've had some truly vivid nightmares recently, which I'm hoping are just side effects of a fever and not, you know, Satan invading my brain. I'm alarmed at the trend in my dreams of pointlessly battling an inevitable defeat as my comrades die violent deaths. When I dream of my death, it always seems to beckon me as I wake, the blood running from my hands. Then my eyes begin to focus, and the caress fades into the numb entanglements of another day.
Time runs like a river, and the water bounces off rocks, weeds, itself. Intimacy becomes estrangement with a light breeze. Trivia replaces desire. Stand a coin on edge, and there is no flash of mysticism, no...
The screen flashes, and the mind goes numb.
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