View Full Version : What I am wearing

07-27-2004, 05:57 PM
Here's my baby girl, I'm so proud ::sniff::

You see Lady Rohese the Sister.
She appears to be an Illistim Elf.
She appears to be of a tender age and taller than average. She has silver-flecked stormy grey eyes and fair skin. She has very long, straight golden blonde hair worn in a single braid. She has a delicate face, a small nose and small pointed ears.
She has a ring of silver stars tattoo on her neck, a tattooed symbol of Lumnis on her ankle, and a silver half-moon ring in the upper ridge of her left ear.
She is in good shape.
She is holding an opalescent jade-hilted eonake falchion in her right hand and a star-painted sable vultite shield in her left hand.
She is wearing a pink and white stargazer lily tucked behind one ear, some twisted silver earrings, a holy symbol embroidered satchel decorated with a scattering of silver stars and moons, a gold-laced brushed silver nightingale, a Queen of Enlightenment constellation clasp, a translucent silvery silk greatcloak clasped with a pair of pure silver stars.a silver-chased moonstone locket, a delicate silver-belled necklace, some elven fighting leathers, a sleek silvery silk bodice with flowing silver-threaded sleeves, some elaborate sterling silver finger-armor, some fingerless silvery lace gloves, a silver-lined leather gem pouch embroidered with a pair of silver stars and moons, a delicately etched silver case, a silver-edged leather sheath, a layered silver silk skirt, a pair of high-heeled silvery boots fastened with tiny star-shaped buttons down the side and a string of tiny silver bells.

07-27-2004, 06:06 PM
Try here (http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=2120)

07-27-2004, 06:20 PM
And put your stuff in order.

07-27-2004, 06:33 PM
Thought I had got it in order and yes I realised after I posted it that it was in the wrong place, sorry. Consider this thread dully closed, I've posted my reply correctly

[Edited on 7-27-2004 by Rohese]

07-27-2004, 06:40 PM

Me Me Me