View Full Version : blue ice ring 20 million flat

Buffalo Soldier
12-28-2012, 10:15 AM
a blue drake-etched ring

20 million, PM me, delivery to FWI, Teras, EN or Wehnimer's and surrounding mainland

903 or 306 can charge it, not sure how else it charges. It keeps a bunch of charges of the ice. I know there are more scripts, will try to post when I see them.

>cas drak ring
You gesture at a blue drake-etched ring.
You conjure a stream of water and direct it at the drake-etched ring. The liquid hits the ring and is instantly absorbed into it, leaving a tingling sensation on your finger.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>rub drak ring
As you rub the drake-etched ring, a layer of ultramarine blue frost forms around the ring and quickly spreads to your left hand, forming a jagged chunk of blue ice.

[the 3 below are ambient]
The chunk of blue ice in your palm shudders and releases a small cloud of aquamarine mist.
The piece of blue ice in your hand draws some energy from you.
A faint creaking sound heralds movement from your fragment of blue ice as it slowly reshapes itself as a perfect sphere. The transformation lasts only a moment as it cracks down the middle and reforms itself as a jagged chunk of blue ice.

>poke ice
You bring your right hand to the chunk of ice in your left hand and poke your index finger at the beryl blue surface. The ice suddenly becomes pliable as your hand moves into the frigid depths. Without warning, the ice solidifies around your hand, leaving it trapped.

You shake the icy prison around for a moment before it releases your hand.

>eat ice
You lift the chunk of blue ice to your lips and place it in your mouth. It begins to quickly dissipate, and you purse your lips and blow a long stream of sapphire smoke in to the air.

>raise ice
You raise the chunk of blue ice above your head and glance around, looking for a target for your icy fragment.

>throw ice
You throw the chunk of blue ice into the air and step beneath it. Severing your flow of energy to it, it begins to break apart in mid air. A cascade of sapphire ice crystals rains down around you, clattering to the ground.

12-28-2012, 12:11 PM
Explaining what it does may help.

Buffalo Soldier
12-28-2012, 12:15 PM
Hey sorry.

Will post in original.

12-28-2012, 03:43 PM
112 (water walking) will also charge it.

You can toss ice to <person> to leave them scratching their head where the chunk of ice in their hands came from.

12-28-2012, 04:34 PM
You can toss ice to <person> to leave them scratching their head where the chunk of ice in their hands came from.

Is this exclusive to the ice rings or something? I have the fire ring and while I can juggle it around all day, I can't actually toss it to someone like you described.

12-28-2012, 07:01 PM
Is this exclusive to the ice rings or something? I have the fire ring and while I can juggle it around all day, I can't actually toss it to someone like you described.

No clue, I haven't used a fire ring at all. The toss is just something I figured out playing with my ice ring.

s>rub ring
As you rub the ebon crystal ring, a layer of charcoal black frost forms around the ring and quickly spreads to your right hand, forming a jagged chunk of black ice.
s>toss ice to xxxxx
You toss your chunk of black ice at xxxxx. The icy mass sails through the air and she snatches it, the impact releasing a small shower of murky crystals.

12-28-2012, 08:44 PM
Works with fire, ice, water.. more I assume. You can wear the balls too. I had all three of the aforementioned ones tossed at me at some event and then worn for a bit.

12-28-2012, 08:47 PM
I think I was try TOSS AT instead of TOSS TO. Ill double check when I get home.
Thanks, you made my item cooler...GET IT?! COOLER ICE AND FIRE?!?!?!?!!!1111///1/1//

Buffalo Soldier
12-29-2012, 11:59 AM
delivered today

Methais. The TOSS feature for ice works and the person catching it has no choice but to hold the ice assuming they have an open hand. If so, is it a valid combat technique or would it be considered mechanics abuse? If you toss the ice at them, they would theoretically lose DS if they relied on an open hand. Makes me want the ring back!

01-02-2013, 05:18 PM
Apparently you can't play catch with fire. :(

>toss water to gwen
You toss your globe of black water at Gweneivia. The liquid sphere sails through the air, and she snatches it with a small spray of colorful water.
>toss fire to gwen
You toss your ball of black fire from your right hand into the air along an arcing path before catching it again in your left hand.
>toss my fire to gwen
You toss your ball of black fire from your left hand into the air along an arcing path before catching it again in your right hand.