View Full Version : Hunting suggestions?
07-27-2004, 03:10 AM
If I look at another forest trali I'll fucking eat a bullet. Anyone have any suggestions on something fun to hunt for a level 47 bard? (TWC/brawling)
07-27-2004, 10:15 AM
Darkstone Stone Sentinals/Banshees
Solhaven Shan
Solhaven Eidolans
Varunar Lord somethings and warhorses
07-27-2004, 11:43 AM
All those suggestions blow.
Sents would easily crush an Elementalist Semi.
Wouldn't learn in Shan.
The creature you mis-spelled is far too powerful and can curse.
Undead blow. Also too young for 47 train.
07-27-2004, 01:26 PM
Tell him how you really feel Stunseed! :P
Personally, at level 47.. I would be on Teras in the village.
07-27-2004, 01:39 PM
Banshees on Teras
07-27-2004, 01:50 PM
If you can get blesses easily, I hunt Bonespear into my early 50's. It's pretty easy to knock Waerns and Dybbuks around. Just stay clear of the Eidolons and you'll be fine there. Jemiquist used to hunt Bonespear with me and he did awesome with Song of Disruption or whatever it's called (the one where playing an instrument helps damage). I'm pretty sure he used Voln Fu and that song and tore stuff up in there.
If you're COL, it might not be as easy, but it's still an option.
07-27-2004, 01:58 PM
< Tell him how you really feel Stunseed! >
Not my fault those were horrid selections. Vor'taz make a decent hunt if you can pull it off. With spirtual assistance, Sents/Banshees are doable. Waerns would actually kinda blow for him, since he depends on his hands, which they love to eat. Quickness beat waerns for the money. I'd prolly say Vor'taz or Waerns, Fu'ing gets you Bonespear with easy results.
Originally posted by Tayre
Just stay clear of the Eidolons and you'll be fine there.
Umm yeah... being stunned for fucking ever sucks majorly.
Warhorses and Skeletal Lords would be kind of too easy for you also. If a 30 something Sorcerer can hunt there, definitely too old and not worth your time.
I'd try the village on Teras as well. You'll find Banshees and Sand Devil's and some other stuff...
07-27-2004, 03:08 PM
My 36 train bard can do banshees if she's not alone. She hunts Kiramon alone with no problem. Add a singing weapon, and life is good.
Edited to note: On Teras
[Edited on 7-27-2004 by Czeska]
Originally posted by Czeska
My 36 train bard can do banshees if she's not alone.
[Edited on 7-27-2004 by Czeska] Are your hunting partners usually older or around your train? My Sorc has a pretty high CS for his train so he's able to hit well above his level. However, I've only been on Teras a couple of days and wouldn't mind a hunting partner for the bigger stuff.
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