View Full Version : My blah stuff
07-25-2004, 04:37 PM
Ta da another blog!
So today my damn cat bit me! He was in a bag so I was gently bouncing him and he bit me through the bag and actually made me bleed. Little bastard.
I had the strangest dream last night. I was Jewish and the Nazis were invading America. We had built a bunker in our side yard which was disguised so you couldn't see it. And we were going down in there and then I forgot my moms game, my purse, and grapes so I had to run back into the house. The army was like minutes from marking down our street so it was all scary!
07-25-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Ta da another blog!
So today my damn cat bit me! He was in a bag so I was gently bouncing him and he bit me through the bag and actually made me bleed. Little bastard.
Animal Cruelty!!!
Maybe it did not like being in the bag? :duh:
07-25-2004, 07:17 PM
He did too! It was a paper bag from the grocery store. He goes in there and then when you walk by he jumps out and bites you. I simply picked the bag up and bounced him. Also he's bad because last night he puked in my closet! I was in shock.
07-25-2004, 07:57 PM
I have a bulimic cat that pukes all the time. If the other cats are eating, she'll run up to the food bowl and just gorge herself until she voms on the floor.
07-26-2004, 12:49 PM
GRRRRRRRRRR Die cat die. So I remove my band-aid today to look at where felix bit me. It's red and where the actual puncture was is white (pus) and swollen. My mom told me how her friend was bit by her cat and the next day her entire finger was swollen and she had to go to the hospital and get IVs and stuff. This better go away by tomorrow or that cat is getting his balls removed one by one...
07-26-2004, 12:52 PM
Figures that Leloo's biggest drama would be a cat bite.
07-26-2004, 12:55 PM
Tayre! It hurts! I'm mad. I was playing with the stupid thing and he bites me and now it's all swollen. I will post a picture later! Remember that they have dirty mouths!
07-26-2004, 08:24 PM
The cat is missing... no i didn't kill it but it's missing. We looked, he's not anywhere around or in the ceiling. Wonder where he went
07-26-2004, 10:03 PM
For Felix!
07-26-2004, 10:44 PM
FINALLY. Grr cats suck again. My mom calls down the stairs "Has he come back" I head up the stairs (we left the side door at the stairs open) and just as I do he walks in and starts eating at his bowl. I bolted up and pinned his ass against the wall and then slammed the door shut. Needless to say I am going to be extra happy Wednesday when he gets his balls removed.
07-26-2004, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
I am going to be extra happy Wednesday when he gets his balls removed. ...
You're still a dog person, eh?
07-26-2004, 11:38 PM
Hey we removed the dogs ovaries. Yes I am a dog person.
07-27-2004, 04:07 AM
Your cat is totally Mr. Mistoffelees.
My uncle got his toe bit by his cat, 2 months later the toe had to be amputated.
07-27-2004, 07:26 AM
That is the weirdest cat. His head is way too big and his legs are just far too small.
Genetically modified pets... :thumbsdown:
07-27-2004, 10:31 AM
ROFL He's not standing! He's laying down on the computer panel. Here
07-27-2004, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by Meos
My uncle got his toe bit by his cat, 2 months later the toe had to be amputated.
If you're being serious, was it infected the entire two months?
08-09-2004, 12:02 AM
So here's what's new.. work. Work work work work work work work. I work basically every day.
Now it takes a lot to actually get on my bad side. There's a bagger named Kerin, she's not all right upstairs but she's mostly functional, annoying as hell, and never does anything she's supposed to. She'll start saying how much she hates Debbi and Patti (our bosses) and everyone just tells her to shut up. But not even Kerin really is on my bad side.
Kenny is. Kenny is our new customer service guy. He's about 22, worked at a stop and shop for the past two years and was just transferred to ours. First time I ever really talk to him he tries to say that he's worked at Stop and Shop longer than I have. I said, no, sorry, I've here for three years. Then he tries to say he gets paid more than I do. No, I get paid more. THen he gets all pissy at me because I am four years younger and get paid more than him.
Now it is true Kenny is gay but that has nothing to do with why I don't like him. The guys don't because he's gay but I'm just like IT'S NOT THAT. The next thing Kenny does is he starts ordering me around. Kenny is not in charge of me. He tells me to get his returns in the office. I was doing something the guy in charge of me asked me to do. So I'm like I will when I'm done. He passes me again and says in the most huffy, pissy voice get my returns and stomps away. So I go to the office. The asshole isn't there. You can't get in the office, it automatically locks, so without him there I can't do anything.
Finally I get Chris to let me in and I get the damn returns despite the fact I am still not doing returns. Then I'm walking by and he tells me to go get him a basket to put his returns in. He's like five feet from the baskets. I finally said get it yourself and walked away.
Now I noticed another thing about him. The people at his rank or higher, he kisses their ass. The people who are cashiers, baggers, cart boys, the majority of our staff, he treats like crap. He refuses to get carts if we don't have a cart guy at that moment, which is what the office people have to do to help sometimes. Also he is never in the office, ever. His one job is to be in there but everytime Kate or someone else show up he goes outside for twenty minutes. And then I have customers coming up to me asking me where he is and I have to go outside and tell him to get inside.
Finally another thing that pissed me off. Friday Mike and I are sitting on the bench talking. he's doing windows, I'm on break. Kenny comes stomping over to us and says, again, in the huffiest, whiniest, bitchiest voice ever "THE TOMATOS WITHOUT A CODE ARE NATIVE TOMATOS"
I stared at him and said "I know that they are, you don't need to tell me, and Mike isn't even a cashier" It's just like... how dare you treat me with such little respect when you don't even know what you're doing. Everytime he comes over to my register he fucks everything up and it takes even longer and I have to get a higher boss to fix it. Seriously, just quit you stupid asshole.
08-09-2004, 12:24 AM
For what it is it's fine enough. I get paid 9 an hour, 13.54 on sundays and holidays, I get sick days, paid holidays, benefits. I just figure that it's the highest paying job for me right now and I need money to pay for college.
apply for financial aid like everyone else does and work at college where lenny the fruitcake won't spew his sour grapes at you.
08-09-2004, 12:29 AM
College pays less and I can't get financial aid at the moment because my grandfather set up an account and they won't give me any money until the account is dry. But that account won't cover four years at college or more so I have to work the entire time to try and pay it all.
College pays less
Not neccesarily true.
Almost all tech jobs will pay "decent" salaries, that which is more than what you currently disclosed as your salary.
And there are a billion other ways (besides financial aid) to lower the cost of going to college.
08-09-2004, 12:38 AM
If you work at a register I'm surprised you would let a coworker piss you off if customers don't. I only work the register two days a week (most of my time is spent in the back typing on the computer) and usually at least once a day someone will come in who makes me want to leap me over the counter and smash their head against it.
I'd be willing to bet though that your manager(s) are fully aware of his performance, and shit eating annoys them just as much as it does you. If it's any consolation, just use any flak you get as incentive to study so you're never on this side of the register again.
08-09-2004, 12:42 AM
No they don't! I swear they have no idea cause I mentioned it to Kate and she had no idea why we don't like him. Seriously he's so two-faced and for some reason they love it. And there are some customers who get to me but for the most part I am the nicest person to every single customer.
08-09-2004, 12:44 AM
Also, check here for scholarships. I showed it to a buddy of mine this past March, and by the end of April he got a check for $1000 for writing an essay.
If you're worried about money for college, find out if your college has a Resident Staff program. They're paying my room and board this year, heh.
08-09-2004, 12:44 AM
I'm staying home and commuting because I knew right off the bat that there was no chance I could pay for room and board.
08-09-2004, 12:46 AM
I could never work at a register. I was buying food for myself and this lady in front of me had a WIC check. I was just waiting and the guy at the register was new, like 16 or so, probably his first job and he fucked up. Now I know WIC checks are rough so when you fuck up with them that you have to do a lot to fix it. So the lady was yelling at this kid and I felt so bad for him. She yelled at the manager about the kid and finally I got annoyed with the lady. I was like "IF YOU WEREN'T SO POOR AND COULD AFFORD A GALLON OF MILK THE GUY WOULDN'T BE HAVING THIS PROBLEM. NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP SO THE KID CAN FIX THE THING!" The lady just stormed out of there without her stuff and the manager and the cashier said "Thank you."
I could never do it, because I would have to keep my mouth shut about that and I would last about a day before I started screaming at people for being stupid.
08-09-2004, 12:49 AM
Wic isn't bad. You hit Wic first, then enter the max amount, 99.99. Then you enter the starting date on the check. Then you read the items listed on the check and look over what they bought. Then you scan all the items, hit subtotal, hit Wic again. Hit escape twice, and then endorse the check and take the reciept and check and put it in your check folder.
08-09-2004, 12:52 AM
He wrote the wrong amount in the check. That required a bunch of stuff to be done, at least I think..... The bitch went nuts because she had to initial the price and so did the manager or something..... I don't know how WIC works though.
08-09-2004, 12:55 AM
I just did it today so I remembered again. But I know what you mean. I have some customers I adore, they're nicest, funniest, sweetest people. I have others that I'm like... how can you treat anyone this way. Like the people who talk on their phone the entire time and basically avoid looking at you. They look every way but at you. They make you bag the entire thing on top of it, basically throw the money at you and walk away. I can be as nice as possible and they act like I don't exist.
08-09-2004, 01:06 AM
08-09-2004, 01:21 AM
And now I have to add, since my father kindly reminded me, that the bird was also our mouse's only friend. The bird and mouse are in a room together and the bird would sit on the mouse cage and chirp and the mouse would squeek back. And now the bird is dead and the mouse is gonna be lonely and then the cat is gonna go for the mouse.
Oh and actually I also just found a nice smear of blood across the floor....
And actually another trail of blood and feathers everywhere... I just threw him back in the bathroom.
[Edited on 8-9-2004 by GSLeloo]
[Edited on 8-9-2004 by GSLeloo]
He's a cat, what did you expect?
08-09-2004, 08:45 AM
I'm sure he'll be willing to keep the mouse company.
08-09-2004, 01:58 PM
I bet your dog never killed one of your pets.
08-09-2004, 07:32 PM
My mom was more guilt trip on me than my dad. And no, my dog never did! My dog is like the best pet ever. I felt bad though cause I really did beat the crap out of Felix so I bought him some catnip.
Originally posted by GSLeloo
My mom was more guilt trip on me than my dad. And no, my dog never did! My dog is like the best pet ever. I felt bad though cause I really did beat the crap out of Felix so I bought him some catnip.
We tried to give Greg's kitten catnip, but she was more interested in the crinkly noises the plastic made instead of the catnip. It was so disappointing, I've never seen a cat all tripped up before. You should take pics of Felix on it, hahah.
08-09-2004, 08:07 PM
I put it in his bed so he'd go into it, he just started attacking all the toys around and purring and rubbing up against me.
08-09-2004, 08:16 PM
Wic people always pissed me off, fucking freeloading bastards.
08-10-2004, 12:26 AM
I honestly had a very good time at work today. Sometimes I just have the best customers. I laughed with one about the expensive prices at Kings, another old guy kept making jokes and he was so adorable it was hard to laugh. Plus these two cute middle aged guys each with their daughters buying groceries. I don't know why but it just all is so cute it's hard not to smile.
There's something I've been thinking about a lot lately and I even had two discussions on tonight. You're very free in America but at the same time other peoples freedom takes away yours. For example, you're free to express your opinion but someone else is free to trash yours and make you never want to say another word again. It's a bit odd. I always thought you shouldn't really mock other people for expressing themselves because of how shitty it feels for people to do it back to you. Yet more and more people are basically assholes to others.
It's usually pretty easy to see what you can say that will crush a person the fastest but I could never say it. I don't like the idea of hurting another person so I don't get how some people basically get off on it. For me it just makes me not want to tell anyone how I think or what I believe.
08-10-2004, 01:54 AM
Heh I just got this e-mail about my orientation in September... this is the description..
Orientation 2004: The PO’lympics
Saturday, September 4 and Sunday, September 5, 2004
In honor of the Olympics this summer in Athens, the ARCH Orientation Team and the Office of First Year Experience are excited to offer the Class of 2008 their very own PO’lympics—a celebration of your achievements, dreams and aspirations. Don’t worry, you won’t actually have to be athletic to be a part of this! See the preview below You’ll be receiving more detailed information about how and when to check-in for Orientation later this month.
On Your Mark, Get Set – Move In!
So, it’s the big day. You’ve arrived at the ‘PO with your U-Haul, butterflies in your stomach, and of course sweat pouring down your face. Aren’t you excited? But have no fear, your ARCH Team is here! (Along with a whole truck load of volunteers at your beck and call ) Welcome to Ramapo Class of 2008! Your Future Awaits You . . .
Check-In for PO’lympians
All students (commuter and resident) need to check-in for the PO’lympics (yes, it’s separate from the move-in appointments). At check-in you’ll find out which country and team you’re on, and you’ll get the schedule of events as well as your VIP passes for getting your PO’lympic ambrosia in the dining halls. You’ll also receive the first of many PO’lympiad gifts!
Opening Ceremony: New Student Convocation
You’ve finally moved in, checked-in, and are wondering what’s next? Well it’s time for the Ramapo community to welcome you as our newest members! After all the gymnastics you performed with your luggage while you and your roommates were vying for the best spots in your room, or with your car trying to get a parking spot, you have qualified to start your journey. At the New Student Convocation, you’ll be welcomed by President Pfeiffer along with other former gold medalists at the ‘Po. Alertness is not mandatory, but keep your eyes and ears open for a SURPRISE!
“Catch the Light” Movie Night
OK. OK. We know this has been a tough and grueling day for you. Catching a few zzz’s is about all you can think about right now. But the theme in Athens this year is “catching the light” so we’ve decided movies would be a good way to end the day. Get your glasses and contacts back on, call up that last bit of PO’lympic strength, and head out to the Bandshell (or the gym if it’s raining): we are having a Double Feature Back2Back Movie Night! Two movies for the price of none! Plus free popcorn, ice cream and cotton candy.
(continued on next page)
Passing the Torch
Well, it’s day two, and by now you might be asking yourselves if you can really run this four-year college marathon. It’s always good to learn from other victors’ tales, so we rounded up a select group of our outstanding faculty to share their college experiences with you!! Although this will in no way grant you an A, you’ll get the inside scoop on college life then and now, and you get to have the ‘Po Torch passed on to you. Go on and carry the torch . . . you might have to pass it on one day!
PO’lympic Sweeps
Forgot your toothbrush? Left your towel at home? No worries! We’re doing supermarket sweeps, Ramapo Style! Do you think you have the answers to some of Ramapo’s myths and trivia? If so, we challenge you to compete against other PO’lympians. Think on your feet, load your chariot, and win some excellent essentials necessary for your first year at the Po. Are you up for the challenge?
Sexual Olympiad: Sex Rules! with Maria Falzone
“Education at the very core of Greek civilization,” was one of the Olympic ideals born in 776 BCE. We shall continue the legacy by teaching you the rules: specifically, the rules of sex, in a special presentation by comedian Maria Falzone in her Gold Medal performance of “Sex Rules!” Before you play any sport you need to know the rules and this is what Maria will teach you, whether you plan on playing in these Olympic games or in the future. The only requirement for attending is to bring an open mind. Don’t worry we won’t demonstrate with naked people like in the ancient Olympics  Don’t be late!! You don’t want to be the last one to cross the finish line.
Closing Ceremony: PO’lympic Victory
After a weekend of chaos and wackiness, you’ve earned your PO’lympic victory! Get ready for a fun-filled night of Greek food, novelties, and prizes. As if that weren’t enough, you’ll be entertaining one another with music & singing at the first-ever PO’lympic Idol! Come and strut your stuff and maybe you will be taking home the grand prize!!
08-10-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
make you never want to say another word again.Only if you let them. :smilegrin:
Also, I hope your college schedules their Olympics a bit better than mine did (stupid hicks).
08-11-2004, 10:05 PM
For a while now register one has been broken. Well apparently today someone came to fix it so Patti tells me to go on Register 1. Thats already bad because Register 1 and 10 are automatically express and express sucks so bad.
So the first hour or so passes without anything really happening, it starts pouring, a fire starts somewhere from the lightning, the store goes dead quiet. That's about it.
Well eventually I'm in the middle of this order and all of the sudden my screen says "Shutting Down. Level 1" We had just finished the paying part. So I end up having to go on register two because my register decided to restart itself. About a half hour later I return to my register.
Again for about an hour I do customers, it's all fine. Then I was right in the middle of a credit card, the credit card was processing at that moment and suddenly it shuts down again. Finally I am put on register two for the rest of the night because my register is... the register from hell.
Well I still had about three hours to go so eventually Debbie comes along and audits my drawer. What's that? It's OVER. Well... let's see... it only shut down twice! I think when it shut down the first time it didnt save that womans order so her money ended up being extra in the drawer. Now I am pissed because I get the feeling they'll ignore that little fact and put me on mandatory when I didn't even do anything wrong.
....I hate work.
08-11-2004, 10:38 PM
<<the register from hell.>>
Richard Lewis coinned that phrase.
08-11-2004, 10:39 PM
Really? In what?
08-11-2004, 10:49 PM
He claims to be the originator, and it's worked into episode 24 of Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Nanny From Hell.
08-11-2004, 11:18 PM
So I was looking for a bookmark in my moms room. I decide to wake her up and ask her where it was (she was on my dads side of the bed so she'd have to move anyway). I poked her, said her name, even let the cat walk on her. Finally she actually kicks me in her sleep and that woke her up. Her eyes open and she starts saying to me "they eat the marshmallows, the bears" and kept going on about bears and marshmallows. I nearly died and had to leave the room I was laughing so hard.
08-12-2004, 07:13 PM
Was on Register eight today. Register eight randomly shut down on me also. And I was put on mandatory because of yesterday even though it wasn't my fault. Work sucks.
09-03-2004, 10:48 PM
Since tomorrow is my orientation I figure I'd post what we will be doing ALL DAY Saturday and Sunday
Orientation for the Class of 2008
Ramapo College of New Jersey
The PO’lympics
*The following is subject to change depending on weather and other factors.
You will receive a finalized and detailed schedule in your PO’lympic Check-In packet.
Saturday, September 4, 2004
NOTE: There will be color-coded signage (including winged footprints!) all over campus to direct you where to go.
8:30 am – 1:30 pm Move-In for Residents
9 am – 1 pm PO’lympic Check-In near the Arch: First Gift, check-in packet with Team membership, other important materials
11 am – 1:30 pm BBQ: Student Center Patio (limited seating under tent)
2 pm - 2:30 pm Make your way over to the Bandshell for the New Student Convocation
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm New Student Convocation
3:15 pm – 3:45 pm Arching Ceremony
3:45 pm - 4:30 pm President’s Reception and goodbyes to Family
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Residents will return to their rooms, and commuters will go to Linden Lounge (Yes, we joked about a line here saying “Go to your rooms!”)
5 – 7:00 pm Dinner with your group—refer to your Team sheet for when and where you’ll be going to dinner.
Your team leader will come to the rooms of each person in your group (including the Commuter Lounge) and pick you up for dinner.
Some groups will be going to dinner at 5:00 and some will be going at 6:00.
7:30 pm Commuter Information Meeting in B 222
Resident Hall Information Meetings (SC219, Birch Tree Inn, and Oak)
10:00 pm “Catch the Light” Movie Night: Back2Back Double Feature outside on the Bandshell (with popcorn and cotton candy)
Sunday, September 5, 2004
10:00 am – 11:45 am Brunch with groups—refer to your Team sheet for your group’s location
12:00 – 1:30 pm Zeus Groups: Passing the Torch (in your team’s classroom)
Hera Groups: PO’lympic Sweepstakes (gym); Second Gift given out here
1:45 – 3:15 pm Zeus Groups: Sexual Olympiad: Sex Rules! (Sharp Theater)
Hera Groups: Passing the Torch (in your team’s classroom)
3:30 – 5:00 pm Zeus Groups: PO’lympic Sweepstakes (gym); Second Gift given out here
Hera Groups: Sexual Olympiad: Sex Rules! (Sharp Theater)
5:30 – 7:30 pm Dinner with groups—refer to your Team sheet for your group’s location.
8:00 pm PO’lympic Idol competitors who signed up at Brunch to report to the gym to pick songs.
8:30 – 9:30 pm PO’lympic Victory, Gym
Novelties: body art, astrology reports, Olympic magazine covers (with your photos), Voter Registration tables, music, Greek food
9:30 pm – 12:00 am PO’lympic Idol Competition starts! (Prizes, including iPods, throughout the night)
09-03-2004, 11:31 PM
Colleges are really unimaginative.
09-04-2004, 04:07 PM
So I stayed till 3 and then got bored and left.
09-04-2004, 04:09 PM
After the first little bit of "everyone get to know each other! yay!" time, college is great. :)
09-04-2004, 04:59 PM
Well I arrived and everyone had their parents with them and I was the only one alone. So I stood around alone, walked around alone, and finally sat in one of the lounges alone. The big speech thing didn't start till 2 so I was sitting there till I finally met a kid who was also alone. But we weren't even in the same group together so once all that start I'd be alone all over again anyway. I sat through their speeches and left.
09-04-2004, 06:49 PM
I didn't go to high school orientation. I don't regret it.
09-06-2004, 11:03 PM
Ok so... tomorrow is my first day of school. I'm a bit nervous. In my entire life I never had to switch schools, I never was the new kid. My school was a class of about 90 (ending at 84 by our senior class) kids that I had known since first grade. So every year I was walking into classes with the same kids I've always known, never had to make new friends or meet new people... This is the first time I've ever had to really make new friends. Even at my job, my brother worked there, three people from my school worked there, it wasn't a big thing. Now tomorrow I don't even know where my class is and I have to make new friends! Oh god, am I social person? I don't think I am. This is stressful.
09-06-2004, 11:13 PM
Wow, do you people not have teh sex in New Jersey? There are like 1,400 people in my high school and I know maybe 100 of them.
09-06-2004, 11:18 PM
I lived in a square mile town. A dutch town at that with about seven churches! It was just such a small school and you knew everyone and their parents... Seriously, I see all their parents at work all the time and they always say hi cause we freaking know everyone.
09-15-2004, 12:13 PM
Ugh. I wake up at about 6 this morning... today is my day to sleep late, I don't have class till 2. So I wake up and my stomach hurts so bad and it keeps me awake as I'm trying to fall back asleep for nearly a half hour. Finally I get up, go upstairs, get followed by both the cat and dog into the bathroom where I promptly puke my guts up. It's sort of weird having a cat stand on the tub and watch you as you puke.
I can't figure out what the hell it was... we had pork last night for dinner but no one else got sick. I am so annoyed cause I fell asleep eventually after that and now at 12 I tried to eat an apple and it reminded me too much of puke and I couldn't...
09-27-2004, 11:39 AM
So yesterday my mom was standing outside and didn't realize her feet was standing in a loop of the dogs rope. The dog took off and my mom went down onto the concrete steps. Now she can't raise her arm high enough to even touch her chin and she can't lower her arm below about mid point.
She's at the doctors today to see what's wrong. So something occurs to me.. She can't use her one arm so she can't really drive. She can't do dishes, she's not going to be able to clean. That means... I'll have to do the grocery shopping, do the dishes, and clean the house. She's been hurt since yesterday afternoon and the house is already a wreck. We're screwed.
09-27-2004, 12:50 PM
So she just got back from the doctors... she has two breaks in her arm. She will be out of work for six to eight weeks. Oh dear lord save us... I've never been around my mom that much.
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