View Full Version : Progress, Reflection, and the Moment
Hi! I’m Backlash. Welcome to my world! Drinks are on me.
07-25-2004, 08:06 PM
Six Feet Under! Yes, another fan! It's an hour away and I can't wait. I've been taping this season for a coworker who doesn't have cable. Good to see another watcher. :up:
07-25-2004, 08:18 PM
I need HBO.
Last week's SFU was disturbing. More than half the show was David's misery. It on!
07-25-2004, 09:30 PM
Was that the one where he was like forced to drive that guy around?
Yeah... disturbing wasn't it. Over half the show was about it. Way harsh.
Woke up late smelling like beer. Managed to shower AND shave and get to work 15 minutes early. Enough time to get a bacon, egg and cheese croissant for breakfast. Whoo ho!
My boss is laughing as I walk in. She tells me our two other colleges in our department both called in sick. So its just me and her today. No worries though. Our schedule is pretty blank at the moment. I'm archiving files all day. 10 gigs of stuff on duplicate CDs and CD images for the archive tapes.
My boss talked to the VP and they've approved my taking classes at Corcoran College of Art and Design. I'm going for what they call a "certificate" which is basically all the core classes of a degree, without the degree. Which suits me just fine. 18 credits and I'll have it. Its pricey, but my company is willing to pitch in a little, which rocks. I is very stoked!
07-26-2004, 10:36 AM
How hot is your boss?
Way hot but engaged. Still, better than some old crank.
07-26-2004, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Backlash
Way hot but engaged. Still, better than some old crank.
I don't know why.. but I pictured her way hot... walking in with her high heals.. strutting her stuff.
You should go hit on it today.. with no one else around.
DO it.
In another place and time I would have. Not now though. I have a tremendous amount of respect for her and the job is too cool to throw away.
The Internet is one of those things that advances civilization like writen words, or a library, or moveable type.
More information passes to the masses. You don’t have to be rich to know what’s going on...
Google is the modern equivalent to the Greek Oracle. The internet has replaced the TV as the new social conscience.
It’s about time too!
P.s. I agree with PB go for the boss :P
Originally posted by RangerD1
P.s. I agree with PB go for the boss :P
You should see the hot little interns we get. LOL. My boss is not on my radar nor are any women I work with.
<--- Learned the “don‘t mess with the chicks you work with” lesson in a bad way.
She is hotter than hot though.
THAT is very professional.
You should at least take one of the interns out to a nearby eating-place on lunchbreak? I don't really know what your situation is here, but interns are teh hot in the science field.
Ok. If you are in DC this weekend... she is being taken out by her girlfriends for the obligatory last night out for the bachlorette.
She has slanted eyes, a big head, and is Jewish. Good luck.
The Korean
08-28-2004, 12:33 AM
I'm really Irish.
So I’m working today. What a bad Christian, I think. Then, some claim Sunday was the first day. That works. I fucked-off yesterday.
My grandparents on my moms side went to church every Sunday. When I visited in the summers, or holidays, they wanted me to go. At the age of nine, sometimes I didn’t want to. It was freaky. Hey, they had a huge lifelike carving of a naked man nailed to the cross on the wall. Hard to avoid.
I did like certain things about it though. I have to admit, the figure of death on the wall was intriguing, the Lord’s prayer I have always appreciated (not just because it signaled the end of the ceremony), the time after the Lord’s prayer where everyone turned, shook hands, and said to their neighbors “Peace be with you” and of course breakfast with everyone at a diner afterwards.
My grandparents were good people. Grandpa got angry sometimes, but he prayed every week for forgiveness. Grandma was more happy-go-lucky, More prone to seeing the good in things and proud of her family.
They are both gone now. I remember the day Grandma died. She lay in her bed neatly, mouth agape. Jaws don’t stay closed I come to find out. It looked as if her soul had left through her mouth. She did look peaceful.
My mom who is not terribly religious was hesitant when I asked the care facilities pastor to say a few words. She was there, as is her duty, to ease the passing. The words she spoke came from the bible, and the only thing I remember about it was the phrase “Roxanne was a good Christian soldier.” I think grandma would have been happy to hear that. Despite the inference of battle, she was the truest Christian I have every known. Generous, understanding, and always there with kind words.
I left my mother with my step-dad after he arrived. I said my goodbyes to them, the living, and 3 steps out the door I realized I’d never see my grandma again, so I went back, and said goodbye to her corpse. Well, not really. I’ve read that the soul hovers over the body for a period of hours before its journey into the beyond. I said goodbye to her spirit which I am convinced was still there.
I’m working today, Sunday the 12th of September 2004, a day after the anniversary of 9/11. It is with thanks to my Grandparents that I do ironically. My work today is a work of passion. I seriously doubt they would begrudge me for it.
09-12-2004, 04:38 PM
I am sure that your grandparents are very proud of you. And they have every right to be.
09-12-2004, 04:40 PM
Speaking of Sunday, today is the season finale of Six Feet Under. Don't miss it!
09-12-2004, 04:42 PM
Holy crap there's HBO at the place I'm staying at.
Thx for the reminder!
09-12-2004, 07:28 PM
anyone know why HBO doesn't rerun the Sopranos?
No idea. I know no one there. It has to be marketing. In the meantime, while you wait for your Sopranos, watch The Wire. Third season starts next Sunday night.
I think I read that they were going to do another season of Carnivâle. Haven’t heard anything about when it might start though.
09-13-2004, 02:33 AM
I blasphemed the Sabbath. I studied for nine hours straight... and liked it even more because it was a beautiful Sunday. That makes seventeen hours of Frege and Russell this weekend.
This should be fun until it gets ugly...
So its Friday, the 24th of September. Fall is here, its getting cooler, leaves are starting to drop, and my life takes a turn for the best...
I like to party, as if that wasn’t already apparent, but I find myself more high on not being high at the moment. How can I describe it. You know that goofy feeling you feel after waking up after a week of partying? Sorta laid back, no more adverse hangover effects like headache or upset stomach. Well, thats fine. But what’s getting me off now is waking up before dawn, taking care of shit, like EVERYTHING that needs to be done, then going home and hitting the pillow and passing out. Not unlike the party week, but much more accelerated? Motion.
Instead of getting off the metro and sauntering around with sunglasses on, I’m up and out of the door before the train stops with sunglasses on. At least, thats what it feels like. My mind is always on the next task, prepping up, executing, and moving on. Some mornings, I feel like everyone else is in slow motion. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the tide... which brings us back to why I started writing this in the first place.
A philosophy I whole-heartedly embrace is the “work hard, play hard” ethic. JFK! Why do we work so hard? To spend and play, thats why.
So I’ve been accelerated all week. Ok, this particular week, since Wednesday. Had a mellow interlude that really did more to refresh my batteries than hinder me... but I’ve been good since!
Now, after one Fosters can, three Shiner Bocks, and a puff or two later, I am well into the slow down mode. Maybe I’ll document the process for you, as I have nine Shiner Bocks left... and a few puffs.
09-24-2004, 11:00 PM
Yeah, I completely agree on the getting up early thing.
I used to go to bed just after sunrise and spend all night out, but once I started getting up early, I realized being up in the day is much, much better. Things go faster, somehow during the day, but in a good way.
Also, I'd agree with the work hard, play hard philosophy. No point in making money if you're not going to spend it on the things that make you happy.
Life is good. I feel blessed. I’m not making the money I used to, but I still have the same quality of friends/life. Thats really what counts to me. Friends. Wherever I go, I see them. I love them. We laugh! Even the strangers.
Cool Russian Constructivist Poster (
[edited to respect bandwidth]
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Backlash]
Another one (
The reason I bring these two examples here is that currently I am studying composition in graphic design using a gestalt principal, and typogophy.
As I understand it, when you want to communicate something visually, it has to make you stop long enough to read what it says. This guy, Gustav Klustis, I think, gets it.
The compositions are engaging. He uses red in these two examples, with monotone photography. I have an inkling of what they say, and I can make my own opinions, thanks... but here is an artist who knows his craft.
The Russians weren’t the only ones to hire the artists of the time. During the Great Depression, many artists were contracted for most of what you see in DC today.
[edited to respect bandwidth]
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Backlash]
Vote 2004 (
My attempt at some modern Russian Constructivism. Click the image for a larger version.
Comments on subject, context, skill and execution more than welcomed.
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Backlash]
10-16-2004, 09:51 PM
Very well done, in my opinion. It's quite moving, and did inspire me to read what was said. :)
10-16-2004, 09:54 PM
I really like it. It's not quite as striking as the Russian ones because of the tint over Bush & Kerry, but it's quite nice.
10-16-2004, 09:56 PM
Question, the piece supposed to connote a bias, or is it supposed to be a nonpartisan encouragement to get out the vote, regardless of what the vote might be?
10-16-2004, 09:57 PM
Looks great Backlash. :thumbsup:
Thanks ya’lls.
Yeah, Harm, it is about the importance of voting and it is as unbiased as I could manage. If anyone sees any, it would be interesting to know why. That sort of thing happens unconsciously. Maybe the image of Kerry is more stately than Bush. The Bush photo is one of him in prayer. His head is downturned while Kerry’s is looking up and forward.
10-16-2004, 10:09 PM
That's what struck me, Backlash. It's the upturned, forward- looking face of Kerry next to the contemplative, downward-looking face of Bush. It's difficult to get a feel for Bush's thoughts when one cannot really see the expression in his eyes, but he looks rather sad. The result, I think, is a subtle bias toward Kerry.
Of course, that could be just me...reading into things, as usual. ;)
10-16-2004, 10:13 PM
Bush looks like a child that just got yelled at.
Originally posted by Artha
I really like it. It's not quite as striking as the Russian ones because of the tint over Bush & Kerry, but it's quite nice.
Tanks Artha. I totally agree about the Russian posters. Red, white and black is more striking, but I wanted to use the American color pallette. After doing this I was thinking about what those colors meant so I found this (
white to mean purity and innocence, red for valor and hardiness, and blue for vigilance, perseverance, and justice.
I remember at some point in elementary school learning that the red and white stripes were symbolic of the bandages of the patriots. But I can’t remember what the blue meant.
Another thing I’ve just noticed is I have Kerry on the right, and Bush on the left. Because Kerry is the right choice? LOL
10-16-2004, 10:19 PM
wootzor they've begun rerunning the Sopranos again
but seriously, there were no episodes aired over the summer...twas brutal
10-16-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Artha
it's quite nice. :yes:
I like how at least 67% of the vote is on the red side, too. :D
Let me give you the images sources also as it was also part of the selection process.
Bush ( and Kerry ( I was looking for one of Bush doing the Pledge also, but it was hard to find one to fit the composition where he didn’t look silly. In fact, it was hard to find one of Kerry that didn’t look silly also.
As for the quotes, I don’t know the sources, when or where or what context they were said in.
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Originally posted by Artha
it's quite nice. :yes:
I like how at least 67% of the vote is on the red side, too. :D
Actually, the blue side is bigger now that I look at it. So there you go, more bias coming through. I really tried not to.
Composition sketches. The font used in the final product is Memphis.
Another poster I did (
Click the image for more info.
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Backlash]
So, today I realized that I am a Communist... always have been. Since I first learned about governments, and all that shit...
I heard what the teachers in school said, then I went and read on my own. I remember, Marx’s Manifesto seemed the best. But it was communist! McCarthy!
Moron. Obviously there is a pattern. It can be corrupted. By who? Guess.
Miss X
10-23-2004, 08:18 AM
Communists rock. I have a really old copy of Marx's Manifesto, it's my prized possesion! :)
My prized possesion, in literary work, is my set of original Rorsch ink blots.
I also own some old Alestir Crowley ( My favorite, Moondchild (The Butteryfly Net) ( can actually be read in its entirety on-line.
Yeah, The Manifesto is great. For a reason.
[Edited on 10-24-2004 by Backlash]
Tonight is The Wire and Family Bonds on HBO starting at 9pm. If you have HBO on demand, both series’ seasons are already available so you can catch up... though each episode easily stands on their own.
Well fuck, they aren’t on tonight for some reason. Its reruns of Sex and the City and that Jack Nicholson/Mia Farrow movie “Something’s Gotta Give.” What a pisser. Looks like I’ll do my homework afterall.
And while I’m bitching... no D’ Ali G episodes available yet on HBO On Demand.
[Edited on 10-24-2004 by Backlash]
10-24-2004, 09:14 PM
You are too obsessed with HBO.
I hate that I don't have it. :(
On the bright side, it means I sleep more? Ha.
I was wrong about the movie. Its Woody’s other wife, Diane Keaton who stars.
At least I was able to catch up from missing last weekends episodes on On Demand. No, I didn’t do my homework after all. It will be done probably a few seconds before class starts.
More Contemporary American political posters ( from AIGA ( The American Institute of Graphic Arts.
BTW, these are all PDF format.
[edited for a typo and a warning]
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Backlash]
Communism is dead in America.
After last weeks revelations about government and society I started researching communism on-line. The Communist Party in America (CP-USA ( has a wonderful agenda. People before profits, anti-racist, environmental awareness, free education and healthcare for everyone...
Come to find out the membership of the party is under 3000! The best they can come up with in this election is advocating one candidate over the other. And even then, they don’t like either. The party has been in existance since 1919, shortly after the bolshevik revolution in Russia. Its suffered the McCarthy era. They claim to have helped a great deal in workers rights through unions.
How can such a good idea become viewed as evil? Capitalism has such a stong hold on our culture. Of course the fatcats of the capitalist mindset will claim communism is evil, which is pure bull of course, because they don’t want to lose even a small margin of their profits.
My declaration of being a communist still stands, though I’m not sure what to do now. LOL. The party is all but nonexistant, its viewed as evil, and our current system isn’t going to change any time soon.
Maybe I’ll try repackaging the idea to make it more appealing. I dunno...
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Backlash]
10-30-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
How can such a good idea become viewed as evil?Politicians have been saying for years "gimme your money and good stuff will happen". America grows cynical.
But I have a Cowboy Bebop DVD, so it's all ok. You should try it. :)
edit: Not that the whole work for change thing doesn't sound fun too.
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Latrinsorm]
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
Originally posted by Backlash
How can such a good idea become viewed as evil?Politicians have been saying for years "gimme your money and good stuff will happen". America grows cynical.
But I have a Cowboy Bebop DVD, so it's all ok. You should try it. :)
edit: Not that the whole work for change thing doesn't sound fun too.
[Edited on 10-30-2004 by Latrinsorm]
Dude, I have Cowboy Bebop ( Not just the movie, but the series. How scary is that?
10-30-2004, 06:42 PM
If it weren't for that whole being different thing, we'd be like brothers. :yes: :hippie:
Beer for Backlash --->:2beers:<--- Milk for Latrin
Still going strong. I’ve been a little slower at work, what with classes at night AND looking for a place to buy on the weekends... but when shit needs to get done, I am still the man. I HAVE to be, no matter how tired or pissed or sick or hungry or sleep deprived or hungover as I get.
So anyway, got the raise (Booyakaza!) which will make the mortgage payments much easier. Finished up a project in Typography that was regarded as ”successful” by my peers.
Memphis Poster (
To preface, and this will really only interest graphic arts geeks like myself, we were asked to pick a font that we liked, study it in different ways, and make a poster to promote it. Every graphic art student at one point or another has to do this. My choice was Memphis designed by Dr. Rudolph Wolf in 1930 for the Stempel type foundry in Frankfurt, Germany.
What I love about this font is it’s negative space. That is, not the space the letters make, but the spaces between the letters. Extra Bold is really intriguing when its tracked really tight. The lighter faces look much like a typewriter font, though if you look close, the serifs are straight, otherwise known as ”slab serif” or ”egyptian”.
The egyptian term comes from egyptian architecture, which was very linear. Memphis was named after the ancient capital of the old kingdom of Eygpt. And all this time I thought it had something to do with Elvis’ hometown.
While working on this I often wondered what the good Doctor would have thought of it. Hopefully, it does him, and his font, justice.
Another week goes by... oddly, I was down most of the beginning of the week. Then Wednesday and Thursday came, which are my class days after work, which brought my mood level up. And now... Friday, Booyakaza!
So anyway... both classes, Typography I and Graphic Core II, have me working on the exact same design principal. Layout Grids.
There are different grids for different publications. Books, magazines, and now websites, all have vertical and horizontal guides for aesthetically pleasing layouts.
To this day the Golden Ratio ( is used in layout design. It has been used as a guide to asthetics since Eygpt. Pythagoreas (, the Greek Mathematician is attributed with discovering this ratio, 1:1.618. The artists of the Renaissance used it frequently.
This is my project for a magazine layout using the Golden Mean for the grid, and the Fibbonaci Sequence ( for font sizes.
Eastern Dragons (
My Typography instructor says I’m in my “red and black” phase. LOL. You know, in these classes, we are asked to come up with our own subjects, which can be daunting. Why I bring this up is... as I searched the web on subjects I usually look up, I found myself wondering what people would think if I did a layout on Communism. Yeah, I do tend to worry about what people think.
Now this is the weird thing. As I am frantically searching through all of my off-center subjects to use for this layout, I look down at my newly inked arm, and say to myself “fuck it, lets try dragons.”
As I search I find a decent amount of text on the subject... enough to fill a few pages as required by the project. But then, low and behold, as I search for images, I find an exact duplicate image of the dragon tattooed to my arm! So, I went with it.
The weekend starts early! Its Thanksgiving morning and I have much to be thankful for. On a regular basis I thank whatever it is thats out there that looks over me. My life is fairly normal. But sometimes I see the most extraordinary things and it fills me with bittersweet happiness. I thank more often than curse.
Finally found a place to buy. Just trying to settle on a financing product. Its not the last place I’ll ever live... just a modest one bed/one bath condo with a parking space in the District. Condo fees cover utilities. I could leave all my electrics on 24/7. ROFL.
No class this week, but, thought I would take this time to cover an inspiration. I’ve taken some fine arts... only up to drawing. Oil painting has always interested me though. One of my faves is Gustav Klimt ( Most everyone probably has seen the most recognized of his works, The Kiss (
I have a biography on him because I like all his work and was interested in the man who created it. This book only really covers his work, and not the man, so I am left to come to conclusions about him on my own. Every picture you see of him he is in a smock. He lived in Vienna at the turn of the century doing art his whole life. Commissions for public works such as friezes and also portraits of the elite of the time.
His work at the time was controversial, but he looks so soft-spoken. He would paint a figure nude first, then add the baroque detail over it.
I had the pleasure to view an original the last time I was in NYC, at the Met, with my little sister. Mäda Primavesi ( This jpg, nor any printed piece, do the original justice. It is at least 8 feet tall and the colors are so much more vibrant. My little sis picked up right away how spell binding this painting is, apart from the colors and size. She remarked, “Her eyes are so intense.”
There is so much more about this artist, and the depth of his works I could discuss...
11-25-2004, 12:24 PM
Just read this Backlash and find it really interesting.
Never been a fan of Journals, but yours I like. :)
Love the posters and have learned some stuff about graphics I never knew (not that I know a lot).
Some of the mathematical stuff confused me though. WIll have to try reading it when I am a little less tired.
I bought my condo in the District.
I traded my 2003 Mazda 6s for a 2005 Suzuki Aerio.
Classes are over.
Let the New Year begin!
And thanks, Nien.
Anyone who has an Adam and the Ants icon is cool with me.
If you are an art lover, like myself, and cannot afford the originals... ( is a nice alternative. They have quite the stock.
For example... my fav russian constructivist is available. Gustav Klustis ( And they frame for pretty cheap.
Finally got my prints. Klimnt came straight away.
Klustis took awhile. Appearantly, according to the note taped to the back, it is a numbered print.
As you can see in my previous post, ( delivers on their goods. Now I just need to paint and hang em up!
So the condo decoration is going slow. I haven’t even bought that Sony Wega yet. From what I hear though, the 50" is getting cheaper. Muh hah ha.
Didn’t sign up for classes this semester. Mainly because I wanted to see how my finances are with this new mortgage. In the meantime, I’ve devoted myself to my work. I mean in a focused way. Really putting in not just the 110%, but trying to expand even further. I picked up some books on how to establish yourself as a business, as an artist.
The thing is, aside from tax loopholes, I’m coming to realize a longtime dream. I am an artist. Not in any lawful sense, at least not yet, but in real practice. If there are legal benefits to this, you bet I’m going to take advantage. Like writing off my compter, programs, and every periodical I buy.
My latest work.
This revelation about being an artist is the culmination of the past year. Landed a job in a design department, did a successful invitation package (for CEI, a conservative think tank no less!), took two courses at a real art school, and got picked by Wolf Trap ( to do their summer jazz and blues posters and t-shirts.
Oh shit, SNL is starting! More next time!
01-30-2005, 11:46 AM
Love the Klimnt, Backlash! The colors are amazing!
You sound like you've really found your place in the scheme of things, and as though you're happy with what you're doing and your life in general. That makes me happy, too. :)
Thanks, Harmnone. The self-actualization is uncomparable. Having it validated is icing on the cake. :)
01-30-2005, 12:32 PM
I'm happy as hell for you, hon. You've got the world by the tail now. :up:
Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-30-2005, 12:33 PM
I know nothing about art, but that eagle looking thing is cool. Tell me about it in english? Seems like I see the whole temple/eye thing from the dollar bill in it.
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I know nothing about art, but that eagle looking thing is cool. Tell me about it in english? Seems like I see the whole temple/eye thing from the dollar bill in it.
It's clearly an interpretation of modern-day America. The red and blue sides represent America's two vital political parties.
The blue side, Democrats, though weaker, is the apparent heart of the nation, as represented by the blue pyramid.
The eagle, representing power, faces the red or Republican side. The three dashes through the red represent the party's obviously flawed policies.
Propoganda. Its a word I struggle with, being in the advertising/graphic arts industry. Yet I am infatuated with its effect. So I study it, old and new. Posters specifically.
You have to see this. From the 1942 United States Office of Facts and Figures. Source (
Man how things have changed.
:lol: The Englishman has stereotypical grill.
Woof! Where to start. Ok, in order.
The Media. Our source for information/entertainment. The line is blurred if we consider “Media” completely in the broadcast sense. What is on TV, in the movies, on corporate news sites.
There was a time when the media was called “liberal”. That was back before all the major media corporations gobbled up every independant source. (Who owns what ( That was back when there were other terms such as “rogue journalism.”
Things have obviously shifted.
Orwell was 20 years off. There is so much twisted bullshit in the media today its unbelieveable. The “liberal media” has been swallowed by the corporate structure. (Capatalism) But, the rogue journalists have also shifted with the times. There is still truth in journalism. You have to know where and how to look.
The truth might be as close as your fingertips. The Internet. The ONE media source not yet corrupted. The ONE media source where there are no lies in who says what. Its global. Its a model of information dissemination unlike any before it. You can see all viewpoints through a simple Google ( search.
All sources on the Internet are identifiable as all domains require valid administrators. Certainly, this can be spoofed, but so can it be reported and banned.
It is a world where there is some Anarchy within the structure it was built with. Hackers know this. The structure is loose. There are ways to spoof the system. And GOD BLESS THAT FREEDOM, because its becoming one of the last freedoms we have.
Capatalism has yet to sway its control over the Internet frontier. Lets hope Open Source never gets censored. You know if it were the Capatalists decision, fuck Open Source, make it illeagal because it takes away from our profits!
Lets compare Anarchy to Capatalism.
Anarchy is life without a governing order. You go it alone. Survival of the fittest.
Capatalism is the same thing with laws protecting the less fit.
03-02-2005, 04:59 PM
The only problem with anarchy is that it breeds government.
Anarchy generally leads to the same amount of order and structure as any other type of government.
- Arkans
Not in school this semester so I’ve been concentrating on work. And its paid off.
Another raise today, six months after my last one.
As bizzaro as I must seem here on these boards, I’m actually an individual that can excell. In a corporate setting no less! IF THEY ONLY KNEW HAHAHAHAHHAHAAH!!!!
Crack one on me folks. :beer: If my posts get wierder and wierder as the night goes on, its because I’m celebrating.
03-11-2005, 06:52 PM
Congratulations on the raise, Backlash!:beer:
Thanks Harm.
Bailey’s on me. ;)
03-11-2005, 07:24 PM
Hee! I'm having one in your honor, hon! Mmmm mmmm good!
HarmNone raises her Bailey's to Backlash
Good work. I'm throwing a party for a friend tonight and I'll be sure to pound down a beer for you.
- Arkans
03-11-2005, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
Another raise today, six months after my last one.
Crack one on me folks. :beer: If my posts get wierder and wierder as the night goes on, its because I’m celebrating.
:grin: Grats man! I will have a guinness and toast it to you tonight! It's always good to know something good is going on in the world :)
03-11-2005, 07:49 PM
Heh. We're having our own little party right here, in honor of Backlash's raise. :D
03-11-2005, 07:53 PM
I'll dedicate the large order of buffalo wings I just ate to the cause.
Grats I'll do a carbomb for you later.
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I'll dedicate the large order of buffalo wings I just ate to the cause.
Damn Bob,
I thought it was Jesae who ate the wings, and I was impressed! But only now I realized it was YOU!@
Thanks man. This is the kind of sillines you have to look forward to. Yes, it gets better. A whole lot better. :)
And Teej? Thats the nicest thing you’ve said to me in a long time. :heart: Don’t be that guy though. (Edaarin) LOL
03-12-2005, 01:39 PM
Awesome on the raise.
Tijay wasn't talking about the drink. He's OBVIOUSLY a terrorist.
- Arkans
03-12-2005, 09:38 PM
Congrats on movin up the corporate ladder. I must've had a psychic moment, because I celebrated enough for all of us last night. :spin:
Soon enough you will be THE MAN.
In all seriousness congrats on the raise.
Tanks yalls.
<--- feeling much :heart:
I sincerley hope all of you get as much satisfaction out of yourselves and your lives.
Good times.
Work is going well, though I’m on a downslump in the design department. I really wanted to get into summer classes, but they offer too few and at the wrong times. So I am left to my own devices, which means... more social stuff on my restless nights, and WoW and PC when I want to keep it cheap.
I have something of a conflict with my boss on what’s aesthetic and what isn’t. I’ll tell her too. And she has told me she likes that. But now its at the point where I wonder, am I just being a clueless bastard? Because the woman does know her trade. On the surface, we are tight as knots. The professionalism keeps things distant. On one hand I think of myself as “visionary” and she just doesn't get it. But on the other, she has great taste and wouldn’t be where she was without it.
You have never met more of a perfectionist than my direct boss. She is the reason why red pens (or wax pencils) were made. While a few years my junior, shes really old school. She constantly insists I sketch. Now, I used to sketch. Shit, I drew my way through high school. But let me use the tools available to me to create because I know these programs like I know a pencil. Yeah, I know, I’m being a prick, but don’t think I don’t realize I have much to learn yet.
I could not love my job more. The people I work with... we are a TEAM. Sure we all have our off-days and quirks, but when it comes down to it, we stick together.
Another team in my company recently threw us under the train. Bold faced. I was severely pissed not just about how it made our team look, but because my boss’ credibility was at stake. We sat in a meeting and the other team’s boss blew out so much bullshit about how she fucked us over for the good of the company. The result of this is that now my team is handling her shit personally.
At first I was all like, WTF? We got to clean your shit up bitch?? But you know what? My boss is smart. I swear she read Sun-Tzu’s book. She didn’t fight or complain and took the client. You know why thats genius? Because we can accommodate the mutherfucker better than the other team ever could! WE FUCKING WIN!
I’m very excited about my trip to Tokyo in July.
04-16-2005, 02:05 PM
But let me use the tools available to me to create because I know these programs like I know a pencil.
I know exactly how you feel.
Pencil is not the preferred euphanism for penis, that is unless I'm missing something
If that were the case I’d be fucking Leonardo DaVinci.
Adjective, not verb you sick bastards.
[Edited on 4-16-2005 by Backlash]
2 months later...
Yeah, still feeling the sting of not being in classes. A 40 hour a week job just is not enough for me to feel accomplished. My design has fallen by the wayside. I had one chance to come up with a logo, but my boss made it HER logo. It was rejected. Not saying mine would have been, but we’ll never know.
Anyway, good news... all flights and hotel bookings are paid for and confirmed for my trip to Tokyo/Okinawa. My travel partner could only stay 7 days in Tokyo, but said she’d put me up free in Oki. Turns out, I save more on that plan than 11 nights in Tokyo.
We are set up in the Roppongi area for the 7 days in Tokyo. Roppongi is a famous nightlife spot, and our hotel actually has a nightclub in it.
She suggested a Mount Fuji hike one day, and I am all for it. She says, you get there at some ungodly hour so when you get to the top, you get to see the sunrise. Fucking-a right. She mentioned Disneyland, which is doable, but I’m set to see the world’s largest Buddha in Nara. We can do all three and still have time to do the daily routine.
I’ll find some way to post while I am there and regale you all with some crazy story.
06-23-2005, 09:37 PM
Dude. Disneyland in Japan? That's like going to America for a European football game.
Do that thing from Lost in Translation where you run around the streets shooting at each other. C'mon, it'll be cool.
edit: seriously, stay safe and have fun. :)
[Edited on 6-24-2005 by Latrinsorm]
I'm so jealous. :(
Have fun and take LOTS of pictures so I can live vicariously through them and you.
Oh yeah, pics will be in plenty. I’ll spam the Pic Post it Up thread. lol
06-24-2005, 08:44 AM
It sounds like a fantastic trip Backlash, I'm completely jealous also.
You better take photos of the Fuji hike and everything else and spam away in the photo thread.
I want to see it all!
um..meaning all of the trip.
After the false start, I finally arrived at Narita airport on the 5th. Found a bus to a hotel close to mine in Roppongi, then caught a cab from there. Japanese taxis rock. Immaculately clean, all equipped with automatic door openers and GPS map systems. They need those GPS maps because the street layout dosen’t really follow any kind of pattern. Its true when they say bring a map with your destination highlighted on it to show the drivers.
Riding through the Roppongi area I finally saw with my own eyes how all the depictions of Tokyo were inspired. Manhattan is tall, LA is spread out, and Tokyo is a little of both, but the best way I can put it is its like a human anthill. Certain parts of the city are built in layers, and you can find shops on every floor of just about every building. Of all the citys I’ve been in, Tokyo is definately the most dense.
So made it to the hotel, met up with my travel mate, and we hit the Roppongi area for food and drink. Roppongi is the nightlife area with tons of clubs, discos, you name it. Its not upscale, though there are VIP room places. Very common on the verge of low class. The next morning I ventured out around 7am to get some McD’s for breakfast, then some Starbucks to bring back to the room and I passed several places with music still pumping and people climbing into cabs to head home.
So we did Roppongi thouroughly that first night. Second day we did Tokyo National Museum and the Imperial Palace East Garden. Third was the shinkansen (bullet train) to Kyoto to see Kiyomizu Temple and the Temple of a 1001 Buddhas. The last day we went to the Sony Building in Ginza, then had dinner at Outback Steakhouse in Shibuya. Picked up some awesome new Addias kicks in the street shops there in Shibuya.
Then we flew to Okinawa and I’m just chilling here at Kadena AFB until I leave tomorrow back to Tokyo to spend the night before going back home.
This is obviously a very brief summary of my experience and observations so far. When I get back I’ll post pics with accompanying commentary.
It only seems like a few weeks ago I returned from my whirlwind trip across the globe. Had another foray into Boston since. Lining up something for the holidays... hopefully Panama...
One thing is for certain. I have been busy as hell at work. Our senior and junior designers left within a month of each other and we still haven’t filled either slot. If you are a designer, live in DC, and are looking for work, U2U me and I’ll get you in to interview. Web programming double plus good.
Needless to say its been 10 hour days for the past few weeks. Just finished up a site for this millionaire living in Bogata who runs an on-line gambling service. The project came in piecemeal. The junior designer did the basic structure. I stepped in after she left to make the content engaging. Well, thats one good thing about them leaving... I’ve gotten some design work in.
Its not live yet so I am not going to post the link. When its live I’ll give the url.
Last year I designed the Jazz and Blues Festival poster for Wolftrap; a NOVA outdoor venue for classy acts and theatre. My boss told me this week they called asking us to do their posters for next season. Not just the Jazz and Blues Fest, the entire season. That really just made my week.
I also started class this week. Magazine design. This weeks assignment? Pick a magazine to re-work. Get all the specs including size, paper, colors, fonts, distribution, subscription rates, advertising rates, where it sits on the shelves, what sits next to it on the shelves, the magazine’s history, and two department layouts. Whew!
I’m glad I finished that site tonight. This class is a doozy.
Little did I know we were going to learn about designing an ENTIRE magazine. Everything from the way the pages are numbered to the feature articles. I’m up for it though. And I’m pointing the bat towards left field.
The magazine I chose is AdBusters. For the uninitiated, it is a counter-corporate-culture magazine. Basically, it was started by this guy who was denied airtime on all the major networks regardless of how much money he put down. Its artsy, but far from underground now.
Before I show you where it sits on the magazine racks, which proves its overground status now, let me first say why I chose it, what I plan to do with it, and the conundrum I face.
The magazine to date has been a flux of styles. Artsy for the most part. Some issues are stylish at best but really grubby at worst. It was the grubby issues I thought of when I picked it. My thinking was this: Why does counter-culture have to mean not-polished? Who says if you have a differing viewpoint from the establishment it means you have to look different from the establishment?
Yes, I plan to market this counter-culture magazine’s content in a corporatized mainstream package.
Adbusters goes for $7.95, sits in the Culture and Society section, and is to artsy for the general reader. I plan on using the Newsweek/Time model which is $3.95, sits in the News and Politics section, and appeals to the masses.
So I go to pick up the latest issue. And darn if those people at Adbusters aren’t hip to my tricks before I even start!
It sits on the top shelf in the front row. Thats prime location. You can see Ms. magazine there, and all the artsy and fruity rags surrounding it. While it has prime placement on the shelf, its in entirely the wrong section to get its real and valid message out to the people.
So, I mentioned they beat me to my own trick. See good ole W there?
Exhibit A. (click to view full-size) (
Here are Time and Newsweek magazine’s most recent covers...
I am not dissuaded though. The covers may be identical, but its the content I will rework for mass consumption.
But Backlash! Aren’t you an arteest? Aren’t you selling out??
Ah, grasshoppah, there is a time for art, and a time for communication. As a Graphic Designer, I am in the business of packaging an ideal... to make you look at it then consume it. If it requires tapping into your artistic sense, I will use that. If it requires tapping into your mass consumption lethargy, I will use that.
In a capatlist society, everyone sells out. Its the message that matters.
Ok, enough of all that. I also got a date this week. Funny story. So this freelancer works for us for a while. I saw her work beforehand and dug it. Very spunky style. Bright. So in the work setting I’m starting to get interested. She comes into my cube for a question and I’m getting wood from her being so close. Pretty, great tits, bubbly ass... but I know working and playing don’t mix so I just enjoy the tension. Well, she’s off at some other gig now, and when she left she said lets do lunch or hh (Happy Hour) sometime.
I swear to you all, I never caught her alone the whole time she worked for us. I’m private like that. I need one-on-one to make moves. When she showed up the other day because she left something there she needed, my boss and I were reviewing a project. Argh!~
When she left she suggested we have lunch.. we as in me my boss and her because that was the context. So I say fuck it and email only her saying it would be a blast. She is on it saying lets do it next week.
Next thing I know I am getting emails from someone I do not know, a female, with my interaction with this freelancer, criticizing what I say? Heh, quickly I conclude that my hh date is spreading around her new conquest and her friend inadvertently cc'ed me on the replies.
So I don’t respond. No need to blow it up. Then I get a long ass explanation email from my future date going into details I hadn’t even considered begging my forgiveness and hoping I would still go out with her.
Heh, I am so in.
09-23-2005, 08:01 PM
wish I was in D.C. I would definitely hit your firm up for some "work".. ;)
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, in association with PNC, is exhibiting Warhol Legacy ( through next February. Selected pieces from The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, his hometown. Which I never knew.
Everyone has seen the Marylin Monroe’s, and they were there, but there was stuff I’ve never seen in any gallery or book. It showed stuff from his darker periods. And, again something I was unaware of... his later stuff where he branched out into all kinds of fine arts. Illustrations, photography, painting, and cinema. Well worth the free admission. LOL. Don’t ask me how. Just in the right place at the right time.
The man was a commercial artist, considered a Graphic Artist, then became a pure artist.
It was, as I was told, a very successful first date. Go me. :)
I am raging hot so bad I can’t fucking sleep. Fucking asshole, heading a $6M dollar proposal today neglects to tell me about a 10 person meeting today WITH THE OWNER of the company about his fucking proposal that he’s been sitting on his ass for these past few weeks.
I get in from buying lunch, haven’t eaten all day, and I am immediately requested to attend the large conference room. I’m putting my lunch on my desk at least, fuck em, and as I pass the doors I see the owner sitting in there.
Fuck. I go to my desk, put my sandwich down and walk back to the large conference room out of breath from walking to fast because I have so much work on my plate for the day and half wet from being rained on outside.
They talk about shit I don’t even care about, because I’m graphics, and you tell me what you want and I’ll kick your ass with visuals... and the fucking asshole gets around to his fucking charts he needs for his presentation. The owner turns to me and asks when are they going to be done. Who does she have to lean on to get them done. Its a $6M dollar proposal.
Thanks fucking asshole for telling me we had a meeting. Thanks for not letting me eat all day then field the owners fucking questions about how you cant get your fucking proposal together. Fuck the corporate world.
At least I got to fuck his ass up by telling everyone in the room if I had known about the meeting we could have set up a projector to show the fucking slides I finished and what about the feedback on the slide I showed him two weeks ago.
I’m still fucking pissed.
10-26-2005, 04:19 AM
The solution is simple: Kill them all and take their stock and stock options. If you can't beat em, join em and dodge taxes.
10-26-2005, 07:20 PM
Ugh, and I thought I had a rough day. Sound like your boss is a pain in the buns.
I really wonder why he would want to make anyone look bad on a SIX million dollar account. Sorry that happened.
The corporate world is so full of that kind of thing, sadly.
10-26-2005, 07:26 PM
Psh, only $6 million. Yawn.
Ok, I’ve calmed down now. I swear I was up til 4am this morning fuming. Then I watched Harold & Maude and calmed down.
So anyway, school is going great. Great looking chicks in art school... The teacher loves my work and again I find myself in the teacher’s pet position... not from kissing her ass, I don’t have enough social skills to even know how, but just based on my aesthetic sense and creative imagination.
There is some talent in the class, without doubt, and I feel honored to be part of that group. Some people just don’t have it, and its sucks because you end up feeling sorry for them. People should be allowed to do whatever they want to do if it makes them happy. Even if they are bad at it. So what do you do? I’ve learned to offer brief criticisms but point out the good things more. Its ok to be hard as hell on the good students. Hones them, sharpens them up. There is no point with the non-talented students. It sucks because you might think harsh criticism might do them some good. But when someone has been taking classes for years and still just doesn't quite have it... it just ain’t gonna happen.
My instructor emailed me today asking for my work. She was giving a lecture at American U about teaching and wanted an example to show. Damn, either shes showing it as an example of lousy work, or... yeah, I get it.
Its a good thing I had posted some of my work here because I don’t have any of it where I work. I was able to retrieve it and send it off to her.
With that in mind, I am posting my alternate layout for my magazine which was rejected by the class over the first one I posted. And I agree. I did the second one in about an hour using my favorite building blocks of black and red. Striking, consistent, but a little to easy.
And a PDF for those with a real interest and good bandwidth. Fall Mag 2005-2 (
Ok, last night of class tonight. The instructor was all like “Why are you here you’re done.” I said I wanted to see everyone’s work, you know, participate. She suggested there is no ‘I’ in my name. I had to say there is no ‘T’ either.
So it was cool. She brought a twelve pack of Silver Bullet and a colleague of hers to look over our work. It was a very chill class. Everyone talked about work, classes, jobs... it was a smaller class then when we started. Only those of us who stuck it out were left. It felt good to be a part of that group.
As a Continuing Education student it felt good to be there with the AFAs and BFAs and have them admire what I had done. The class was magazine design, and mostly chicks, so we had a couple of Cosmo type magazines. One young dude did a GQ. An old dude did a Ranger Rick. We also had a Travel and Liesure and a Music mag. Of course mine was a Newsweek/Adbusters thing, so that stood out.
I hated high school with all my heart and no one ever checked on my grades or if I even went. These days though I get so much more out of taking classes. That atmosphere of learning, of being with your contemporaries, exchanging ideas, all within the present... its inspiring. It is so beneficial. If I were a millionaire I’d go to school full time for the rest of my life.
I’m quitting my job in January to go back full time. Yeah, I have a mortgage, a car payment and the fees that come with a car (insurance, DMV, gas), condo fee, cable and cell, but thats it. Going to take out a home equity loan and try and float it for six months. Yeah, crazy, but I have ZERO credit card debit with excellent credit. Six short months and I’ll have my slip of paper that says I can do what I love to do.
Then I’ll freelance for a while, maybe get a good paying gig and start plans for my not-for-profit design firm.
My idea for the not-for-profit design firm is this: I pay overhead and my wage, but register as a non-profit and devote the rest to non-faith-based charitable causes. Never heard of anything like it before. I will of course be tight on overhead, generous with my wage, and everything else helps someone else. Tax breaks should come in handy. Will it fly? Who knows. I’ll give it a shot though.
Socially, ain’t much going on. Got a couple of hoodrats, but nothing serious. Got my family, god bless em.
12-19-2005, 09:09 PM
My idea for the not-for-profit design firm is this: I pay overhead and my wage, but register as a non-profit and devote the rest to non-faith-based charitable causes. Never heard of anything like it before. I will of course be tight on overhead, generous with my wage, and everything else helps someone else. Tax breaks should come in handy. Will it fly? Who knows. I’ll give it a shot though.
This actually sounds really cool. Good luck with it, because it'll be great if it works.
Almost half-way into the semester already. Dang, its going fast. My work is being received well. It really is gratifying to stand with what I think are very talented people producing great work in my classes.
Last week I asked the Playerscornerchat crowd to look over my Hershey Kisses ads. It got mixed reviews. lol. Well, it didn't even get any good reviews, but from the ideas they expressed I liked CTs the most. Take shots of a kiss in the bellybutton of a ripped set of abs, male and female, using the same headlines. Only problem is if those ads run I don't think parents would be looking at buying kisses the same way for their kids.
Anyway, here are the kisses ads.
Now I'm working on three different campaigns for hybrid cars. These are just roughs thrown together to get the basic ideas across. When I pick the most effective campaign to go with, I will create three final polished ads for the best campaign.
Take a look and comment away. Comment here or PM. The more feedback I get the better to help sculpt the ads for public consumption.
03-06-2006, 08:05 PM
I think those ads might be better with a slightly thinner, simpler border. It seems like you're going for simplicity, so go all the way :)
The Hershey ads are done and done. They were supposed to mimic Debeirs and other diamond ads, but with the idea to raise the Hershey's Kiss to a slightly more sophisticated level in the eyes of the consumers. And, yeah. I can see how a simpler border treatment might have worked better.
Its the Hybrid ads I was hoping for crits on though.
03-06-2006, 08:17 PM
I dig the first two. The second one was subtle but when I got it, it was great. Not too fond of the third one just because the mazes draw my eye and it's a fight to notice anything else. I might fiddle around with text placement for the first one but they're all pretty solid.
03-06-2006, 08:47 PM
Def-o the second one. The first one looks like something I'd see in a subway and forget about 2 seconds later and I spent like 3 minutes trying to find the start to the mazes on the third one.
BTW, what's the fine print say?
03-06-2006, 08:53 PM
It's standard place-holder text. I don't think it means anything in Latin.
Sean of the Thread
03-06-2006, 08:56 PM
Not bad.. not bad. Hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of making you some suggestions. Hope they help.
Sean of the Thread
03-06-2006, 09:00 PM
The second hybrid one I like.. except I don't really like the desert look. Sort of lonely and driving out into the void. Why not a road to a cleaner future in some urban area. With more green as a result. Like a car swooping down an urban street and instead of smog/dust you have plumes of green flowing/growing/engulfing. Sort of a mix of the RACE TO TEH FUTURE one and the second one. I like it already... I should be an exec somewhere.
I did not like the maze one at all. Pretty distracting with the maze. Also pretty biased.
I feel the kiss ones lack warmth and seem sophomoric. Not very focused or crisp.. I got a very non distinct feeling while trying to interpret them.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-06-2006, 09:06 PM
I like the road with grass Backlash. The last one looks kind of... amaturish.
If only your powers could be harnessed for good...
And you say you have no skill, Xye. If anyone didn't know, he used Jeff Gannon's ( (oddly similar in name to Ganalon) male escort pic for the body. Nice work on the culture jam.
And thanks everyone for the crits. Its a part of the advertising machine. The best ads you have ever seen have all been focus grouped, and by that I mean the advertisers sit a group of random people around and asked them what they think.
SHM, I threw the maze thing together really fast so the dinosaur and oil rig pics were really meant to be plain black symbols. I agree though. It was great in concept, but does not do well on paper.
Def-o the second one. The first one looks like something I'd see in a subway and forget about 2 seconds later and I spent like 3 minutes trying to find the start to the mazes on the third one.
BTW, what's the fine print say?
From (
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed nisi. Morbi scelerisque. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec eget nunc ac augue rhoncus condimentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin at ligula. Sed nonummy. Sed porta. Suspendisse a est. Nulla eget est. Donec eget nunc ac augue rhoncus condimentum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin at ligula. Sed nonummy. Sed porta. Suspendisse a est. Nulla eget est.
Its latin jibberish filler text used in the industry to hold blocks of copy when you don't have the actual copy yet.
03-06-2006, 10:16 PM
For the second one I'd go with 'On the Road to a Cleaner Tomorrow' instead of future.
I dunno, just sounds better in my head when I read that.
03-06-2006, 11:41 PM
Well I liked the maze, the message was very clear to me. The first I thought was too "gimmicky". The one with the grass is okay, but I immediately felt that it was "too treehuggerish" if that makes sense.
Anyway, my first reactions to all three.
Thanks Hulk. Looks like 2 is winning. And you are right, tomorrow rolls better than future.
I haven't decided on headlines yet. But I have some awesome pics lined up for the second campaign. Including city streets and parking lots.
Well I liked the maze, the message was very clear to me. The first I thought was too "gimmicky". The one with the grass is okay, but I immediately felt that it was "too treehuggerish" if that makes sense.
Anyway, my first reactions to all three.
First woman to crit, interesting choice.Thank you. I'll see what my class thinks tomorrow. 40% men, 60% women.
Well, the maze won in the last round between here and other people I showed it to. I also developed a logo that would be a sort of stamp of approval for hybrid cars. Here it is...
So now my next project is Close-Up toothpaste. Curious about people’s reactions on my two concepts. One is intellectual, the other emotional. I already know which one I am going with but I always like to hear opinions.
04-11-2006, 10:23 PM
FWIW, I think #2 is more clever and has a better execution.
04-11-2006, 11:23 PM
1 is ok to fair (something about the checks/font doesn't appeal to me). 2 is freaking awesome.
Good to see you're still devoted to your craft, BL. :)
Sean of the Thread
04-12-2006, 10:57 AM
2 is better is than 1. Not that I think either is good as 2 looks fucking disgusting. Makes me gag thinking about eating toothpaste. AND WTF MAZE??? That one sucked.
The toothpaste on food was a big hit in class. I did two more. One with Close-up decorated cupcakes and the other spread on english muffins.
Ok, next project. Designing a logo to represent myself as a freelance designer when I’m finished with this semester. Zendada design. This is just the first round but what the heck. Feedback please!
04-21-2006, 06:41 PM
The toothpaste on food was a total winner, no question.
2 if you could Russia it up a little more. Maybe throw a couple red stars in? A Lenin silhouette?
Otherwise 4. 1 seems derivative somehow, 3 is too new agey.
Sean of the Thread
04-21-2006, 07:43 PM
I still don't like the toothpaste on food and I think your class was just being nice to you. It's nasty.
Of the new ones I like 4.
I still don't like the toothpaste on food and I think your class was just being nice to you. It's nasty.
Of the new ones I like 4.
Its a risky campaign, no doubt. But the thinking behind it is shock value. I do not ever recall, for myself, seeing toothpaste used as a food product. Its outlandish to even consider. So the idea is, when you see such a crazy image, it sticks with you. As you cruise the toothpaste isle for your new tube hopefully when you see Close-Up your thoughts turn to such a crazy idea and you are curious as to how it tastes compared to all the other toothpastes who all offer pretty much the same things BESIDES taste. Cleaning, whitening, freshening and cavity fighting.
Thanks everyone for the input on everything. It really helps.
04-22-2006, 12:14 AM
Agreed with X & Latrin, I like #4.
Thats interesting, because I am totally on 3.
And this is why I ask. What one person perceives is not what most people see. The goal is to appeal to the most people.
04-23-2006, 12:37 AM
Sorry dude but 3 sux eggs. But if you want a logo that people have to spend time deciphering then go for it.
Good news! My logo design for a hybrid technology stamp of approval was selected as a finalist in a very prestigious competition.
It was conceived as a universal seal, like the recycling symbol, Energy Star, or the handicap parking symbol. I doubt I will win as mine uses an "H" which is hardly universal. But, at least as a finalist, it gets published in the competition’s design annual, and goes on display in their world traveling show.
Not every attempt you make in life is a success but you at least need to try because one day you will hit a home-run.
04-24-2006, 06:54 PM
Design four is the best by far, imo.
04-25-2006, 12:31 PM
Nice logos BL. I like 3 and 4. You may want to lean away from 3 or use it in specialized designs, though it's a neat concept, because the sentiment among younger people is that using characters (or select words from) a language that you don't speak is unpopular currently. I'm not sure which type of characters those are or if you speak the language, just heads up.
edit: I forgot constructive criticsm of what I didn't like in the first two -- they look too rigid.
04-25-2006, 02:37 PM
I'd go for 2 or 4. 2 seems to be used a lot lately though. 1 is too straightforward. 3 - you have to know that the symbol means "zen".
4 is the best.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. Here are two more.
I’m still liking 3, and now 6.
Also, I wrapped up a web glossary today. The glossary is all typographic terms. Here is the link. Its lame, I know, I didn’t spend as much time as I wanted to on it. I think over all there is about 12 hours total going into it.
And, a photo sketch of a layout for my next series of “vote” posters for 2006. This isn’t final, I just wanted to get the idea down quick.
Sean of the Thread
05-04-2006, 11:14 PM
I like 6 on of the two on the last post.
Another vote series concept. Again, just a quick rough to get the idea down.
05-05-2006, 11:11 AM
I like #5, the circled Zendada Design.
Edit: fixed spelled fubar.
Sean of the Thread
05-05-2006, 11:33 AM
Another vote series concept. Again, just a quick rough to get the idea down.
why is that a good idea?
p.s. sugars makes a shitty fake coke.
05-05-2006, 06:31 PM
You'd be less retarded if those hands didn't spell out VOYE (thumbs up?) 2006.
that's not a T in sign language, and doesn't really look like a T otherwise.
You'd be less retarded if those hands didn't spell out VOYE (thumbs up?) 2006.
that's not a T in sign language, and doesn't really look like a T otherwise.
Thanks for the input. They aren’t meant to be sign language letters, just visual comparisons. If I go ahead with it, I want to have a row of sign language letters as well.
why is that a good idea?
p.s. sugars makes a shitty fake coke.
Its salt, and, I dunno. When you look at that pic, do you want to vote?
05-05-2006, 10:39 PM
Apparently salt makes a really good fake sugar.
I didn't get what the hands thing was saying until Tayre talked about it, and I looked at it for like 5 minutes. The drug innuendo thing probably isn't a keeper either. Maybe you could do like a selection from Kant detailing the infinite value of rational persons and arrange the words so that it forms the letters V O T E? I dunno, maybe that's old hat for designer guys.
Apparently salt makes a really good fake sugar.
I didn't get what the hands thing was saying until Tayre talked about it, and I looked at it for like 5 minutes. The drug innuendo thing probably isn't a keeper either. Maybe you could do like a selection from Kant detailing the infinite value of rational persons and arrange the words so that it forms the letters V O T E? I dunno, maybe that's old hat for designer guys.
Woah dude, if any designer can communicate Kant’s theories through one visual, that designer is a super-hero among mortals.
Surprised you didn’t pick up on the hands thing. Its meant to be urban and blue collar. You know, the common man works with his hands, the blood sweat and tears of the proletariat hefting the country upon their backs...
The drug thing lead me to all kinds of ideas. Vote beer, Vote strip club... appealing to the real vices.
But that then lead me to a third idea. To blatantly rip-off major corporations ads and replace their text with vote messages. Like if I took a Nike ad and put at the bottom “Just Vote.”
Just got back from my overnight in NYC.
I went to an award ceremony for the contest I was a finalist in. I didn’t bring home any of the top three in my category. Still, it was an honor to be a finalist with so many talented people. I’d be lying if I didn’t think mine would win at least third, if not first. I mean I recognized others in my category that I thought should have won, but they weren’t the ones that did. Anyway, all finalists work will still be published in the organizations yearly design annual. Huge bullet point for the resume.
There were some big shot NY designers there but I had no idea who they were, and frankly, did not care. I know I know, networking, schmoozing yadda yadda and all that, but I like keeping a fresh perspective from the outside and I hate ass kissing, unless it involves getting blown at the same time.
So anyway, on to the pics!
First, Union Station DC. Great train station. Like all good stations it retains its gothic architecture from the time when train travel was the main way to get around. Spacious halls and galleries with columns, arches and sculptures. Cathedral like. This is a shot just outside the front entrance.
Went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, of course. I do every trip. No great exhibits this time, but some shots inside and outside. First, the handsome and stately institution from the outside. You can’t see the step which are always crowded with people.
I usually don’t think to take pictures inside museums because for the most part museums have strict rules on that. This time I noticed that certain sections of the Met don’t have any restrictions so I snapped a few shots of their permanent collection.
Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass.
(this post is continued from The New York Trip)
A sculpture. I do not remember the artist but I love the art nouveau style.
More detail of the same sculpture.
A view from the rooftop garden of the Met.
(this post is continued from The New York Trip)
This is a Church on... 45th? Just nestled annonymously between the buildings off Times Square. I ate lunch in an Irish pub directly across from it. This is the view while I was eating.
Another view of the same church.
(this post is continued from The New York Trip)
Now on to Times Square. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. I’ve got day shots...
And night shots!
(this post is continued from The New York Trip)
These last three are just me snapping shots out the cab window after having partied in Alphabet City on the way to the next ultra-hip cosmopolitan hang out. (My hotel) My favorite of these is the last one.
Sean of the Thread
05-19-2006, 09:00 PM
Mmm corporate advertising.
Why is the garbage truck your favorite?
Why is the garbage truck your favorite?
Just because its totally random yet an intriguing composition. I would never think to walk up to a truck and take that picture let alone plan on snapping that particular shot whilst speeding past in a cab.
Heh, its just a garbage truck, but to me its beautiful both in method and visually.
I have one word to say:
05-23-2006, 04:28 PM
I can't believe people come to NYC as tourists and spend more than an hour in Times Square. Most of us hate the god damn place.
I know most of you missed me dearly. Some of you might have wondered where I had gone, if I had given up the PC, if I was arrested, injured, debilitated, hospitalized or trapped under something heavy. No fear! I was just on a two week vaca.
Here is a pictorial series of posts about my trip with brief commentary.
I have pictures to astound, amaze and entertain you with. These are the select few but only being able to post three shots a post, this thread will undoubtedly roll over.
Comments proceed the pics.
We flew into Houston to catch another flight. It was a stormy day. A shot from the airplane.
We caught our flight then headed to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon!
These little steel disks are all over the place there. But you really have to look for them.
The Grand Canyon is amazing. Another shot from above.
This is a chick that fell down from a nest over our doorsill when we stayed at the Marble Canyon Lodge. It was rescued.
The next day we hit the Colorado River. Yep, we rafted right through the Grand Canyon.
Here I am doing a Slim Pickens ride on the side pontoon of our raft. We had a group of 30, two rafts, 15 people each.
Soaking in the amazing views.
Here I am sitting in what they call the “bathtub”.
This is why they call it the “bathtub”.
I felt like a tourist in NYC always looking up.
Guess who?
Another great view from the river.
The rock formations were incredible. Riding through the Grand Canyon on the river really gives you perspective not only in size, but in age.
A view from my boat to the other.
No rapids this day. Just cruising and chilling.
A waterfall we hiked up to see.
After the whole river thing, which was 6 days and nights of camping, we hit Vegas!
Man was it nice to get a hot shower, room service, and get back to civilization again.
We stopped at M&M World. Surreal.
Much like quicksand, m&ms will shift to afford the least space needed as demonstrated by the pink as opposed to the aqua.
We also caught the second night of the opening of the new Cirque de Solel show, Love. This is the display in the Mirage. All original Beatles music. Its an ok show. Theyhave done better.
Gah! What a long series of posts. Hope it was enjoyable and inspiring.
06-10-2006, 08:18 PM
Looks like a fun trip, Backlash. The pics are great! Thanks for sharing. :)
I can't believe people come to NYC as tourists and spend more than an hour in Times Square. Most of us hate the god damn place.
I lived there for 5 years. If you haven’t done Times Square on New Years you are missing out. Also, it is one of the greatest spectacles of modern civilization. It also helps the NYC economy.
Sure, you have to negotiate tourists who stop in the middle of the sidewalk... but with the view, can you blame them?
Mighty Nikkisaurus
06-11-2006, 12:47 PM
I lived there for 5 years. If you haven’t done Times Square on New Years you are missing out. Also, it is one of the greatest spectacles of modern civilization. It also helps the NYC economy.
Sure, you have to negotiate tourists who stop in the middle of the sidewalk... but with the view, can you blame them?
My boyfriend did the Millenium New Year at Times Square. He said it was the coldest, most miserable time he'd ever had in his life. I'll have to agree.. I'd rather be inside on top of the space needle where it's warm in a cocktail dress, with good access to bathrooms for the duration of the night and an open bar! *cough*
As a tourist to NYC, I hated Times Square myself just because of how packed it was, and that's where almost all of my taxi-pedestrian accidents occured >.< I did however enjoy gaping at the HUGENESS of it all, and I loved the Met.
Anyway. Cool pictures, the M&Ms store is very fun I hear, and I'm sorry Cirque De Soleil was a let down on their latest show. I loved "O" but then that was a different sort of show, heh!
Stanley Burrell
06-11-2006, 03:09 PM
Those are some outstanding pictures :)
That Loews theater on 34th is the bomb. The glass escalators inside are cool. I reserve my tickets Fandango-style every single time me and an honored guest of some sort happen to stop by.
One of the dudes on the U.S.S. Hatch is dressed like a ship's captain.
06-12-2006, 08:46 AM
Awesome pics :yes:
Looks like you had a great time!
06-12-2006, 11:26 AM
I'll echo everyone's sentiments and say that those pictures are amazing. Makes me want to jump on a plane and go to the Grand Canyon now!
Great shots!
Thanks for the compliments.
Here is a link to a more comprehensive collection.
Oh, and if you get the chance, I say go for it.
I. Statement of purpose.
What do people really want?
Capitalism is = to Anarchy in that basically it means every man for himself. This is not a communicative way of living. Its a nation of individuals. Everyone wants what they deserve because they are special. Everyone likes to feel that they are special, important. They are different.
Everyone is special. In their own aspects everyone has special skills, thoughts, desires. No one person is any more special than anyone else. One person may be very smart and talented compared to a large number of people, but there are always others who are equally smart and talented in different ways. A person lacking in intelligence or skills compared to someone who has them is special as well. They don’t have these things — as in the case of people who are handicapped.
People who don’t have things desire to attain them. It’s basically a desire of improvement. Improvement in living conditions, self, family, entertainment, knowledge, science. But improvement, or quality, can always be improved, never ending, because there is no perfection. There is only change. This means that once a goal is attained, there is set a new goal.
Everyone has goals. People are equal in this respect. Always striving for quality. And everyone deserves quality because we are all special. No one person is more special than another because we are all special.
In this society of Capitalism, this is not accepted as a practice. We are conditioned or taught that only a few are special and deserving of quality or improved lives. Thus are people driven to obtain these luxuries. Peoples main goal of improvement is money.
If you don’t have money you are not important. If you don’t have money you don’t live well. But I would put to you this: If there was no money, every man would be equal. Take away the money, take away the rank of importance.
So a persons desire to improve themselves comes from a desire of money. Not from a self-induced desire for betterment for the sake of betterment.
Money, which is itself an illusion, has become the object of most peoples focus over all else. A doctor may want to help people but most likely are driven by a desire of money. What does this say about our society?
That post wasnt really a discussion of socialism v. capitalism, it was more a convoluted and run-on perspective (diatribe) of what you think capitalism is.
I'd recommend that you lay off that particular label of wine. Its making you think even funnier than you normally do.
I. Statement of purpose.
What do people really want?
Capitalism is = to Anarchy in that basically it means every man for himself. This is not a communicative way of living. Its a nation of individuals. Everyone wants what they deserve because they are special. Everyone likes to feel that they are special, important. They are different.
Capitalism - the free ability of the exchange of ideas and goods among people within a society for other goods or ideas while operating within the parameters set forth by that society.
Anarchy - freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to whom you want with no parameters or consequences, or governance by society.
Everyone is special. In their own aspects everyone has special skills, thoughts, desires. No one person is any more special than anyone else. One person may be very smart and talented compared to a large number of people, but there are always others who are equally smart and talented in different ways. A person lacking in intelligence or skills compared to someone who has them is special as well. They don’t have these things — as in the case of people who are handicapped.
You are special too.
People who don’t have things desire to attain them. It’s basically a desire of improvement. Improvement in living conditions, self, family, entertainment, knowledge, science. But improvement, or quality, can always be improved, never ending, because there is no perfection. There is only change. This means that once a goal is attained, there is set a new goal.
Lewis & Clark/west coast of America; JFK/moon; Eddison/Light Bulb; Henry Ford/automobile; Bill Gates/personal computer. Goals are a good thing to have, and should be never ending. The day you stop having goals is the day you stop living.
Everyone has goals. People are equal in this respect. Always striving for quality. And everyone deserves quality because we are all special. No one person is more special than another because we are all special.
Has someone been picking on you again?
In this society of Capitalism, this is not accepted as a practice. We are conditioned or taught that only a few are special and deserving of quality or improved lives. Thus are people driven to obtain these luxuries. Peoples main goal of improvement is money.
That may be how you perceive being taught, thats not true for everyone, especially me. I was taught that you work for what you want to obtain or achieve - that it was not going to be handed to you off the backs of someone elses's hard work in the name of 'equality'. I was also taught that life is not fair, ala Darwin, and that expectations otherwise were foolish. Insofar as money, its only the primary vehicle of barter by which people obtain what they truely want. Money as an entity will not do anything for you unless you like it as a decoration; however, when used as a bartering tool, it can obtain the things you want for improving your quality of life or achieving your personal goals. If you're saying that money is inherently evil, its not, evil can only be found if it is used for evil intentions. You're blaming an inanimate object for the weakness found in man.
If you don’t have money you are not important. If you don’t have money you don’t live well. But I would put to you this: If there was no money, every man would be equal. Take away the money, take away the rank of importance.
Because man is a self improving, goal achieving creature by nature, he will always seek to trade or exchange something for another thing. Food, clothing, posessions of any kind can be money when you get right down to it. The feeling of self importance comes from inside human nature (the desire to be loved, noticed, and not alone), not from money. You're blaming the wrong thing. You're also contradicting your idea that everyone is special. How can you be special and yet not be important? Because they are pretty much the same thing.
So a persons desire to improve themselves comes from a desire of money. Not from a self-induced desire for betterment for the sake of betterment.
Your deduction is heading the wrong way, coming from the wrong direction.
Money, which is itself an illusion, has become the object of most peoples focus over all else. A doctor may want to help people but most likely are driven by a desire of money. What does this say about our society?
I never saw the comparitive for socialism here. Unless you're inferring that everything opposite of what you described is naturally socialism. So if your fundamental argument and definition of capitalism is incorrect, does that make your inferred example of socialism incorrect too?
Basically this just sounds like a diatribe of envy against those who have the things in which you wish you had, hate yourself for wishing you had them, and therefore as a means of compensating, you hate that which you wish you had... self important people who have wealth in money and or many posessions.
As I stated earlier, money is not evil. Unless you're saying that inanimate objects can be evil/good - which introduces a whole cosmological perspective to your line of thinking which, considering your views on religion and God, would be contradictory.
So if we agree that man is where the evil nature can be found. Then, according to your logic, should remove any stimuli by which that evilness will emerge. This sounds very similar to a concept in Christianity and a few other organized religions as well. (if the hand offends you, cut it off; if the eye offends you, cut it out; etc.)
Lets entertain your thoughts further for a moment, sans the excess wine, and say that all society is equal in wealth, posessions, etc. Everyone has the same car, house, property, compensation. How can you fit man (human nature) in that model? Would you want the same posessions as your neighbor? Would you want to have the same tastes, wants, desires? Would you want a world where there is no individuality? One cable channel because everyone wants to watch the same thing. One grocery store, because everyone wants to eat the same thing. One restaurant, because everyone wants the same thing. Why would you need to go to college if you can make the same living with no education as someone with years of education behind them? What in this scenario would push you, drive you, to better yourself? How could you stand to have dreams, goals, desires in such a world? How could you stand not to?
You paint a very grey picture indeed if you would wish that upon society. Unless you were a colony of ants or a hive of bees working and living as a collective. (Resistance is futile)
Gene Roddenberry (science fiction author: Star Trek) tried to give light to a concept of hybrid socialism in his Star Trek stories with the Federation of Planets. What you're trying to envision kind of reminds me of his theory on society. In his stories he painted a picture of a society where there were no 'jobs' that people worked to obtain pay. Everything was paid for and people worked as relating to their innate comparitive advantage for the betterment of society. Interesting concept, but we've yet seen a governing entity that mankind can trust to provide those things from a baseline perspective. Nor have we seen our fellow man willing to live in peace with his neighbor in order to justify such an existence. It also bears to mention that for Roddenberry's model to take place, it required a nuclear holocost.
By the pursuit of improvement upon the individual, soceity as a whole also improves. This concept can be found in capitalism and the model explained by Adam Smith.
Sean of the Thread
08-26-2006, 09:57 AM
HEHEHe is all I can say anymore.
But I will say I peviously missed your grand canyon post but I caught them live on the NSA website and man they're sweet. Looked like an awesome fucking trip.
09-18-2006, 10:55 PM
I liked both falls best. The second reminds me of one that I saw at Chimney Rock Park in North Carolina (though the rocks are sleeker and grey). By far, however, falls are my favorite geographical formations. The Cathedral pic is awesome too.
Sean of the Thread
09-18-2006, 11:56 PM
Rocky mountains or the smokey mountains are awesome to see in person.. Niagra in the dead of winter is also awesome.
Happy New Year!
So far this has been a great start to a new year.
Been a while since I’ve posted here. I finished up school and started off on a freelance design career back in July... I even had a logo picked as a finalist in a big design competition (no I did not win, but I should have, the others were all crap), but ended up going back to work for the company I left because A) they had not replaced me and B) it was a steady paycheck.
Still doing freelance on the side... which is really tough because after a long day or week its hard to muster up the enthusiasm my projects really deserve. But the work has been very interesting. Did some TV bugs for a talk show on PBS, a pamphlet for the Liberian Education Trust and a couple of handouts for some of the local candidates for City Council here in DC. And the big project in front of me right now is a tapas restaurant.
So how about some visuals? You want, I give.
I’d like to get people’s opinions on these three logo concepts. They are for a company that will create a huge database that all law enforcement agencies can tap into. The things I want to know are...
Which one makes you think of safety and security? Or makes you feel safe and secure?
Which one do you like just in appearance?
If you don’t like certain aspects what sort of suggestions do you have to to improve them?
Thank you for participating.
01-05-2007, 08:26 PM
First one... second just makes me want to not smoke, and the third one reminds me not to part my hair down the middle. ... Needs more cowbell.
Sean of the Thread
01-05-2007, 08:27 PM
They all seem lame. IMO start over from scratch.
First one... second just makes me want to not smoke, and the third one reminds me not to part my hair down the middle. ... Needs more cowbell.
ROFL. Thats what I love about creative people. They are creative with their comments.
I like the 1st one the most visually but none of the really make me think of safety and security. My only problem with the 1st is for some reason it makes me think of UPS
I like the 1st one the most visually but none of the really make me think of safety and security. My only problem with the 1st is for some reason it makes me think of UPS
Good call. I choose the shield symbolism for obvious reasons. The UPS logo, both the old and the new, are excellent iconographic images of our time. Its no wonder that my shield matches theirs.
Now I’m wondering why UPS uses a shield? They keep good care of their packages perhaps?
01-05-2007, 08:42 PM
Here you go:
Who here doesn't feel protected now?
01-05-2007, 08:45 PM
Last one wasn't rocking hard enough:
Sean of the Thread
01-05-2007, 08:47 PM
Lol those are great. Seriously BL tho you need to wipe the slate clean on this one.
01-05-2007, 09:31 PM
The first and last ones aren't bad. I don't like most typography-based logos because they aren't clear (exceptions being ones like FedEx) from a distance. The first one, without the text at the bottom, makes me thing "x x Protection x" because of the shield. I like the blue color though, I think the calming effect is a good one. The last one, I just like the sort of abstract design, it makes me think of some other logo I can't name off the top of my head. Again, I like the blue color.
The first and last ones aren't bad. I don't like most typography-based logos because they aren't clear (exceptions being ones like FedEx) from a distance. The first one, without the text at the bottom, makes me thing "x x Protection x" because of the shield. I like the blue color though, I think the calming effect is a good one. The last one, I just like the sort of abstract design, it makes me think of some other logo I can't name off the top of my head. Again, I like the blue color.
Blue is a very calming color so I chose that mainly in the first and last ones to give people the calm. Also, and I have no idea why this is but it has been verified... people remember blue images more than any other color.
The last one... lol. I’ve heard all kinds of things about it. Its the database point extending out to the users all over the country. Celaphais called it a hair part. My colleagues at work called it a ribcage, an autopsy, nuclear fallout, a fountain and blood spurting from an artery. It is by far the most abstract and weakest.
They actually went with something I did that was completely different. I guess you all were right. Still I liked them.
Now to show off my latest work... its an email to announce a change of address. Hokey, I know that, but still, its entertaining. Oh, and this is still in progress. The timing between various actions needs tweaking.
Moving card (
Stanley Burrell
01-27-2007, 09:19 PM
They actually went with something I did that was completely different. I guess you all were right. Still I liked them.
Now to show off my latest work... its an email to announce a change of address. Hokey, I know that, but still, its entertaining. Oh, and this is still in progress. The timing between various actions needs tweaking.
Moving card (
The only question I have is if you notice anything different with max quality on the swf embed? (i.e. the grey font might look sharper.)
The only question I have is if you notice anything different with max quality on the swf embed? (i.e. the grey font might look sharper.)
Its meant to be grey. It lowers the harsh contrast on the eyes.
Stanley Burrell
01-27-2007, 09:40 PM
Its meant to be grey. It lowers the harsh contrast on the eyes.
No, no, no, I understand that. What I meant is that a couple of the curved letters and numbers you're using have a layer of pixels nerfed like S, C, 9, e, etc. (yes, that is extreme nitpicking.)
I’m not seeing it. The address is Verdana if thats what you mean. If you dont have Verdana your browser with substitute with another font.
The reason for that is making the address selectable/copyable/pasteable.
Stanley Burrell
01-27-2007, 10:14 PM
It was so totally the font. My bad.
I have grown way too accustomed to this, this, and, um, this? :embarrassed:
Miss X
01-28-2007, 06:57 AM
I love that Backlash, it's really neat!
Just picked up Peace Signs: The Anti-War Movement Illustrated (, about 5 pounds worth of contemporary political propoganda in a large color format.
You can check out some of the pages at the link above. As a graphic designer and a politico it was a must have for me.
Nothing much to add here. Thought it was cool. Spreading the word.
03-29-2007, 07:35 PM
I'm not a big fan of the movement, but that book definitely looks like something I'd keep on my coffee table.
It's kind of interesting to see the differences (and similarities) between those posters and the WWII ones.
At $8/pound, its not a bad deal. You could even cut some pages out and frame them.
Ponzz talked about his employment adjustments in his journal and it reminded me that I have not graced everyone with a little window into my own life which coincidentally matches Ponzz’ to a point.
I’ve voluntarily left my 9-5 for another adventure. If you’ve been keeping tabs, I went back to a 9-5 that I left for some education. I took the job back mainly to pay back some debt that was incurred as a stable way to repay.
Now, another venture raises its head. A venture that is more than its parts. It already has a life that is its own.
Its a family venture. Not of my creation. But when it started I wanted to be involved. Unfortunately I was doing 9-5 to pay the bills. I tried to balance the two... lend my hand and expertise to the family while trying to eek out my own meager means... and one day it hit me.
Why am I working to make someone I don’t even know, rich?
That was the turning point. I quit that job and now I work to make the family rich.
I may have to learn new things, I may not like being pushed into roles I have never played in my work experience, I may end up not liking it. I’ve worked for families and its not pretty sometimes. But I also know, at the end of the day, and the end of the heartache and misery, there is fortune.
Is it capitalism or communism that drives me?
Ok, I need a visual to make this interesting since I am a visual artist. Here ( is the last creative I did for the people I USED to work for.
04-20-2007, 12:35 AM
That's a nice, clean web site design. I like it...very Web 2.0 rounded edges.
Thanks. Its a clean-up project so you caught on to the look I was going for. And yeah, Web 2.0 and all that crap.
That's a nice, clean web site design. I like it...very Web 2.0 rounded edges.
04-20-2007, 12:40 AM
I think the only thing I might change is the color of the links over there on the side? Something greener might look better, imo.
As you can see its a rough draft. The underlines on the links must go.
That they drew your attention to them, color wise, is the point.
04-20-2007, 12:58 AM
That's, like, totally in a different language.
That's, like, totally in a different language.
I just make it look pretty. Content is the client’s responsibility.
In the industry, we use Lorum Ipsum to show where content should go.
Inspiration has struck! A new political poster series. These are just plain drafts but the message should be very clear.
Yes, they need to be prettied up a bit, but thats just window dressing on the message.
Happy 4th of July!
07-04-2007, 01:42 PM
It's much harder to read the script on this one, man. Might try another font.
This is fun.
07-04-2007, 03:11 PM
You realize the last one can be taken to mean that everyone BUT Gan is retarded, right?
You realize the last one can be taken to mean that everyone BUT Gan is retarded, right?
You're acting like a Ganalon.
You realize the last one can be taken to mean that everyone BUT Gan is retarded, right?
ROFL at Backlash missing the pitch on his rebuttal and for his insensitivity to chromosomal challenged invidivuals.
:lol: :lol:
I also made this one up a few days ago..
07-04-2007, 05:26 PM
Ahahaha, I love it Ganalon.
07-04-2007, 05:50 PM
I'm sure you can find other threads and folders in which to criticize or otherwise take shots at Backlash and his opinions but please refrain from it in his journal.
Thank you.
I'm sure you can find other threads and folders in which to criticize or otherwise take shots at Backlash and his opinions but please refrain from it in his journal.
Thank you.
Aww. Thanks Skirm But Ganalon is free to express himself and his retardedness just like anyone else is.
07-04-2007, 11:34 PM
I'm sure you can find other threads and folders in which to criticize or otherwise take shots at Backlash and his opinions but please refrain from it in his journal.
Thank you.
ROFL, are you fucking kidding me?
Too funny.
The really sad thing about this is Americants. On the 4th of July even.
Even creepier is the whole collecting and manipulating photos thing. Stalkerish. Ew.
I'm sure you can find other threads and folders in which to criticize or otherwise take shots at Backlash and his opinions but please refrain from it in his journal.
Thank you.
Show me where I cant respond in kind to his political bullshit because of TOS, even in his own thread, and I'll follow your wishes.
Otherwise you can STFU.
Show me where I cant respond in kind to his political bullshit because of TOS, even in his own thread, and I'll follow your wishes.
Otherwise you can STFU.
Proved my point.
07-05-2007, 03:38 AM
Show me where I cant respond in kind to his political bullshit because of TOS, even in his own thread, and I'll follow your wishes.
Otherwise you can STFU.
I've said before that people will be allowed to have their journal space to speak without being attacked. There are PLENTY of folders to carry on whatever feuds that different people may have.
You think Backlash is an idiot, we all know that and you take pains to make that clear in countless other threads in the other folders. If that gets you through the day then have at it but as long as this is a folder i moderate then the uncalled for flames will not be allowed.
If someone decides to abuse that and just use a journal to take pot shots at other posters then maybe that will change but that has not been the case thus far.
I've said before that people will be allowed to have their journal space to speak without being attacked. There are PLENTY of folders to carry on whatever feuds that different people may have.
You think Backlash is an idiot, we all know that and you take pains to make that clear in countless other threads in the other folders. If that gets you through the day then have at it but as long as this is a folder i moderate then the uncalled for flames will not be allowed.
If someone decides to abuse that and just use a journal to take pot shots at other posters then maybe that will change but that has not been the case thus far.
Then either make the folder where no one else can post except the person who owns it.
Accept the fact that when you post things on an internet BBS people will respond, on topic pertaining to the post being responded too - AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN REALLY DO UNLESS YOU'RE KLAIVE. As long as the response is within TOS then you have no option but to STFU and accept it.
Sure, you can over moderate this folder because you have the POWER. Why dont you apply for a mod job on the officials since you seem to be adopting their style of management.
And yes, I'll fight you every step of the way and make you justify and document every action you do if I think you're being selective and abusive with your 'POWERS'. So yes, go ahead and over-moderate. Just be prepared to spend 5x the effort justifying why you did it. ;)
07-05-2007, 08:51 AM
Then either make the folder where no one else can post except the person who owns it.
You can't make only the person who started the thread be the only person to reply in it. Forums aren't capable of that.
Accept the fact that when you post things on an internet BBS people will respond, on topic pertaining to the post being responded too - AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN REALLY DO UNLESS YOU'RE KLAIVE. As long as the response is within TOS then you have no option but to STFU and accept it.
Even though I agree that there should be something posted and stickied somewhere explaining the rules, the member journals were always a place where people could post their journal and not be attacked in it.
It's up to the mod of the folder to decide how people need to behave in that folder, and if they don't want flames, that's the way it's going to be. The merchant and gemstone gem folders are other examples of flames not being tolerated.
I'm sorry but I have to side with Skirmisher here. Let him be in his journal.
So the rule is that you can post anything in your member journal and not have any fear of reprisal or comment from any other PC member as long as the post is within TOS?
I disagree. If you post something insulting, stupid, or idiotic, then you have every right to expect someone to respond in kind.
If this is not to be the case, then make it a hard rule and post it in the announcement folder under the rules section.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but you can make folders where there are no responses allowed (see announcements folder). And by making the owener of each member journal the moderator/admin over ONLY their own folder you can prohibit any other posts within. Not much more work (a few button clicks) than whats done now for member management (considering how many people have started a member journal) and the goal of no responses can be achieved without the appearance of NAZI moderation as its beginning to appear now.
Hell, even if it did place an undue burden upon the staff for this, then a fee of $5 or $10 could be charged for setting up the privledge of having a myspace type folder within the PC. Not like most who post here cant afford that rate for the luxury of a free myspace.
07-05-2007, 09:09 AM
So the rule is that you can post anything in your member journal and not have any fear of reprisal or comment from any other PC member as long as the post is within TOS?
I disagree. If you post something insulting, stupid, or idiotic, then you have every right to expect someone to respond in kind.
Commentary is one thing, flaming is another, but that's just my opinion.
If this is not to be the case, then make it a hard rule and post it in the announcement folder under the rules section. I agree that it needs to be posted if that's the way it has to be.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but you can make folders where there are no responses allowed (see announcements folder). And by making the owener of each member journal the moderator/admin over ONLY their own thread you can prohibit any other posts. Not much more work (a few button clicks) than whats done now for member management (considering how many people have started a member journal) and the goal of no responses can be achieved without the appearance of NAZI moderation as its beginning to appear now. The announcement folder is the exception because only the administrator can start a thread, but anyone can comment. Aside from that, no, there is no way to make a thread owned by only one poster.
It may be possible to have a folder be the responsilbility of one poster, however I don't believe that Kranar is going to make a folder for every poster who wants to start a journal. The other option is if vBulletin had some sort of mod that would allow a section to be journal entries only without commentary.
I disagree. If you post something insulting, stupid, or idiotic, then you have every right to expect someone to respond in kind.
No arguments here. Although I am becoming a little concerned about your peculiar obsessive campaign of hatred and your collection of pics of me in particular.
Obviously you thought that the comparison and contrast of great Americans with terrible Americans was stupid enough to bust out Microcrap paint and make a nonsensical 4th grade attempt at something. That Martin Luther King Jr. is a phenomenal American visionary and Strom Thurmond the segregationist was absolutely wrong and stupid.
Or maybe that John Stewert makes you think AND laugh while Bill O'Riely tells you to shut up and hate.
Or maybe you disagree that Thomas Jefferson was the most shining example of an American president we have ever had and Bush is quickly becoming the next Nixon.
But hey, your views are your views.
The forum I developed for someone once had that feature and it used an earlier version of this platform. Since I dont have access as a super admin control panel I couldnt verify that this version has those features available.
Either way, yes its no secret I think Backlash is an idiot. As much as he thinks I am as well. The only reason why I set foot in his folder is when I take offense to a piece of garbage that he throws out for everyone to read. And while my 2nd pic may have been a little over the top for this thread (cross posted from the make your own motivational posts folder) I still stand by my privlege to respond as a member of the PC.
And no I'm not stalking nor harassing Backlash, as of late I've let many of his stupid posts go by without a response (or much of a response).
But hey, I'm sure he appreciates everyone making a big deal out something initially not worthy of so much attention.
(no I wont delete all my posts and go home either)
Dear Backlash,
If you wouldnt post your pics on a public forum then you wouldnt see them come back and haunt you.
07-05-2007, 09:23 AM
Oookay, nevermind. I was trying to be diplomatic here, but I guess Backlash wants to be insulted. I stand corrected.
07-05-2007, 09:34 AM
As far as forum moderation I sorta gotta side with Gan on this one... Backlash posted something on a topic that is known to be highly charged here on the PC, and Gan responded in with a semi-personal attack, but certainly within bounds of what I would call appropriate, Backlash responded with a personal attack with a much more vicious tone (attempting to call Gan retarded), and then Gan replied again relatively civil, essentially calling him a hypocrit before Skirm stepped in. It just seems stupid to make a sort of "safe zone" to talk about one side of a topic.
You're aware that the way you're setting up your rules, Gan could set up a joural of his own and reply (in semi-ambigous terms) just the same as he could here? And all that would be accomplished is a non-threaded discussion that has just as many flames as any normal thread.
I think if you start the conversation within your journal you've opened the doors, it's perfectly acceptable for the original journal owner to ask that things be moved to a new thread, but until he does it seems fair game.
Oookay, nevermind. I was trying to be diplomatic here, but I guess Backlash wants to be insulted. I stand corrected.
I get what you are saying but its never going to not happen. Any kind of tacit code of honor here on the PC is a milestone for some people to strive to break. Honestly, his weird little tantrum in my thread has no other reflection on me than he’s a weird little guy who needs to throw a tantrum in my journal. Its interesting in a car wreck kind of way. You say you don’t want to look, but you slow down and take a peek, then speed off thinking “Thank God thats not me!”
07-05-2007, 10:33 AM
I guess I'm Ganalon
07-05-2007, 11:34 AM
...So the rule is that you can post anything in your member journal and not have any fear of reprisal or comment from any other PC member as long as the post is within TOS?
If someone decides to abuse that and just use a journal to take pot shots at other posters then maybe that will change but that has not been the case thus far.
And the debate on this is ended in this particular folder for now.
Feel free to go on another crusade and make a slew of threads about what a mod-nazi I am in the complaints section if you wish.
And the debate on this is ended in this particular folder for now.
Feel free to go on another crusade and make a slew of threads about what a mod-nazi I am in the complaints section if you wish.
Considering everyone else has said their piece... GREAT CALL!!!!
You never cease to amaze me.
the member journals were always a place where people could post their journal and not be attacked in it.
Not only that, but this is just another reason for me NOT to read Backlash's journal any longer. It seems the personal vendetta between him and Ganalon must invade 90%+ of the threads on the PC. Some you can't escape, but at least in this one you know what you're in for. No thanks.
07-05-2007, 12:13 PM
Not only that, but this is just another reason for me NOT to read Backlash's journal any longer. It seems the personal vendetta between him and Ganalon must invade 90%+ of the threads on the PC. Some you can't escape, but at least in this one you know what you're in for. No thanks.
Yet you were still here...and long enough to bitch
07-05-2007, 12:58 PM
meh, let conversations go. To be honest, the personal, journal folders is where most of the personal stuff should be, rather than threads with a clear topic. I mean, basically, the OP of this thread is just "Backlash: discuss".
Now, what I don't get is why someone with a controversial politc such as socialism would open their personal front when he/she knows that there will be hostile dissention. That's just me though.
Lets try this again.
Happy 4th of July!
TheE said it was hard to read. In this aesthetic, it is meant to be. Visual interest gets you to the message. If the imagery alone is not enough you actually have to decipher the message in written word. This is both a movie poster and a literate poster to appeal to the dumb and the worldly at the same time.
Honest critiques would be lovely. Flamers will get pissed on.
PS. Much credit goes to the photogs of these images. Unfortunately I cannot go into the past and do them myself. As such this is not something I would even try to sell without photographer permission.
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