View Full Version : Progress, Reflection, and the Moment

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07-06-2007, 10:47 AM
You are the embodiment of Americant.

You bitch you don't get the same opportunities as others.

You complain you don't get your fair share.

You moan we need to get out of Iraq because we can't meet our goals.

You whine we need to redistribute wealth because you can't work under this capitalistic system

You are far, far from any American symbol I would ever want to look up to.

While there may or may not be some hidden agenda and message here.. I couldn't care less. I'm waking up to a hangover right now and have no time nor inclination to look into the it further. I need advil.

07-06-2007, 10:50 AM
Yet you're still reading his posts.

07-06-2007, 03:27 PM
Lets try this again.

Happy 4th of July!

TheE said it was hard to read. In this aesthetic, it is meant to be. Visual interest gets you to the message. If the imagery alone is not enough you actually have to decipher the message in written word. This is both a movie poster and a literate poster to appeal to the dumb and the worldly at the same time.

Concerning the Spiritual in Art?

Also, RE: "your American't campaign": you might want to watch the movie Little Children. The framing of the "other" in society helps reinforce your own biased or unjustified views of reality all too often.

07-06-2007, 03:50 PM
Concerning the Spiritual in Art?

Also, RE: "your American't campaign": you might want to watch the movie Little Children. The framing of the "other" in society helps reinforce your own biased or unjustified views of reality all too often.

Holy shit you just made my day.

Haven’t seen Little Children but I’ll check it out. Yes, the nebulous “other”. The mysterious ambiguous antagonist. The boogeyman used to tap into people’s fears and make them behave in a certain way. Probably invented by the original shaman to keep people in line.

07-06-2007, 03:55 PM
rant rant rant

Exaggeration, falsification, slander, nonsense and bluster.

Coming from a guy who thinks this country needs another terrorist attack on it to make people get on board with his own twisted views...

Don’t you have a shopping cart to get back to?

07-06-2007, 04:28 PM
Heh - I read too much! ;)

08-11-2007, 07:40 PM
The shop is closed. :)

I have to say, my run here on the PC has been a blast. Wild! I’m proud to have contributed some of the things that I have contributed. Take a look at the Gemstone IV Players’ Corner logo at the top of every page... thats me giving to this community. Search the topics I created. That’s me giving to this community. I’ve put money into this community to the tune of not so small a sum.

Something went wrong along the way. These forums stopped being fun for me at least a year ago. I know I pwn on a regular basis but some members of this community have crossed the line in regards to my personal life. There was a time when there was some kind of civility here... belive it or not. Someone could get raked over the coals without having thier faces or personal details of their lives thrown into it.

In the process of having to combat so much negativity I have sank to what I truley do hate. I have tried to be as vile and abhorrent as possible to some members who have consistantly harangued me for (get ready for this, even I find it hard to believe) years now. Trust me, I’ve done nothing more in return than typed words into a computer on this board, PM or AIM.

I have extended olive branches with those I disagree with left, right, center and backwards only to get burned left, right, center, and backwards. There is such a hate train on me that even NOOBS feel like they can spout off shit because, well, everyone else does!

Backlash, the screename, on the PC, is done. It’s run it’s course. I’m going to think about what caused the hate train, how I fueled it, and I’m seriously going to be a little more select in who I take into confidence. 2007 called. It says I need my anonymity back.

All I ask is that someone please keep the Music for the Masses (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=8450&highlight=masses) thread going. Check your fav bands on Google and most likely they have tracks up for free.

In conclusion...

Be better to each other. A community that fights does not flourish.


08-11-2007, 08:16 PM
See you next week.


Sean of the Thread
08-11-2007, 08:28 PM
Gonna miss ya pal. Just for shits and giggles I just went thru a few hundred of the drunken psycho U2U's you've sent me.. decided not to post any out of respect of the emo.


08-11-2007, 08:39 PM
There was a time when there was some kind of civility here... belive it or not. Someone could get raked over the coals without having thier faces or personal details of their lives thrown into it.

I understand actually where you're coming except for this statement. Maybe I'm just cynical (actually I know I'm cynical) but I can't remember at time on the PC where it was 'civil' or that people didn't attack with the personal information they had.

08-11-2007, 08:47 PM
I've felt somewhat the same ever since a particular post of Kranar's. I don't think it was ever particularly civil though. Good luck.

08-11-2007, 08:49 PM
Damn you Sean2 for stealing the quote for the sig.


08-11-2007, 08:57 PM
Backlash, the screename, on the PC, is done. It’s run it’s course. I’m going to think about what caused the hate train, how I fueled it, and I’m seriously going to be a little more select in who I take into confidence. 2007 called. It says I need my anonymity back.

I hope this doesn't mean you registered a new one.

Sean of the Thread
08-11-2007, 09:01 PM
Damn you Sean2 for stealing the quote for the sig.


Adding it to my collection.

Sean of the Thread
08-11-2007, 09:02 PM
I hope this doesn't mean you registered a new one.

Fairly certain that it does indeed mean he's going with a new one. Not that it wouldn't be instantly apparent what his new name is.

08-11-2007, 09:05 PM
Fairly certain that it does indeed mean he's going with a new one. Not that it wouldn't be instantly apparent what his new name is.

Please, we'll be able to smell it out like week old shit in a campfire.

08-11-2007, 09:10 PM
He can't help but to have a tantrum

08-11-2007, 09:22 PM
Well...he might survive if he ignores politics, social, and off topic. The "conservative piranha squad" will just move on to attack every single thing Ilvane posts...and then whoever they go after next in a process of attrition that will end in a little Republican utopia. That'll get boring and they'll quit.

08-11-2007, 09:27 PM
LOL @ conservative piranha squad.

I think of it more as the cut through the bullshit squad. Dont blame us if you post something stupid and get your feelings hurt when you're called on it.

08-11-2007, 09:31 PM
:smirks: The only emotional response I've had to the PC in the last several years had to do with a thread related to GS of all things. I'm just suggesting that you might not want to drive everybody else with an opposing viewpoint out or you'll have no remaining source of amusement. As it is, I go through phases of being bored by it all.

08-11-2007, 10:31 PM
bai Backlash! :heart:

08-11-2007, 10:45 PM
The shop is closed. :)

I have to say, my run here on the PC has been a blast. Wild! I’m proud to have contributed some of the things that I have contributed. Take a look at the Gemstone IV Players’ Corner logo at the top of every page... thats me giving to this community. Search the topics I created. That’s me giving to this community. I’ve put money into this community to the tune of not so small a sum.

Something went wrong along the way. These forums stopped being fun for me at least a year ago. I know I pwn on a regular basis but some members of this community have crossed the line in regards to my personal life. There was a time when there was some kind of civility here... belive it or not. Someone could get raked over the coals without having thier faces or personal details of their lives thrown into it.

In the process of having to combat so much negativity I have sank to what I truley do hate. I have tried to be as vile and abhorrent as possible to some members who have consistantly harangued me for (get ready for this, even I find it hard to believe) years now. Trust me, I’ve done nothing more in return than typed words into a computer on this board, PM or AIM.

I have extended olive branches with those I disagree with left, right, center and backwards only to get burned left, right, center, and backwards. There is such a hate train on me that even NOOBS feel like they can spout off shit because, well, everyone else does!

Backlash, the screename, on the PC, is done. It’s run it’s course. I’m going to think about what caused the hate train, how I fueled it, and I’m seriously going to be a little more select in who I take into confidence. 2007 called. It says I need my anonymity back.

All I ask is that someone please keep the Music for the Masses (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=8450&highlight=masses) thread going. Check your fav bands on Google and most likely they have tracks up for free.

In conclusion...

Be better to each other. A community that fights does not flourish.



08-11-2007, 10:46 PM
Come on, Methais, you can do better than that.

Sean of the Thread
08-11-2007, 10:48 PM
I rather liked the Methais pic.

I felt bad about my http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b236/Japgross/img-7863-wrist14mj.jpg

as he was already sending me U2U's crying so I edited it out.

08-11-2007, 10:53 PM
:smirks: The only emotional response I've had to the PC in the last several years had to do with a thread related to GS of all things. I'm just suggesting that you might not want to drive everybody else with an opposing viewpoint out or you'll have no remaining source of amusement. As it is, I go through phases of being bored by it all.


You give people WAY too much credit.

08-11-2007, 11:08 PM
Wow.. emo much? Is this just because Beth said you have the 2nd smallest penis she's ever seen?

I'd say I'm going to miss you Backlash, but you and I know that would be a boldface lie.. so I won't.

08-11-2007, 11:15 PM
Well...he might survive if he ignores politics, social, and off topic. The "conservative piranha squad" will just move on to attack every single thing Ilvane posts...and then whoever they go after next in a process of attrition that will end in a little Republican utopia. That'll get boring and they'll quit.


08-11-2007, 11:51 PM
Allright, I've resisted it long enough. Time to dissect the emo narcissim that Backlash left us in an attempt to go out in a blaze of glory with.

I have to say, my run here on the PC has been a blast. Wild! I’m proud to have contributed some of the things that I have contributed. Take a look at the Gemstone IV Players’ Corner logo at the top of every page... thats me giving to this community. Search the topics I created. That’s me giving to this community. I’ve put money into this community to the tune of not so small a sum.
So what are you really trying to say? That you've given more than anyone else here on the PC? This screams out 'attention whore' in every sentence. Look at what I've done for you, look at all I've done for this community. After I'm gone you'll miss me because I'm so irreplaceable. I love me, you should too. :banghead:

Something went wrong along the way. These forums stopped being fun for me at least a year ago. I know I pwn on a regular basis but some members of this community have crossed the line in regards to my personal life. There was a time when there was some kind of civility here... belive it or not. Someone could get raked over the coals without having thier faces or personal details of their lives thrown into it.
You know you pwn on a regular basis? In who's reality? The only information that others here have expounded upon with regards to your personal life is only what you've contributed. And your attempting to wear civility like it was your cloak of shadows is pretty much what has summed your existance here, hypocritical.

In the process of having to combat so much negativity I have sank to what I truley do hate. I have tried to be as vile and abhorrent as possible to some members who have consistantly harangued me for (get ready for this, even I find it hard to believe) years now. Trust me, I’ve done nothing more in return than typed words into a computer on this board, PM or AIM.
There was no sinking to it, you simply walked out your front doorstep. You say you've done nothing more in return like you've been the constant victim, when nothing could be further from the truth. But hey, if believing that makes you feel better about yourself then dont let us stop you. ;)

I have extended olive branches with those I disagree with left, right, center and backwards only to get burned left, right, center, and backwards. There is such a hate train on me that even NOOBS feel like they can spout off shit because, well, everyone else does!
Was there angels singing in the background when you typed this part? A golden light shining down on you from above? Damn dude, get the fuck over yourself.

Backlash, the screename, on the PC, is done. It’s run it’s course. I’m going to think about what caused the hate train, how I fueled it, and I’m seriously going to be a little more select in who I take into confidence. 2007 called. It says I need my anonymity back.
I read this as you're now ditching your identity, and are now going to post with another screen name while attempting to be someone different. If it works for so many others, surely it will work for you. Especially since you've ran this train into the ground with your idiocy. Here's a tip, U2U Rathain/Lassiter 506 - he's real good at maintaining dual identites and even uses each of them to come to the rescue when the other's ass overloads its mouth.

Congratulations, the fame you so rightously sought backlashed against you. :clap:

I look forward to busting your new identity as much as I busted you as Backlash. And dont get too upset when you dont PWN others as much as you think you do or should, because you can always roll up a new logon - since TOS here doesnt limit how many you can have.

See you real soon.


All I ask is that someone please keep the Music for the Masses (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=8450&highlight=masses) thread going. Check your fav bands on Google and most likely they have tracks up for free.
You can always bump the thread with your new logon. Just so you can still see your name in lights.

08-12-2007, 12:08 AM
Way to get link blocked, Parkbandit. You might want to leave the Internet to the young folks while you go off to have a comforting man to man chat with Backlash. Show your compassionate conservatism.


08-12-2007, 12:20 AM
Way to get link blocked, Parkbandit. You might want to leave the Internet to the young folks while you go off to have a comforting man to man chat with Backlash. Show your compassionate conservatism.


It might just be you chump.. since I can still see the pic. If you still can't see it because of your netnanny, here, try this link:


As for having a man chat with Backlash.. he seems to be much more alligned with you politically. I think you two would make a lovely couple.

08-12-2007, 12:22 AM
:chuckles: You can still see it because you're the one that left the link to the site. You've clicked through.

As for the rest? Just think of it this way. Without Backlash you have less to randomly insult.

08-12-2007, 12:27 AM
:chuckles: You can still see it because you're the one that left the link to the site. You've clicked through.

As for the rest? Just think of it this way. Without Backlash you have less to randomly insult.

This is the PC.. there are P-L-E-N-T-Y of stupid ass liberals like yourself who spew stupidity on a daily basis. I have no lack of targets.

08-12-2007, 12:32 AM
At least I know MY comic relief is sticking around.

08-12-2007, 06:30 AM
These forums stopped being fun for me at least a year ago. I know I pwn on a regular basis but some members of this community have crossed the line in regards to my personal life. There was a time when there was some kind of civility here... belive it or not. Someone could get raked over the coals without having thier faces or personal details of their lives thrown into it.

The only real pwnage I saw out of you was this picture...


sadly, you were the creator of the picture and didn't even realize how insanely retarded you made yourself look. I'll give you props on finally deleting the post once you realized how retarded you looked though.

08-12-2007, 09:17 AM
The only real pwnage I saw out of you was this picture...


sadly, you were the creator of the picture and didn't even realize how insanely retarded you made yourself look. I'll give you props on finally deleting the post once you realized how retarded you looked though.

Thats why I saved a copy and linked it through my photobucket in my reply quote. This was one of the priceless moments of true Backlashian logic.

08-12-2007, 09:39 AM
That's where I snagged it from :P

Sean of the Thread
08-12-2007, 05:55 PM
Be better


Been trying to put my finger on it but now I know who that guy reminded me of... the frontier psychiatrist!


08-12-2007, 06:32 PM
Wow. Too much laughter to describe.


08-12-2007, 07:34 PM
I love that track.

"I was in another world!" "I feel strangely hypnotized!"

08-13-2007, 02:07 AM
Take care Backlash. Hope everything works out well for you.

08-13-2007, 02:31 AM
What the motherfuck? Why do we need a goodbye post? Especially when you aren't leaving, rather just molting? I don't get it. If I decided to never post on the PC again tomorrow, I don't think I'd say a word to anyone outside of PM's to the one's that would care...you know, cause it's a public forum where generally people don't give a shit about stuff like that? And then you're all "blah blah millions of dollars donated in the form of one logo to PC" and "blah blah my posts were so poignant" blah blah blah...blah. Blah?

08-13-2007, 03:37 AM
Have fun in fairytale libby land.

08-15-2007, 12:16 PM
Later Backlash.

For future reference, you should have just been like, "Ya I've got a small dick, but your wife was impressed," or something similar. I think you shot yourself in the foot when you got bent out of shape about your dinky-dong. You exposed the chink in your armor and people pounced.

08-15-2007, 12:55 PM
Later Backlash.

For future reference, you should have just been like, "Ya I've got a small dick, but your wife was impressed," or something similar. I think you shot yourself in the foot when you got bent out of shape about your dinky-dong. You exposed the chink in your armor and people pounced.

Yea.. take it from Keller.. he's had that stigma since 3rd grade and has lived with it since.

08-15-2007, 01:53 PM
Later Backlash.

For future reference, you should have just been like, "Ya I've got a small dick, but your wife was impressed," or something similar. I think you shot yourself in the foot when you got bent out of shape about your dinky-dong. You exposed the chink in your armor and people pounced.

Small dick and chink? RACIST.

08-15-2007, 03:21 PM
Lol where did this happen?

08-15-2007, 03:49 PM
Teeny peen!

The link there is to the post in the thread where it was first mentioned.

The whole thread is worth reading, though.

08-15-2007, 10:57 PM

Sean of the Thread
08-15-2007, 11:06 PM
Heheh you said dinky dong.

08-16-2007, 09:05 AM

There is a link after "Originally posted by Ash"

That'll link you to the point in the thread where discussion of his weeny-wang began.

Haywood J.
08-16-2007, 01:28 PM
So Backlash took his toys and went home?

08-16-2007, 01:35 PM
He took his toys, stomped his feet, walked over to the other side of the sandbox and stuck his head in the sand hoping no one would notice him now, even though his ass is still sticking out.

08-16-2007, 01:47 PM

08-16-2007, 01:50 PM
Thanks for the fanfuckingtastic input there, toots. And yet you wonder why you get picked on. Get in the back of the line with Backlash. Holy shit.

08-16-2007, 02:04 PM
