View Full Version : Someone explain the basics?

08-19-2003, 09:59 PM
Ok I got the matchwaits, the attack commands, ect, but I don't understand the whole moving around an area, and having the script KNOW where im at, so that when im done, i can script from that area (same script) to my resting area.

anyone have a basic template or something? i want to make a gak hunter for Vaalor


08-19-2003, 10:03 PM
I just need the basics, so that I could imput directions (around a hunting area) and things to look for (unique death messages from critters ect)

Im sure most people who super script know these, and evey use the same code over and over, but I just don't know it yet.


08-20-2003, 12:34 AM
The simplest way is just to map your route through the hunting area within the script. Say it moves to a room, checks for whatever enemy, if the enemy is present check for people, kill it, skin and search, move to the next room.

Short example of moving room to room with a hunting script could be like this:

put look
match Check a giant rat
match Move obvious exits
match Move obvious paths

put look
match Move also here
match Move also in the room
match Slaughter obvious exits
match Slaughter obvious paths

goto Room%c

[this is where you put in your hunting method]
[whether you stance dance or just swing or cast]
[you could also add in skinning and searching sections here]

counter set 2
move n
goto Find

counter set 3
move e
goto Find

counter set 4
move s
goto Find

counter set 1
move w
goto Find

Now this is a very simple way to script it, and its not very efficient, but its a start.

Also, this method will cause you a lot of screen scroll, but you can play with its arrangement to reduce that. For instance, you could make the script a bit bigger by adding the Find section into each of the room sections, and use match blocks to check on the rat without having to use the look command. That would reduce screen scroll, but also makes the matches less accurate. It sometimes causes the script to miss seeing a person in the room, and you might be apologizing for stealing kills a bit more often than you'd like.

[Edited on 8-20-2003 by Caels]

08-20-2003, 01:18 AM
My move routine is as follows:

pause .5
counter set 2
goto checkroom

pause .5
counter set 3
goto checkroom

... ...

... ...

R_(final room number):
pause .5
counter set (final room number + 1)
goto checkroom

R_final room number + 1
pause .5
counter set 1
goto checkroom

match goback You can't do that while laying down.
match goback Sorry, you may only type ahead
match R%c You can't go there
match start I could not find what
match filter **crittername**
match R%c Obvious paths:
match R%c Obvious exits:

'goback' is incase I am victim of a maneuver attack, then it goes to the 'goback' routine which stands me back up and continues travelling. 'start' takes me to the beginning of the script incase I somehow got lost, once at the beginning, the start routine puts me back on track by figuring out were I am and resuming. The 'R%c' functions are the travelling functions, they determine what path I take as I hunt. R1 is the script's checkpoint and the beginning of the hunting path, it cycles to R2, then to R3, R4 until it reaches the final R_x destination at which point it returns to R1, checks what state my mind is at, and goes to rest if I'm fried or continues to R2 if I'm not fried.

The R%c routines immediately preceed the checkroom routines. YOU DO NOT WANT TO USE THE MOVE COMMAND while script hunting. Use move ONLY when going from resting to hunting, otherwise your script will have some serious hanging issues and slowdown issues. If you want to move north, then use 'put north', then go to the checkroom routine to verify that you actually walked north and to determine what course of action to take. 'filter' is my anti-poach routine, a good anti-poach routine does several things:

1) checks if people are in the room
2) checks if the critter is stunned or laying down
3) checks if there is a disk in the room
4) if none of the above applies, it will attack the target

And finally if no critter is in the room, the script resumes its movement by going to the next R%c on the list.

[Edited on 8-20-2003 by Kranar]

08-20-2003, 03:43 AM
Thats awesome, thanks guys, I just couldn't figure out how you were mapping out the hunting areas, but now I have it, thanks a ton


08-21-2003, 01:06 AM
Ok I got it figured out, after 4 hrs of screwing around I got all the bugs out of my lvl 1 creature hunting script for solhaven, it runs great but...

The code that checks the exp in your mind isn't working for me, it types exp, goes through the matchwait, and doesn't pick crud up.

I bypassed it, but it still pisses me off

Thanks alot Kranar your info was most helpfull.
