View Full Version : Oh hell nah...
07-25-2004, 12:08 PM
But do ya'll really care what's going on inside my head? I walked into work still smelling like alcohol today. I'm at work now. I think the last Incredible Hulk fucked me up hardcore.
07-25-2004, 12:21 PM
You're an Asian woman, what could possibly be going through your head?
07-25-2004, 12:23 PM
Har har...right now???? My foot up your ass. :club:
07-25-2004, 12:32 PM
<3 Lalana
07-25-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
You're an Asian woman, what could possibly be going through your head?
07-25-2004, 08:32 PM
So true Longshot, so true.
07-26-2004, 01:25 AM
Hahaha this is great!
07-26-2004, 01:33 AM
ROFL! Even better, haha!
07-26-2004, 02:14 AM
<<You're an Asian woman, what could possibly be going through your head? >>
From her recap... sounds like Henn-dawg and Hpnotiq were goin through her head.
07-26-2004, 02:32 AM
Then Henny was stuck in my throat, I swear it. I reeked of Henny when I walked into work today.
07-27-2004, 05:58 AM
You gotta :heart: Chapelle
I gave up, just click the link (
Edited cos I didn't know the BB for this crap.
[Edited on 7-27-2004 by Lalana]
I'm Rick James Beeitch!
Nice sig Lalana :lol:
07-27-2004, 02:43 PM
Haha, I aim to please hon...I aim to please. :D
07-30-2004, 05:17 PM
Haha, I felt so lovely last night, it was great. My other bestfriend is talking to this new dude Bill and Bill is teh shizzo. I made a new friend and he's awesome! So we all met up at the club and I got to meet Bill for the first time evar and we hit it off great. I think Soki found himself a keeper, lolz. We partied until 7AM today. What's worse is that I had to go to work this afternoon, so I'm half alive right now.
I so don't want to work tomorrow. I have to work until 12AM tomorrow, but I'm making my bestfriend Mikey take my car in the afternoon to get an oil change and a new sticker, cos that bitch is expired. Then, he's coming to my work to pick me up and we're off to Algonquit beach for the weekend. That shit is gonna be bangin'. So it's going to be me and 3 dudes, hahahahah!!! We're hittin' the clubs up there, woop woop!
I'm gonna try to get wrecked tonight, oh yes. This is impossible cos I have a very high tolerance to alcohol. :( But, I know my limits anyway. So I settle for being highly buzzed.
And why is this radio station I'm listening to at work, playing "shot through the heart"?
07-31-2004, 06:08 PM
I'm heading to Maine RIGHT after work, which is at 11:30PM cos my job sucks and I work 2nd shift. :sniffle: I'll be beaching it for a couple days, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!! So I checked out the freakin' weather schedule for tomorrow, why the hell is it going to rain tomorrow? Alpha Omega hates me. But, it's going to be nice on Monday, so I'll make them all stay at the cabin for another day, haha!
Mikey changed the oil for my car today and he's doing my laundry as we speak, my best-friend loves me. :up: I made him drop me off at work, cos I don't want to drive back to Worcester to pick him up then head down to Ogunquit. It'll be so much easier if he just picks me up from work and we head out. Hahahaha...he's doing my laundry, ROFL! He's my bitch fo' sho'. :heart:
[Edited on 7-31-2004 by Lalana]
Damn.. he sure is you're bitch. You go girl!!
My best friend will get my car an oil change for the simple fact that she gets to drive it around a while, and do some running around before bringing it back to me. I wouldn't trust her with my laundry though, she bleached one of my shirts once, and that was the last.
Ever since my girl moved to the Chi, thank God, my laundry doing days are over.
Don't get all burnt up at the beach ... SPF 60! --- I think that might be too much spf if you want an actual tan though. :lol:
07-31-2004, 06:32 PM
Haha, yeah he is my biatch though. I love him to death, so I'd do the same for him. He makes me iron his shirts, cos he hates ironing. I do it in 5 seconds though, cos I'm good at it, lolz. Other than that, yeah he did my laundry, bwahahaha!!!! I fully trust him with my laundry though. Oh and I always make him drive when we're driving together. I just hate driving, he handles my truck better than me and he's way more aggressive with my Blazer than I could ever be. I look funny driving it though. I'm like 5'4 and him being 6'2, he just looks better driving it. You can't even see me driving it, hahaha!
I don't tan, thank God. I's got a natural tan, but I actually do use SPF 60, LMAO! Still that bitch don't work. I end up looking Cambodian by the end of the summer.
But, I talked to my other best bud Soki, guess we're meeting them at the club up in Maine, ha.
07-31-2004, 08:24 PM
Maine has clubs?
07-31-2004, 08:36 PM
I have no idea, I'm sure they do, or prolly some kinda dive bar, ha. Oh don't worry, they'll find one.
One day Lalanna will iron my draws. I decree it.
07-31-2004, 10:10 PM
She'll do it now, just slap her on the ass to send her on her way.
08-05-2004, 12:38 AM
Slap me on my ass and I'll make sure one of my shoes end up yours.
OK so I'm talking to this kid, he's friggin' adorable. He's a Jew, haha. Seriously he is. Homeboy stutters, I think it's cute when he stutters too, cos it goes out of control only when he talks to me. Then after a while he calms down. Haha, fuckin' adorable.
Oh yeah, Maine was awesome. Then we went to some pool resort in RI after we got back. I had oodles of fun. We're going back to Maine to go camping next week. I think I'm gonna go up to VT to hang with the Stutterer. I'm pretty sure he said he's picking me up and we're gonna chill at his house for the rest of the week. Something like that. I wasn't really paying attention.
08-05-2004, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by RangerD1
I stutter
I'd do you anyway.
08-06-2004, 03:07 AM
Haha...I'm learning how to play CS. Why? Cos this dude that I'm talking is addicted to it. we're going to spend the weekend at his other house in VT. He said I can play CS there? WTF? I was like dude, I'm so not gonna be playing CS. I'm gonna be hopping on his 4 wheeler and killing myself, oh yes. Then if I'm bored enough, I'll be a big dork like him and play CS. Haha...he's such a dork, I love it. He makes me smile, life is great.
08-06-2004, 03:10 AM
Haha I'm cracking up cos my sister is singing, "Take my breath away". Ever heard an old Asian lady sing an american song? Fuckin' great! :lol:
08-06-2004, 03:15 AM
Haha...I'm learning how to play CS. Why? Cos this dude that I'm talking is addicted to it. we're going to spend the weekend at his other house in VT. He said I can play CS there? WTF? I was like dude, I'm so not gonna be playing CS. I'm gonna be hopping on his 4 wheeler and killing myself, oh yes. Then if I'm bored enough, I'll be a big dork like him and play CS. Haha...he's such a dork, I love it. He makes me smile, life is great.
Finally, an excuse to use this picture.'s%20album/330.jpg
08-06-2004, 03:27 AM
LOL. Yeah so my nephew plays too. I guess they're gonna play together. All I remember is that I need to get the updated version, something about Steam and someone's on CAL. No idea.
08-06-2004, 12:11 PM
LOL I know huh. The things you didn't know about me. :D
08-06-2004, 11:27 PM
I. Am. Waiting. To. Get. Out. Of. Work. So. I. Can. Party. Tonight. What. The. Fuck.
08-07-2004, 05:41 PM
So I'm at work and I'm talking in IM's with this kid I've been seeing for about a month now. He's so cute! So he tells me that he'll BRB and throws his away up. This is scary, this kid is awesome, genuine, and hot, lolz. So his away is as such...Daniel: ILU SOUZ
The thought is scary, so scary. This is too much too fast. You'd think someone this hot would be the biggest playa playa. Talk about lucking out, haha! Go me! Oh right, I don't love him at all, care for him deeply. But him falling for me within a month is insane. I didn't think I was that addicting.
I had to tell my sister, cos I'm talking to her on AIM too, lolz. She was like WOW GIRL. But she thinks he's hot too, so she said YOU GO. Life is funny.
08-08-2004, 12:58 PM
I'll be in Vermont for a couple days, visiting my bebe. I'll miss you all! Doesn't Kuyuk live in VT? What's poppin' dude? I'll be in Brattleboro, lolz.
08-09-2004, 01:58 PM
Brattleboro is Boonsville!!!! Well Vermont period is the sticks. But, I had fun. This kid is such a dork, funny, but amazing and just wonderful. I never realized how fuckin' blue his eyes are, wow. Just wonderful.
08-09-2004, 06:40 PM
If you like the movie Grease and dogs, this is one amazing dog, too cute.
Bow wow
08-10-2004, 08:51 AM
Discuss, lolz! It's almost 9AM, I just got in. Why? Baby momma drama, ROFL! Funniest shit ever, discuss plz.
08-11-2004, 04:49 AM
Haha! You gotta love their facial expessions. I loved it so much, it's now my sig.
08-12-2004, 01:28 AM
So I just talked to Mr. Kegel. He goes, "I wanna go back up to Worcester again."
Then I go, "Why the heck would you wanna come back up here?"
Him, "So I can relive the magic again."
Moi, "This isn't Disney Land hon, what the Hell are you smoking?"
Him, "Hahaha!!! You're too cute."
Me, "But, I'm serious dude. What the fuck you smokin'?"
Relive the magic? He must've smoked something good the last time he came up here. Worcester is a shit hole. Compared to where he's from and the places he's been, to even want to come back up here, he must be on something, lolz.
08-25-2004, 04:01 AM
I miss muh baby! I'm gonna go visit him on his b-day, ha! Went clubbin', same shit. Need sleep now, good night all.
08-25-2004, 04:01 AM
:heart: you and all, but I'm trying to pwn here hun
08-25-2004, 09:54 PM
LOL! You make me wanna cry Chad. :cry:
09-16-2004, 02:13 AM
Hmmm...long week is a comin'. Why do girls pick assholes unknowingly?
09-16-2004, 02:19 AM
Bwa ha ha ha ha CS is the shit, and so is Overlord
09-16-2004, 02:30 AM
lolz you gotta teach me how to play. :smilegrin:
09-16-2004, 06:08 AM
Yes I live in VT; Montpelier, it's right off I89, get the fuck up here bitznitch!
K Dawg wants to play.
P.S. I'd own you both in CS if I still had it installed. Sluts.
09-16-2004, 08:59 AM
Dude...if I knew how to play I'd own you, ha! I was there Sunday - Wed. I don't think I'll be going back up. Unless you want me to go hang with you, I wouldn't mind making a trip back out there. You just gotta cook for me.
09-17-2004, 09:26 PM
This is so my new sig.
Dang, I must need it right now!
09-17-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
Dang, I must need it right now! and I both!
You’re not getting enough? You need to move. The DC area isn’t bad. Not bad at all. :)
09-18-2004, 04:15 PM
I never said I wasn't getting enough. I said I wasn't getting any, lolz! I prefer it that way. On a side note, met this guy a while ago. I forgot I gave him my number & he's been calling me to hang out. As I was driving to work today, he was driving back from NY after doing a show with his band. I guess he wants to chill, but I already made plans with my friends and no way am I breaking them for some random dude. So, I invited him to come hang out with all of us. It's Worcester Gay Pride, yay! I warned him, but if he really wants to hang with me, he'll go regardless right? Other than that, I told him that I'll go to see his band do a show at the Palladium in Oct. before he tours in Europe. How phattie is that?! Damn take me to Europe. You gotta love men with talent. ;)
Edited cos like regardless doesn't have a U in it.
[Edited on 9-18-2004 by Lalana]
09-18-2004, 08:21 PM
Found out the name of his band, lolz. He does vocals, awesome. Hell Within, that's the name. Metal? Heh.:bouncing:
10-02-2004, 05:48 PM
Anyone wanna go clubbin' with me tonight? I'm bored and at work. I can't wait to get out of here. So yeah, going clubbin' again, cos well it's a Saturday and I stayed in yesterday, cos my girl Emmie burnt me out the night before. She is by far the coolest stripper I've ever met. Best thing was, I walked into her bedroom and she has a stripper pole in there. So I go, "Oh shit!!! You really got a stripper pole in here!" Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I worked that shit, too funny.
Was suppose to visit my girl Nickie on Tuesday at work to watch her last show at Centerfolds. She left to Chicago, I'm going to miss her. Now that chick, is the craziest stripper I know. The last two things I'll remember coming from her mouth, "Sou would bank if she started stripping." and "He tried to touch my cookie, so I had to break his face." Crazy ass chick.
So yeah, I"m really going out to get my drink on and shake dat ass. Anyone? :cheers:
10-02-2004, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
Clubbing is the devil.
Don't make me use Drew's devil pic of you in my blog. You know what...Imma do it for kicks anyway! :P
10-02-2004, 06:21 PM
Word... :heart: Drew
10-02-2004, 06:39 PM
:rofl: I knew it, Tijay really is a mod of doom!
10-05-2004, 09:10 PM
OK...besides Sean being the mod of doom, roflz...classic one Drew, simply classic :heart:
Work sucks.
My flava of the month Matt is the bomb. We're better off as friends though, cool guy.
Edited cos my orginal sentence didn't make sense.
[Edited on 10-6-2004 by Lalana]
10-05-2004, 09:17 PM
Hahahaha, I totally forgot about that picture.
10-11-2004, 10:23 PM
Dude...I love having friends that are tattoo artists! So I met this dude and he's been doing tat's for over 14 years. He's drawing me one and this is one going down my spine and he's fixing my old ones in my back and incorporating them into the new one. This is so phattie. He's gotta measure my back and he wants to know how much of my back I want covered and check out the drawing he has set up for me. Oh man I love him. I don't want a huge one, but just one that goes down my spine, sorta. He's doing a phoenix bird with flames and something else. I gotta go check out the drawing. I'm stoked.
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