View Full Version : Item Tiers

12-07-2012, 06:28 AM
I've seen weapons and armor referred to as tier 2 and 3, fully unlocked, anfelt scripts.... So the noob question is what do these terms mean or is there a link that has this info?
Muchas Gracias

12-07-2012, 06:58 AM
This usually refers to scripted items, although there are a handful of combat applications that come with this as well.

The general gist is that merchants/events release special items that have pre-scripted options that make them VERY high quality. They may release these off the shelf or in high quantities, but they don't want to release such valuable items in such a widespread fashion. So what they tend to do is "lock" some or sometimes even all of the special features, and then a merchant will manually unlock a select few of them.

For instance, there were special haur baubles for sale at EG. These, off the shelf, came with a handful of scripts (tier 1). A merchant could upgrade them to tier 2 (more scripts) with a merchant service, or if you already had a tier 2, up to tier 3 (even more elaborate scripts). Finally, a rare handful were granted "fully unlocked" (or tier 4) baubles, which are not allowed to be unlocked in any other way. These also had more unique scripts and abilities.

Like the baubles, items like this often have the "common tiers" and then a final very rare tier that is limited release.

Of course, there is no fullproof way to assume how these work. Many items have only 1 tier outside of the off the shelf functionality. Some don't have a special unique tier. Most of these are fluff and clothes, or even scripts on weapons/armors, but a handful, like Iasha white ora, have combat benefits. But the general gist is that they are premade items that have various levels of benefit, either fluff or otherwise, that can be unlocked to varying degrees based on the designer's wishes.

There are a few specialized merchants, one of them a commonly seen Premium merchant, who's entire calling card is "I unlock tiered items". They have to get special permission from the item's creators to do so. Going with the theme of limited release, sometimes the merchants can only unlock a certain number per YEAR, while others are unlimited.