Nathala Crane
12-07-2012, 01:18 AM
Because that's how we roll; no garages here. Items will go once, twice, sold. Blah, blah, blah. Let's get this thing started.
1. a knotwork brown leather harness - weapon displaying harness, holds two-handers, polearms. MB: 100k CB: 100k Jeril SOLD
2. a massive jewel-encrusted back-scabbard - same as above, but enhanced with a garish display of wealth. MB: 100k
3. a fearsome white ora sledgehammer - 4x, Iasha white ora; unlocked to tier 2 with scripts listed below. MB: 2m
As you gaze on the haft of your white ora sledgehammer, your eyes mist over and you see the holy symbol of <deity> burn in your mind.
As you wave the white ora sledgehammer in the air, bursts of white-hot baneful flames fly from it in every direction.
You sets the tip of his white ora sledgehammer on the ground, bowing your head and murmuring a prayer to his patron.
You lovingly traces your fingers along the veins of white-ora folded into the sledgehammer.
You run a finger down the surface of the sledgehammer. You stop to admire its flawless craftsmanship, all of it crafted from gleaming white ora and meticulously maintained. Unfortunately, you forgot about the flames surrounding it, and it is hot!
You point your weapon into the sky and roar a battlecry to <deity>.
Holding your white ora sledgehammer, you cry out, "<deity>, aid me in my hour of need!"
The raise verb trap is deity-based. Some deities have multiple raise messages.
4. a burnished eahnor bastard sword - +18, blessable. MB: 100k CB: 100k Ltlprprincess SOLD
5. a sleek vaalorn bastard sword with black vruul skin wound about its hilt - +18, blessable. MB: 100k
6. a horned mithril visored helm finged[sic] with dark fur - alters hair feature like this: He has shoulder length, straight silver blonde hair underneath a horned mithril visored helm on his head. Also scripted as noted below. MB: 250k CB: Middian SOLD
>pull my helm
You lift the visor of your mithril visored helm.
>pull my helm
You pull down the visor of your mithril visored helm.
1. a knotwork brown leather harness - weapon displaying harness, holds two-handers, polearms. MB: 100k CB: 100k Jeril SOLD
2. a massive jewel-encrusted back-scabbard - same as above, but enhanced with a garish display of wealth. MB: 100k
3. a fearsome white ora sledgehammer - 4x, Iasha white ora; unlocked to tier 2 with scripts listed below. MB: 2m
As you gaze on the haft of your white ora sledgehammer, your eyes mist over and you see the holy symbol of <deity> burn in your mind.
As you wave the white ora sledgehammer in the air, bursts of white-hot baneful flames fly from it in every direction.
You sets the tip of his white ora sledgehammer on the ground, bowing your head and murmuring a prayer to his patron.
You lovingly traces your fingers along the veins of white-ora folded into the sledgehammer.
You run a finger down the surface of the sledgehammer. You stop to admire its flawless craftsmanship, all of it crafted from gleaming white ora and meticulously maintained. Unfortunately, you forgot about the flames surrounding it, and it is hot!
You point your weapon into the sky and roar a battlecry to <deity>.
Holding your white ora sledgehammer, you cry out, "<deity>, aid me in my hour of need!"
The raise verb trap is deity-based. Some deities have multiple raise messages.
4. a burnished eahnor bastard sword - +18, blessable. MB: 100k CB: 100k Ltlprprincess SOLD
5. a sleek vaalorn bastard sword with black vruul skin wound about its hilt - +18, blessable. MB: 100k
6. a horned mithril visored helm finged[sic] with dark fur - alters hair feature like this: He has shoulder length, straight silver blonde hair underneath a horned mithril visored helm on his head. Also scripted as noted below. MB: 250k CB: Middian SOLD
>pull my helm
You lift the visor of your mithril visored helm.
>pull my helm
You pull down the visor of your mithril visored helm.