View Full Version : Energy/Metabolism booster

Weedmage Princess
07-23-2004, 12:21 PM
I figured this would be a good place to throw out this question as there are a few of you guys here who are big into the fitness scene, or atleast knowledgable in that particular field.

For one reason or another, my metabolism has really shit the bed--for lack of a better term. Not only that, I find I'm very, very sluggish...I've always had issues being sluggish which I attributed to bad anemia, however after having my son I noticed I've REALLY slowed down. Back when I was running, I was taking Stacker 2..I'd take it like an hour before going to run and I'd find myself more than energized to do it. Well now with the whole Ephedra thing, they (Stacker) released the ephedra-free capsule which I take an hour before going to the gym but to be honest, it really doesn't help at all...I still have to fight to keep on going. I also get light headed when I'm finished now, which is a first.

Someone recommended I try a metabolism and energy booster, considering that's what Stacker 2 was and they have things that do what Ephedra did, minus the harmful side effects. I'm wondering...is there really such a thing? I don't want to walk into GNC and they try to sell me a bunch of crap that at the end of the day does nothing for me.

07-23-2004, 01:01 PM
I'm really don't know crap about this.. but I know a lot of those "energy" drinks have tons of vitamin B-12. You might wanna ask a doctor or pharmacist about taking that.. could be you're deficient in a vitamin or something.

07-23-2004, 01:05 PM
Stop taking drugs i.e. Stacker 2 and whatever else they have out on the market that you've considered.
Drink lots of water. Should help with sluggishness/fatigue.
Change your diet?
Take a multi-vitamin daily. Iron, B-12 are essential for anemia.
Exercise as you normally do.

07-23-2004, 01:06 PM
Snapp is right. Your first step should be a doctor to see if your body isn't getting a vitamen/supplement it needs to work right.

Then, see a nutritionist if it is... and / or go to an expert in physiology (sp?) who can advise you if it isn't nutrition related.

07-23-2004, 01:29 PM

07-23-2004, 01:41 PM
actually, anemia will absolutely kill your metabolism LONG TERM. I would honestly see a nutritionist.

The best way to outright boost your metabolism is by eating more smaller meals.

In high school, I would eat 8 small meals a day, playing tennis for 1 1/2 hours before school and 2 hours after school.

Morning meals (pre-exercise) should have a reasonable amount of glucose (not sucrose) and carbs. Pre-evening exercise meal should contain the same. Night meals should be lower on calories and carbs. Overall goal around 3200 calories a day for 3 hours of rigorous exercise.

You will get to the point that 20 minutes after a meal, you will drop a deuce. It's like clockwork.

07-23-2004, 01:46 PM
I second the motion of seeing a doctor first. Getting a complete blood work up is a very simple way of seeing if you're deficient in anything you need.


Weedmage Princess
07-23-2004, 06:33 PM
Thanks for the advice, guys. I had to see a nutrionalist while I was pregnant, actually...account...anemia and an iron deficiency. Guess I'll give her a call next week. :)

07-23-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral
In high school, I would eat 8 small meals a dayLeaving aside the tennis (lol, seriously I had some tennis-playing friends, they were crazy mf-ers too) for now, how did you find the time to eat 8 meals a day during school? Did they let you eat in class?

Weedie: I hope they don't give you this liquid iron supplement I had to take to keep them from sticking me with lots of needles. I still remember the smell.

Weedmage Princess
07-24-2004, 12:12 AM

It wasn't called Incremin or something, was it? In a bottle with a red label? I was on that, it was horrific. :cry:

07-24-2004, 01:40 AM

5:00 a.m cereal with fruit
7:30 a.m. orange juice with some form of breakfast sandwich at tennis court.
11 a.m. lunch
3:30 p.m fruits/energy bar
6:00 p.m. sandwich
8:00 p.m. light dinner.

with 2 snacks spread between.

07-24-2004, 02:01 AM
It's easy, a twinkie here, a ho-ho there, you can have many meals in a day.

07-24-2004, 02:44 AM
you could try eating a few Bananas before doing such things. They greatly help reduce cramps and give large amount of Stamina.

07-24-2004, 05:50 AM
I don't think taking any kind of stimulant is really going to help you.

Go see your doctor and get blood work done. If I were to diagnose you based off of what you just said I'd say your thyroid may be low and you're progressing into hypothyroidism.

Easily fixed with a medication, and best to take care of it now, rather than later. It'll give you more energy, fix your metabolism, and it can even help with the anemia. It's very common in women.

But, if that's fine, then I don't know what to tell you.

07-24-2004, 06:10 AM
if you were in the military the Dr's would tell you to take two motrin every 4-6 hours and it should go away with time.

but since you are not, i would go see a REAL doctor and its probably some chemical imbalance or something in your body and like just about everyone has said can be fixed with some simple medication

07-24-2004, 08:28 AM
I agree with most, and especially with Satira. When you get your bloodwork done, make sure they check your thyroid levels. It's a seperate test (two tests actually) and you either have to ask for it, or the doctor has to recognize that it needs to be done.

I wouldn't worry too much about chronic fatigue syndrome (in case you are worrying), because that comes with a lot more symptoms than just being lethargic and "fatigued." It's just the name of it that makes people who have no energy think they have it :)

Also - I don't know anyone who ever used Ephedra so I never checked it out - but if you were taking it, and then stopped, maybe you're experiencing withdrawal from a chemical addiction? That can happen whenever your body becomes "accustomed" to a toxin and then is deprived of it. But I don't know if the body can get accustomed to Ephedra - but there could be something to it I guess.

In any case - definitely check with the doctor, and have some bloodwork done.

07-24-2004, 08:32 AM
Do something to get your RBC's up.

Excercise combined with caffiene will cause your hematocrytes to surge.

07-24-2004, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
It wasn't called Incremin or something, was it? In a bottle with a red label? I was on that, it was horrific. :cry: Well, I was about 8 at the time, so I don't remember much except the horrificitude.

Tamral: Yeah, that would do it. :)