View Full Version : Elemental Lores

07-23-2004, 01:40 PM
With so many lores to choose from, this is going to be difficult.

I chose earth elemental first because I thought it might help with the major elemental spell Stone Skin, but at 37 ranks not sure if I am seeing any benefit.

My wizard is in voln and hunts undead, now I'm thinking should have chose fire elemental lore.

Is it worth moving 37 earth elemental lore ranks to fire elemental?

If I do transfer these ranks, how long will it take?

What do you think?

07-23-2004, 01:43 PM
Hmmm what's the difference in the lores anyway? I never understood that. I had Whirlin do the stats for my wizard, ha.

07-23-2004, 02:09 PM
The wizard lores effect the spells with cooresponding elemental types.

Earth lore helps with: Stone skin, strength, hurl boulder, stone fist, boil earth.

The benefit to stone skin is negligible at best. Unless your getting nicked a lot, your not going to notice that its absorbing more or has a higher shatter point.

If you're looking to see lores giving a mechanical benefit in combat, you'll be sorely disappointed. The DF boost from any one rank is sooooo minimal, unless you plan on using boil earth or immolation a lot.

It'll probably take you a few weeks of staying ingame to move those ranks around.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-23-2004, 02:17 PM
I like the earth and fire lores personally. I have 41 of each I think.

07-23-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
If you're looking to see lores giving a mechanical benefit in combat, you'll be sorely disappointed. The DF boost from any one rank is sooooo minimal, unless you plan on using boil earth or immolation a lot.

Think it'd be better to ditch lores completely and get closer to 3x spells instead?

07-23-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Jonty

Think it'd be better to ditch lores completely and get closer to 3x spells instead?

yes -it's not even a close call from a mechanics standpoint.

of course, you may want to use lores to better define your wizard for roleplay purposes.

C/Valth - 68 trains, no lores, no worries

07-23-2004, 03:41 PM
I still believe the Lores are not worth the TPs, so if you are going to do a migration it should not matter. You are not getting/losing much either way whether you Fixskills or just let them use the timer.

I would use a fixskill or migrate to put those TPs into spell ranks. :D


07-23-2004, 03:45 PM
P.S. As Valthissa said, if you have a roleplay reason for a specific lore, go for it and more power to you.


07-23-2004, 03:49 PM
For a runestaff user, I'd probably say pick a lore. You'll be trading off the 1x magic rank per level for like a fistful of spells. By level 100, you can be fully 1x in an E-lore OR have 18 more spell ranks.

Depending on how you look at it, it could be worthwhile.

Valthissa and I have been through this before. She likes her spell ranks, I believe in diversification of the skills that make wizards pure spellcasters.

What tilts the balance for me is my love for my props. I like being able to lug them around without having some creature maneuver drop me in a hit. Earth lore and strength allows me to do that.

If you can't decide, just flip a coin. You'll be viable in either case.

07-23-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
For a runestaff user, I'd probably say pick a lore. You'll be trading off the 1x magic rank per level for like a fistful of spells. By level 100, you can be fully 1x in an E-lore OR have 18 more spell ranks.

Depending on how you look at it, it could be worthwhile.

Valthissa and I have been through this before. She likes her spell ranks, I believe in diversification of the skills that make wizards pure spellcasters.

What tilts the balance for me is my love for my props. I like being able to lug them around without having some creature maneuver drop me in a hit. Earth lore and strength allows me to do that.

If you can't decide, just flip a coin. You'll be viable in either case.

If I had an encumbrence issue I would probably think differently and have earth lore...but I decided to be a giant (not the best choice for pure caster from a mechanics standpoint) back when I started...I'm fairly certain I would single earth lore if I was a halfling.

Kitsun's advice may be more sound if you you use a runestaff. I have 179 spells at level 68 and I'm fully singled in edged and shield so lores really make no sense as they don't help my defense and the bolt DF increase is almost zero.


07-23-2004, 09:26 PM
is there any clue when there going to fix air lores? i'm planning on starting training there to try to get up to a full 1x in earth and air lore because i'd like to get my two handed swing time down to 1 second from the 2 that its at now, but Anticor mentioned to me that currently its broken.

07-31-2004, 10:56 PM
i was wondering, is there any CLEAR breakdown of exactly what the lores do, i know that Air lore is sposed to with every 100 ranks drop your RT 1 second, but i believe Anticor said it's not working as of current, i would imagine each of the other lores has a benifet at every 100 ranks as well, is there any documentation or does anyone just happen to know what that is?

07-31-2004, 10:59 PM

07-31-2004, 11:03 PM
Stolen from the official boards...


For those that dont follow the wizard folders, the DF bonuses to all wizard bolt spells are .001 each rank for the first 50 ranks, and half as much for the next 50 ranks. Noone's bothered to try with more ranks than that.

So, for example, with 100 ranks of fire lore a wizard gets a .075 DF increase to 906 and 908 (i.e. the .400 DF of Fireballs against skin would become .475).

The DF bonus is the same regardless of the armor the target is wearing.

I obviously havent tested if the same bonuses apply to 306 and 111 as every wizard spell, but given the vast depth of design, development, and creativity with lores and bolt spells, well, I think it's a fairly safe assumption.


Earth Lore ranks for boosted Strength Bonus
needed bonus

0 +15
4 +16
9 +17
15 +18
22 +19
30 +20
39 +21
49 +22
60 +23
72 +24
85 +25
99 +26
114 +27
130 +28
147 +29
165 +30
184 +31

They all get the DF bonus thingy for their respective elemental spells. For Air lore I think you mean each 100 bonus, not 100 ranks(which would mean its insanely stupid to begin with).

I don't think anyone's wasted their time testing air lore ranks against sandstorm speed.

Earth/fire for boil earth effects are probably near impossible to test due to the sheer number of factors involved.

Water lore on ice patch...who cares?

Earth on stone fist, different amounts allows use of the more powerful attacks.

Earth lore on stoneskin. Raises the minimum skin durability.

08-15-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
For a runestaff user, I'd probably say pick a lore. You'll be trading off the 1x magic rank per level for like a fistful of spells. By level 100, you can be fully 1x in an E-lore OR have 18 more spell ranks.

Depending on how you look at it, it could be worthwhile.

Valthissa and I have been through this before. She likes her spell ranks, I believe in diversification of the skills that make wizards pure spellcasters.

What tilts the balance for me is my love for my props. I like being able to lug them around without having some creature maneuver drop me in a hit. Earth lore and strength allows me to do that.

If you can't decide, just flip a coin. You'll be viable in either case.

thats a good point

Does anyone know how they affect 519 and boil??? It seems like more than the bolts but any figures?