View Full Version : Hedgehog

11-17-2012, 04:24 PM
Got me one of them real hedgehogs, not the fake one. Anyone have any decent trade or coin offers for it? PM to me.

Would trade for one of the chucky dolls that moves around in your containers if anyone is interested.

>kiss hedgehog
You give the snub-nosed hedgehog a soft kiss on its snout. Its whiskers tickle, causing you to giggle out loud!

>poke hedgehog
You poke your finger at the snub-nosed hedgehog, but quickly jerk it back when you prick it on the sharp spines.

>roll hedgehog
You reach down and gently roll the snub-nosed hedgehog over onto its back.

>rub hedgehog
You reach out and scratch the snub-nosed hedgehog lightly under its chin. In response, the hedgehog nuzzles the palm of your hand with its nose.

>smell hedgehog
You draw your snub-nosed hedgehog up close to your face and touch noses with it.

>tap hedgehog
You reach out and gingerly tap the snub-nosed hedgehog's spines and find them to be quite sharp. You can see why all but the most desperate of predators would pass the hedgehog by in search of a meal.

>tickle hedgehog
You reach out and tickle the snub-nosed hedgehog's soft stomach.
The hedgehog kicks in delight!

>touch hedgehog
You reach out and gently stroke the snub-nosed hedgehog's spiny back with the palm of your hand.

Ambient Zests:

A tiny snub-nosed hedgehog suddenly rolls onto its back, a small blade of grass clutched tightly between its two front paws. The hedgehog happily munches on the blade of grass with its tiny, pink mouth.

The snub-nosed hedgehog rolls back over onto its feet.

A tiny snub-nosed hedgehog makes its way around the area, sniffing as it goes.

Something startles the snub-nosed hedgehog, which responds by rolling into a tight ball, its quills stick up in every direction! Slowly, it uncurls, the danger apparently passed.

The snub-nosed hedgehog kicks its tiny legs and rocks back and forth on its back.

The snub-nosed hedgehog found a small insect!

The snub-nosed hedgehog happily munches away on a small insect.

The snub-nosed hedgehog curls up by XXX's feet.

Your snub-nosed hedgehog roots and wiggles around in your hand, apparently attempting to burrow.

Stilling suddenly and raising its forehead spines, your snub-nosed hedgehog is apparently wary of something.

Your snub-nosed hedgehog roots and wiggles around in your hand, apparently attempting to burrow.

Your snub-nosed hedgehog makes soft happy snuffling sounds as it crawls over your hand.

The snub-nosed hedgehog shifts its weight in your hand, trying to make itself more comfortable.