View Full Version : Online friends..

07-22-2004, 12:26 PM
Have you ever met someone from gemstone, or PC that from the very beginning had an instant chemistry/rapport/connection with? And turned into a meaningful friendship, that lasts?


And er, give examples and scenerios. :blush:

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by Lady Shalla]

07-22-2004, 12:27 PM
Sorry Shalla.. I'm married.


07-22-2004, 12:27 PM

07-22-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Sorry Shalla.. I'm married.


Damnit, I lost my chance didn't I?.. so unfair.. I so wanted to be your wife. :bleh:

07-22-2004, 12:30 PM

07-22-2004, 12:34 PM
Yes, and I'll give an example if you do.

Miss X
07-22-2004, 12:42 PM
Yes for me too! :)

07-22-2004, 12:42 PM
Silversi and Czeska met when they were wee little newbies. Taking our friendship to RL has provided me with my soul sister. We've been the closest friends two people can be for almost 3 years now, and I don't expect that will ever change.

I also met my bf in Gemstone. We were friends in game, then friends in IMs, then talked on the phone. We developed romantic feelings, and when he moved to Ohio from Houston, we became a couple. That was 14 months ago today. I've never been happier in my entire life.

I think what I've found is rare, indeed, especially to the level in which I have found it. I guess I paid my dues earier in life, because these two people are truly a reward.

07-22-2004, 01:10 PM
I personally feel Spun, Marclar and I have a pretty good connection :)

I really DO feel like Spun's big brother sometimes, Heh.

07-22-2004, 01:13 PM
I have met Whyssper in game I think around when I was 17.. almost 6 1/2 years. She has been there for me, comforted me and given me advice with almost every problems I have gone through.. from my first official Boyfriend frank.. until now. She is my ingame mother, and I can honestly say she is one of my bestfriends in real life. There was never any selfishness but there was always understanding and care for each other. I'm a very private and shy person in real life.. always keeping my problems and headaches to myself not letting anybody in or help out, including my family.. but she was able to reach out to me. For that, I will always be grateful.


Also in the list are my friends..

Tamral.. 1 1/2 years.
Sanggios.. known for I think 5 years.
RangerD.. for several months now, but he's one of those people I talk to if not in a regular basis from this board.

Oh oh.. I also want to add Nevik <- Cutie pie , Kondus, Querthose.. <- God how could I possibly forget him.. I LOVE HIM! Tillmont, Herachio <- I adore him

I'm sure I'm forgetting some people. :?:

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by Lady Shalla]

07-22-2004, 01:18 PM
Tayre = :heart:
Rhys, Tayvin, Brimzstone, Elrodin, Jolena and Axhinde are all uber friends too. :D

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by GS3 Michiko]

07-22-2004, 01:34 PM
These are my online <3's

Jani (Kasia)
Jessa (Michiko)
Kristin (Spun)
Beth (Maimara)
Souz (Lalana)

My two really good guy friends that I've made online are Steven (Taerven) and James (Stunseed).

I talk to all of these people pretty regularly. If not on the phone than online or through text messages. I have loads of other online friends but these are the ones that I've known for a while and who I know <3 me.

07-22-2004, 01:40 PM

I'm an equal opportunist, so I hate everybody equally.

07-22-2004, 01:48 PM
No, not from Gemstone. I'm cold and I like remaining that way.

07-22-2004, 01:55 PM
The one who comes to mind first for me is Quynar(MPSorc). I met him in icemule when I first started playing. It was around 4 years ago or so when I was just a wee little one running amuk having no clue what I was doing. Met Quynar about a week or two into my days of GS and we have been friends since. I remember when I rerolled my warrior into Elrodin years back he rolled out little archer so we could still hunt together.

Izalude is another one who I have a very good friendship with. Have known him for somewhere around 3 years now I believe.

Amber has always been there for me. She is also Elrodin's IG mom. <3 mom!

those are the people who I have known for a long time, 2+ years.

Axhinde, Michiko, Graysalin, Niqk, Zoloren, Arshwikk, Quishd, Ganalon, Shadya Caiylania, Dainslef, Stunseed and Skeed are all people who I really enjoy spending time with in game. I know I left out people but thats because you are just so special that you are escaping my memory as of this moment.

I have met Izalude and Skeed IRL. I almost had the chance to meet Quynar before he left for Korea but work interefered so I missed out on that chance. :(

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by Elrodin]

07-22-2004, 02:16 PM
Yes...all my babies <333333333333

Drew (Tayre) <3333333333
Sean (Tijay) - I made him drink my cosmo, bwahaha!
I've met Tom (Galdrus), but sadly we don't speak anymore.
I talk to Tammy (Azzrella) a lot, she's cool as hell.
I've talked to D, he's cool, but he picks on me too much. :(
Vinny (Loclan) is teh bomb too.
Hrmmm...oh I've talked to Jon (Alterock), the kid is nuts but fun to talk to, haha.

The Cat In The Hat
07-22-2004, 02:24 PM
Almost had a really good story to post here but some things don't work out the way you wish they would.

I have a really good connection to Mike (Clintmire) and Gina (Scheree) though. Scheree keeps me grounded and calls me on my stupidity which, ill admit Im good at getting myself in trouble. I really cant see myself ever not talking to them. As friends go, real life or internet they're the best and I love them.


[Edited on 7-22-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

07-22-2004, 02:32 PM
Oh I totally forgot about John (Zeyrin)! How could I forget him. He's awesome to talk too. I was cracking up on how he was all, "I'll keeeel you!" And I was like, "What the hell is keel man? Do you mean kill?" Hahahaha, gotta love them hicks. <3

07-22-2004, 02:43 PM
My online/offline friends are :

My girlfriend who I play with in game, and out. She is the most amazing person I know, and my best friend.
(Sazlo) In game brother who is a sweetie and a constant reminder why Im glad I rolled a male character.
(Eoife) Who I met her at Vegascon and she is pretty damn awesome.
(Kalaman) - IM's me out of the blue every now and then, he cracks me up.
Skirmisher - awesome roleplayer/person/friend, the cats meow and all that ....
<3 you's all.

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by DarkelfVold]

07-22-2004, 02:47 PM
I talk with people in AIM, but that's about it. I don't talk on the phone and have never met anyone that I met online.

Miss X
07-22-2004, 03:14 PM
I forgot to give examples! Mostly:
Denise (skirm) who is one of my most fave people ever and someone I really do consider a close friend.
Levi, Ezre's player, Chica and Ez have been together in game for quite a long while now, and he really rocks in game and out!
Bill (SHM) well... he, like Denise, is one of my fave people!

Tons more, too many great people to mention. Yay for lots of lovely people in the world! :)

07-22-2004, 03:14 PM
I talked to Teeoncy on the phone, but we didn't have phone sex, really. The she got a collar made IG so everyone would know that she was my property. Oh wait, that wasn't me.

Miss X
07-22-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
I talked to Teeoncy on the phone, but we didn't have phone sex, really. The she got a collar made IG so everyone would know that she was my property. Oh wait, that wasn't me.


07-22-2004, 03:16 PM
I've never had an instant chemistry with anyone. I'm a pretty held in person, so it takes awhile for me to really connect with people on a deep level.

07-22-2004, 03:18 PM
Shalla, Maimara, Loreley, Kailya, Faiyth, Jaelus, Jael, Michiko, and anyone else I might be forgetting.

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by GSTamral]

07-22-2004, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
I've never had an instant chemistry with anyone. That time you healed me in town square. I thought we had something there. :(

The Cat In The Hat
07-22-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
I talked to Teeoncy on the phone, but we didn't have phone sex, really. The she got a collar made IG so everyone would know that she was my property. Oh wait, that wasn't me.


haahaa I love you Mistomeer, that was priceless.


07-22-2004, 04:25 PM
Spun and I have met, she's great.
Lalana rocks, as does Skirmisher, Elrodin, Edine, Stay, a really good friend named Farn, another named Sinnclair, Tijay, Furrowfoot, Mint, ....

Well pretty much, have made a ton of friends. One reason I love GS. Some are just really cool in game, others I have had the oppurtunity to get to know more on RL basis.

07-22-2004, 04:53 PM
I've known Celeina's player for 4 or 5 years now, and we've exchanged non-sober voice mails. She's one of the few people I'd ever consider hanging out with in real life.

I've met like 7 or 8 people that play Gemstone, but all but one of them were in my 7th grade math class.

Aside from that, there's a handful of people I IM every now and then.

EDIT: I also recently met Soulpieced's player. He actually used the word peon in real life.

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by Edaarin]

07-22-2004, 05:03 PM
But....but...you said you loved me. :cry:

07-22-2004, 05:11 PM
I'd say Satira and Tijay are the ones I keep the most in-touch with. I don't talk to anyone over the phone (mostly because I think my boyfriend would flip) but we talk through IMs a lot.

Satira is like my IMBestfriend. You should hear the shit fly that goes through our conversations.

07-22-2004, 05:17 PM
Oh yeah, and Anticor prank called my cell phone last fall. He remains convinced that I am in actuality a white person pretending to be Asian because I don't have an accent.

07-22-2004, 05:28 PM
I will say I talk to very few Gemstone people on AIM. I've hung out with Wethalhalas a number of times, and met Edaarin a while ago. I really can't think of anyone from GS other than them I really IM with any regularity.

07-22-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I talk with people in AIM, but that's about it. I don't talk on the phone and have never met anyone that I met online.

Same here. I have a HUGE amount of people that I talk to online, but never met or talked to anyone on the phone except Kalaman a couple times. Not to say they aren't friends though, because some people on here are probably better friends than some of the ones I hang with in RL.

07-22-2004, 06:02 PM
Hmm, let's see....

Czeska, Silversi, Michiko, Amber, Kadumi, Elrodin, Jolena, Harliegha, CT, and a few others, but my memory is terrible. Sorry!

07-22-2004, 06:08 PM
Hmm... Camri, Syberus, Drakam, Lahanna... Staerin, Zeyrin, Sintik when he's around, Gerbill, Hellcat (<3)... a lot of others but I have a memory worse than a 90 year old.

07-22-2004, 06:16 PM
I really am as insane as I portray myself to be.

I've met several people here and in gemstone, some worthless, some not worthless, but I'm not about to list them here.

07-22-2004, 06:27 PM
I met up with Tayre's sister the other day.

We met indirectly through Gemstone.

We had sex.

She likes dr.pepper.

(above may or may not be true)

07-22-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
But....but...you said you loved me. :cry:

Like err... who are you responding to? :blink:

07-22-2004, 07:10 PM
Way too many to mention, but the two at the top of this list would definitely be the player of Tatiyanna and Cuilte (I became the godfather to their son last year). I see them at least once a year and yeah, we keep in touch. Met her in 97, him in 99.

07-22-2004, 07:54 PM
I'll just say yes, because chances are I'll forget to name someone and get yelled at.

Weedmage Princess
07-22-2004, 07:55 PM
See Tijay's response. :)

*edited to add that I never met anyone who I met through the PC offline, though. I really only speak to a few people from here in IMs, cause I'm not around too much.

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by Weedmage Princess]

07-22-2004, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
See Tijay's response. :)

*edited to add that I never met anyone who I met through the PC offline, though. I really only speak to a few people from here in IMs, cause I'm not around too much.

[Edited on 7-22-2004 by Weedmage Princess]

But she always talks to me, cause she :heart: me :)

07-22-2004, 08:44 PM
Let's see....

/peeks at her cellphone directory

Contains the players of...

And actually, except for Beth and Drew, I've met all those people IRL. I also :heart: Gideon and Marco and Ilvane (along with Heuward) were the best roomates ever. It's nice going into a roomate situation at a con with people you know you can trust, and that they're not smelly weirdos or something. I'd met Dave beforehand but not Angela and Marco, but I figured they weren't smelly.

I also love to death the players of Valiria, Eugenides, Merjinia and Evelith, even though Naessi hates Evelith. And Eugenides.


Disclaimer: Exclusion from the above list(s) does not mean I don't like you or don't consider you a nice, lovely person. These are just the people I've spend excessive amounts of time talking to either in game, out of game, IRL, or a combination of the above. In fact, I'm sure some people would say that NOT spending excessive amounts of time talking to me is a good thing.

07-22-2004, 08:45 PM

07-22-2004, 08:49 PM
Tijay, you never call me!


07-22-2004, 08:52 PM
I think the player I talked to most was Quilthaias' player. I haven't talked to him in years though, but we were pretty good friends for a while.

07-22-2004, 09:04 PM
Kristin calls me and it's cool.

Drew does too.

So I guess they're cool.


Weedmage Princess
07-22-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
But she always talks to me, cause she :heart: me :)

This is true :heart:

07-22-2004, 09:20 PM

07-22-2004, 10:39 PM
I never call anyone. I'm antisocial and shit.

07-22-2004, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania

Like err... who are you responding to? :blink:

So many....:(

07-22-2004, 10:53 PM
Morgaine, Metaboculous, Jadow (Jieret), Sarina, Eflstan, Neq (if anyone knows current where abouts plz let me know)

07-22-2004, 10:55 PM
Guess I hurt someone's feelings. Furthermore, I do not <3 anyone on these boards, so disabuse yourselves of any such notion. :rant:

Thecla923: You wouldn't hang out with me man? :-(
Mooshoo16: I'm afraid of black people

07-22-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
Morgaine, Metaboculous, Jadow (Jieret), Sarina, Eflstan, Neq (if anyone knows current where abouts plz let me know)

You are cut off from my slutty hags.

07-22-2004, 11:03 PM
Heh all the peole i listed i've known for maybe 8 years or more.

07-22-2004, 11:14 PM
Oh I thought we was talking about people we've either met or talked on the phone with. I've talked to Brian (Kadumi) on the phone, he's pretty funny. But, I've met a whole bunch of people in GS, not IRL though just IG. You all rock. Caiy even though she's never around when I'm around is fun to be with.

07-23-2004, 12:50 AM
Hahaha for me.

Close friends: Kadumi, Czeska, Skirmy, Silversi, Edine, Kabriel, Elrodin <3 muh bebe boy, Adhara, Izalude, Werileo, Chalon, Blaylock, Thaylar, Axhinde, Tijay, Korean, Sasha

Friends - To many to list.

People I've talked to on the phone
Tayre - he's adorable.
Kadumi - every single day <3
The Korean - he's sweet also.
Axhinde - He's funny
Tijay - He's got a hot voice
Elrodin - he sounds hot also. <3
Edine - he's nothing like he is on here.
Izalude - such a sweetie
Adhara - adorable accent.
Wulfhen -very adorable accent.

I know I probably forgot someone so if I did don't be yelling at me hehe.

07-23-2004, 12:52 AM
Top of my list would have to be Satira, we talk all the time both in game and via IMs. She's the bestest. There are several other people who I've known for close to five years who I get along great with and have become friends with and we talk on the phone on crap. Names aren't exactly important.

07-23-2004, 03:11 AM
Well, I haven't met a lot of people from PC (considering I'm somewhat the newbie) but I've probably met a couple of you from the Con. If you've been the past 3 years, then you MIGHT have seen me. I've texted Tayre a few times on my cell, but I don't think I've actually talked with him. And of course, I'm always looking to make a new friend or 10...:2beers:

Killer Kitten
07-23-2004, 09:06 PM
One of my most enduring friendships from Gemstone is with Clove's player. We yak on the phone a lot and hang out in person when we can (he lives about a three hour drive from us). He saved my life when I got heatstroke while doing the NY to Boston AIDSRide in 2001. I met his girlfriend for the first time that weekend and I'm sure I totally horrified her. I grunted 'hello', disappeared into the shower for an hour, babbled inanely all through dinner, then fell asleep on their couch and snored noisily. Since then my husband and I have gotten together with them several times. I'd like to think second impressions were better than first and that she and I have become friends as well.

My other favorite person from Gemstone has to be Aallaan's player. We've stayed friends for years and never run out of things to talk about. He is the person I always call when I have a moral dilema or need a shoulder to help carry my burdens.

I spoke at a conference in Indianapolis last year and got to go out to dinner with Exttior's player while I was in town. Also a very nice guy, and surprisingly shy given how brash his character is in the game.

And of course there's Bahktaiini's player. I knew him way before I started playing GS, so he really doesn't belong in this category. He is the most marvelous person in the world, and such a handsome devil. If he'd only learn to pick up his socks...


07-24-2004, 03:40 PM
I've never met anyone from the PC, or from Gemstone.

I don't know how I'd feel about it... it'd be weird I think.

I think there's probably a lot of people here who wouldn't want to meet me...

07-24-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by longshot
I think there's probably a lot of people here who wouldn't want to meet me... Depends on if you're sober or not, I'd say.

Weedmage Princess
07-24-2004, 04:14 PM
I think you'd be cool to hang out with.

Atleast until you start ragging on me :(

Then I'd have to kick your ass!!!! :P

07-24-2004, 04:15 PM
I'd totally hang out with Longshot.

07-24-2004, 05:12 PM
Longshot would warp your fragile little mind, Artha. I forbid it.


Miss X
07-24-2004, 05:27 PM
Artha = Longshot Jr. :yes:

07-24-2004, 05:45 PM
I don't meet people from online, especially from gemstone... They all gotta be freaks. I'm not excluding myself from that statement. But... sometimes freaks can get along.

07-24-2004, 08:17 PM
My boyfriend (Stunseed's player, James) and I met in Gemstone and we have been together for over a year now. In fact, I'm very happy to say that we are moving in together in about a month's time or less. I have never been happier and I can honestly say that I felt that instant chemistry with him the first time we talked. There was a deep friendship and bond established between us in a short amount of time.

Friends that I have made from Gemstone and online include Izalude, Michiko, Axhinde, Tayre, Gothique, Taylir, Kailya, Harliegha, Dragolyn, Stalgart, Farn, Magnusn and a few others.

There have been some quaks too but for the most part I have been lucky enough to find folks that I genuinely feel I have a friendship with.

07-24-2004, 08:33 PM
Well, my closest friend already posted, Elrodin, we met way back when we both had real young characters, he held some scavenger hunt and i won it, he had another one a few days later, i won that one too, then we started talking and got to hunting together. then he rolled up a new character to try out archery, i followed suit and we hunted together till about train 10 or so and ran to Ta'Vaalor when it first opened its gates.

Other friends of mine include Dragolyn, Curthieus, Mellynia, Alynia, Zornd, and a few more.

Players i have met outside GS, Zornd and Philond. Almost met Elro, but as he said, he had complications getting to my going away party.

07-25-2004, 01:38 AM
I just play the game, and infrequently I meet some people in the game that aren't COMPLETELY WEAK, at which time I rejoice and file them under "cool". I don't piss my pants thinking about anyone I met in GS, YMMV.

07-25-2004, 03:13 AM
I speak with Teylarun, Jinii, Deevareeree, and Merjinia's players with decent frequency. I will also bother Klaive, Kithus, Kalanira, and others every now and then. Wulfhen, Czeska, and others as well.

07-25-2004, 08:44 AM
Merjinia's player is a sweetheart. I love her.


Miss X
07-25-2004, 09:06 AM
:loveu: She rocks!

07-25-2004, 09:09 AM
Chica also rulez because I can talk to her about The Office:P
