View Full Version : Speaking of roleplaying whores....

08-18-2003, 11:41 PM
Found this listed on Cleo's auction site:

Item: Pimp Set

With the advent of prostitution in our fair lands (The Landing mainly), I bring you a set of clothing made just for the Pimp in mind. Should you decide to find yourself a harem of ladies to "guide" this is the perfect outfit to show the lands who and what you are! Included in the set are the following items...

a showy yellow tulip (pin worn) a peacock feather-trimmed hat (head worn) a set of thick gold neck chains (neck worn) a loose-fitting flame red silk shirt (armor worn) a pair of shiny black leather pants (leg worn) a gold tooth earring (ear worn) a vibrant yellow feather boa (neck worn) some gold half-frame spectacles (pin worn) a colorful patchwork cloak (cloak worn/holds large amount/non-close) an onyx and ruby-inset manacle (wrist worn) an onyx-handled silver barbed whip (enchanted blunt) a braided leather collar (neck worn)

As you can see, everything one might need to be a pimp is covered! All you need is a woman or two and a local Inn, and you are set to start your own business...

*NOTE* Should you decide your lady needs to wear more than the manacle and collar, contact me and I can set you up with some nice clothing for her.

Kind of funny, I thought... kind of... not.


08-18-2003, 11:44 PM
My shaggy wooly mammoth fur longcoat would fit better than that patchwork cloak

Weedmage Princess
08-19-2003, 01:03 AM
Nah, coat needs to be pink gak fur.

08-19-2003, 03:45 PM
That's hysterical, I was just on Cleo's site and found that...

I was gonna post it, so I'm glad you did. :roll:

08-22-2003, 04:29 AM
I've been approached about five times so far with people offering to be my 'pimp' in exchange for 'a cut of the action'. The conversation goes like this each time.

Pimp : Hey baby, I'll be your pimp for a share of the action and we both win.
Lisu : What are you offering exactly?
Pimp : Baby, gimme like, 20% and I'll set you up.
Lisu : And how do you intend to 'set me up'?
Pimp : I'll tell people about you, so you can get more business.
Lisu : Just out of curriosity, how many people do you think haven't heard about me by now?
Pimp : Um... well I can go tell them good things...
Lisu : And could you handle the constant barrage of insults towards you on the amunet?
Pimp : Oh they don't need to know I'm your pimp...
Lisu : So how will you 'refer' people if you want to keep being a 'pimp' hidden?
Pimp : Um... um...
Lisu : Thought so. Good day to you sir.

08-23-2003, 12:54 PM
Are you really a guy?

08-23-2003, 12:58 PM
I know what can top off that whole set...ummm a big Lorminstra medallion? Heh

[Edited on 8-23-2003 by Lalana]

[Edited on 8-23-2003 by Lalana]

08-24-2003, 10:28 AM
hehe, a GOLD Lorminstra medallion :)


08-24-2003, 10:30 AM
Hehe...Kailya!!!!!!! Yes gold, what was I thinking? Of course gold! The owner needs a hairy chest though, he can fluff out his chest hairs and rest his gold medallion on top of it.