View Full Version : 7x well crafted grimbane (hcw) fist-scythe

11-08-2012, 09:25 AM
edit: makes it dcw, not hcw

It has a bonus of +35 from a normal fist-scythe, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in brawling to use effectively. The fist-scythe has a moderately increased effectiveness in combat.
This vultite fist-scythe seems to be the bane of Grimswarm raiders.

What it means: Grimbane is a script attachment to a weapon. It adds +8 points of crit weighting when the weapon is used against the grim. However, since it is script based, the item can also be weighted, flared, enchanted, etc. So theoretically, you could get hcw added to it one day, and it would become hcw + ecw against grim. an additional +10, you could also get it flared, enchanted, etc. If you use a merchant for such services there may be surcharges.

The moderately increased effectiveness in combat is a forging bonus. This is just below perfect, and is +2 to AvD, +4% to df. So it is seemingly slightly crit weighted naturally and is +37.

mb 15m

11-08-2012, 09:40 AM
What it means: Grimbane is a script attachment to a weapon. It adds +10 points of crit weighting when the weapon is used against the grim. However, since it is script based, the item can also be weighted, flared, enchanted, etc. So theoretically, you could get hcw added to it one day, and it would become hcw + ecw against grim. an additional +10, you could also get it flared, enchanted, etc.

Both Grim and Bandit Bane scripts can go over other existing functional scripts. Someone, Helsfeld I think, got a Blink weapon done with Grim and I got my splitting axes with Bandit. Wyrom also didn't exclude coraesine outright either and said he'd have to look at it. So it might be able to go on anything.

To add something, the bane flares make the weapon unable to take a wizard enchant, but PPs work. Not that it matters in your case, just throwing it out there.

11-08-2012, 10:16 AM
I thought it was a decent amount (8 points) not heavy (10)?

11-08-2012, 10:43 AM
I heard it was heavy.

11-08-2012, 10:58 AM
I heard DCW.

11-08-2012, 11:02 AM
I'm now sure how we'd test it since you can't assess it being scripted, you'd have to do combat testing. Or we could find the post on the officials maybe? I remember last night Daiyon winning it in auction and saying his item was now +10, +20 against grim

11-08-2012, 11:18 AM
Okay I found the post:

Weapons that are treated with this ability will be able to inflict more critical wounds against either Grimswarm or bandits. Weapons over 7x are not eligible. The weighting level added is equivalent to the upper tier of decent. This will be added onto whatever your weapon currently is. The weapon can still be used against other creatures, but will not have this added benefit. pricing will be...

So sounds like 8, you're right.

11-08-2012, 11:22 AM
J>read sign
In the Common language, it reads:
I will be making your weapons work better against either Grimswarm or Bandits to inflict critical wounds (DCW, just under HCW). This service can go on weapons that are already weighted, flaring, or special in some way. They will still be blessable even. But they will NOT be further enchantable by a wizard though.

11-08-2012, 11:35 AM
So, if you use it with Major Bane and got it HCW like normal to boot, it would be +28 points of weighting? Poor Grim's.

11-08-2012, 11:38 AM
I think so Herachio. If Varulv does his enchanting still this fest I will try to get it to 8x as well. Fire flares with PPs might be an option as well to make it extra toasty vs trolls.

11-08-2012, 12:23 PM
So if you put it on a claidh weighted weapon you'd have 58 against grimswarm? (40+10+8)

11-08-2012, 12:29 PM
Wyrom posted on this: http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Quests%60Sagas%60Events/Ebon%20Gate%20Festival/view/4143

Seems there was a misunderstanding being spread around on this service.

The weighting level was not HCW (+10). It's always been DCW (+8).

Grimswarm bane weapons will sing the information up that they are only good against Grimswarm raiders. But they are good against all Grimswarm (that's all professions and races).

Bane services do not stack with each other. Once you have one, that's all it will have. Can't have orc and bandit banes on a single item.

You could technically add more oomph to your bane items, if it were ever an approved service.

Once you have the bane service applied, your item will no longer be player enchantable.

Once you have the bane service applied, your item will be blessible still (if it was blessible to begin with).

Scripted items will always be hit or miss. And it's always going to be a case-by-case scenario. Fluff scripts are usually fine though.

Hope that helps clear up any confusion.

11-08-2012, 03:08 PM
So if you put it on a claidh weighted weapon you'd have 58 against grimswarm? (40+10+8)

Yes. I would have loved that for my claid.

11-08-2012, 03:48 PM
I put it on my 7x mcw Sancted greataxe and he told me it was the top end of decent on the grim bane. I also inquired about my coraesine for the hell of it and he said it wouldn't work, just too much going on with the script. But I'm loving it so far, only took it into a camp once but the 20+10+8 is fairly fun.

11-14-2012, 10:55 PM
dropping it to 15m