View Full Version : 2. K-mart Blue Light Special

That Jay
10-26-2012, 04:17 PM
CASH only auction. No silvers. Auction format: Once, Twice, Sold.

Email UninvitedX@aol.com for all inquiries and bids.

Trivial: Minimum bid $10 each.

an oilskin silver-studded harness
(staff/polearm displaying harness, dual options for display. Ex. "an oilskin silver-studded harness with a magisterial black witchwood scepter surmounted by a gilded globe in the coils of an obsidian serpent poking high overhead")

a miniature funerary pine box
(shoulder and back worn. Converts into a silver holding table. Ex. "a small coffin-shaped table suitable for all manner of bones")

a black silver-trimmed codpiece
(pinworn, pocketed and holds a couple of very small items. Scripted. Ex. "Blackadder glances around and discreetly adjusts a black silver-trimmed codpiece, snagging his finger on a loose bit of silver edging. He jerks his hand away from the codpiece, muttering under his breath.")

some black linen casting gloves with silvery sigils
(scripted spell casting gloves. Varies by profession and attunement. Ex. "Blackadder softly murmurs an incantation and slowly waves his gloved hand in an arc through the air. A trail of roiling dark energy streams out from the sigil on the back of the glove, leaving an inky black tail like a comet behind it.")

a triple-ring black leather sword-frog
(beltworn weapon displayer. Ex. "a triple-ring black leather sword-frog with a scale-incised ebony vultite whip-blade hanging from it")

a slender dead black adder
(scripted shoulder worn. Ex. "You roll your black adder over onto its back. This only makes it look even more dead, so you quickly right it again.")

a dusty grey dog-eared manual
(scripted book. Can also be tossed at people. Ex. "Blackadder glances at you for a moment before tossing his dog-eared manual at you! You aren't quick enough to evade the dog-eared manual, and wince as it strikes the side of your head.")
an ostentatious black velvet cloak "The cloak appears to have once been a fine garment at some point, and even now some of its garish and gaudy appearance still shines through -- the silver edging is alight with a variety of multi-colored sparkles. The high collar flares out sharply, rising to encompass the wearer's neck in a veritable shroud of tackiness -- the worn-out sparkling spiral designs have long since lost their original luster. Bits of fabric are sewn into the cloak where small tears have formed, imparting a patchworked look."
(LA, spooky scripted cloak. Ex. "Blackadder catches the edge of his black velvet cloak with one arm and sweeps it out in front of him until all that is left revealed are his eyes. The cloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.")

a pair of pale white ivory fangs with blood-red tips
(scripted. Ex. "Blackadder casually runs the tip of his tongue over the point of one of his white ivory fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time.")

some six-rayed star diopside prayerbeads adorned with grey leather dividers resembling puckered tentacles
(neck worn scripted. Ex. "You grasp a single bead between your forefinger and thumb, focusing your entire mind and spirit on the words of a prayer to your deity.")

a blackened shard of ki'lin horn
(rare material)

a Mandis Crystal shard
(can be forged into a weapon to make a bane weapon - which just shrieks or something these days)

a small qahzumar tentacle
(rare words)

a razor sharp skull-pommelled claidhmore
(scripted skull weapon)

Lesser: Minimum bid $30.

a black leather high-collared tunic fastened at the throat with silver clasps in the shape of coiled adders
(+25 soft leather armor covering torso and arms)

Greater: Minimum bid $100 each.

a magisterial black witchwood scepter surmounted by a gilded globe in the coils of an obsidian serpent
(+22 runestaff, +3 Mana Recovery, +5 Necomancy ranks, innumerable charges, scripted)

a horned viper wand/a small coiled horned viper
(Old wand or wearable snake. scripted. eats something (I forget what) to charge. Casts several things (I forget what) Ex. "Blackadder's horned viper suddenly uncoils from around his neck and crawls down his arm, straightening into a wand in his hand." "Blackadder's horned viper wand suddenly crawls up his arm and curls around his neck." "Blackadder stares blankly about and you notice his eyes are slitted! A long forked tongue slips out of his mouth, tasting the air.")

You tap a small coiled horned viper that you are wearing.
1d100: 98 + Modifiers: 295 == 393

There is a dim flash around you.
You feel a strengthening of your blood flow.
You wave your horned viper wand at a lesser orc.
1d100: 52 + Modifiers: 179 == 231

You stare at a lesser orc.
CS: +166 - TD: +18 + CvA: +19 + d100: +6 == +173
Warding failed!
The lesser orc looks at you in utter terror!
The lesser orc drops its short sword.
The lesser orc drops its wooden shield.
The lesser orc is frightened into utter immobility! It collapses to the ground.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Epic: Minimum bid $300

a hollow soulstone wand "The wand is crafted out of hollowed soulstone filled with a viscous black substance. Upon closer examination, you notice that the viscous black substance appears to be some form of unnatural blood. The blood roils back and forth within its confines, as if it is whimsically taunting the pure white soulstone that contains it."
(THE animate dead wand. http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_Soulstone_Wand)

10-26-2012, 05:12 PM
a hollow soulstone wand

Yeah, no surprise there. Taaki, min bid, unless someone has already beat me out.

That Jay
10-26-2012, 09:11 PM
Yeah, no surprise there. Taaki, min bid, unless someone has already beat me out.

I was not going to start bidding for that item until you had a chance to get a bid in.

Please email me your bid as well for my records.

Good luck!

That Jay
10-27-2012, 01:23 AM
Current Bids! (This post will be edited daily to reflect current bidding.)


a hollow soulstone wand - Taakahooshi $300
a black silver-trimmed codpiece - Farmer $10

Email UninvitedX@aol.com for inquiries or new bids!