View Full Version : Difficulty hunting

07-20-2004, 03:57 AM
I'm new to this forum and I was just looking for some info. I recently got back into this game and started a new sorcerer. I had my other character help level him up to 12 but if I let him hunt by himself, he's totally..helpless. Mana disrupt can't be used 24/7 anymore. What spells should I be using? It seems like I can hardly hit creatures my level. What kinda creatures would be preferable to hunt? Here are my stats:

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 50 10
Arcane Symbols.....................| 82 18
Magic Item Use.....................| 82 18
Spell Aiming.......................| 82 18
Harness Power......................| 90 20
Elemental Mana Control.............| 82 18
Spirit Mana Control................| 82 18
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology........| 35 7
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy........| 35 7
Perception.........................| 50 10
Climbing...........................| 20 4

Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 8

Spell Lists
Minor Spirit.......................| 5

Spell Lists
Sorcerer...........................| 15
Training Points: 27 Phy 0 Mnt (306 Phy converted to Mnt)
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

You started this migration period on Wednesday, 7/14/2004 at 15:09:01 CDT. You have 24 days 12 hours 17 min remaining in your current 30 day migration period.
You're currently migrating at a rate of .010 skill points per pulse, and have converted 20.0 training points this migration period.

Further information can be found in the FAQs.

Spell Ranks:
Minor Spiritual :5
Minor Elemental :8
Sorcerer Base :15

Stats: Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 62 (6) ... 62 (6)
Constitution (CON): 63 (1) ... 63 (1)
Dexterity (DEX): 56 (13) ... 56 (13)
Agility (AGL): 74 (17) ... 74 (17)
Discipline (DIS): 74 (2) ... 74 (2)
Aura (AUR): 91 (30) ... 91 (30)
Logic (LOG): 66 (8) ... 66 (8)
Intuition (INT): 64 (12) ... 64 (12)
Wisdom (WIS): 89 (24) ... 89 (24)
Influence (INF): 64 (2) ... 64 (2)

Thanks, any help would be appreciated.

07-20-2004, 09:14 AM
Looks like your playing a Rune Staff user. Are you familiar with how DS is generated for using them?

You should aim to train in 12 magic skill ranks per level. Going above that will raise your DS slightly, but it may infringe on you getting other needed physical skills.
Most will at a minimum 2x MIU and ARC SYM, 2x Spells, 1-2x Harness power, 1-1.5x Sorcerer Lores, 1-2x Spirit/Elem Mana Control, 2x Spell Aiming. Heavy training in these areas will ensure a Viable DS.

Looks like you also have also tripled in Spell training several times. I suggest holding off or cutting back on tripling too much to secure yourself enough magical ranks for a proper DS. Be sure to stay like level in the Sorcerer circle to get the maximum defensive benefit from Cloak of Shadows and have a healthy CS.

Only 2 ranks of Armor training is needed for fulls, I believe 6-8 for doubles. Maneuver penalties have been changed/removed. Armor may still have intrinsic penalties, but it cannot be trained off. Only hindrance and RT penalties.

Stats look fine to me.

As far as hunting, around your age I was blasting Silverback Orcs in Icemule. As long as you stance dance from guarded to offensive with Mana Disrupt, you should be able to handle them quite well. Remember to use the CHANNEL verb with casting Mana Disrupt, or you wont be doing the max amount of damage possible with the spell.

Prep 702
Chan Orc

Incant uses the prep verb, so dont use that with MD unless you want the weaker form.


[Edited on 7-20-2004 by Fallen]

07-20-2004, 10:44 AM
If your going to be a tripling rune staff user you want to keep your Sorcerer spell circle equal to your level. If you want to add more spells let the tp's go towards the spiritual and elemental spheres. You need at least 11 magical ranks to have an effective DS.

My sorc is a tripler in spells and uses a rune staff very efficiently. Send me a u2u if you want training/stat info.

07-20-2004, 10:50 AM
Go for fire guardians. They're easy as hell, and 15 or 16.

07-20-2004, 04:00 PM
I'm in the Landing hunting dark orcs, which are the same level as silverbacks and their TD seems high to me. It ranges from 36-42 while my CS is at 82. Right now I maelstrom them and TRY to finish them off with MD, even though that misses most of the time. Too mana expensive. To get from clear to fried, I have to wrack and sacrifice. Just wondering if that's..normal? I'll try the silverbacks soon. What is the TD for fire guardians?

Thanks again.

07-20-2004, 04:16 PM
have you tried hunting the wraiths in the cemetary, seemed to remember having pretty decent luck with those with my Sorcerer at around 12-15 trains

07-20-2004, 04:20 PM
Ok, Adredrin's hunting tips. Also known as Sorcerer 101.

Welcome to class. Lets get started!

Rule number 1. Never, EVER downplay the usefulness of 701. I find myself beating this into a lot of young sorcerers heads. 701 of the past was fairly unuseful (unless you hunted mants and thraks.) But the new 701 is VERY powerful, and very useful.

How to use it right. Its easy really. You 701 the creature to death. You must remember, with the new vrs, its no longer 2 shots, and wait till it bleeds out. 701 now cases X per bleeder, and forces X ammount out!

Example. Adredrin is almost 70 trainings. His 701, on average, gives a 20 per bleeder per cast. I use it in the skull temple, when I'm running low on mana. It plays out something like this.

First cast : Causes 20 per bleeder.

Second cast : Expands bleeder to 40 per, and drains 40 HP from the critter.

Third Cast : Expands bleeder to 60 per, and drains 60 HP from the critter.

4th Cast : Expands bleeder to 80 per, and drains 80 HP from the critter.

After just 4 casts (4 mana), I've done 180 blood damage. It normally takes 5 to 6 casts for me to kill the critters I use 701 on, but thats mainly because they are squares, and have a ton of HP.

On a silverback, it should take you..maybe 4-6 casts to kill them. It should be a cake walk.

Also, invest in Orbs, at lower levels, they give more of a CS bonus.

Ok, another spell a lot of sorcerers Downplay is MD. I've preached on this one till I'm blue in the face, so I'm not going to go through it yet again. If you want more detail, u2u me, or find me in game. MD IS a great spell. Use it.

710, at your age, is not all that great of a hunting tool. You don't have enough trainings to make a full use of it. I'd stick to the lower spells.

Another tip, by all gods, DON'T be afraid to underhunt! So your level 12, that don't mean you MUST hunt level 12-15 critters! Check out Spectors in Icemule. They are 9, drop fairly good treasure, and if you can get a small group with you (maybe, 1 or 2 other people), they swarm like mad. Same with Thurfels in icemule, the place swarms like crazy!

Sure, the level 12 critters net you more exp per kill. But if it takes you half your mana, and 5 min to kill one, whats the point?

70 exp every 40-50 seconds for 4-6 mana, vrs 100 exp every 2-3 min for 12-16 mana? Its fairly easy to figure out which is better :)

07-20-2004, 04:43 PM
hell, my sorc still uses MD and doesn't chant it, he still incants it in guarded stance, but since he has alot of mana, and hunts non corpreal undead at the moment, its 705 for a big bit of damage, then finish off with 702, if i was to be hunting the living Adredrin has the system i'd use alot, blood burst, i have found that it does do useful damage now, and on top of that, if you have a skinner in the group it doesn't harm the pelts (if that is even still considered in pelt prices), but hell, level 10-15 critters don't have much more than 100 blood i don't wager, just a few shots of 701 and you could watch it bleed out. The orbs are really nice too, hell i still use em when i find em even though i only get 10 bonus, but at 12 you would get 18 bonus to your CS which at any level is really nice.

07-20-2004, 11:21 PM
The silverbacks are 14, and their CS is 42..too high for me to just MD. So I took Adredrin's advice and now I'm hunting spectres. I fry really easiliy there but for some reason, I feel dirty underhunting, heh heh.

Thanks for all the input fellow sorcerers.

07-20-2004, 11:23 PM
I remember hunting warcats at 14 with Artha in GSIII, bloodbursting them till they died. Your mileage may vary.

07-28-2004, 04:22 AM
Holy shit silverback orcs are rich! I found a midnight black imflass stiletto edged with a razor-sharp diamond on one of em..although I think it previously belonged to someone else. I'm trying to look for the owner, heh. Really, I am serious.

I don't want to start another thread so..is going through the crap-aches of the illusion skill worth it? Seriously, why is it such a bitch to do?