View Full Version : Paladin discussion

07-20-2004, 09:14 AM
Taken from Simutronics official website.



Elanthian paladins will be a much more broad class than the classical definition of a lawful good shining beacon in the darkness. Because each Paladin will will be able to have a different patron Arkati, and each Arkati's philosophy is different it makes sense that a Paladin for their cause would be different as well. Along with philosophical differences, many Arkati will have a selection of especially hated foes and allies - some Paladin spells will be more effective versus hated foes while working less well versus an allied type. For example, a Paladin of Arachne really shouldn't be hunting in the Spider Temple, and Arachne is unlikely to offer much power to the Paladin's spells there.

Skill Costs

Pretty self-explanatory. As we have stated, we expect Paladins to be the most physical of the current semi professions, and that is reflected in their costs.

For skills costs, click the link.


First off, please be aware and remember that any numbers presented here are not set in stone, and while we do like the spell concepts, any of them could end up changing to something completely different. One other note - all the Paladin's group spells will operate similarly to the cleric group type spells, where if you leave the group that the caster is in, you will soon lose spell's benefits.

1) Mantle of Faith
Adds a base bonus of +5 DS and TD and is castable on others. When the Paladin casts the spell on herself, the bonuses can be boosted to +15, based on either spell ranks or Spirit Lore: Blessing

2) Pious Trial
CS based spell that increases the RT of the target by 2 seconds with a duration of 90 seconds. The slow effect can be increased to 4 seconds with a longer duration based on lore ranks.

3) Faith's Clarity
This spell reduces the armor hinderance for the target (it is castable on others) for 30 seconds or the next spell they cast, whichever is first. The reduction will be applied to the base hinderance for the armor the caster is wearing, and hinderance will be applied from there.

4) Purify
This spell will offer a one swing bless for basically any weapon, including those that already have weighting, flares, or are too highly enchanted. It will likely also be used as a precursor to the Sanctify spell.

5) Patron's Blessing
Adds to the target's Combat Maneuver skill, though it does not apply to AS. Will boost their success with the various CMAN attacks.

6) Dauntless
Self cast, +10 to AS along with resistance to fear attacks.

7) Rejuvenation
The Paladin is able to restore health (and possibly stamina) by expending mana. Mana cost per health restored will be relatively high, but enough that in the right situation it will be beneficial.

8) Guiding Light
When this spell is cast on a sanctified weapon that does not already have flares or weighting, it will add plasma flares to the weapon for a number of swings. Will work on magic metals if the paladin meets the right training conditions.

9) Divine Shield
Group effect spell increases the chance to outright block an incoming attack. It will not directly increase DS.

10) Higher Vision
Self cast spell that boosts the Paladin's DS and TD by +10 initially, with the potential to achieve higher benefits based on the Paladin's training.

11) Arm of the Arkati
Group spell that adds to the HP damage done by melee attacks similar to the way that damage weighting works. The amount of additional damage done will be affected by the target's Ally/Foe status to the Paladin's patron.

12) TBD

13) Divine Vengance
If the Paladin is killed while this spell is active, their Patron will exact revenge (possibly some Patrons will choose to do something else). If the killer is a creature, then it is possible that more than just that creature will be hit; if the killer is a player, then they will be the only one affected.

14) Aura of the Arkati
The sheer presence of the Paladin is so powerful that they may cause their foes in the room to become awed. Causes foes that fail a warding to suffer a DS reduction and a slight slow effect. If the warding failure is large, there may be stronger effects incurred.

15) Divine Strike
CS based attack spell that will be affected by the target's hated/allied foe status.

16) Vigor
Provides a direct boost to the Paladin's Constitution stat, which will in turn provide a boost to all the systems that affects.

17) Zealot
Transfer of the current Zealot spell, with a change to the penalty; the DS reduction will be equal to the AS improvement provided by the spell. Those under its effect will be forced to remain in offensive stance.

18) Guard the Meek
Boosts the DS for all group members by +15, with the potential to have that boost go higher based on the paladin's training.

19) Faithshield
Adds a large amount to spirit TD for a short period. Castable on anyone. The initial numbers we're looking at is to start at +50TD for 30 seconds, with the potential to boost both of those a fair amount.

20) Aid the Fallen
The Paladin calls upon his/her deity to aid the fallen by transporting them to a safehaven so they may be taken care of by others. The Paladin will stay in the field to continue their fight. There will be default locations for each town/area, along with the spell being able to be anchored by the Paladin.

25) Sanctify
Allows the creation of a weapon that is specially attuned to the Patron of the Paladin, and that will grow stronger as it is wielded by the Paladin in battle.

30) Thunderhammer of Koar/Lightning Strike of Eorgina/etc
Mass attack spell where the Paladin calls on their Patron to smite their foes. Group friendly, but not player friendly.

35) Divine Intervention
Removes one negative effect from the Paladin. Spell will likely be activated by a special verb (e.g. BESEECH) and will be usable while the Paladin is in various states of incapacitation, such as webbed, bound, stunned, etc.

40) Divine Word
Calling on the aid of their Patron, the Paladin reunites a fallen adventurer with their life force. Will have limits on the number of times it may be cast per day. The spell will not require that the Paladin cast another spell to establish a link to the deader, and will provide experience for the Paladin.

Other Stuff

Lore Training:
Many of the Paladin spells will be able to be boosted through lore training. However, we do not expect Paladins in general to get much (if any) lore training. The lore interactions are simply there for Paladins who wish to be more magical than the norm and feel the benefits provided are worth the additional cost.

Combat Maneuvers:
Paladins will have access to a relatively large number of combat maneuvers, compared to the other semi professions.

Conversion Plans:
The current plan is to allow any warrior or cleric who so desires to convert. Right now, we are looking at not allowing those conversions for 2-3 months after Paladins are initially released, to allow for growth from the ground up and to allow us to ensure that bugs in the spell list are worked out a bit at a time.

07-20-2004, 03:14 PM
Do the spells seem kinda lame? or is it just me?

07-20-2004, 03:19 PM
seeming kinda lame to me as well, and im really lookin forward to rollin up a brand new paladin once they get released, was going to change over my cleric, but i just can't do it, i like him too much the way he is.

07-20-2004, 03:20 PM
Lore Training:
Many of the Paladin spells will be able to be boosted through lore training. However, we do not expect Paladins in general to get much (if any) lore training. The lore interactions are simply there for Paladins who wish to be more magical than the norm and feel the benefits provided are worth the additional cost.

Combat Maneuvers:
Paladins will have access to a relatively large number of combat maneuvers, compared to the other semi professions.


Yeah, just like lores are fucking optional for bards.

Elemental Lore - Air...............| 175 75
Mental Lore - Manipulation.........| 54 11
Mental Lore - Telepathy............| 163 63

07-20-2004, 03:26 PM
ok, im looking through it again, reading a little more carefully, these spells do have a few good points, you got AS and DS boosting spells, hell even a CM boosting spell, a health and spirit regen spell (hmm might be good for those you know who'ers), that one that acts on your killer sounds nice, a spell that will actually give you a chance to block an attack at anyone in the party, a couple of group protection spells, a raise dead spell, and the one that transports someones body to a safe area sounds cool as hell to me, oh and the one that gives everyone in the group damage weighting on their attacks sounds pretty neat too, i really think the paladin will be a great person to be in the group, hmm couple it with the Cleric and you got alot of helpful spells for the group, sounds like alot of fun to be had with the new Paladins in the future.

but i still ain't converting my cleric.

07-20-2004, 03:30 PM
Spells seem pretty cool to me, though the names are semi-lame.

07-20-2004, 04:35 PM
will paladins get the major spirit circle as well? if so they could be a pretty damn good power house, not to mention the pretty damn good things they can do for a group

07-20-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by MPSorc
will paladins get the major spirit circle as well? if so they could be a pretty damn good power house, not to mention the pretty damn good things they can do for a group

No. Minor only.

07-20-2004, 04:45 PM
They seem pretty overpowered. A heal spell, a raise dead spell, able to wear heavy armor, more combat maneuvers, add plasma flares (wtf??), etc.

And they can still kick major ass with a weapon.

07-20-2004, 04:45 PM
that decision SUCKS, further backing my non switching of my cleric decision, welp guess im going to have another younin to look forward to playin, good thing i have a nice 2x sancted weapon

07-20-2004, 04:53 PM
that decision SUCKS, further backing my non switching of my cleric decision, welp guess im going to have another younin to look forward to playin, good thing i have a nice 2x sancted weapon

Paladin + bind + heroism + bravery = WAY THE FUCK OVERPOWERED.

07-20-2004, 05:04 PM
<Paladin + bind + heroism + bravery = WAY THE FUCK OVERPOWERED.>

I'm confused. Or maybe, you're confused. One or the other. Paladins will not have access to the closed spirit list. Meaning no bind, no heroism, and no bravery.

07-20-2004, 05:08 PM
I even quoted what I was referring to. The decision to not give paladins access to the 200s makes lots of sense. Not to mention that if they had it, they'd be the most physical AND most magical semis.

07-20-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by MPSorc
a health and spirit regen spell (hmm might be good for those you know who'ers)

I don't see any spirit regen spell.

07-20-2004, 05:34 PM
Ah, ok. We have had over powered semi's for quite awhile now. They are called bards.

07-20-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Jonty

Originally posted by MPSorc
a health and spirit regen spell (hmm might be good for those you know who'ers)

I don't see any spirit regen spell.

hey you know what, i read it all again, neither do i, misread stamina for spirit, gimme a break? please? i wrote that at about 2-3 am, and its now almost 7 am and i still got 2 more hours to go before i get off work

07-20-2004, 06:04 PM
The spell I find most useful is the 35th level spell. Takes one effect off the paladin, can be used while stunned/bound/webbed etc. 35 mana is hefty for it, but it could save your life on more than one occasion.

07-20-2004, 06:05 PM
Coolest spell is divine vengeance, by far.

07-20-2004, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by Artha

that decision SUCKS, further backing my non switching of my cleric decision, welp guess im going to have another younin to look forward to playin, good thing i have a nice 2x sancted weapon

Paladin + bind + heroism + bravery = WAY THE FUCK OVERPOWERED.

I agree...though they are getting Zealot. Rather useless now that the DS penalty is going to be the same as AS boost, and forcing into offensive. Still fun though in a group.

07-21-2004, 10:12 AM
It'd be cool to see an older paladin hunting undead with a claidhmore using purify. I know from experiance how deadly a claidhmore can be on the some undead, I imagine this would be a viable way to hunt after about 30 trains or so, (I realize it'd be horribly tedious to cast it after every swing but that's what scripts are for) since paladins seem like they may be training in a lot of CM (maybe even 2x?) I imagine open ambushing will be a good possibility.

prep purify
cast my claid
ambush pooka head


07-21-2004, 01:35 PM
Do warrior's who convert to paladin loose all guild work? :/ Or do they get access to the guild?

07-21-2004, 01:37 PM
Do warrior's who convert to paladin loose all guild work?


Or do they get access to the guild?

I seriously doubt it.

07-21-2004, 01:38 PM
Man, that makes it hard to choose conversion. To loose all those hard won ranks. Ouch :(

07-21-2004, 01:59 PM
Do you think SIMU is/will consider somehow compensating for the loss of guild skills since time and effort go into earning those that would have gone to hunting?

07-21-2004, 02:22 PM
You got exp, and you got use of the guild skills while you were a warrior, so I doubt it. Besides, it was your choice to do the guild skills, and if you did them recently, you did it knowing paladins were coming out and you'd probably be able to be one.

edit: As a side note, we need quick reply here plz.

[Edited on 7-21-2004 by Artha]

07-21-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
Do you think SIMU is/will consider somehow compensating for the loss of guild skills since time and effort go into earning those that would have gone to hunting?

Their answer to this when they first announced possible conversion was no.

07-21-2004, 06:07 PM