View Full Version : THE Edine.

08-18-2003, 04:04 PM
So the other night he beat the crap out of someone in th e Niche for telling him to shut up.

Check this out.

Edited to remove noise and shit that isn’t important.

[Town Square, Garden Niche]
This small niche between two buildings has been neatly landscaped into a tiny garden, its careful mosaic of flagstones interspersed with patches of trimmed grass. A low stone bench rests along one vine-covered wall, and a patch of colorful violets surrounds a painted wooden barrel in one corner. You also see a white flask.
Obvious paths: east
You feel less drained.
Edine just arrived.
>You put a length of thick rope in your white satin jacket.
You remove an onyx and ruby-inset manacle from in your floor-length cloak.
>put mana in jacket
You put an onyx and ruby-inset manacle in your white satin jacket.
Edine just went east.
Edine's group just arrived.
Edine raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Edine gestures.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle Edine and those nearby.
Emberbrite peers quizzically at Edine.
Edine traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Edine gestures.
A dim aura surrounds Edine.
Edine gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Edine gestures.
Edine suddenly looks a lot more powerful.
Edine is surrounded by a white light.
Edine gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Edine gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Edine.
>l in cloa
In the floor-length cloak you see a Wehnimer's promissory note, a veniom-inlaid rolaren tower shield, a cudgel, a black crystal, a crystal amulet, a rose-painted white silk scarf and a jade and blue tourmaline clasp.
Emberbrite sniffs.
Edine gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
get scarf
>Edine gestures.
Edine suddenly looks more powerful.
Edine darkly says, "So i hear your talking about me behind my back"
You remove a rose-painted white silk scarf adorned with a complex design of ruddy crimson thistles from in your floor-length cloak.
Edine smiles at you.
>put scarf in jacket
You put a rose-painted white silk scarf adorned with a complex design of ruddy crimson thistles in your white satin jacket.
Edine gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Edine gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Edine.
Edine darkly says, "Im glad i made such a good impression on you"
Edine gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Edine gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Edine.
>'Haven't said anything I wouldn't say to your face.
You say, "Haven't said anything I wouldn't say to your face."
>l in jacket
In the white satin jacket you see a rose-painted white silk scarf, an onyx and ruby-inset manacle, a length of thick rope, some polished red coral, a thin thistle-etched brush, a thin thorn-etched brush, some polished pink coral, a crystal amulet, a flat hammered copper band, a swirl-inked squat clay jar, a polished pure copper band, an enruned ebonwood mirror and a carved tanik Mularos figurine.
>l in cloa
Edine raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
In the floor-length cloak you see a Wehnimer's promissory note, a veniom-inlaid rolaren tower shield, a cudgel, a black crystal, a crystal amulet and a jade and blue tourmaline clasp.
Edine gestures.
A warm golden aura coalesces around Edine.
Edine traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Edine gestures.
A brilliant aura surrounds Edine.
>close jacket
Like a faint wisp of a barely-remembered dream, your brief, enhanced comprehension of arcane mysteries slips away.
Ok, it shut.
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
Edine traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Edine gestures.
An opalescent aura surrounds Edine.
You feel less drained.
Edine raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Edine gestures.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass Edine and those nearby.
Your SIGN OF DEFENDING is no longer effective.
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
Edine darkly says, "oh i Know but it is flattering that you talk about me in the first place... granted it should be expected I am The Edine afterall"
You say, "Right."
You are wearing a thin gold ring, a delicate silver collar, a twisted bronze chain, a flowing floor-length silk cloak clasped at the throat with a ruby pierced-heart, a thorn-covered crimson Mularos symbol, a fitted white satin jacket lined with deep crimson silk, a rose-clasped snow white herb satchel, a hammered bronze harp case, a deep crimson thorn-entwined corselet, some dark bronze talon gauntlets, an ora-laced vruul skin gem pouch, a silver-bound vruul skin dagger sheath, a striking dark crimson silk skirt, a burnished bronze anklet, some side-laced white leather sandals, a faint scar shaped like a triad of intertwined thorns and a tattooed symbol of Mularos.
>"Then your problem is what, exactly.
You say, "Then your problem is what, exactly."
>rem ring
You slide a thin gold ring off your finger.
>put ring on chain
You unfasten a twisted bronze chain briefly to slide a thin gold ring onto it.
>l chain
Hanging from your bronze chain you see a thin gold ring, and a thin gold ring.
Emberbrite says, "he doesn't want you to stop"
Emberbrite winks at you.
You do not feel drained anymore.
>'Ah. Right.
You say, "Ah. Right."
Emberbrite says, "and he is here to ensure that you don't"
Emberbrite grins wryly.
>"Good luck trying.
You say, "Good luck trying."
>get shield
You remove a veniom-inlaid rolaren tower shield from in your floor-length cloak.
>fold bored
You fold your arms over your chest, your eyes glazing over with boredom.
Great Lord Kneo just arrived.
Great Lord Kneo just went east.
Emberbrite glances at Edine.
Emberbrite says, "she has thart bored look"
Emberbrite nods to Edine.
Edine nods to you.
Jakarta just arrived.
Emberbrite worriedly says, "that means she won't say much"
Edine darkly says, "She is amused keeps checking me out when she dosent think im paying attention"
Emberbrite frets.
You say, "Right."
Edine struts about arrogantly.
>'I'd be more attracted to a dead, bloated halfling.
You say, "I'd be more attracted to a dead, bloated halfling."
Emberbrite worriedly says, "dat ain't saying much"
Emberbrite grins at you.
Emberbrite worriedly says, "seems I recall you are a Sodrotordos throw 'way"
Edine darkly says, "your words do not represent your true feelings"
Edine winces.
You feel at full magical power again.
>'I threw him away.
You say, "I threw him away."
>'But believe what you want.
Edine darkly says, "Right"
You say, "But believe what you want."
Edine chuckles.
Reynall just arrived.
Reynall stands up.
Lady Reynall just went east.
Great Lord Kneo just arrived.
Edine darkly says, "The common words from one who is not telling the truth"
>"Uh huh.
You say, "Uh huh."
Kneo checks his equipment, adjusting and rearranging his gear.
>"Well, I don't see as it's any of your business anyway.
You say, "Well, I don't see as it's any of your business anyway."
Orome just arrived.
Emberbrite appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Orome just went east.
Kneo nods to Emberbrite.
Oddeye just arrived.
>'I think you both should just turn your heads, so your prominent noses stick in someone else's business. Someone who doesn't care.
You say, "I think you both should just turn your heads, so your prominent noses stick in someone else's business. Someone who doesn't care."
Lady Reynall just arrived.
Reynall sits down.
Emberbrite smiles at Kneo.
Kneo grins slowly.
>l kneo
You see Great Lord Kneo Vamyr the Hero of Zul Logoth.
He appears to be a Human from Bourth.
He appears to be young and robust and average height. He has silver-flecked grey-green eyes and fair skin. He has short, unruly dark brown hair. He has a lightly stubbled face and a small goatee.
He has a tattooed symbol of Voln on his forearm.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a white-chased cloudy black crystal, a symbol of Voln suspended on an ora and mithril chain, a mithril mesh gem pouch, a gold ring, some heavily armored mithril gauntlets, a white shield crested black surcoat, an invar-studded wineskin with strands of mithril hanging from it, an etched invar-plated polearm harness, some bejeweled mithril-plated boots, a shimmering glaesine orb, an aged leather haversack studded with broken fragments of invar, a small mithril key suspended from a thin silver chain, an engraved mithril ring, a billowing deep green cape, an ancient pikeman's barbute, and some blackened imflass chain hauberk.
Edine darkly says, "This comeing from one who talks about me when im not around"
Edine shakes his head at you and clucks his tongue.
You laugh out loud!
Emberbrite squints at Kneo.
>"I always thought you were a blubbering idiot, and I still do.
You say, "I always thought you were a blubbering idiot, and I still do."
Edine darkly asks, "Now now i think your the one who is putting her nose where it does not belong no?"
Suddenly Crammer appears in the room holding onto a ring he has just placed on his finger.
>"Hey, you're the one that walked in here the other night and started beating up on Leritus.
You say, "Hey, you're the one that walked in here the other night and started beating up on Leritus."
Crammer stands up.
Crammer just went east.
Emberbrite grins at Kneo.
>"I was standing right here, so how is it not my business when you make a complete ass of yourself?
You ask, "I was standing right here, so how is it not my business when you make a complete ass of yourself?"
Edine darkly says, "Leritus brought it upon himself"
>'By defending himself when you called him names.
Emberbrite glances at you.
You say, "By defending himself when you called him names."
You say, "Right."
>Edine darkly says, "He was asked not to sling insults and decided to "
Emberbrite glances at Edine.
Emberbrite amusedly asks, "she is your mother?"
>"You slung insults first.
prep 210
Emberbrite peers quizzically at Edine.
You say, "You slung insults first."
>You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Silence spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast ember
You gesture at Emberbrite.
CS: +292 - TD: +249 + CvA: +2 + d100: +63 - -5 == +113
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Emberbrite.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
Edine darkly says, "she seems to think she is"
You say, "Next."
Edine raises his hand.
Edine darkly says, "me"
>prep 216
You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Frenzy spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast edine
You gesture at Edine.
CS: +292 - TD: +309 + CvA: +12 + d100: +35 - +5 == +25
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You feel at full magical power again.
You smirk.
Edine snaps his fingers.
[Town Square, Garden Niche]
This small niche between two buildings has been neatly landscaped into a tiny garden, its careful mosaic of flagstones interspersed with patches of trimmed grass. A low stone bench rests along one vine-covered wall, and a patch of colorful violets surrounds a painted wooden barrel in one corner. You also see a white flask.
Also here: Lady Reynall who is sitting, Oddeye, Great Lord Kneo, Jakarta, Edine
Obvious paths: east
Edine chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Edine gestures at you.
CS: +313 - TD: +337 + CvA: +8 + d100: +98 - -5 == +87
Warded off!
stance defensive
>You are now in a defensive stance.
>gaze my hand
You examine your fingernails.
Edine darkly asks, "its hard isnt it?"
Edine peers quizzically at you.
>'Not really.
You say, "Not really."
>prep 213
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Minor Sanctuary spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>"I think you both need to leave.
You say, "I think you both need to leave."
Edine darkly says, "aww "
Kneo points at himself.
Kneo asks, "me?"
(Edine glances down at Maimara's knees as they tremble)
>"I meant his slave wench.
You say, "I meant his slave wench."
Edine chuckles.
>chuckle edine
You chuckle at Edine.
>slap edine
You haul off and slap Edine up'side the head!
Edine darkly exclaims, "i think shes gonna piss herself next!"
>'If you say so.
You say, "If you say so."
Emberbrite comes out of hiding.
Oddeye just went east.
You feel at full magical power again.
Emberbrite stares off into space.
Kneo chuckles.
Edine tickles Emberbrite into laughing.
>'You can leave now.
Emberbrite breaks out in a silly grin.
You say, "You can leave now."
Edine stretches.
Edine sits down.
Oddeye just arrived.
Edine leans against a painted wooden barrel.
Emberbrite amusedly says, "yes mommy"
Oddeye draws his vultite short-sword. It makes a strange sound as it slides from his cloak, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
Oddeye just went east.
Emberbrite turns towards you and renders you a sharp hand salute.
Emberbrite just went east.
Edine pokes you in the ribs.
Valandil just arrived.
Fostous just arrived.
Valandil sits down.
Fostous sits down.
Fostous slings a slate grey shield over his shoulder.
Edine darkly asks, "so sodo tosses you to the side?"
Fostous removes a corroded silver box from in his spidersilk cloak.
You hear someone giggling.
>"He left.
You say, "He left."
Fostous put a smooth bone wand in his leather wand harness.
>"If you really want to know.
You say, "If you really want to know."
Valandil grumbles.
Valandil asks, "Who sancted the room?"
Valandil begins pouting.
Edine points at you.
>"I did.
You say, "I did."
>"You've got Edine to thank.
You say, "You've got Edine to thank."
Edine darkly says, "so you admit you did not leave him"
You hear the voice of Emberbrite knowingly say, "she drove him insane"
Emelyn just arrived.
Valandil says, "Cannae hide and nap now."
Valandil stands up.
Valandil just went east.
Edine darkly says, "I do think you just got cought in a lie"
Edine smiles at you.
Edine darkly says, "a hypocrite and a liar"
You ask, "Cought?"
Edine applauds you.
You notice Valandil try to tiptoe silently by you.
>"Lie? I dumped him, and he left.
You say, "Lie? I dumped him, and he left."
You hear the voice of Valandil say, "All better"
>'And for your information, the situatioin is over and done with, for a long time it has been.
You say, "And for your information, the situatioin is over and done with, for a long time it has been."
Emelyn whispers, "can you bless 2 aqua wands for me?"
>"You need to drop it now.
You say, "You need to drop it now."
Edine darkly says, "Please Maimara"
You hear the voice of Emberbrite say, "like you don't have an accent"
Edine darkly says, "I need to"
Someone (or something) just prodded you between the shoulder blades!
>"No, you don't.
You say, "No, you don't."
>"You both need to just leave.
You say, "You both need to just leave."
Crammer just arrived.
Fostous makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Fostous gestures.
Fostous becomes calm and focused.
Fostous begins to meticulously examine a corroded silver box.
Jakarta just went east.
Edine darkly asks, "why is it we need to leave?"
Edine peers quizzically at you.
>'Because you're harassing me?
Edine darkly says, "this confuses me "
You ask, "Because you're harassing me?"
You hear the voice of Valandil say, "Hmm, good time for me to go to sleep... heh..."
Edine darkly says, "your welcome to leave whenever you wish"
Edine points east.
Fostous begins to meticulously examine a corroded silver box.
>whisper edine This WAS RP until you brought the Sod thing up.
You quietly whisper to Edine, "This WAS RP until you brought the Sod thing up."
Edine darkly says, "I will not following you"
Kneo removes a giant Moomph dill pickle from in his mithril-plated boots.
Kneo takes a small bit of the Moomph dill pickle.
Edine darkly says, "er will not follow you"
Edine darkly says, "so go"
Fostous begins to meticulously examine a corroded silver box.
warn harassment edine
>I could not find what you were referring to.
>warn edine harassment
You inform Edine that you consider his current actions to be harassment.
Scrat just arrived.
>warn emberbrite harassment
I could not find what you were referring to.
The focused look leaves Fostous.
Edine darkly says, "Slander and harrassment are equil evils"
Kneo takes a huge bite of the Moomph dill pickle.
Scrat rubs a crystal amulet.
Kneo smacks his lips.
Edine whispers, "that is a battle command if you dont wish to interact use the warn interaction verb"
Fostous makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Scrat pulls on his crystal amulet.
Kneo leans against a painted wooden barrel.
Fostous gestures at a corroded silver box.
A corroded silver box vibrates slightly.
Edine winks at you.
Fostous makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Emelyn just went east.
Fostous gestures at a corroded silver box.
A corroded silver box vibrates slightly.
>whisper edine Ther eis also a huge difference between RP conflict and RL conflict. You need to stop.
You quietly whisper to Edine, "Ther eis also a huge difference between RP conflict and RL conflict. You need to stop."
Edine whispers, "and at that point i expect you never to interact with me "
Jakarta just arrived.
Kneo waves a giant Moomph dill pickle around.
Kneo raises his Moomph dill pickle to he nose and inhales. Blinking rapidly, he jerks the pickle away.
>whisper edine Stop harassing me.
Edine whispers, "i have no idea what went on with you"
You quietly whisper to Edine, "Stop harassing me."
Edine waves a hand at you, dismissing you indifferently.
Edine darkly says, "Leave"
Edine darkly says, "go "
Edine darkly says, "move"
Jakarta just left.
Edine darkly says, "im sitting right here and going to stay right here"
Edine smiles at you.
>report Could someone watch what's going on in the Niche please. This guy refuses to stop harassing me.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone III staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

Edine points east.
Steyre just arrived.
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Crammer.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A bright luminescence surrounds Crammer.
Edine darkly says, "Your staying here continues this "
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Edine chuckles.
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Crammer.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A bright luminescence surrounds Crammer.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Crammer.
Edine darkly says, "Your insulting me continues this "
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
>prep 103
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Defense spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
You suddenly feel more powerful.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Edine darkly says, "So you have no place to tell me to leave or go anywhere"
Steyre gestures at Crammer.

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
prep 202
Edine smiles at you.
[Script]>You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Spirit Shield spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A dim aura surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
prep 207

SEND[Hunterleigh] Which guy?

You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Purify Air spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You begin to breathe more deeply.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Crammer.
[Script]>prep 219
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Spell Shield spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
An opalescent aura surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A bright luminescence surrounds Crammer.
[Script]>prep 303
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Prayer of Protection spell...
Your spell is ready.
[Script]>You gesture.
A pure white aura sparkles around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Steyre makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Crammer.
[Script]>prep 307
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Benediction spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A pearlescent emanation extends outward to encompass you and those nearby.

Your spirit is bolstered by a great sense of faith and conviction.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>Steyre recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
report Edine. I've got him on warn harassment, and I'm about ot put him on warn interact, because he won't stop.
[Script]>REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone III staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

[Script]>prep 310
Kneo takes a huge bite of the Moomph dill pickle.
Steyre gestures at Crammer.
Crammer blurs before you.
[Script]>You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Warding Sphere spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A sphere of pure white light appears above you.
A wispy tendril of pure magic reaches out to encircle you and those nearby.

You feel more secure basking in the glow of divine protection.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script]>warn interact edine
I could not find what you were referring to.
[Script]>prep 313
You raise your hand while murmuring a soft orison, focusing on the Prayer spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A warm golden aura coalesces around you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[Script finished!]
Edine laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
>warn edine interact
One warning should be sufficient. If your problems persist, you should consider placing an ASSIST to explain the situation to a GameHost.

SEND[Hunterleigh] Ok, I'm watching.

>report Well I guess I can't warn him, because I've already warned him anyway.
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone III staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

>prep 150
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Wall of Force spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A wall of force surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Edine yawns.
Edine stretches.
>prep 150
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Wall of Force spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
A wall of force surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
>get cry
You remove a black crystal from in your floor-length cloak.
>rub cry
You rub a black crystal.
Feels smooth!
A small circular container suddenly appears and floats rather serenely over to you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Ok, it opened.
put cry in jacket
>You put a black crystal in your white satin jacket.
>close jacket
Ok, it shut.
You are holding a veniom-inlaid rolaren tower shield in your left hand.
You are wearing a delicate silver collar, a twisted bronze chain, a flowing floor-length silk cloak clasped at the throat with a ruby pierced-heart, a thorn-covered crimson Mularos symbol, a fitted white satin jacket lined with deep crimson silk, a rose-clasped snow white herb satchel, a hammered bronze harp case, a deep crimson thorn-entwined corselet, some dark bronze talon gauntlets, an ora-laced vruul skin gem pouch, a silver-bound vruul skin dagger sheath, a striking dark crimson silk skirt, a burnished bronze anklet, some side-laced white leather sandals, a faint scar shaped like a triad of intertwined thorns and a tattooed symbol of Mularos.
(Edine miles as he takes out a small tablet and makes a mark in the win column)

At which point he knocked it off. Thank you Hunterleigh.

I warned him that I considered it harassment, I told him why, and then – he asked me to warn interact him. So I tried to, but couldn’t.

Also, this 'crap' I was supposedly talking about him.. I have no idea what he's talking about, unless it's at the gathering we hosted on Saturday he's talking about, when I told someone he's friends with I didn't really enjoy interacting with him because he drives me up a frigging wall.

[Edited on 8-18-2003 by Maimara]

08-18-2003, 04:19 PM
He's a moron. He can't spell, and he can't RP. He's also awfully into himself.

08-18-2003, 04:24 PM
If you warn someone, it's on you to leave the area. It amazes me that so many people use these commands while completely ignoring the parts of the rules that they don't like.

Remember for the next time that you feel the need to WARN, it's your responsibility to vacate the area.

08-18-2003, 04:25 PM
The problem I see is, you attacked them first. Granted, you might have thought they were harassing you, but they used VERBAL insults, and when you got tired of it, you wanted to start slinging spells. Now that's fine and all, I don't mind that. However later on you warned them and reported them. If you feel your are being harassed, then don't start slinging spells, simply report and warn (even though I think those 2 verbs are retarded.) It just seemed to me that you realized you couldn't hit them or do anything, so you reported them.....

08-18-2003, 04:28 PM
Actually it seems to me she made it clear she had no interest in discussing the topic, he was bringing OOG things into the game, and frankly she didn't want to deal with it.

And she is NOT required to leave the room if she does WARN HARRASMENT. That is only true for WARN INTERACTION. Read the policies before you repremand her.

08-18-2003, 04:34 PM
That's fine that she didn't want to discuss the topic. All she had to do was say, I don't want to listen to you anymore, and leave. Problem solved. She chose to warn/report which is fine if she didn't want to leave. However her casting at them gives them consent to kill her, so the warn isn't really valid anyway.....

08-18-2003, 04:35 PM
He came into the area she rests in and approached her about the subject. She was in no way required to leave. That's just dumb. And the WARN was valid because she stopped talking with him about it after she did so.

08-18-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
He came into the area she rests in and approached her about the subject. She was in no way required to leave. That's just dumb. And the WARN was valid because she stopped talking with him about it after she did so.

So I can kill you, or hurt you and then warn you so you can't do anything back? I don't think so.

08-18-2003, 04:38 PM
She didn't hurt him nor kill him. Try again.

08-18-2003, 04:42 PM
She attacked them, it makes no difference. You can't attack someone and realize that you can't hurt them and say "You can touch me, I warned you!" She physically attacked them, consenting to PVP, end of story, warn isn't valid.

08-18-2003, 04:44 PM
She didn't say 'you can't touch me'. That would be WARN Interaction. WARN HARRASMENT just informs him that something he is doing is causing you distress. And by the way, he asked for the silence, if you read correctly. kthx.

08-18-2003, 04:46 PM
>prep 216
You trace a sign while beseeching the spirits to empower you with the Frenzy spell...
Your spell is ready.
>cast edine
You gesture at Edine.
CS: +292 - TD: +309 + CvA: +12 + d100: +35 - +5 == +25
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

Nice silence. Please if you want to tell me to read things, at least do it yourself.

08-18-2003, 04:48 PM
Either way, he asked for it. My point still stands.

08-18-2003, 04:51 PM
You don't have a point. Attacking another player is consent for PvP, end of story. He didn't say Maimara cast frenzy at me. He said me and raised his hand. You have no point. She consented to PvP. If someone attacks me and then warns me, I'll kill them anyway, and then I'll abide by the warn.

08-18-2003, 04:51 PM
Both warn interaction and harrassment means that they have to leave each other alone and stop interacting in all ways with each other. The Edine. LOL. That was funny.

I didn't like any of this, I think everyone was wrong here. Maimara was there first and they should have left since they were the ones who showed up and started acting up with her. However if Maimara felt she was being harrassed, she should have just warned them and ignored the situation entirely.

If you were talking about someone, do you really think they don't have the right to confront you about it later? Especially about an incident that you had nothing to do with?

It just seemed like everyone was in the mood to fight that day.

08-18-2003, 04:54 PM
Suitable when someone's actions have transgressed beyond the boundaries of acceptable, normal roleplay and are disrupting your enjoyment of the game. This should not be used lightly. You will be expected to behave yourself as well as the person to whom you issued such a statement.

Does not say anyone is required to go anywhere

Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members).

Khaladon has told me that these verbs are soley for player communication. It doesn't mandate any behavior.

08-18-2003, 04:55 PM
I find it actually pathetic you warned him. I found him not only in character, but not harassing you in any way. I don't know the backround of you talking about him behind his back, but my god.. you didn't even TRY to roleplay the situation out before you started casting silence.

Truly pathetic. Just another prime example of Warn being a crutch for folks who cannot or will not roleplay out a situation.

08-18-2003, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I find it actually pathetic you warned him. I found him not only in character, but not harassing you in any way. I don't know the backround of you talking about him behind his back, but my god.. you didn't even TRY to roleplay the situation out before you started casting silence.

Truly pathetic. Just another prime example of Warn being a crutch for folks who cannot or will not roleplay out a situation.

Not only that, she attacked them first!

08-18-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Both warn interaction and harrassment means that they have to leave each other alone and stop interacting in all ways with each other. The Edine. LOL. That was funny.

I didn't like any of this, I think everyone was wrong here. Maimara was there first and they should have left since they were the ones who showed up and started acting up with her. However if Maimara felt she was being harrassed, she should have just warned them and ignored the situation entirely.

If you were talking about someone, do you really think they don't have the right to confront you about it later? Especially about an incident that you had nothing to do with?

It just seemed like everyone was in the mood to fight that day.

Oh come on... can there be absolutely NO conflict in Gemstone anymore?

I don't know Edine from Adam.. but my cleric has interacted with him and I find that he is a capable roleplayer who roleplays a darker type character. It is VERY much in that roleplay to confront someone who is speaking badly of him... is it not?

Or do we all need to become elves, go to the park and ask all the wizzies for massies, because that would be peachie.

08-18-2003, 05:03 PM
With the warn verb, Gemstone is quickly becoming a single player game. No one wants to be banned.. so everyone will simply keep to themselves, cause zero conflict and only venture 'out' to gain experience.

There should be a little counter on the WARN verb... overuse should have a penalty.

08-18-2003, 05:11 PM
The warning was called for. He brought an OOC situation in game. It was not RP, it was him being an asshole.

After attempting to roleplay with him, it was obvious the situation wasn't going to work, and since he and his woman wouldn't leave me alone... shrug. It isn't like I can't interact with t he guy. But if he's bringing up an issue that needs to be left out of game, he needs to just stop.

08-18-2003, 05:20 PM
I should also add that just because the WARN verb can be used in a very shitty manner, and lots of people do it -- everyone that uses the tool in the proper manner doesn't abuse it. I would have RP'd with him, and I tried, except he was making it difficult, since the crap he was talking about 'in character' happened out of character.

08-18-2003, 05:21 PM
So the other night he beat the crap out of someone in th e Niche for telling him to shut up.

Yeah... he RP's REAL good... can't you tell?

08-18-2003, 05:25 PM
You obviously don't know much about RPing an evil character, especially with you running around calling people "poopieheads." When you play an evil character, someone slapping you, telling you to shut up, etc is grounds to stomp them around.

08-18-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
If you were talking about someone, do you really think they don't have the right to confront you about it later? Especially about an incident that you had nothing to do with?

Oh come on... can there be absolutely NO conflict in Gemstone anymore?

I don't know Edine from Adam.. but my cleric has interacted with him and I find that he is a capable roleplayer who roleplays a darker type character. It is VERY much in that roleplay to confront someone who is speaking badly of him... is it not?

Or do we all need to become elves, go to the park and ask all the wizzies for massies, because that would be peachie. [/quote]

Where did I say not to have conflict? In that quote of mine that I left, that was me asking Maimara why she shouldn't be surprised about getting confronted. I should have been a little more clear in that I didn't like how it was handled, not that there were conflicts.

It's apparent that we don't know the entire story because when she first posted she started off saying it was this guy beating up another guy in the niche the other day and she.. I don't know.. started talking about him? Now she says he was bringing up OOC issues. I'm lost now.

My point is, if you didn't like the interaction, you should have stopped it by not talking anymore and leaving. Granted you were there first but if it bothered you that much that they were talking to you, I would have left to avoid more confrontation. You stayed, cast at him, and when he wouldn't leave you alone (most confrontational people who get cast at won't leave, that just eggs them on further), you warned him. I thought that was a little low. You already consented to CvC at that point so you should have just finished it through roleplay.

[Edited on 8/18/2003 by CrystalTears]

08-18-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Tayre

So the other night he beat the crap out of someone in th e Niche for telling him to shut up.

Yeah... he RP's REAL good... can't you tell?

You not liking his style of roleplay doesn't mean it isn't.

08-18-2003, 05:42 PM
Oooh ok. So I'll get a high level character, say I'm evil, and blast anyone that looks at me crosseyed into oblivion. That takes MAD RP skills. I don't know if I can handle that.

08-18-2003, 05:50 PM
Were you there that you know exactly what happened that led to it? Did he die? What's the problem?

Once upon a time people would kill or smack others for just glancing at them wrong or saying just slightly the wrong thing at them and it was all considered CvC. The more we get people that can't handle conflicts and want to run to mom when their character gets smacked, the more we've had to put up with warns, reports, assists and making spells player-friendly (which is the dumbest goddamned thing I've ever seen in this game).

Yeah you don't get repercussions in the game because you're behind your computer safe. You wouldn't DARE confront someone in real life you knew could turn your head into a crimson stain on the wall by telling them off and not expect some retaliation there. At least in the game you can die, get a deed and live to tell the tale. In the game you're safe.

08-18-2003, 06:04 PM
I don't know the details of the event in question, but in general I agree with Crystal.

Stepping into the way way back machine I remember soon after i first entered GS3 i was looking for a friend and saw him so gace chase. I lost him so walked a room and yelled for him and then walked one more room over and yelled again. During this a much older and relatively well known char walked in and glanced at me. Not being much in the know I didnt notice and yelled once more for my friend.

I was promptly slept and admonished to not make quite so much noise.

Was I pissed? Bet your ass I was. Also amazed. I didnt even know someone could do that. :?:

But guess what? I didn't go around yelling in town after that.

I'm all for tons more conflict in Elanthia, lets just try to actually rp it and remember afterwards that it really IS all just a game.

08-18-2003, 06:13 PM
I used to be all for using your power like that. But because of the babying the new players are given, I've had to change my views and I don't usually agree with it now. Of course I get small pleasures seeing it done, but I know it's (now) considered against policy or something lame so I don't consider it RPing anymore.

If it was still OK, you bet your ass I'd throw a few spells around more freely. And you bet your ass people would throw them at me more freely.

08-18-2003, 06:16 PM
What do you mean the babying of new players? You warn people all the time! :rolleyes: It's because of people like you that the rest of the elders have to suck it up and take crap from younger people because they don't know when to shut up.

08-18-2003, 06:16 PM
It's not against policy to roleplay like that. It's against policy to stun people for no reason and prey on younger people.

08-18-2003, 06:19 PM
Next time Edine gets on your nerves ask him about not having deeds and losing his old character.

08-18-2003, 06:20 PM
Yeah! Start up a whole new OOC conflict! :rolleyes:

08-18-2003, 06:22 PM
Used to annoy me seeing someone walking around with a name like mine around bone golems...

08-18-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Oooh ok. So I'll get a high level character, say I'm evil, and blast anyone that looks at me crosseyed into oblivion. That takes MAD RP skills. I don't know if I can handle that.

I've yet to run across you in game Tayre.. but judging from the logs posted by and about you... it doesn't surprise me at all that you have trouble grasping a simple concept like roleplaying.

08-18-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I should also add that just because the WARN verb can be used in a very shitty manner, and lots of people do it -- everyone that uses the tool in the proper manner doesn't abuse it. I would have RP'd with him, and I tried, except he was making it difficult, since the crap he was talking about 'in character' happened out of character.

We only have your log to go on... so when you say he's bringing up OOC stuff, I guess we should simply take you at your word.

Next time, don't cast spells on them... if they are bringing up OOC stuff.. walk away or ignore them.

From your log, the reader gets the impression that you couldn't roleplay the situation out.. so you resorted to casting spells. When that didn't work either, you had no alternative but to yell for Mommy to bail you out.

08-18-2003, 07:00 PM
I've tried roleplaying with Edine once. He was spewing out stuff about how great he is, how he doesn't need the gods power to raise people. I'm fine with that, but when I go to contradict him (I was level 6 at the time) he immediately silences me and whatever that other spell is that makes you not be able to move..

It was basically a "mini-warn interaction." I was unable to speak or move. Maybe if he let me talk after the silence wore off, but he cast it at me again, and I was still unable to talk. At that point I left, because I saw no chance to roleplay with him and he clearly wasn't interested.

Oh, and I like how, in his roleplaying greatness, he did the little line where he controlled what Maimara did.

(Edine glances down at Maimara's knees as they tremble)

08-18-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Suitable when someone's actions have transgressed beyond the boundaries of acceptable, normal roleplay and are disrupting your enjoyment of the game. This should not be used lightly. You will be expected to behave yourself as well as the person to whom you issued such a statement.

Does not say anyone is required to go anywhere

Suitable for expressing to the other party that you wish to have NO INTERACTION WHATSOEVER with them. This option should not be used unless you are willing to remove yourself from the presence of the person to whom you issue it. Upon issuance, both players should immediately go their separate ways and cease all interaction with each other, including (but not limited to) conversations regarding the other player with third parties (besides staff members).

Khaladon has told me that these verbs are soley for player communication. It doesn't mandate any behavior.

From the Garr gets pawned thread:

Originally posted by Tayre
warn gar interaction
You inform Garr that you wish no further interaction with him. Having done this, you realize that the two of you should move to separate areas, so as not to escalate the conflict.
You cackle!
Duoncon says, "and Garr ye really need te cut de crap before ye get yerself kilt"
You must be an incredible contortionist.
You sit down.

You are sort of contradicting yourself aren't you? I loathe being around Garr, but from watching your antics, well, enough said.


08-18-2003, 08:26 PM
From your log, the reader gets the impression that you couldn't roleplay the situation out.. so you resorted to casting spells. When that didn't work either, you had no alternative but to yell for Mommy to bail you out.

Thats exactly what happened. He came in, started up some IC conflict, she got pissed, went OOC first with the whisper, cast at TWO players without warning them she would if they kept it up, threw up a sanct when she saw she could be hit (when someone complained, she tried to blame it on them when it was her fault in the first place), then on top of it all REPORTed and WARNed.

The guy may be an idiot, but all you simply had to do was completely ignore him.

08-18-2003, 08:30 PM
Everyone I've warned has been younger than me. Save Solice. So I don't use it as a way out. I use it like I should.

08-18-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Everyone I've warned has been younger than me. Save Solice. So I don't use it as a way out. I use it like I should.

That wasn't really my point (if indeed that reply was to me) but oh well.

I have never used any of these verbs. I either roleplay it out or walk away.


08-18-2003, 08:45 PM
No, Crystal Tears

08-18-2003, 09:02 PM
Refer to the post above yours.

08-18-2003, 09:12 PM
Careful... he or Maimara may Report this thread.

08-18-2003, 10:14 PM
Oldguy gestures at Edine.
CS: +668 - TD: +334 + CvA: +12 + d100: +14 - +5 == +355
Warding failed!
Misty crimson tendrils slowly surround Edine.
Edine shudders for a moment in astonishment.

Oldguy gestures at Edine.
CS: +557 - TD: +334 + CvA: +12 + d100: +76 - +5 == +306
Warding failed!
A pall of silence settles over Edine.

08-18-2003, 10:41 PM
Warn backlash interaction

08-18-2003, 11:24 PM
Solice is on eBay again.

08-18-2003, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Solice is on eBay again.


08-18-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Solice is on eBay again.

which listing is Solice?

08-19-2003, 02:51 AM
Ahh yes Edine, such an idiot.

08-24-2003, 12:45 PM
Two things...

1) Never had a problem with Edine. He's one of the few characters at Voln who actually interact with others and aren't zombies.

2) Tayre sucks.

With almost any post of his, I want to reply to point out the many glaring inconsistencies.

Tayre whines and pisses people off, and then slams on the warn button like a big, roastbeef snatch that he is.

sorry if you had to edit that last part...

Tayre should be ignored... in game and here.

08-24-2003, 02:09 PM
Somehow, I will try to continue living without having longshot's approval.

It will be difficult, but I think I'll survive. :(

08-24-2003, 06:23 PM
He does have a point though.

08-24-2003, 08:40 PM
No, actually, he doesn't. Mostly because he's wrong. But I don't feel like arguing with him because I've seen the arguments he's in and they're neither intellectually stimulating nor entertaining, so I choose to ignore it.

08-24-2003, 08:41 PM
Hi Kettle! I'm Pot! :rolleyes:

08-24-2003, 08:45 PM
I've never claimed to be intellectual nor entertaining.

08-25-2003, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
He does have a point though.

Thank you.

From now on, I will no longer reply to any post Tayre makes.

The same goes for threads he starts. I will not post in them.

Oh, and Tayre,

good luck in college.

09-10-2003, 12:22 AM
Sorry for bumping this, but I figured it applied:

Tamral [subdued]: "I would like to announce. From henceforth, all urinals within the realms of the landing shall now be known as Edinals"

09-30-2003, 02:05 PM
Yes, I have faults. I did not know maimara and sod were involved out of game, I had no intention of hurting her personaly.... Yes, I can not spell that well... thank you all for being so quick to point that out. and i do admit that i was wrong in relation to the whole knee wiggling thing... perhaps i should have checked to see if her knees were shaking.... but in defence... As much as some people do not like me and have no better insult than to call me a moron and a poor role player... let me say this... First of all. Edine never just casts at people. nore does he insult people at a personal level first. If people do, Then he will warn them many times before casting... silence for example. and that itself is a roleplay choice... when you are one who thinks himself perfect, somebody telling you your stupid or a moron will often anger you and make you lash out.... all add more to this when i have more time......

09-30-2003, 02:30 PM
err Ill add more when i have more time....
one thing I forgot to say...Maimara I am sorry if i hurt you in any way it in no way was my intention i was just being well.... The Edine....

Weedmage Princess
09-30-2003, 02:36 PM
Oh...dear.... http://hometown.aol.com/fungimagi/images/pacing.gif

09-30-2003, 03:14 PM
Ah, The Edine.

I have a long history with Edine. Some good, some bad.

Recently there was a situation (I won't get into details) and there was quite an argument between a close friend of mine and Edine & Ember. (I unfortunately was not around, however I received multiple logs from multiple parties). Though I disagreed with the entire situation, everyone kept their cool and RP'd it well.

First off, Edine is an ass. He knows it, I know it, most of Elanthia knows it.

Secondly, Edine is one of the nicest people I've met. Outside the evil exterior is the potential of a true friend who will stop in the middle of a hunt to fog and rescue your dead body even if he sees there are 6 gas clouds there ready to strike him down. (sentance long enough?)

Third(ly?), Edine is a great RPer. For those who think otherwise, sit around and watch him for a while. Rarely does he part from his mean/evil ways. If he does part from them, you won't see it. He will leave the room or go invisible. He does not go OOC unless he knows you and knows you are alright with it.

I'm not a great RPer, I'm likely not even a good RPer. I play for fun, and I try to RP to some extent, but I'm not hardcore or out to win any RP awards. I'm sure there are great RPers out there, but unless you're in my face, or fall down hilarious (See Barumples) I'm likely not going to notice it.

Many of the things that were said about Edine could also be said about me. I'm not as..... outgoing? about being an ass, but I am one to stir up trouble. Some people don't like me because I occasionally pick pockets. Some people don't like me for the comments I make about dirt elves (muah! ya know I love ya, dirty little things). All the people that are my friends realize that I do so in fun and to cause trouble.

Wezas Mysn
Crypt Dweller

09-30-2003, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Many of the things that were said about Edine could also be said about me. I'm not as..... outgoing? about being an ass, but I am one to stir up trouble. Some people don't like me because I occasionally pick pockets. Some people don't like me for the comments I make about dirt elves (muah! ya know I love ya, dirty little things). All the people that are my friends realize that I do so in fun and to cause trouble.

Wezas Mysn
Crypt Dweller

Yeah they could - and they prolly should brother!

As for Edine (note, I still refuse to call him "the"), yes, he pisses people off, even friends sometimes, but that's cause that's what his char is like, so as much as it might pain me to admit it, he actually is RP'ing. And if he has silenced some people without a lot of warning, well, everyone makes mistakes.

We also only have Maimara's side of it, who's to say if she really was talking about him behind his back or not. At the same time, if she was completely innocent, I would probably have done the same thing she did. So here I am, back in the middle of the argument, without taking a side really. Ahh well.

Empress of the Crypt
Resident Drunk

09-30-2003, 04:14 PM
I'm not looking at this as being Maimara or not because at times I do not agree with her. I just think no matter who attacked who first, and forget the warning part, Edine was being a complete and total asshole and even though I don't really know him, I don't have the desire to ever.

09-30-2003, 04:18 PM
Whoa, this thread isn't dead?

09-30-2003, 04:23 PM
And by the way, I refuse to call anyone "The Edine" or "The Maimara" "The Sintik" "The Beast" or anything else starting with the word the... it's just weird.

09-30-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
And by the way, I refuse to call anyone "The Edine" or "The Maimara" "The Sintik" "The Beast" or anything else starting with the word the... it's just weird.

Call him "An Edine". As if he is one of many. Sure to peeve him.

09-30-2003, 04:46 PM
An Edine? Bah to you I say! would you want more than one Edine running around I ask you that I know I couldent handle it.

09-30-2003, 04:50 PM
I can cee my apology falls on deaf ears... oh well I tried I can at least give myself credit for that...

09-30-2003, 04:52 PM
It's see, not cee. And anyway, you shouldn't call yourself The or An... you are you. People that refer to themselves in the third person are just freaky.

09-30-2003, 04:58 PM

09-30-2003, 05:03 PM
I don't see the need for you to apologize, Edine, which is why I didn't 'accept' it. You acted like you, like you said. Besides, you've had how long to say something?

09-30-2003, 05:11 PM
Maimara Ive known you for how long... and at one time we used to be friends... I did not know my actions affected you so much as to upset you... I do sometimes go overboard and assume people separate themselves from the game. I will make a conscious effeort not to interact with you at all anymore in the game.

09-30-2003, 05:13 PM
Oh and I did not act Like me I acted like edine... It is I that am atempting to tell you that I am sorry.

09-30-2003, 05:15 PM
I do separate myself from the game. But there was a time when lines got crossed. The issue you brought up is one of those issues. I had hoped it was long dead and over with, and I got very upset when you brought it up because it seems like everyone else has let it go.

Regardless, we have known each other for a long time. Since your previous character. Since all of MY previous characters.

For the record, I'll accept your apology, though I still don't think it need to have been offered at all.

As for in-game hanging out, as I'm residing in a place that you don't seem to frequent, it doesn't really matter.

[Edited on 9-30-2003 by Maimara]

09-30-2003, 05:21 PM
Edine, The.

He's a good boy... for the most part. RPing my sorceress as his mother has been interesting!


09-30-2003, 05:24 PM
I'm sure Edine can be fun in small doses. I've tolerated him quite well with other characters.

09-30-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
I can cee my apology falls on deaf ears... oh well I tried I can at least give myself credit for that...

If you tender an apology simply to make yourself feel better and not care much if it is accepted or not, it isn't really much of an apology now is it?:rolleyes:

09-30-2003, 06:17 PM
Bah I say to all of you!

The Edine... gods, I love RPing with him. He's an ass, and that makes it all the more fun! Silly arguements are fun, and so are the "Grr, just shut up already" arguements... or maybe that's because nobody RPs anymore! I envy you, Edine... well, the player of at least... you have an asshole of a character and can keep him in character constantly! Better than I can say. I have a bunch of goofy characters... and some antisocial characters, which I don't play much.

I must say though... if you just joke around with him and all that, he CAN be nice... if he wants to be. ::ducks her head::

Roguish Kitty of... well... everywhere!

09-30-2003, 06:18 PM
Alright I'll come out of the closet and risk my neck by admitting I am a huge fan of The Edine. Adhara can't stand him but me, I have a blast everytime I have a chance to watch him. He's made me laugh so many times that I think a lot of bards should take lessons from him.

Yes his spelling is not perfect but your character doesn't read him, he/she hears him. It's something I myself forget now and then. Careless spelling and punctuation gets on my nerves but I try to not communicate that to my characters.

An Edine... now that was hilarious. Yeah I bet The Edine wouldn't like that much.

He's Edine for Adhara but definitely The very unique Edine to me.

09-30-2003, 07:16 PM
Figures that you'd like him Adhara.

09-30-2003, 07:33 PM
I post this to inform others. Let me make it clear upfront that this post is information and if The Edine see's this as otherwise, well, i don't give a rat's ass.

I called Edine friend for quite a while. In both realms. He tried to convince me that he rp's a cruel person but is totally different offline. He proved it a lie. I believe his attempt at rp'ing a cruel person in the lands actually does him justice. He has no concern for people that he cares about in either realm. Obviously, this stems from some sort of emotional or mental issue.

In showing his "love" toward others, he still brutalizes. I think the term would be [mean]. I can't count the number of horrible things that he has done to many people in the lands. They number in the hundreds.

Just because he apologized in the forum after the fact doesn't mean at all that he did not derive some sort of sick pleasure in antagonizing his victims to start with.

Emberbrite seems to be his closest friend and partner in sickness. Of course, I wonder if she realizes his name for her? Prehaps she encouraged it. Perhaps not.

In closing, just beware. There are some sick people in the lands and he and Eberbrite are some of them. Be careful of who you share your personal information with and what you share. David....Do you still like crossing that line with people in the game? You're going to wish you stopped a long time ago.

[Be upset, just don't make personal accusations please. Thanks.]

[Edited on 9/30/2003 by CrystalTears]

09-30-2003, 07:37 PM
I was fairly good friends with player de Edine for quite a while, and I can't say that I support any of the statements you've made, Selenite. Actually, aside from the incident that started this thread, he has generally been a fairly good, caring person. He helped me out when I was in a few gloomy places.

09-30-2003, 07:39 PM
It's odd... I do talk to him OOG some... he's never been anything but a sweetheart. I don't know who is right or whatever... but if you aren't sure... don't accuse... I hate that.

09-30-2003, 07:41 PM

Quite a bit of information there.

It seems you are relating him to an Izbin or Jastio. Both online and off.

Though I don't know him offline, I do speak with him out of game.

I'm sure only few people in the lands have a friendship with Edine like I do. Perhaps you are not one of those people. Or perhaps you have a special circumstance with him.

Your warning was heard, but I believe most of us will still think of Edine the same way. Hard candy shell with ooey gooey middle. And some kind of nasty pineapple/coconut flavor <blech>

P.S. I think your term for him, which I won't repeat, is both cruel and insulting. Unless you have proof of anything, I would refrain from using that word.

Weedmage Princess
09-30-2003, 07:47 PM
I'm going to have to agree. I don't know Edine the character or the player behind Edine...however to come spewing off stuff like that--atleast without any sort of credible evidence--is wrong.

If you don't like him, fine...want to call him names, that's fine too. Don't start throwing around accusations like that, though. That's serious business and whether you admit it or not, you wouldn't be thrilled if the shoe was on the other foot and you were being demonized in such a manner. Please stop.

09-30-2003, 07:50 PM
I have proof, and Edine knows it.

Weedmage Princess
09-30-2003, 07:51 PM
Fine, whatever. The "Gemstone Complaints" folder however isn't the proper venue to voice your accusations, however. So again, please stop.

09-30-2003, 07:52 PM
Then post it or stop.

I could say all the same things about you if I decline to give the proof, so what weight should any of us give to your claims?

09-30-2003, 07:54 PM
I don't think this is a dilemma, I think it's retribution. I think Edine's player is a person just like any of us, and this particular turn in the thread needs to be un-fucked and straightened out. Nobody deserves to have shit like that flung at them. True or not true.

09-30-2003, 07:59 PM
The Edine is not even about to get his word in. Honestly, let the man defend himself. Hell, this whole thread has been about bringing OOC stuff IC... please refrain from dragging your... er... troubles OOG... into a conversation ABOUT the game.

As to what you say he is... I cannot believe it. As I said, he's been nothing but a sweetheart to me. He respects me for his knowledge of me, and knows what he should and should not say. I've grown to like him a bit, so I'm not going to sit here and listen to the insults thrown at him.

The being said... I don't know! Hehe...

And that is all.


09-30-2003, 08:02 PM
Thank you for editing CrystalTears.

09-30-2003, 08:04 PM
I second the thanks!

09-30-2003, 08:09 PM
He'll get his chance to reply, and he knows how to contact me. My post was there for mainly him to see, as he demanded I read what Maimara posted in the first place.

09-30-2003, 08:11 PM
I had noticed the influx of people that've registered today posting in this thread. Am I that special?

I'm assuming his apology was kind of bullshit, but I dunno. Either way, it doesn't matter much.

09-30-2003, 08:29 PM
I dont know what to say to that... I dont know what was edited out.... but from what I took it was not plesent. Im sorry if i offended you.. or anyone. selenite i honistly dont know what to say.. i wont slander you... i dont understand... if that was said to me in person I would just walk away in disbelief... and I think its best i do the same here

09-30-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Selenite
Figures that you'd like him Adhara.

Just curious what you meant by that. I'm a little puzzled.

10-01-2003, 12:18 AM
>whisper edine This WAS RP until you brought the Sod thing up.
You quietly whisper to Edine, "This WAS RP until you brought the Sod thing up."

Is it just me.. or did it appear that she DID tell him it was NOT RP anymore when he brought up the Sod incident. Not really sure all the details of that person or his relationship with Maimara IG or OOG however.. when she told him it was not considered RP I think she had every right to warn him for harrassment. I don't know Maimara very well but have had a few pleasant interactions with her as Jolena.. and have never even met Edine. I just think that once someone has told you it's not RP anymore that you should stop.

That being said, I absolutely love people who RP their characters to the T and it seems that Edine really does that. He did it appears take it too far but honestly how many of us can say we never took something a bit too far in one situation or another? People do make mistakes, I am sure it did hurt Maimara and for that I feel bad for her. I myself have had that done to me and it's rough. BUT.. I would love the chance to RP with Edine I think hehe. I think RPing with evil people is fun at times.. maybe because Jolena is so not evil and considered an all around nice girl *smirks* Ah well hehe. Off my soap box now. Hope both parties involved can come to a peaceful conclusion on this one.

The Cat In The Hat
10-02-2003, 11:47 AM
I met Edine a while back and thought he was a total asshole. Even being an asshole there was something about him thats hard to find in the land of RP.. that being um.. RP. Still made me want to interact with him and get to know him better and in doing so I made a very good friend in game and out. He can be rude, frustrateing and make you want to ring his scrawny little neck but hes The Edine, and it suits him.

You're all just jealous! (teasing, go ahead and flame me)

Salenite, you have a lot of nerve bringing accusations like that against someone. never has his player been anything but nice and sweet to me He's actually one of the few I've talked to about out of game things that isnt a pervert.