View Full Version : House White Haven's Costume Contest

10-16-2012, 10:44 PM
House White Haven's Costume Contest

When: Mon, October 29, 8pm – 9pm Elven Standard Time

Where: White Haven's Grand Courtyard

Description: Are you excited for this year's Ebon Gate Festival as we are? Come join White Haven in a costume contest. Wear your best costume. Judging will be done by the Officers and the best two will win prizes. First place winner will receive a frightful mask (must come to contest for more details). Runner up gets one million silvers which will be great for shopping at this year's Ebon Gate Festival. We hope to see you there!

10-28-2012, 10:05 PM
Reminder: Costume contest tomorrow night. First place prize is a mask (scripted) from last year's Ebon Gate Festivial. Second place prize is 1 million silvers. We look forward to seeing what costumes show up. :)

10-29-2012, 08:18 PM
Less than 1 hour away 'til our Costume Contest.

We are going to try and cut out early for those wanting to attend the Spirit Crawl that is happening right after White Haven's Costume Contest. We want everyone the chance to attend both if possible.