View Full Version : How do you get a lich script to start another lich script?

10-16-2012, 12:25 AM
What if I wanted to have a master script that inside of it launced other scripts at certain times?

what would it look like? Can someone give me an example?


10-16-2012, 12:35 AM
Check the start_script and stop_script functions in the lich scripting reference krakiipedia article.

10-16-2012, 01:08 AM
Check the start_script and stop_script functions in the lich scripting reference krakiipedia article.

Hey, that worked for me. Thanks!

10-25-2012, 06:30 PM
I am trying to put a smaller scripts in the 'master script'. What I am trying to do is execute a smaller script with start_script, and then wait while that script runs until it is finnished before moving along with the master script. How do I wait for that script to end? I have been playing around with the "running?" command yet its not doing anything.


10-25-2012, 07:13 PM
wait_while { running? "script" }

10-25-2012, 08:05 PM
Thats awesome, Thankyou Sub-Zero! I can tell there are some genius people around here, so i am going to ask some more questions. Is there any way you could tell me how recognise immediately if I have fallen to a knee, sitting, or lying down. I want to do a "waitfor" script that responds with 'stand'. This would be in dragonrealms however.

10-25-2012, 08:34 PM
I am trying to put a smaller scripts in the 'master script'. What I am trying to do is execute a smaller script with start_script, and then wait while that script runs until it is finnished before moving along with the master script. How do I wait for that script to end? I have been playing around with the "running?" command yet its not doing anything.


Go to that link I mentioned and Ctrl+F for "wait"

Thats awesome, Thankyou Sub-Zero! I can tell there are some genius people around here, so i am going to ask some more questions. Is there any way you could tell me how recognise immediately if I have fallen to a knee, sitting, or lying down. I want to do a "waitfor" script that responds with 'stand'. This would be in dragonrealms however.

Go to that link I mentioned and Ctrl+F for "sitting"

10-25-2012, 10:18 PM
Thanks for the tip! This is what I got working:

wait_while { checkstanding }
fput 'stand'
goto 'start'

If i am sitting, kneeling, or lying down I stand right up.

10-26-2012, 12:18 PM
fput "stand" until standing?

10-29-2012, 09:05 PM
I am trying to make a script to help preventing an item (a bola.. a light thrown blunt) from being left behind. How does lich recognize whats on the ground or in a container without 'looking in it'? I am trying to do a wait_while 'item is in backpack', 'item is on the ground' and if not sending me an echo message that will have an audio file attached to it to give me an auditory warning that I am leaving that item behind.
